ABSTRACT: A detailed study of light speed is presented based on Newtonian physics in which photon is treated as a particle having inertia properties in both photon generation and propagation processes. With a clear understanding of the definition of light speed and the reference of observation, on one hand, Wu’s Spacetime Shrinkage Theory based on a hypothetical Yanton and Yington Theory can be applied successfully in interpretation of physical phenomena of photon associated with Absolute Light Speed observed at light source (also at stationary reference point), such as Cosmological Redshift, Gravitational Redshift, Light Deflection, Anisotropic light speed, as well as Hubble’s......
Key Word: Light Speed, Absolute Light Speed, Vision of Light, Principle of Vision, Transformation of Vision, Photon Inertia Transformation, Equation of Relative Velocity, Equation of Light Speed, Michelson and Morley Experiment, Redshift, Gravitational Redshift, Cosmological Redshift, Doppler Effect, Equations of Doppler Shifts, Axial Doppler Shift, Acceleration Doppler Shift, Transverse Doppler Shift, Even Horizon, Yangton and Yington Theory, Wu’s Spacetime Shrinkage Theory, Principle of Parallelism, Wu’s Spacetime Equation, Deflection of Light, Expansion of Universe, Hubble’s Law, Special Relativity, Velocity Time Dilation, Length Contraction.
Edward T. H. Wu. “Vision Of Object, Vision Of Light, Photon Inertia Transformation And Their Effects On Light Speed And Special Relativity.” IOSR Journal Of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP), Vol. 9, No. 5, 2017, Pp. 49–54.
Edward T. H. Wu. “Equation Of Relative Velocity And Its Correlations To Equation Of Light Speed, Dynamic Graviton Flux And Equations Of Doppler Shifts.” IOSR Journal Of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP), 16(2), 2024, Pp. 21- 28.
Edward T. H. Wu. "Equation Of Light Speed." IOSR Journal Of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP), 14(02), 2022, Pp. 47-59.
Edward T. H. Wu. “Gravitational Constant, Gravity Dependent Physical Constants, Wu Constant, Wu’s Spacetime Constant And Absolute Light Speed.” IOSR Journal Of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP), 16(3), 2024, Pp. 41- 47.
Edward T. H. Wu. “Static Graviton Flux And Dynamic Graviton Flux.” IOSR Journal Of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP), 15(3), 2023, Pp. 53-59..