Series-2 (March-April 2019)March-April 2019 Issue Statistics
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ABSTRACT: Radio refractivity over Awka, South Eastern Nigeria has been studied using meteorological parameters on the troposphere during dry and wet seasons, from 2013 – 2014 respectively. Wireless weather stations (Integrated Sensor Suite, ISS) were positioned at five different height levels beginning from the ground surface and at intervals of 50 m from the ground to a height of 200 m (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 m). The data used for the computation of radio refractivity and refractivity gradient is a 30 minutes interval variation of metrological parameters for each day in the troposphere over Awka. Hourly, daily and monthly averages of radio refractivity during dry and wet seasons were calculated from the data obtained. The result indicated that the radio refractivity during wet season...........
Keywords – Radio Refractivity, Refractivity Gradient, sub-refractivity, super-refractivity and Troposphere
[1]. Serdega, D., Ivanovs, G., (2007). Refraction seasonal variation and that influence on to GHz range microwavesavailability. Electronics and Electrical Engineering 6 (78), 39–42.
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ABSTRACT: This study was carried out to evaluate dosimetric differences between Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) delivery techniques (which can be divided into two deliverymodes: Step-and-Shoot (SS)&Sliding Window (SW)) and Three-dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy (3D-CRT).Twenty prostate cancer patients on Eclipse treatment planning system for delivery on a Varian DMX linear accelerator with Multileaf Collimator MLC (Millennium 80-leaf MLC) with 6 MV photon beams were generated using both IMRT & 3D-CRT techniques. Patients had two planning target volumes (PTVs) which were prostate plus seminal vesicles (PTV1) for the primary.........
Keywords: Intensity modulated radiotherapy, prostate cancer, sliding window, step-and-shoot, three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy
[1]. C.E. Oh, K Antes, M. Darby, S. Song, and G.Starkschall,Comparison of 2D conventional, 3D conformal, and intensity-modulated treatment planning techniques for patients with prostate cancer with regard to target-dose homogeneity and dose to critical, uninvolved structures, Medical Dosimetry, 24(4),1999, 255-263.
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ABSTRACT: Global solar radiation changes and climatic variation are the most of the world's environmental problems. Solar radiation received at the earth's surface under different atmospheric conditions obviously affect the amount and quality of radiation obtained at the ground during the course of the day. The variation in climatic parameters like pressure,temperature,rainfall,humidity,wind, precipitation, turbidity, transparency and distribution of cloud cover have been suggested to exert depleting influence on solar radiation data. This paper is focused on the development of graphical polygon method based on the extraterrestrial and terrestrialsolar irradiation amount and the interpretation concerning the clearness index of Lagos south west part of Nigeria with solar irradiation measurement.........
Keywords: Radiation, extraterrestrial, terrestrial, clearness index
[1]. Falayi, E. O., Rabiu, A. B and Teliat, R. O. (2011). Correlations to estimate monthly mean of daily diffuse solar radiation in some selected cities in Nigeria. Advances in Applied Science Research, 2 (4): 480-490. Pelagia Research Library.
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ABSTRACT: This paper was carried out to studythe efficiency of Monitor Units (MUs) between Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT)Step-and-Shoot(SS) and Sliding Window(SW) modes.Fifty-onepatients with localized prostate carcinoma wereplannedby optimization process of treatment planning system. Patients had two planning target volumes (PTVs) for the primary and boost plans. Target coverage was evaluated with parameters of the mean target dose (Dmean), the maximum target dose (Dmax), while its dose distribution and conformality was evaluated with several different indices such as Conformity Index (CI), the Homogeneity Index (HI), quality of coverage, Lesion Coverage Factor (LCF),Uniformity Index (UI), and Conformation.........
Keywords: Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy, Monitor Units, Sliding Window, Step-and-Shoot,Prostate Cancer.
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ABSTRACT: Fluctuations of a current in spending environments arise at availability external influences. It can take place, if the spending environment is in an external electric floor, in external electric and magnetic fields and even at availability of a gradient of temperature in the environment. In semiconductors (electronic type, electronically-hole type) carriers of a charge from external influences are accelerated or slowed down impurity by the centers and consequently distribution of a charge in the semiconductor deviates equilibrium values and thus inside of the semiconductor there are areas with different values of an electric field. These sites (them name domains) move on all image and then there are fluctuations of a current in-external a circuit [2]. In impurity semiconductors recombination...........
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ABSTRACT: The nanoparticles of Gd doped Ni0.5Co0.5Fe2O4 for composition of Ni0.5Co0.5GdyFe2-yO4 (y=0.025) synthesized by sol-gel auto combustion technique using citric acid as a fuel. The structural and morphological characterizations were carried out by X-ray diffraction technique. The particle size obtained by FWHM of (311) plane using Scherrer's formula obtained to be 31 nm. Magnetic properties were investigated using Vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) technique. The saturation magnetization values show the ferromagnetic nature. The structural and magnetic parameters are in the reported range.
Keywords: Ferrite, magnetic properties, nanoparticles.
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ABSTRACT: The nanocrystalline Barium Strontium Titanate (BST) powders were synthesized by mechanochemical method using barium carbonate (BaCO3), titanium dioxide (TiO2) and strontium carbonate (SrCO3) as the precursors. Conventional ball-milling also preferred to get average particle size. The powder was sintered at 6000C, 7500C and 8000C. X-ray Diffraction (XRD) technique was used to know structural properties of BST powder and EDAX is used for quantitative elemental analysis. The decomposition and crystalline behavior of BST were examined by Thermogravimetric..........
