Series-2 (May-June 2019)May-June 2019 Issue Statistics
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ABSTRACT: The efficiency of magnetic field (magnetic susceptibility) on electron effective mass was studies by derivation (mathematically) for the motion equations (velocity and acceleration). Considering that the electron presented in magnetic field, an equation for electron effective mass was found. When neglecting the field, the effective mass is returned back to the ordinary mass.
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ABSTRACT: We report on the structural, optical and electrical properties of Co-doped ZnO thin film by spray pyrolysis. The thin films were characterized by X-ray diffraction, UV spectroscopy, and two probe techniques. X-ray diffraction result confirms developed thin film have hexagonal crystal structure without any extra impurities. Doping ZnO with Co content increases the values of lattice constants decreases. The u parameter value increases with increasing Co doping; it confirms Co substituting in ZnO crystals. The average crystalline size was determined by Scherrer's formula and in the range of 20-26 nm. The optical properties of these thin films show the optical band gap Co-doped ZnO thin films have smaller than that of pure ZnO thin film. The electrical properties of films improved by doping Co in ZnO. This study undertakes the effect of the Co structural, optical and electrical properties of ZnO thin films. The results are quality and quantitatively
Keywords – Co-doped ZnO thin film, chemical spray paralysis, X-Ray diffraction, optical properties
[1]. A. Paliwal, A. Sharma, M. Tomar and V. Gupta, "Carbon monoxide (CO) optical gas sensor based on ZnO thin films," Sensors and
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[5]. M. Shaban, M. Zayed and H. Hamdy, "Nanostructured ZnO thin films for self-cleaning applications," RSC Advances, vol. 7, pp.
617-631, 2017..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Economic Effectiveness of Intelligent Electrical Networks |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Hashimov A.M. || Novruzova E.E. |
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: | 10.9790/4861-1103021113 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: The main problem is the development of a theoretical basis of economic efficiency in the economic system of the republic. This theory finds a new direction in the social and natural sciences, such as in chemistry, physics, economics, psychology, and ecology. To achieve optimal results in the power industry, it is necessary to use the performance management method. This method allows you to define strategic goals with optimal use of resources. Smart Grid is a new strategic direction for the development of power grids and the development.......
Keywords – energy, electrical networks, smartmeter, smart home, solar generator, distribution.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Nuclear Processes Prove Einstein Wrong |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prabhakar Savargaokar |
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: | 10.9790/4861-1103021415 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: This short paper intends to corroborate and compliment my earlier papers, that are listed below in the acknowledgements, using nuclear fission and fusion processes in nuclear weapons, with rather far reaching implications of conclusively toppling Einstein's General Theory of Relativity. As such, this paper is best studied in concurrence with my earlier papers. It can be considered to be the Nature's Own final nail, in Einstein's General Theory Relativity's, coffin.
Keywords – Em Wave, Einstein, Fission, Fusion, Nuclear
[2]. Nuclear Weapon,
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ABSTRACT: The HRE of 16-17 June 2011 over Bangladesh was chosen for the current study to simulate using WRF model. The FNL data of 1.0°×1.0° grids was considered as an initial and lateral boundary condition. A domain of 9 km horizontal resolution was considered for the study with using WSM6-MP scheme, KF-CP scheme and YSU-PBL scheme. To assess the model efficiency the SLP, wind flow, RH, relative vorticity and vertical wind shear are examined. The depression stays for a long term over the southwestern region and with the wind speed of 10-30 ms-1 a cyclonic circulation is observed over that region up to 500 hPa level. The positive relative vorticity is about...........
Keywords – WRF model, HRE, MP scheme, RH, CP scheme
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[4]. Mannan, M. A., Chowdhury, M. A. M., Karmakar, S., & Ahmed, S. (2017). Simulation of heavy rainfall in association with a severe thunderstorm in Bangladesh during pre-monsoon season-a case study. The Journal of NOAMI, 34(1), 69-85.
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ABSTRACT: The electron effective mass directly depends on the electric field where the electron presented in it. In this study the electron effective mass was studied by derivation (mathematically) for the equations of motion(velocity and acceleration).Considering that the electron presented in an electric field, an equation for electron effective mass was found. When neglecting the electric field, the effective mass is equal to the ordinary mass.
