Version-2 (May-June 2017)
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ABSTRACT: The present research work aims to analyze the cosmogenic radionuclide like 10Be, 14C, 36Cl, 41Ca etc obtained in various previous research formed by cosmic ray spallations in quartz samples theoretically. It has been tried to come to the conclusion that the nature of the quartz samples for the study of cosmogenic radionuclides almost looks alike and their graphs for the ratio of radio isotopes to the stable isotope and the average age of the sample by the dating through various isotopes are similar.
Keywords: Cosmogenic radionuclides, Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
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ABSTRACT: This paper is all about producing a new way to analyse the expansion of universe with some different perspective rather than continuing with the mystry of dark energy
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ABSTRACT: Semiconducting mercury chromium sulfide thin films were deposited on glass substrate using simple, quick chemical bath deposition method using the mixed aqueous solution of mercury chloride, chromium trioxide, thiourea, EDTA and ammonia. The EDTA was used as the complexing agents. The preparative parameters such as temperature, molar concentration, deposition time and thiourea concentration have been optimized. Thin films of HgxCr2-xS4 (X=0.2) with different thickness were prepared by changing the deposition time at 65 0c. The structural, morphological, optical...................
Keywords: Thin film, XRD, SEM, UV, TEP.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Varying Gravitational Constant under Special Case |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Nikhil A. Khomane || Gaurav V. Kolhe |
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: | 10.9790/4861-0903021516 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: In this paper I worked on the special case for studying the behavior of the universal gravitational constant by merging both Newtonian and relativistic mechanics. By that certain case I found that the value of the gravitational constant i.e. 6.67x N / is not actually a constant but vary with some conditions and reaches to zero at the speed of light.
Keywords: Force, Lorentz transformation, Photon, Special relativity, speed of light, etc.
[1] Relativity: The Special And The General Theory
[2] The Feynman Lectures On Physics.
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ABSTRACT:In this study, we concluded the Lagrangian Dynamics on standard 10- Kahler, being a model. Finally introduce, some geometrical and physical results on the related mechanic systems have been discussed.
Keywords: configuration manifold, Lagrangian function, 10-Kahler Manifolds- Lagrangian mechanics
[1] Ibrahim Yuosif .I. Abad alrhman, Abdul Aziz .B. M. Hamed, Yonnis .A.Abu Aasha, Lagrangian Dynamics on the standard 10- Kahler Manifolds, international Journal of Development Research –Volume 07-Lssue 2017
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ABSTRACT: For a system at absolute zero temperature, all thermal fluctuations are frozen out, while quantum fluctuations prevail. These microscopic quantum fluctuations can induce a quantum phase transition (QPT) in the ground state of a many-body system when the relative strength of two competing energy terms is varied across a critical value. This paper presents a detailed and quantitative study of the magnetic properties of Ising two-spin system at zero temperature in the presence of longitudinal, transverse and mixed fields, and also at finite temperatures. At the critical longitudinal magnetic field, the system is found to undergo a QPT to a ferromagnetic state. For this system............
Keywords: Quantum phase transition, thermal fluctuations, quantum fluctuations, Ising systems, longitudinal field, and transverse field .
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ABSTRACT: A study of the possible exposure to ionizing radiation from home viewing monitors and office computer monitor screens at normal distances of 0.5m and 1.0m and the environmental background level within university of Port Harcourt, Nigeria has been carried out using 18 different models of computer monitors and 15 deferent models of television sets. Radiation measurements were carried out insitu using Digilert 50 nuclear radiation monitor (SE INTERNATONAL INC, SUMMER TOWN USA) which is optimized to measure average exposure rate. The measured exposure rate ranged between 08.00± 0.80 μRh¯¹ (3.56 ± 0.36 μSv / week) to 20.00± 3.20 μRh¯¹ (8.90 ± 1.42 μSv / week) for computer monitors and 11.00± 1.20μRh¯¹ (5.26± 1.00 μSv / week) to 23.00±4.40 μRh¯¹(10.24 ± 1.96 μSv / week) for television sets.........
Keywords: Radiation level, computer monitor television screens, university community
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Phonon Green's Function; a Quanta Approaches |
Country | : | India. |
Authors | : | Saurabh Kumar || K.N. Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/4861-0903024751 ![]() |
ABSTRACT:The present paper reviews the concepts of source and quantum action principle used to produce the phonon Green's function appropriate for an initial phonon vacuum state.
Keywords: Quanta, Phonon and Green function
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ABSTRACT: The main objective of this study to assess the spatial resolution of SPECT gamma camera using developed Algorithm via image processing procedure. Usually assessment done through visual inspection of phantom images i.e. visual perception trend; in this study, separate algorithm was developed using Interactive Data Language IDL software to quantify the resolution with Modulation Transfer Function (MTF). The data were collected from Departments of nuclear medicine in main hospitals in Khartoum – Sudan (RCIH & RICK) in period from 2015 to 2017; images of QC test were taken from SPECT gamma camera as DICOM format. The result showed that the resolution for minimum.........
Keywords: Resolution, SPECT, MTF, Image Processing
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ABSTRACT: Flood is natural phenomenon which brings damage to properties, infrastructures, animals, plants and human lives. Issue of flood involves the emergency response of services related to evacuation relief center and health center facility.GIS and Remote sensing helps to identify suitable relief centers, road network availability and evacuation planning. (The Role of GIS in Emergency Planning, 2011).Evacuation planning is useful at time of disaster for movement of people to a safer location and their return. For evacuation planning shelters are identify from existing schools, colleges. Shelters are not located in normal flood area .Road network is available between relief center and flood area All this information and decision making is done with help of GIS (National Disaster Management Guidelines Management of Floods,.........
