Version-1 (Nov-Dec 2018)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Rethinking Quantum Mechanics |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Etkin, V.A., D. Sc. |
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: | 10.9790/4861-1006010108 ![]() |
ABSTRACT:The possibility has been shown to obtain the key results of quantum mechanics with no resort to specific postulates based on the thermodynamics of stationary processes. A derivation of the Planck radiation law has been offeredto proceed from the assumption the wave is a true quantum of radiation. It has been found that the average energy of such a quantum is numerically equal to the Planck constant. The law of spectral series formation has been obtained without the use of quantum numbers. The photo-effect equation has been supplemented taking into consideration the photoelectric yield. A hypothesis-free derivation of the Schrödinger stationary equation has been given along with its modification as a kinematic first-order equation. The possibility has been shown to consider quantum mechanics as a branch of classical physics studying wave processes.
Key Words: quantum mechanics, non-equilibrium thermodynamics, radiation laws, quanta of light, Schrödinger equation, spectral series, photo-effect, wave as quantum.
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ABSTRACT: A solid state nuclear track detector or SSNTD (also known as an etched track detector or a dielectric track detector, DTD) is a sample of a solid material (Photographic emulsion, crystal glass or plastic) exposed to nuclear radiation (Neutrons or charged particles, occasionally also gamma rays).Solid state nuclear track detectors (SSNTD) are widely used for radon measurements and CN-85 (LR-115, type II) is one of the most popular solid state nuclear track detector (SSNTD). Calibration is imported because it's the only way of evaluating the precession and accuracy of an instrument and making adjustments such that no errors occur in the readings. The main objective of this work is to calibrate the detector and also determine the calibration factor for the measurements of radon concentration through the passive method with CN-85 (LR-115) detectors.
Key Words:SSNTD, Calibration Factor, Environmental Radon, Alpha Tracks
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ABSTRACT: The element of the first series that is from Cerium to Lutetium ( 58Ce to 71 Lu), which form a part of the sixth period are called lanthanides. These fourteen elements form 4f inner transition series. They are heavy metals. Their Laser properties were demonstrated in early sixties by Whan and Crossby. In this study two rare-earth Neodymium and Erbium have been taken. Due to electrostatic and magnetic interactions, there exist energy levels associated with rare-earth element. The energy levels of these elements can be expressed in terms of four parameters (F2,F4,F6) and Landes parameter. By taking their spectra, we know position of energy levels. Both Neodymium and Erbium complexes are studied in solvent form. Ten peaks are observed for Neodymium and eight peaks are observed for Erbium in visible region. Due to complexation some of the absorption bands are modified and become more intense. These bands are due to hypersensitive transitions known as hypersensitive bands. Occurrence of these bands is explained by Judd..
Key Words: Neodymium, Erbium, Alanine, Urea and hypersensitive transitions
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ABSTRACT:K shell X- ray production cross-sections ( K and K ) were measured for 31Ga element. Measurements were carried out at 11.372 keV using secondary excitation method. The results obtained for K X- ray production cross-sections were compared the theoretically calculated .In addition, measurement of K Xray fluorescence yield for 31Ga at the same excitation energy were carried out, and compared with semiempirical fits values
Key Words: X-ray, cross- sections, fluorescence yields
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ABSTRACT: In recent years, nonlinear optical materials(NLO) have been of immense interest for their excellent applications in optical communication, second harmonic generation(SHG), optical communication, laser technology, optoelectronic technology and data storage technology etc. Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate is one such material which could be used for the above applications. It is an interesting and promising inorganic NLO material of phosphate group. It occurs in hydrated form and hence it has hydrogen bonding, as a result, DSHP is expected to have good nonlinear optical properties. Good quality transparent single crystals of pure and urea added Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate (DSHP) were successfully grown by slow evaporation method. Melting point of the grown crystals were measured. Electrical conductivity measurements were carried out at 1 kHz frequency at various temperatures ranging from 2 to 30oC by using the parallel plate capacitor method. The present study shows that the conductivity in DSHP crystals, for all the impurities considered, increases with the increase in temperature
Key Words: Crystal growth, Characterization methods, Dielectrics, Electrical properties.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Regarding the Total Time Derivative of the Radius |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | SpirosKoutandos |
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: | 10.9790/4861-1006012627 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: We define a total time derivative for the vector of the radius being different from what is defined as velocity in quantum mechanics. Useful relationships are derived and some light is shed upon the behavior of atom during the passage of electromagnetic radiation. Not all the evidence for our claim has been produced but rather this article should be the starting point of further research on the possibility of finding total time derivatives in quantum mechanics.
[1]. A newly proposed model for the electron
vol 10, issues 4 , version II Iosr Journal of applied physics
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Solar Water Heater: Black Versus Transparent Hosepipe Heat Absorbers |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | E.C. Mbamala || C.E.Akujor |
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: | 10.9790/4861-1006012834 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: We have compared the performances and efficiencies of solar water heatersconstructed using coiled black and coiled transparent hosepipes.The two hosepipes were equivalent in length and diameter measuring about 50 yards (45.7m) and 1 inch (2.5cm) in diameter. Theyconstituted the heat absorbers of the solar collector system in which water was pumped and cycled continuously in the hosepipe by a dc water pump powered by photovoltaic (PV)panels. The 50 yard long hosepipe (black or transparent) wasformedinto a circular flat coil of about 20 turns inside a shallow rectangular box and covered with a transparent glass/plastic sheet.The waterpump draws water from the bottom of a reservoir, runs it through the coiled hose and discharges it back into the reservoir from the top.In this process the sun heats up the hose through solar radiation and the pipe heats up the water through conduction..............