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ABSTRACT: Necessary is the mother of invention. In my entire lifespan i.e. for the last 40 years of life has been spent in search of why, where, when, whom. I had faced these problems and tried to find solution for myself. 10 years back I had postulated a hypothesis that by disintegrating atoms of one liter water and we can get electricity by that process, by using that electricity we can prepare hybrid electric car. That patent had been taken by Japanese govt because of my lack of knowledge regarding where and whom I have to submit. Till today I am having the same problem and tried answer for why, where, when etc............
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ABSTRACT: This work is aimed at developing a device to study the behavior of semiconductor thin-filmsamples using four-wire probes technique. The developed device is a four-point probes technique which consists of a 5 V DC regulated power supply, a current sensing unit, an arduino microcontroller unit, a digital liquid crystal display unit, a data logger and sets of probes for interfacing the semiconductor sample to the power supply and microcontroller units. The microcontroller is programmed using arduino C codes for current and voltage estimation. The resistivity of semiconductor of a given area and dimension is therefore determined using the current and voltage estimated from the developed device
Keywords: Four-point probes, conductivity, arduino-microcontroller, semiconductors, current, voltage
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Dose Assessment for a Hypothetical Accident at a Gamma Irradiation Facility |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | W. F. Bakr || W. El-Gammal |
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: | 10.9790/4861-1103024550 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Facilities which use intense radiation gamma sources, such irradiators for sterilization and preservation of foodstuff, require special care in the design and operation in order to prevent radiation injury to workers and/or public. Experience has shown that although strong safety measures are taken in this technology, serious radiological accidents were occurred. This work aims at assessing one of the worst case scenarios that may take place in which a complete loss of 60Co source shielding outside the building of a gamma irradiator facility occurs.Although there.........
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ABSTRACT: The work reported here is an extension to the previous workby the authors on coupled logistic maps with delayed linear, or non-linear nearest neighbor coupling. Here we investigate the effect of introduction of feedback in the coupled lattice update rules on (i) the phase diagrams showing non-zero persistencein the 𝜇−𝜀 parameter space, and (ii) on power law exponents of decay of persistence. We find that while feedback expands the non-zero persistence regions in the phase diagram, it has no discernible effect on the power law exponents. We also find that the role played by time lagin the absence of feedback, discussed in our previous work,remains intact even with the introduction of feedback..
Keywords:delay, feedback, logistic map, persistence, universality,
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Unextendible Maximally Entangled Bases In C9 O C9 |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Hong-Dan Yin || Yuan-Hong Tao |
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: | 10.9790/4861-1103025861 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: We investigate the unextendible maximally entangled bases in d d C C and present a 72-number UMEB in 9 9........
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ABSTRACT: In the present paper, Young's moduli (Y),bulk moduli (B),shear moduli (G) and Poisson ratio (σ) of lanthanum chalcogenides [(LaX, X= S,Se and Te)] have been studied and calculatedwith help of lattice constants(cij) . The calculated values are close agreement with the experimental results.
Keywords: Lanthanum chalcogenides, lattice constant and elastic constant
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ABSTRACT: The objectives of this paper are to evaluate the geological and structural elements, identify and evaluate the prospects in WABI field. The field studied is located in the Niger Delta Basin. An appropriate understanding of the structural families and hydrocarbon trapping systems in any field will lead to a more effective field development planning. An integrated iterative 3-D seismic interpretation, time and depth structural analysis, seismic attribute analysis and structural modelling techniques were employed in this study. Network of faults were interpreted and labelled F1 (orange), F2 (blue), F3 (green) and F4 (red). Three blocks were observed in the semblance time slice resulting from the faults. Two major horizons were mapped which are; Horizon A (light green) and Horizon Deep (red) reservoirs. The structural maps obtained showed fault-assisted anticlinal structures which match up...
Keywords: Seismic Attribute, Fault and Horizon Interpretation, Hydrocarbon, WABI
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Rewriting the Master Equation |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr Spiros Koutandos, GREECE |
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: | 10.9790/4861-1103027274 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: We revisit the master equation given in previous papers and reach at a new equation regarding the
total time derivative of the velocity. The calculations are a bit lengthy but the result has a simple physical
interpretation and is very symmetric..
[1]. A newly proposed model for the electron, SpirosKoutandos, IOSR , JAP
[2]. Regarding the total time derivative of the radius .SpirosKoutandos, IOSR, JAP.