Keywords: Remote Sensing, GIS, Olpad, Risk Zone, Vulnerability, Evacuation planning etc.
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ABSTRACT: Erbium and Copper co-doped Zinc Sulfide nanoparticles were synthesized using a soft chemical co-precipitation method at different concentrations of PVP (polyvinylpyrrolidone). The structural, morphological, compositional and photoluminescence properties of PVP capped and uncapped ZnS: Er, Cu nanoparticles were studied using X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscope (TEM), energy dispersive analysis of X-rays (EDAX), Raman spectroscopy and photoluminescence (PL) techniques. XRD patterns showed that the PVP capped and uncapped ZnS: Er, Cu nanoparticles have cubic zinc blende structure with the average crystalline sizes of about 4 nm.........
Keywords: Particle size, TEM, Raman spectra, photoluminescence.
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ABSTRACT: Na2O doped cadmium borate glasses were prepared by standard melt quench method with the composition 70B2O3-(30-x)CdO-xNa2O (where x=0, 5,10,15 and 20 mol %).The prepared glass samples are subjected to characterization such as XRD, SEM, FTIR and DTA techniques. XRD and SEM reveal the amorphous nature of the glass samples. Various band positions are confirmed by FTIR and the fraction of BO4 units increases at the expense of BO3 structural units with the increasing concentration of Na2O. The glass transition temperature (Tg), crystallization temperature (Tc) and melting temperature(Tm) are determined using DTA analysis. Thermal stability factor against devitrification is calculated using Tg, Tc and Tm values.
Keywords: XRD, SEM, FTIR, DTA
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ABSTRACT:We have reported theoretically the coexistence of antiferromagnetism and superconductivity in rare earth nickel borocarbide compounds (RNi2B2C) . By using a suitable model Hamiltonian we have derived critical temperature, zero order parameter, gap to c T ratio. We have shown that the critical temperature is decreased as hybridization coefficient increases. We have also calculated the effect of external magnetic field on the coexisting state of superconductivity and antiferromagnetism. Our numerical calculations show an interplay between the two order parameters and are able to explain some of the experimental results reported for (RNi2B2C) superconductors
Keywords: Superconductivity; Antiferromagnetism; borocarbide
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ABSTRACT:The influence of compositional variations on the thermal properties viz: glasses transition temperature, mean bond energy and thermal relaxation with the variation in Ge content, has been studied theoretically for Ge-Se-In glassy chalcogenides. In the present work we have analyzed the thermal properties relatives to the given composition with theoretical predictions.
Keywords: Chalcogenide Glasses, Glasses Transition Temperature, Thermal Relaxation
[1]. F.M. Abdel-Rahim,K.A. Aly (2015), "Structural and Thermal Analysis of Se100-x(SbSn)x", J.Non-Cryst. Solids, 419, pp. 69-74..
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ABSTRACT:Chemical bath deposition technique (CBD) was used for deposition of Cd1-xMnxs Thin Films. Initially bath parameters were optimized by physical observation of sustainable Deposition of CdS thin films. The deposited films have been characterized by using X-ray diferactometer, Scanning electron microscopy, EDAX and spectrophotometer. The film thickness was estimated using weight and difference method. Film thickness was found increased with increase in Mn concentration in CdS material. All the films show polycrystalline crystal structure. The observed diffraction patterns were well fitted with the standard JCPDS card data: 77-2306 of CdS and 76-2049 for MnS. Cd1-xMnxS thin films exhibit the hexagonal as well as cubic crystal structure. The micrograph shows that the films deposited cover the whole substrate with uniform surface morphology. The significant effect of Mn doping has been observed from SEM micrographs...........
Keywords: CdMnS thin films, Chemical Bath Deposition, Optical Properties
[1] S.N. Agbo, and F. I. Ezema, The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 8(1),(2007),1-5
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Time Dependence of Density Parameters for a Variable EoS Parameter in Brans-Dicke Framework |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sudipto Roy |
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: | 10.9790/4861-0903029096 ![]() |
ABSTRACT:The time dependence of the equation-of-state (EoS) parameter has been determined in the framework of the Brans-Dicke (BD) theory, using BD field equations and the wave equation for the scalar field, for a homogeneous, isotropic and spatially flat universe. This study is based on a model where a linear combination of BD field equations has been taken. The generalized expression of the EoS parameter is a function of the ratio of the constant coefficients used for this linear combination. Expressions of the densities of matter and dark energy and also the density parameters for matter and dark energy have been derived in terms of the EoS parameter. The value of the EoS parameter, at the present epoch, is found to depend, almost solely..............
Keywords: Equation-of-State Parameter, Brans-Dicke Theory, Scalar Field, Brans-Dicke Parameter, Density parameters, Dark Energy, Cosmology
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Enlargement of bandgap in 1-D photonic crystal heterostructures |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | J P Pandey || Umesh K Pandey |
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: | 10.9790/4861-09030297102 ![]() |
ABSTRACT:Photonic crystal heterostructures form a natural extension to the analogy between semiconductors and photonic crystals-an analogy which substantially motivated research in photonic band-gap materials. Semiconductor heterostructures are made by combining at least two materials that have distinct band structures. In this paper, a heterostructure is proposed which is a combination of a Fibonacci quasi-periodic structure and a periodic structure. The combined structure has a large omnidirectional reflection range. The condition is that the omnidirectional reflection range of the two sub structures should be adjacent to each other.
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