Key Words: Hosepipe, Water heater, DC water pump, Solarcollectors, Greenhouseeffect.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Crop Yield Prediction Using Solar Activity |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | C.A. Chile || G.D. Ihongo || B.A. Ikyo |
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: | 10.9790/4861-1006013543 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: The yields of tuber crops were predicted in this work. Parametric analysis was carried out to obtain historical coefficients for solar activity index and crop yield data, using observed yields with time, Sunspot Number, and cultivated area as input variables. Multiple polynomial regression of 2nd degree was used to model the yields of yam and cassava in Benue State-Nigeria. The model explained 73.9 % of yield variance for yam and 69.9% of yield variance for cassava, and it showed increment in yields for two years (2018 and 2019) for both crops, corresponding to minimum solar activity. The model was testedfor accuracy using Willmott's d-value,and the accuracy test gave 𝟎.𝟗𝟐 for yam and 𝟎.𝟖𝟕 for cassava on a scale of 0.0 to 1.0. In addition to this, the model was validated using observable data and a good agreement was found between the observed and the predicted yields..
Key Words: Crop yield Prediction, Food security, Polynomial Regression,Solar Activity
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[5]. Choudhury, A., & Jones, J. (2014). Crop Yield Prediction using Time Series Models. Journal of Economic and Economic Education Research, 15(3), 53-68.
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ABSTRACT: The structural properties, phase transition and electronic structure of a semiconductor from the group III-V and II-VI compound are investigated to study their typical characteristics. We investigate the structural stability, phase transition under pressure and electronic structure with density functional theory (DFT) using full-potential linearized augmented plane wave (FP-LAPW) within the local-density approximation (LDA), generalized-gradient approximation (GGA) and modified Becke-Johnson generalized-gradient approximation (mbj-GGA). The present calculated structure parameters are in good agreement with the available experimental and theoretical data. The structural transition pressure of InP (zinc-blende to rock-salt structure) occurs at 6.07 GPa pressure............
Key Words: Structure optimization, Phase transition, Electronic structure, Density functional theory
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ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to study the concentration of chromium in the Sudan in the state of Blue Nile -Ingessana hills region , using a X-ray fluorescenceand the identification of radioisotopes located in the region using Gamma rays spectroscopy , rock samples were collected from the region and by studying these samples with XRF and its radiation activity by Your Gamma Spectrometer, Eighteen rock samples were taken from the Ingessana hills and converted into powder. Each sample was 25 grams. The study showed that the average chromium is about 671550 ppm, which is a useful contribution to the economy of the country if invested correctly. Analysis of these samples using a gamma spectrometer Radioactivity of radionuclides in the region was determined. The presence of.......
Key Words: concentration of chromium, chromium in Sudan, X-ray fluorescence, Gamma rays spectroscopy,Radioactivity,radionuclides
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ABSTRACT: Basic household circuits use regulated dc power supplyfor operation. In this research work, locally sourced materials and components were used to implement a designed circuit of a variable dc regulated power supply. The step down transformer used has about 53 and 708 turns for its secondary and primary coils respectively. The ac output voltage of the transformer was 17 Vrms, while the dc output voltage was 24 V. The performance of the power supply revealed that the regulation of the power supply is good and the overload protection is active for the set range of operational current. This will protect the series-pass transistor from getting damaged easily..
Key Words: Voltage regulation, Overload protection, Power supply, Transformation
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ABSTRACT: The new exact bound state solutions of the Schroedinger equation for the central singular potential given by 𝑉 𝑟 =𝛼𝑟2+ 𝜷𝒓𝟒+𝝀𝒓𝟔 are obtained by using a suitable ansatz. Here 𝛼,𝛽 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝜆 are parameters of the given potential and are also obtained. For each solution, there is a separate relation, interrelating the parameters of the potential and orbital angular momentum quantum no.𝑙. The eigenfunctions obtained here are in closed form and normalizable. Such solution is relevant in connection with quark model of hadrons and some other branches of physics like quarkonium physics.
Key Words: Schroedinger wave equation, Singular potential, Exact solution
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Review analysis on Combustion Modelling and implementation of CFD |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shad Husain || Bhuvan Bhasker Srivastava |
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: | 10.9790/4861-1006016570 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: The study of the CFD in various sectors is becoming very efficient day by day. In this paper, a review on combustion modelling is presented in detail and the future scope is also discussed. Combustion modelling has become popular because of its advanced technology and easy computational work in a wide area of application. This review helps us to model the combustion process that is used for the prediction of flow temperature and emission from the various combustion systems. This study also focused on the numerical approaches used in combustion modelling. The paper includes the discussion of turbulent reacting flows' effect on the different combustion modellings.
Key Words: Direct numerical simulation, large eddy simulation, RANS approach, EDM, modelling.
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