Series-1 (July-August 2019)July-August 2019 Issue Statistics
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ABSTRACT: This paper evaluated and compared the performance of two recently developed optimization algorithms: Moth-Flame Optimization (MFO) and Antlion Optimization (ALO) using parameter extraction of a Three Diode Model (TDM) of a photovoltaic module. These techniques were equally recently reported to have good performance. However, it is imperative to know the best method among them in terms of accuracy, execution time and speed of convergence for a given optimization problem. Experiments were conducted to obtain several values for the PV module's currents and voltages. Part of the data were used in optimizing the TDM parameters by the two optimization..........
Keyword: Ant-lion Optimization (ALO), Moth Flame Optimization (MFO), Three Diode Model (TDM).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Current Oscillations in Imperative Semiconductors with Two Types of Medium Carriers |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Hasanov E.R. || Mansurova E.O |
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: | 10.9790/4861-1104012225 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: A theory of current oscillations in impurity semiconductors with two types of charge carriers is constructed, when the equilibrium ratios of the concentrations of electrons and holes are determined by the ratio of the characteristic frequencies of electrons and holes. Analytical formulas for the external electric field and for the frequency arising inside the impurity semiconductor are obtained. The growth increment of arising waves has been determined. When a current oscillates in a circuit, a semiconductor impedance is calculated. It is indicated that when a capacitive character appears in a circuit, the value of which is equal to the ohmic resistance in the circuit, the frequency of current oscillation mainly depends on the frequency of electron capture. The electric field during the radiation of a sample mainly depends on the frequency of the capture of electrons by impurity centers.
Keywords – Frequency, increment, oscillations, capture, recombination, generation
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ABSTRACT: This research details the experimental results of MoSe2/ZrSe2 van der Waals (vdW) heterostructure tunneling field-effect transistor (TFET) using Ti-doped MoSe2 as source material. The electrical characteristics of MoSe2 metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors were investigated and the Ti doped MoSe2 exhibited strong p-type conduction. The fabricated MoSe2/ZrSe2 vdW heterostructure TFET successfully implemented transistor operation, and the asymmetrical diode properties manifested that the band alignment of the MoSe2/ZrSe2 vdW heterostructure TFET could be modulated from Type-II to Type-III by the back-gate bias. These results verified that the Ti-doped MoSe2 is an appropriate p-type two-dimensional material for designing vdW heterostructure TFET
Keywords – Two-dimensional materials, Tunneling field-effect transistor, Molybdenum diselenide, Zirconium diselenide, Substitutional doping
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Production of Biogas from Saw-Dust and African Dwarf Goat Excreta |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Miikue-Yobe, T. F. || Sunday || Edidiong M. |
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: | 10.9790/4861-1104013135 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Due to energy availability been expensive and ecological disasters in the environment and aquatic life caused by organic waste disposal, numbers of renewable energy sources such as Biogas which is a colourless and flammable gas generated by the depletion of plant and animal waste by microorganisms under an anaerobic condition have been researched on.This study was launched into the construction of an Anaerobic batch-digester system using local technology and the production of biogas from Saw-dust and African dwarf goat excreta. The result showed that the feeding of 250grams of Slurry into the digester resulted to the evolution of 3.5cm3 volume of Biogas on the sixteenth day at a temperature range of 220C-320C and pH range of 6.0-8.0 respectively. There was an increase.........
Keywords – Biogas, microorganisms, anaerobic digestion, saw-dust and African dwarf goat excreta
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ABSTRACT: Radiation Dose Optimization for a Complete Cardiac Computed Tomography examination using Phantom Modelwere carried out at radiology department, king Fahad hospital, using computed Tomography scanner GE light speed VCT health care machine – 64 slice. Correlate between kVp with image quality using a person correlation and t-test to check the p.value were the spatial resolution, contrast resolution and noise level shows there is no significant difference between the image quality parameters and kVp were all values above 0.05. And correlate between the mAs and image quality parameters spatial resolution, contrast and noise level using person correlation..........
Keywords – dose optimization, CATPHAN, phantom model, pitch
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ABSTRACT: Solar radiation at the earth's surface is essential for the development and utilization of solar energy. It is needed for designing collectors for the solar heater and other photovoltaic equipment that depend on solar energy. Atmospheric transmittance is the capacity of the atmosphere to transmit electromagnetic energy. Analysis of direct, diffuse radiation and clearness index is neededto approximate the amount of solar energy availability. In this study, Satellite data (The Modern – Era Retrospective analysis for research and application, Version 2 (MERRA-2)) consisting of hourly global and diffuse solar radiation measured over ten (10) years, from January 2006 to December 2015 was utilized to investigate the availability and predictability of hourly clearness index (Mt), transmitting index........
Keywords – Predictability,Recurrence Quantification Analysis (RQA), Recurrence plot (RP), Solar radiation, Transmittance indices.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analysis of Precipitation Data Using Empirical Orthogonal Functions |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | M. H. Ali || Sunusi Usman Yerima |
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: | 10.9790/4861-1104015863 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: This work presents the analysis of a 90-year (1905-1995) precipitation data of an observatory station. A 90-year precipitation data from Kano State observatory station were acquired and analyzed using Empirical Orthogonal Function and Principal Component techniques. The results show that months of July, August and September contribute about 76% of the annual precipitation for this station.In particular, August was found to contribute about 38% of the total annual rain while the months of July and September each contribute about 23% and 15% of the annual precipitation respectively. These quantitative ratios could help farmers and government in decision making with regards to crop production and sometimes flood management of the area under study.
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ABSTRACT: Large-scale, dense ZnO nanorods(NRs) are grown on Si(100)/SiO2 substrates with the assistance of a sol-gel nucleation layer. In this study ZnO NRs are hydrothermally grown by a simple aqueous solution route of Zinc Nitrate Hexahydrate with the addition of lithium nitrate as dopant reagent. The influence of doping concentration and growth duration on the NR morphology was studied in comparison to undoped ZnO NRs grown under the same experimental conditions. It was found that the Li-doped ZnO NRs approached the crystal structure of wurtzite ZnO with well-defined diffraction peaks. The addition of the lithium dopant at 0.5:1, 1:1 and 2:1 ratio to Zinc Nitrate Hexahydrate resulted in an increase of the growth rate (nm/min) in comparison to the undoped NRs.
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ABSTRACT: heart disease is one of the cause's numbers of death in world. If the heart could not pump blood and distribute it's to all parts of the body, pain in the chest will be happened while heavy work or walk a rush. Myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) techniques is an ideal approach to doing the assessments of myocardial perfusion. The Assessment of Ventricular Volumes and Ejection Fraction using SPECT scan in Cardiac Diseases were the correlate between the age group with the risk factor were the hypertension patient was the biggest number of up normal patients in this study with 25 patients then the diabetes mellitus with 13 patients while the normal patients were 32 one. For the age group the patients in range 40-60 years represent a half of total number of patients.
Keywords: SPECT, End Systolic Volume, End Diastolic Volume, Ejection Fraction
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