Keywords: Mechanochemical synthesis, sintering, BST nanopowder, Particle size, XRD
[1]. B. Hou, Y. Xu, D. Wu, and Y. Sun, "Preparation and characterization of single-crystalline barium strontium titanate nanocubes via solvothermal method," Powder Technology, vol. 170, no. 1,pp. 26–30, 2006.
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ABSTRACT: Foodstuff pollution is a major concern now-a-days, especially in Bangladesh. Toxicity assessment of baby food is essential before providingto the children. The quantitative estimation of trace and major elements, their concentrationof ten different milkpowdersamples collected from local markethas been done. The total experimental works from sample preparation to spectrum data analysis have been done at the Accelerator Laboratory of Atomic Energy Center, Dhaka.The IBA technique PIXE and spectrum analysis shows that the major elements found in all the ten samples are S..........
Keywords: PIXE, toxicity, IBA,GUPIX, MAESTRO-32
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Springas a Simple Machine |
Country | : | Philippines |
Authors | : | Ismael TabuñarFortunado |
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: | 10.9790/4861-1102025761 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: The spring was studied and proven to be a simple machine. This is an addition to the six simple machines. The two concepts of the spring were compression and tension. The applicationsof the string ranged from protecting objects to creating a stored force. Examples of the springs were given.It may also serve as an inductor, a prime requirement of motors and generators
Keywords: Ductility Malleability Melting point Mechanics Spring Strength of materials
[1]. Asimov, Isaac (1988). Understanding Physics, New York, New York, USA: Barnes & Noble, p. 88.
[2]. Anonymous (2018a). Spring from
[3]. Anonymous (2018b). How are Sring made? from
[4]. Anonymous (2018c).machine from
[5]. Anonymous (2018d).spring and their types from
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Data Regulation of the Nervous System |
Country | : | CHINA |
Authors | : | Zhe Yin |
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: | 10.9790/4861-1102026264 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: In this paper, the stability theorem, the strict stability theorem, the independence theorem, and the uniqueness theorem of nature are proposed, and the principle of data regulation of human nervous system is expounded. And this operating principle exists only. Relevant research will be advanced.
[1]. Zhe Yin, 2016. Zhe Yin's energy and wave theorem. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Research Technology, 2(3), 44-45.
[2]. Zhe Yin, 2017. The function and relation of proton and neutron. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research,8(1), 15321-15324.
[3]. Zhe Yin, 2017. Effect of Gravitational Wave on DNA Base. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, 8(2), 15705-15707.
[4]. Zhe Yin, 2017. The formation of elements. IOSR Journal of Applied Physics,9(2), 08-13.
[5]. Zhe Yin, Liu, D., 2016. Electron trajectory. International Journal of Applied Science and Mathematics,3( 2), 56-57.
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ABSTRACT: Schrödinger Equation for spherical atoms and nano particles was used to describe the behavior of electrons and phonons by treating them as strings oscillating thermally and under the action of external force. The solution shows that for thermally excited phonons and electrons the energy and frequency are quantized .For electrons excited by external force the energy and frequency are also quantized. The energy in both cases resembles the zero point energy for harmonic oscillator of the quantum system. The solution also describes free as well as bounded electrons. The results obtained agree with previous models and observations.
Keywords: Schrödinger Equation, spherical symmetry, string theory, phonon, energy quantization
[1]. David. J. Griffith, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (Prentice Hall, New Jerssy, 2005).
[2]. L. I. Schiff, Quantum Mechanics (McGraw Hill, Tokyo, 2009).
[3]. Schawbl, F, Quantum Mechanics, 3rd Edition (springer, Berlin, 2005).
[4]. Dyson, F. J, Advanced Quantum Mechanics, 2nd Edition (world Scientific, Singapore, 2006).
[5]. R. P. Feynman and A. R. Hibbs, Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals (McGraw Hill, Inc, New York, 1965).
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ABSTRACT: Schrodinger equation was used for nano particles are considered as spherical crystals that are uniformly distributed. The solution shows that the wave function predicts uniform distribution of particles which conform to the assumptions. Applying periodic conditions the energy is shown to be quantized when thermal force exceeds the. External vibrating force opposing it.Unlike ordinary models the energy decreases as the quantum number increases.
Keywords: spherical symmetry, Schrödinger Equation, nano particles, crystals, energy, quantization
[1]. David. J. Griffith, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (Prentice Hall, New Jerssy, 2005).
[2]. L. I. Schiff, Quantum Mechanics (McGraw Hill, Tokyo, 2009).
[3]. Schawbl, F, Quantum Mechanics, 3rd Edition (springer, Berlin, 2005).
[4]. Dyson, F. J, Advanced Quantum Mechanics, 2nd Edition (world Scientific, Singapore, 2006).
[5]. R. P. Feynman and A. R. Hibbs, Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals (McGraw Hill, Inc, New York, 1965).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Electronic Band Structure of Copper Zinc Tin Sulphide (Cu2ZnSnS4). |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Nwachuku D.N. || Omehe N.N |
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: | 10.9790/4861-1102027481 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS), made entirely of abundant materials, has attracted a great interest due to its potential applications in sustainable thin-film solar cell devices. The electronic band structure of kesterite Cu2ZnSnS4 compound has been calculated using the pseudo-potential method. Projector augmented waves (PAW) within the density functional theory (DFT) was used in all calculations using local density approximation (LDA) for one calculation and inclusion of potential correlation term, U to LDA (i.e LDA + U) in another calculation. The results predicted Cu2ZnSnS4 to be a p-type semiconductor with bandgap value for (1) LDA as 0.039 eV and (2) LDA + U as............
Keywords: Cu2ZnSnS4, band structure, band gap, density of states.
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