Version-1 (March-April 2018)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Expansion of Universe |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Nidhi Varshney || Raghav Maheshwari || Nikhil Parihar |
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: | 10.9790/4861-1002010104 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: The origin of matter remains one of the great mysteries in physics. During the last two decades, cosmology has become a precision observational science thanks (in part) to the incredible number of experiments performed to better understand the composition of the universe. The large amount of data accumulated strongly indicates that the bulk of the universe's matter is in the form of nonbaryonic matter that does not interact electromagnetically. Combined evidence from the dynamics of galaxies and galaxy clusters confirms that most of the mass in the universe is not composed of any known form of matter. Measurements of the cosmic microwave background, big bang nucleosynthesis and many other experiments indicate that ∼ 80% of the matter in the universe is dark, non-relativistic and cold. The dark matter resides in the holes surrounding galaxies, galaxy clusters and other large-scale structures.
[1]. Overbye, Dennis (20 February 2017). "Cosmos Controversy: The Universe Is Expanding, but How Fast?". New York Times. Retrieved 21 February 2017.
[2]. "NASA's Hubble Rules Out One Alternative to Dark Energy". NASA. 2011-03-14. Retrieved 2011-03-27.
[3]. Astronomers reported their measurement in a paper published in the December 2000 issue of Nature titled The microwave background temperature at the redshift of 2.33771which can be read here [2]. A press release from the European Southern Observatory explains the findings to the public.
[4]. The Nobel Prize in Physics 2011
[5]. Hubble, Edwin (1937). "Red-shifts and the distribution of nebulæ". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 97: Bibcode:1937MNRAS..97..506H. doi:10.1093/mnr as/97.7.506
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ABSTRACT: Calcium tartrate crystals are renowned for its ferroelectric nature. To engineer its properties, calcium levo-tartrate tetrahydrate (CLTT) crystals are doped by Mn++ and Cu++. Pure and doped CLTT crystals are grown by the gel method. The Vickers micro-indentation hardness tests are carried out at various applied loads to study the mechanical properties of pure and doped CLTT crystals. As the load increases the values of Vickers micro-hardness decreases. The doped crystals are found to be softer than the pure CLTT crystals. The work hardening coefficient and the standard hardness values are found to be less in Mn++ doped CLTT crystals than the Cu++ doped CLTT crystals. The yield stress and the first order elastic stiffness constant values are calculated from the micro-hardness values for pure and doped crystals. The Hays and Kendall's approach and Proportional Specimen Resistance (PSR) model are applied for pure and doped CLTT crystals. The effect of doping of Mn++ and Cu++ on the micro-hardness properties of the CLTT crystals is studied and explained.
Keywords: Vickers micro-hardness, Hays and Kendall's law, Proportional Specimen Resistance (PSR) Model
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[4]. A. F. Mohrnheim, Micro hardness testing and Hardness numbers in Interpretive Techniques for Micro-structural Analysis (Springer 1977).
[5]. H. E. Boyer, Hardness testing (ASM Publication 1987).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Wu's Spacetime Field Equation Based On Yangton And Yington Theory |
Country | : | USA |
Authors | : | Edward T. H. Wu |
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: | 10.9790/4861-1002011321 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Wu's Spacetime Field Equation is derived from Yangton and Yington Theory based on Wu's Unit Length lyy (the diameter of Yangton and Yington Circulating Pairs) and Wu's Unit Time tyy (the period of Yangton and Yington Circulating Pairs). Wu's Unit Length and Wu's Unit Time are correlated to each other by Wu's Spacetime Theory. They are also dependent on the gravitational field and the aging of the universe. Furthermore, instead of being a constant, the speed of light C is a function of Wu's Unit Length lyy, which can increase the acceleration (the curvature of Spacetime) to form a deep continuum in Spacetime along the edge of a spherical mass (or black hole). As a result, the existence of black hole can be interpreted by Wu's Spacetime Field Equation. Also, the expansion of the universe can be explained by Wu's Spacetime Shrinkage Theory and Wu's Spacetime Reverse Expansion Theory without the modification of Wu's Spacetime Field Equation with Einstein's Cosmological Constant and dark energy.
Keywords: General Relativity. Einstein's Field Equations, Yangton and Yington, Wu's Pairs, Spacetime, Spacetime Shrinkage, Universe Expansion, Redshift, Black Hole, Dark Energy, Cosmological Constant.
[1]. Edward. T. H. Wu (2017). "My Universe – A Theory of Yangton and Yington Pairs". ISBN-13: 978-1520923000 and ISBN-10: 1520923007.
[2]. Edward T. H. Wu. "Time, Space, Gravity and Spacetime Based on Yangton & Yington Theory, and Spacetime Shrinkage Versus Universe Expansion". American Journal of Modern Physics. Vol. 5, No. 4, 2016, pp. 58-64. doi: 10.11648/j.ajmp.20160504.13.
