Version-1 (Sep-Oct 2018)
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ABSTRACT: Quantum mechanics is one of the fundamental theories of physics which explains the nature of atoms and subatomic particles at least possible energy scale.In this mechanics, we solve physical problems by algebraic and analytic methods.The general solutions of Schrodinger's time - independent one dimensional equation for a particle restricted to move inside the infinite square well potential can be obtained by solving the Schrodinger's equation via matrix method. In this paper, we will discussthe Eigen energy values and Eigen functions of a particle restricted to move inside the infinite square well potential by solving Schrodinger's time- independent one dimensional equation by matrix method. We will conclude that the Eigen functionsobtained by solving the Schrodinger's time........
Key Words: Eigen functions, Eigen values, infinite square well, particle.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Alternative To'Great Unification |
Country | : | Israel |
Authors | : | Etkin, V.A. |
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: | 10.9790/4861-1005010615 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Vain attempts to unite gravitation with electromagnetism based on the relativity theory and quantum mechanics stimulates to search for alternative ways of their synthesis. It is shown that such an alternative may be realized if physics is constructed on the basis of energodynamics excluding hypotheses, postulates and model concepts to be used in the foundations of the theory. In such a case gravitation and electromagnetism are construed as different manifestations of the same interaction caused by the heterogeneous distribution of matter in space and the wave nature of matter and radiation. Experimental confirmations of the concept set forth are also made available in this article.
Keywords: methodological principles, relativity theory, quantum mechanics, gravitation, electromagnetism, radiation, field theory, modified laws
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ABSTRACT: Sodium Copper Oxalate Na4Cd2 (C2O4) 4 4H2O (NaCuOx) single crystal was grown as transparent crystal using single diffusion silica gel technique. The triclinic and centrosymmetric nature of NaCuOx crystal structure with the P-1 space group was determined by the powder x-ray diffraction method. The functional groups were identified by FTIR spectroscopy. TGA of NaCuOx showed the formation of stable metal oxide at various temperatures due to the decomposition of ligand moieties. The projected optical parameters of the NaCuOx crystal were calculated by the UV-Vis-NIR and the highest absorption peak observed from the photo luminescence emission spectrum was used to explore the nonlinear optical efficiency of the as-grown crystal. The first attempt on antimicrobial activity of this crystal was carried at different concentrations (25, 50, 75 and 100 mg/ml) in-vitro against.............
Keywords: [Na4Cu2 (C2O4) 4 4H2O] crystal growth from gel,Optical material, Thermal stability, Antimicrobial Activity
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ABSTRACT: A new semiorganic nonlinear optical material BisThioureasodium cadmium Chloride (BTSCC) has been synthesized. The solubility studies have been carried out in the temperature range 30- 55C. Single crystals of BTSCC have been grown by slow evaporation of saturated aqueous solution at room temperature. The structural parameters of the grown crystals have been determined by powder crystal X– ray diffraction technique. The UV-Vis-NIR transmittance spectrum has been recorded in the range 200 – 1400 nm. The secondharmonic generation has been confirmed by the Kurtz powder test.The FT-IR spectrum has been recorded in the range 400 – 4000 cm-1 and the spectral bandshave been compared with similar thiourea complexes.
Keywords: bisthioureasodium cadmium chloride, FT-IR, nonlinear optical material, SHG.
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ABSTRACT: Radon gas, a leading cause of lung cancer, second only to cigarette smoking was investigated in Odo Ona, Ibadan, (which lies within Latitude 3˚50' 0' to Latitude 3˚55'0', and Longitude 7˚15'0' to Longitude 7˚25'0') a population of about 741 405 people. Four monitoring stations were randomly selected where soil gas radon were monitored using CR-39 solid state nuclear track detectors for about four months. Average soil-gas radon concentration from these sites which ranged from 531.9 Bq/m3 to 9704.4 Bq/m3 was significantly higher than the USEPA recommended action level. The monitoring stations were superimposed on the geological map of the area. The linear distances of the monitoring stations to the fault lines-major and minor were determined using ArcView........
Keywords: Radon, Geological Faults, CR-39 Detectors, Etching
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ABSTRACT: In recent innovative work, the electroless Ni-P-CNF nano-composite plating has been deposited upon basic mild steel substrate. The 5 gpl activated CNF nano-particles were incorporated into an acidic electroless Ni-P matrix as a second phase material and were reduced by a reducing agent named as sodium hypophosphite. After plating, as-prepared Ni-P-CNF EL deposition were heated at 400 C in Argon atmosphere for one hour period and were analyzed. A low bulk allocation of CNF nano-particles into EL Ni-P matrix is recognized through analysis of SEM and EDAX. The peracetic acid solutions with chloride are more corrosive than without chloride. The corrosion resistance of the conventional materials and Ni-P-CNF coated samples are in following order as SS2205 > Ni-P-CNF (As-plated) > Ni-P-CNF (Heated) > 316L >MS.
