Version-2 (Nov-Dec 2014)
Version 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4
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ABSTRACT: This work studies the impact of waste disposal site on soil and groundwater from a refuse dump site in Dusten Kura Gwari, Minna, Niger state, northcentral Nigeria using vertical electrical sounding and results of soil and water analysis in the vicinity of the dump. Twenty Vertical Electrical Sounding were carried out along two profile inside the dump comprise of sixteen VESand another fouroutside the dump to serve as control.The resistivity values for all VES in the dump have low resistivity (25.6Ωm - 85.1Ωm), while that of control sit range between (190.9Ωm – 233.6Ωm).
[1]. Ehirim, C.N, J.O. Ebeniro and O,POlanegan (2009). A Geophysical Investigation of Solid Waste Landfill (SWL) in Port Harcourt Municipality, Nigeria. Pacific Journal of Science and Technology 10, 604-613
[2]. J.A. Olowofela O.D., Akinyemi and A.S. Ogungbe (2012).Imaging and Detecting Undergound Contaminants in Landfill Sites Using Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT): A Case Study of Lagos, Southwestern Nigeria. Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 4(3) 270-281
[3]. O.IPopoola and M.A Fakunle (2011).Investigation of Leachate Migration from Major Public Refuse Dump Site (Ajakanga) in Ibadan, Nigeria.Nigerian Journal of Physics. 22(1) 80-90
[4]. Olowofela J.A and O.D Akinyemi (2001), A Numerical Model for the Migration and Rate of Contaminants in Groundwater, Nigeria Journal of Science 35: 87-93
[5]. OtoboEgwebe, Aigbun C.O and Ifedi S.O (2007) Geoelectrical Evaluation of Waste Dump Sites in Warri and its Environs, Delta State, Nigeria. Journal of Applied Sciences and Environment Management (JASEM) 11(2)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Computations on Gabor lens having two different field distributions |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Saif KamilShnain |
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: | 10.9790/4861-06620611 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: The focusing capability of a Gabor lens look very promising, relatively little experimental research has been performed to test and develop this device for practical use. Since there is little published work on the properties of Gabor lens, the present computational work has been concentrated on studying such lens. The magnetic and the electrostatic fields constituting Gabor lens have been represented by the rectangular field model and the Glaser field model. The focal length of the lens has been computed with the aid of the electron beam trajectory under zero magnification conditions. The present work has paved the path for new investigation on Gabor lens.
Keywords: Gabor lens, trajectory equation, electron beam, field models, focal length.
[2] Reiser, M.(1989) Comparison of Gabor lens, Gas focusing, and electrostatic quadruple focusing for low – energy ion beams. IEEE, 1747 – 1747.
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[4] Palkovic, J.A. (1989) Gabor lens focusing of a negative ion beam, IEEE, 304 – 306.
[5] Palcovic, J.A., Mills, F.E. and Young, D.E.(1990)Gabor lens focusing of a proton beam,Rev.Sci. instrum ., 61, 550 – 552.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | New way to overcome on the mirror effect for imaging the surface of insulator |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Muayyed Jabar Zoory |
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: | 10.9790/4861-06621220 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: This work use the ion beam of a focused ion beam (FIB)/scanning electron microscope (SEM) microscope to investigate the ion mirror effect (IME) on the poly-methyl-methacrylate (PMMA). From study of parameter that influence the ion mirror effect (IME), we find easy and fast way to imaging the surface of the sample. To our knowledge this is the first observation of what can be called 'Imaging by Different Currents (IDC). This way is based on the measurement of the trapped charge as well as to evaluate the charge landing through imaging the ion mirror effect (IME) by using different currents (Isc). We observed begin overcome on the mirror effect when and it allows to imaging the surface of insulator. This way (IDC) enables of imaging the surface of the sample in all the scanning potential of imaging (Vsc), all the scanning potential of irradiation (Vi) and also at any time radiation (t).
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ABSTRACT: This paper presents the design and development of microprocessor based AC line voltage recorder.
It can keep the record of line voltage for twelve hours at an interval of an half minute. Variac with half-wave
rectifier and a Z-80 microprocessor based trainer kit is used as the sensor and interfacing the circuit
respectively. It can sense the line voltage from 0-250V. The product would be handy portable and commercially
Key words: Voltage Recorder, 8 bit Microprocessor, Sensor, ADC
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ABSTRACT: This work explores theoretically the possibility of using a simple pulse mode parallel plate gas ionization chamber, having no Frisch grid, both for energy estimation and Z-identification of moderate energy light heavy ions. A mathematical expression for the energy of a heavy ion that enters into the ionization chamber through the cathode window and gets stopped in the sensitive volume is derived. An expression for a quantity similar to the range of the heavy ion is also derived. The plot of energy against this quantity is expected to give an opportunity to use a simple pulse mode parallel plate gas ionization chamber, without Frisch grid, as a light heavy Z-identifier.