[3]. Catoni, F.; et al. (2008). Mathematics of Minkowski Space. Frontiers in Mathematics. Basel: Birkhauser Verlag. doi: 10.1007/978-3-7643-8614-6. ISBN 978-3-7643-8613-9. ISSN1660-8046.
[4]. Einstein A. (1916), Relativity: The Special and General Theory (Translation 1920), New York: H. Holt and Company.
[5]. Carroll, Sean (2004). Spacetime and Geometry – An Introduction to General Relativity. pp. 151–159. ISBN 0-8053-8732-3.
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ABSTRACT: Gravity method was used in this work to map the survey area and to obtain the causes of the observed anomalies in the area. Digitized airborne gravity data were obtained over Nsukka area from Nigeria Geological Survey Agency (NGSA). The data were processed and reduced to a format suitable for interpretation by the following methods: vertical derivative, upward continuation and analytic signal. Some portions of the survey area were modelled. From the models, the densities of the anomalous bodies were 1.635, 2.643, 2.420, 4.127, and 3.707g/cm3 located at depth of about 564, 822, 407, 815, and 1893m respectively. The densities indicate clay, sandstone and ironstone located at those various depths. Density of 1498kg/m3 corresponds to clay material located at depth of about 923m from the surface. The densities of 3523, 4127 and 3707kg/m3 correspond to that of ironstone located at depths of...........
Keywords: Gravity anomaly, Euler 3D deconvolution, forward and inverse modelling, vertical derivatives, analytic signal.
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[5]. Hansen, R.O. (1993): 'Interpretive gridding by anisotropic kriging.' 58(10), 1491-1497.
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ABSTRACT: In this paper, the numerical computation of sound pressure using quasi empirical model and wall pressure spectrummodels based on external pressure gradientswas done for NACA 0012 and NACA 6320 airfoils.The development of boundary layer thickness and displacement thicknessfor different chord lengths and Mach numbers with varying angles of attack, are illustrated for NACA 0012. Thesound pressure levels evaluated between 00 to 60angles of attack and at constant chord length of 1.2m using BPM model showed change of ~5dB in peak amplitude. The maximum test velocity and chord length used for analysis is 65 m/s and 1.5m. The relative velocities for airfoils have been computed using the boundary element and panel method. Boundary layer properties involving chord Reynolds number, 3.14 x106, 4.6 x106and Reynolds number based on wall shear, 7410, 6865 were assessed at 20 AOA for NACA 0012. Results have found higher values for thickness at increasing angle of attack but decayed along chord length. Comparison of wall pressure spectrum for favorable and adverse pressure gradients were done and validated with existing literature predictions.
Keywords: Airfoil, Noise, Sound Pressure Level, Trailing edge, Boundary layer.
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ABSTRACT: The thermal expansion of solids is a basic physical property representing the dimensional change in a solid induced by a change in temperature. It is of technical importance as it determines the thermal stability of crystal. The thermal shock resistance of crystal depends on thermal expansion. In modern epitaxial device technology lattice mismatch is an important factor this related to thermal expansion behavior. In nuclear fuel technology, the thermal expansions a deciding factor in the choice of container The thermal expansion coefficient is related to several other physical properties. Knowledge of thermal expansion is necessary in experimental determination of temperature variation of elastic constant, refractive index, dielectric constant and photo elastic constants. Data on thermal expansion is required in conversion of Cp into Cv. This demand has led to the development of number of experimental......
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ABSTRACT: Different age group responds differently to noise impact. This study evaluates the impact of noise on concentration and Learning rate of Junior Secondary One students of the University of Port Harcourt Demonstration Secondary School. Ages between 9 and 12years.The approach is experimentally subjecting the volunteer students to learn under various noise intensity to judge their concentration and performance.It includes a Participatory Appraisal Chambers (1994) NDES (1997) modified, to validate the test results. The noise source is an audio mixer which blended the taped lecture with motor engine noise. The control group was at (50-60dBA). Treatment '1' (70-80dBA) and treatment '2'(85-95dBA). The participatory test kit index shows general restlessness and reduce concentration at noise above 80dBA , while the test score shows no significant difference between the control and treatment '1', the P-value (0.000) on a two way ANOVA however shows a significant difference between treatment '2' and control (C). The advice is to monitor noise in our learning environment for best results.
Key Words: Concentration, Environment, Impact, Performance, Pollution, Sound, Treatment,
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ABSTRACT: The purpose of this work was the determination of the set-up errors for Prostate cancer patients by using electronic portal imaging device (EPID) [14], as tool to verify the patient treatment positioning. This could be done by the means of identifying and correcting the field displacements in patient's setups which requires accurate patient positioning with reference to the initial three-dimension conformal radiotherapy (3DCRT). Patient setup is controlled by comparing the Digitally reconstructed radiographs (DRR) with portal images acquired immediately before patient treatment. It is generally accepted that two classes of set-up uncertainties identified by systematic and random errors. A study on 15th prostate cancer patients using Varian Linear accelerator model DMX to treat........