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ABSTRACT: The effect of addition of Fe2O3 doped ZnO nanoparticles on some optical properties of polystyrene has been studied.Fe2O3 doped ZnO nanoparticles was prepared by combustion method. Polymeric films based on polystyrene (PS) filled with different weight percentage (5, 7.5, 10, 12.5) were prepared by the casting method. The morphology of the prepared filler of Fe2O3 doped ZnO nanoparticles were verified by high- resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM). Structures of the prepared films were examined by x-ray diffraction (XRD), where the recorded pattern reveals the existence of wurtzite phase of hexagonal structure for ZnO nanoparticles doped with Fe2O3. The absorption, transmission and diffuse reflectance spectra were recorded in the visible range. The absorption coefficient, optical band gap, extinction coefficient, and refractive index of the casted films were calculated. The results showed a sharp decrease in the band gap from 4.54 to 2.82 eV with increasing the percentage ratio of Fe2O3 doped ZnO nanoparticles in PS matrix
Keywords: Fe2O3 doped ZnOnanoparticles, polystyrene, Inorganic/organic composite films, optical properties
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Unified Force of Nature: 1-The Electric & Magnetic Forces |
Country | : | Kenya |
Authors | : | Mahmoud E. Yousif |
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: | 10.9790/4861-1005015774 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: formula for field‟s interaction was derived; it transformed the attraction and repulsion of any two fields into an attractive or repulsive force with explainable mechanism; the formula satisfied both the mathematical and mechanical conditions, as it explained the physical mechanism for the magnetic effect of the electric current discovered by Ørsted, the Ampere force between two conductors carrying electric current, the formula also resolved the force between charged bodies and magnetic forces, such as the caterpillar force, force between magnetic poles and the Lorentz force; the failure to get this formula in early nineteen century reflected negatively on current scientific developments by transforming the physical science into mathematical based speculation; therefore the solutions obtained using this formula may help realizing scientific knowledge in its really sense.
Keywords: Field‟s Formula; Ampere Force; Electrostatic Field; Magnetic Forces: Caterpillar Force: Magnetic Poles: Lorentz Force; Magnetic Interaction, Ampere, Ørsted,.
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ABSTRACT: The natural radioactivity existed since creation of the universe due to the long life time of some radionuclides. This natural radioactivity is caused by 𝛾-radiation originating fromthe radium and thoriumseries and 40K. In this study, the gamma radiation has been measured to determine natural radioactivity of 226Ra, 232Th, and 40K in collected sedimentary rock samples in Port Said, Egypt.The measurements have been performed using 𝛾-ray spectrometer containing Hyper Pure Germanium detector and multichannel analyser (MCA). Absorbed dose rate (D), annual effective dose (AED), radium equivalent activities (Raeq), external hazard index (𝐻ex), and internal hazard index (𝐻in) associated with the natural radionuclide were calculated to assess the radiation hazard of the natural...........
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ABSTRACT: The meanings of mass, time and length are discussed. They all have their own absolute values which don't change with the measurements. But the "unit" and "amount" of the units can be different subject to each measurement method. The same "unit" of the same measurement can also change its value subject to the gravitational force and aging of the universe. In addition, because the vision of object can change with the relative speeds and directions between the object and the observer, the distance of a moving object can also be different subject to each observation. However, the relative length and relative time are always constants when the corresponding identical objects and corresponding identical events are measured by the corresponding identical unit length...........
Keywords: Mass, Time, Length, Wu's Pairs, Relativity, Velocity Time Dilation, Yangton and Yington, Vision of Object. Theory of Vision, Corresponding Identical Object, Corresponding Identical Event, Principle of Correspondence..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Observable Ground State Singlet-Triplet Transition in Linear Quantum dots |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Otete I. || Omehe N.N |
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: | 10.9790/4861-1005018588 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: The quantum nature of electron spins tells us that they can assume two states- up or down. These spins are the quantum particles that exhibit singlet-triplet transition. In this work, the investigation of a two-electron interaction under the t-U-V-J model on a finite-size lattice in one dimension(1D) was done. The highly simplified correlated variational approach (HSCVA) was the theoretical tool we used to obtain the ground state energies at various variational parameters. The results presented in this work show that when the on-site interaction strength, 𝑈/4𝑡, nearest neighbor interaction strength, 𝑉/4𝑡 and nearest neighbor exchange interaction strength, J/4t are varied at different arbitrary values, phase transition from singlet state to triplet state occurred. The ground state energies this occurred for the singlet state Es and the triplet state Et are 18.5859 and 18.5856 respectively for U/4t = 5, V/4t =5 and J/4t = 0.3536. Also at another point of transition, the ground state energies of –20.0994 and -20.0996 for the singlet and triplet states were obtained for 𝑈/4𝑡= 0, 𝑉/4𝑡 = -5 and 𝐽/4𝑡 = 0.0249 respectively.
Keywords: Linear quantum dots, two-electron interaction, singlet-triplet transition.
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ABSTRACT: The S-H2O and Fe-S-H2O diagram are drawn for sulpher water systems. These diagrams show that within the range of pH 7 to 14, the sulfur species present in the solution could be HS-, to some extent S2-, S2O32- and SO32-. The E-pH diagram of Fe-S-H2O shows that corrosion products forming on SS304L will be pyrite or iron oxide and on duplex steel SS2205 it could be pyrrhotite/troilite/mackinawite depending upon the potential. Except mackinawite and troilite, other sulfides /oxides provide protection. This could be the reason for observing lesser corrosion rates in stainless steels.
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