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[4] Rathin Saha, Nucl. Instr. and Meth A 620 (2010) 314.
[5] W. J. Price, Nuclear Radiation Detection, 2nd ed., Mc Grew-Hill Book Company, New York, 1964 pp.103.
[6] L. Bardelli, et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 491 (2002) 244.
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ABSTRACT: Thin films of iron sulfide (FeS2) prepared by CBD technique were doped with aluminum (Al: 0.02- 0.04M) and strontium (Sr: 0.02-0.04M) impurities at room temperature of 26 oC. X-Ray diffraction (XRD) and four-point probe were used to analyze the structural and electrical properties of the thin films. The XRD results show that 0.02M of strontium impurities produced polycrystalline structure of the thin films with diffraction peak values located at Bragg's angles, 2ϴ of 14.71o, 25.03o and 34.95o, while the un-doped polycrystalline FeS2 thin films have diffraction peaks at 2ϴ values of 19.81o, 24.43o, 31.45o and 36.73o. Clearly, the contributing inphase reflections for the different diffraction angles occur from different orientations of lattice planes and/or different crystallite sizes caused by the Sr impurity.
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ABSTRACT: The effects of solar radiation on energy conversion efficiency of solar panel in Uyo and Port-Harcourt were investigated and the analysis compared. Solar radiation measurements as well as formal meteorological data were utilized. Data were also recorded from digital instruments used. Graphical analyses were made between solar radiation and current, voltage and efficiency. Results obtained show that solar radiation is directly proportional to current and efficiency but fairly stable with voltage.
[1]. Akpabio, L. E. and Udoimuk. A. B. (2003): Characteristics Distribution of total, Diffused and Direct Solar Radiation it Calabar. Global Journal of Pure and Applied Science 9 (1) 45 – 49
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[3]. Ebipade, Wikimor C. (2008): The Impact of Land Fill on the Environment, Port Harcourt: Case Study; B.Sc project, RUST, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Unpubd.
[4]. Ettah, E. B. (2007): Effects of Temperature, Solar Flux and Relative Humidity in the Conversion of Solar Energy to Electricity. Thesis, Physics Department, Rivers State University of Science and Technology Port Harcourt. Unpubd.
[5]. Ettah, E.B., J. N. Obiefuna, G. N. Njar. (2011): the relationship between solar radiation and efficiency of solar panel in Port- Harcourt, Nigeria. International journal of applied science and technology 1(4) 124-126.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Hypothetical Quantum Wire of Hydrogen |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Nandini Sarker |
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: | 10.9790/4861-06625255 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: A one dimensional quantum nano-wire of hydrogen is hypothetically demonstrated. This nanostructure device has been designed to perform at nanoscale with more efficiency than existing semiconductor based devices. Because this device is smaller and fabrication process is simpler, which are the primary requirements of semiconductor industry. The device has achieved a very flexible physical structure. A framework has been developed in this work that a device of completely non-metal element can behaves like a pure conductor depending on the atomic arrangement and a semiconductor without any significant dopant species presents.
[1]. Colinge, Jean-Pierre; Lee, Chi-Woo; Afzalian. A; Akhavan, D, N; Yan. R; Ferain, Razavi. P; O‟Neill. B; Blake. A; White. M; Kelleher. A. M.; McCarthy. B; and Murphy. R. Nanowire transistors without junctions, DOI: 10.1038/ NNANO.2010.15, 21 Feb 2010
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[7]. Harker, A H. Physics and Astronomy. UCL. TIGHT BINDING MODEL.
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ABSTRACT: Saffron is known for its diverse uses and importance in the global spice trade. The objective of the present work was to use Inductive Couple Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP OES) and Infrared spectroscopy methods to examine the possibility to discriminate the different types of Saffron available in Kurdistan markets, to study which of these products are natural. And to indicate if a harmful element will be found in the artificial types. The result showed that the artificial saffron available in Kurdistan markets contains Lead and vanadium, which can lead to serious health problems.
Key words: Saffron, Inductive Couple Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy. Infrared spectroscopy.
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[5]. Karl Fischer Method Daniele Naviglio1, Stefano Conti2, Lydia Ferrara3 and Antonello Santini ".Determination of Moisture in Powder and Lyophilised Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) ".,Department of Food Science, University of Naples "Federico II", Via Università, 100 - 80055 Portici (Napoli), Italy.
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ABSTRACT: We have investigated suitability of creating four new solid organic semiconductorphotocathodes for use in photosensitive gaseous detectors. A thin layer of material was deposited by using vacuum evaporation technique through auto 306 coating system. Quantum efficiency QE was measured in photo-spectral sensitivity region between 190 - 250nm.The encouraging results are obtained.
Key words: Gaseous Photon detectors, Photosensitive Semiconductors, Photocathodes, Quantum Efficiency, Ageing of Photocathodes
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