Keywords: Prostate Cancer; 3D conformal radiation therapy; EPID; Radiotherapy; CT Image; ICRU (50&60)
[1] Mijnheer BJ, Battermann JJ, Wambersie A. What degree of accuracy is required and can be achieved in photon and neutron therapy? Radiother Oncol. 1987; 8:237–52.
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ABSTRACT: The purpose of this work was the determination of the set-up errors for Prostate cancer patients by The purpose of this work was investigation of the dose distribution and dose-volume variations of planning target volume (PTV) and organ at risks (OARs) in fifteen prostate cancer patients treated with 3D Conformal RT 5 beams techniques, treatment plans were created using EclipseTM version 13.6 as treatment planning system. The electronic portal imaging device (EPID) used to determine the set-up errors as tool to verify the Prostate patient treatment positioning. The prescribed dose was 7600 cGy in 38 fractions to dose coverage D95 (PTV). The bladder volume receiving dose >7000 cGy should be <35% volume and >6500 cGy should be <50% volume, and the rectum volume receiving dose >6500 cGy should be <25%volume and receiving >5000 cGy should be <50% volume. The femur head........
Keywords: Prostate Cancer; 3D conformal radiation therapy; EPID; Radiotherapy; ICRU (50&60)
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ABSTRACT: Nine Vertical Electrical Resistivity Soundings Were Conducted In OmumaLocal Government Area Of Rivers State, Nigeria Using Schlumberger Configurationto Delineate Groundwater Potential Aquifer Zones.TheData Acquired Were Analyzed And Interpreted With A RESISTSoftware, While The Subsurface Maps Were Generated Using SURFER8software. The Resistivity Range Of The Area Lies Between 25Ωm And 7356.5Ωm And A Maximum Depth Of 70m Was Penetrated. The Quantitative And Qualitative Analysis Delineates 4-5 Distinct Subsurface Geo-Electric Layers And Total Of Six Different Geo-Electric Curves Types Were Obtained;AKQ,KQQ,AK,HQ,KHK, And HK. Theaquifer Thickness And Iso-Resistivitymaps Delineated The Area Of Study Into Grade1,Grade11........
Keywords: Vertical Electrical Sounding, Groundwater, Aquifer, Resistivity, Hydro-Geological
[1]. Abam TSK AndNgah S.A. Evaluation Of Sub-Soil Geo-Electric Properties In A Proposed Power Sub-Station Site At Ebubu, Rivers State, Nigeria. T.K.S. Abam Int. Journal OfEngineering Research And Application 4(9), 2014, 42 – 52.
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ABSTRACT: Lithology and pore fluid determination was effectively carried out using well logs in an Onshore, Niger Delta field. The aim was to use rock physics and petrophysical analysis to distinguish lithology and fluid and to determine hydrocarbon potentials of the field. A suite of geophysical logs comprising gamma ray,resistivity, neutron and density logs from three wells in 'AGBADA' field were used in the analysis. The results reveal that the average porosities of reservoir sands, ranging from 21% to 39%, are very good to excellent indicating good reservoir quality and reflecting probably well sorted coarse grained sandstone reservoirs. The permeability of the field, ranged from 505 mD to 1435 mD, are excellent. Hydrocarbon saturation is high in all the reservoir sands, ranging from 68% to 98%, with corresponding water saturation from 2% to 32%, this indicates that the proportion......
Keywords: Lithology, Reservoir Characterization, Petrophysical Parameters, Shale Volume
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ABSTRACT: Radio Signal Strengths From Automatic Weather Station Signal Strength Meter(AWSSSM) In The Department Of Industrial Physics ESUT, Longitude 7.54˚ And Latitude 6.31˚ Transmitted At 11.7-12.7Ghz Ku Band Signal Which Was Converted To 950-2150mhz Simultaneously With The Meteorological Components (Weather Parameters): Temperature, Pressure, Relative Humidity And Wind Speed And Direction To Ascertain The Impact Of Atmospheric Temperature And Wind Speed On UHF Radio Signals In ESUT Community And Its Environ. We Downloaded Our Data From The AWSSSM And Were Statistically Analyzed. It Was Observed That Temperature Inversion In The Tropospheric Layer Causes A Ducting Effect Which Affects Radio Signals. Consequently, The Speed Of Wind Was........
Keywords: Atmospheric Temperature, Radio Signal, Signal Strength, Ultra High Frequency (UHF).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Comparative Study of Relaxation in Polymer Blends Film |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Mrs. R. Y. Bakale || Y.G. Bakale |
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: | 10.9790/4861-1002019196 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Thin films of micro composit polymer PVC-PMMA doped with and cinnamic acid are prepared using isothermal evaporation techanique. Current time characteristics, by application of direct and reverse polarities in succession was continued until conduction current reached stady state. Therelaxation time τ obtained from these plots. The Values of drift mobility "μ‟and density "n‟ of change carriers obtained from theoretical relations. The magnitude of time, found in the present micro composites system, agrees quite well with that reported in a literature. Increase of concentration of dopants adversely affects mobility while favours charge carrier density..
Keywords: Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) ; Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA);Micro – Composites ; Relaxation time.
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