Version-2 (Nov-Dec 2017)
Version 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4
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ABSTRACT:The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of cut-off frequency by Butterworth and Hamming filters on the calculation of the left ventricular volumes (LVV) and ejection fraction (EF) estimated by Quantitative Gated SPECT (QGS) and Emory Cardiac Toolbox (ECTb). Materials and Methods: Twenty patients were retrospectively collected for the study (14 males and 6 females). Mean age was 54±11 y. Tc-99m tetrofosmin gated myocardial perfusion SPECT and equilibrium Gated Blood Pool (GBP) were performed for all patients within less than 2 weeks to each other. We utilized a geometric-count based (GCB) method for evaluating the LVV by GBP. Myocardial functional parameters from Gated SPECT imaging were calculated by QGS and ECTb........
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ABSTRACT: The validation of IRI-2012 modelwas carriedout on experimental data obtained at an equatorial station [12.4°N, 1.5°W,dip latitude: 5.9°N]. Four ionosphericparameters, namely, the F2 layer peak electron density (NmF2), the corresponding height (hmF2), the bottom-side parameter (B0) and the shape parameter (B1), were used. The observed data were compared with the data generated from IRI-2012 model, using the two coefficients, URSI and CCIR options of the model.Both the URSI and CCIR options of theIRI-2012 modeleither underestimated or overestimated NmF2 during the period considered, at almost all the hours of the day..
Keywords: Equatorial ionosphere, low solar activity, electron density.
[1]. Adeniyi, J.O., S.M. Radicella, I.A. Adimula, A.A. Willoughby, O.A. Oladipo, and O. Olawepo (2008), Validation of B0 and B1 in the IRI 2001 model at low solar activity for Ilorin an equatorial station, Advances in Space Research 42 (2008) 691–694.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Quality assurance for clinical implementation of an Optical Surface monitoring system |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Vaibhav Mhatre |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/4861-0906021522 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Optical Surface Monitoring system (OSMS) has been recently introduced by Varian for initial patient positioning and real-time monitoring during complex radiotherapy treatment. The purpose of this work was to implement TG 147 with OSMS. Recently we installed OSMS first of its kind in India on linear accelerator, True BEAM STx at our Institute. The OSMS is composed of three-camera ceiling mounted and a Workstation. The following tests were performed to validate the system. a) Calibration b) System reproducibility and drifts c) Static localization displacement accuracy and d) Dynamic radiation gating delivery. The Calibration procedure consists of Daily, Monthly and MV Radiation Isocenter Calibration. The reproducibility of the system was tested by monitoring the Varian gating phantom test pattern for at least 90 minutes. Each recorded pattern was registered to the reference surface to calculate the required couch adjustment. To measure the static localization displacement accuracy of the system...........
Keywords: patient positioning, quality assurance, TG 147.
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ABSTRACT: Analytical solution to the Schrodinger equation is of paramount importance in the field of science. In this research we have been able to resolve the Schrodinger equation with the Yukawa's potential into a hypergeometric function and obtain a useful analytical approximate solution..
Keywords: Yukawa's potential, Schrodinger equation, Whittaker's confluent hypergeometric function.
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ABSTRACT: The dependence of thephotoelectrochemical performances of Dye sensitized solar cell(DSSC) on the temperature and bath time of TiO2 -photoanode in natural dye sensitizer using solanummelongena.linnextract as a case study has been investigated under simulated AM 1.5 light intensity . The efficiency of DSSC was found to be optimised with a photoanodetemperature of 650C at immersion point while those photoanodes immersed at ambient temperature were highly favoured with aminimum of 15 hours of immersion period. However, above 15 hours of immersion period of the electrode at room temperature in dye extract the efficiency becamesaturated whereas the efficiency nose-drives at electrode temperature above 650C before immersion. The use of a natural product as the TiO2 -wide bandgapsemiconductor sensitizer is observed to enables a faster and simpler production of cheaper , efficient and environmentally friendlysolar cells.
Keywords:Solar cells, photoanode, photoelectrochemical, electrode, solanummelongena.linn, efficiency..
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ABSTRACT: The Turbocharger is a charge booster for internal combustion engines to ensure best engine performance at all speeds and road conditions especially at the higher load. Random selection of turbocharger may lead to negative effects like surge and choke in the breathing of the engine. Appropriate selection or match of the turbocharger (Turbomatching) is a tedious task and expensive. But perfect match gives many distinguished advantages and it is a one time task per the engine kind. This study focuses to match the turbocharger to desired engine by simulation and on road test. The objective of work is to find the appropriateness of matching of turbochargers with trim 67 (B60J67), trim 68 (B60J68) and trim 70 (A58N70) for the TATA 497 TCIC -BS III engine. In the road-test (data........
Keywords: Turbo-matching, Trim, turbocharger, compressor map, surge, choke, simulation, data-logger
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ABSTRACT: Partial volume effect in positron emission tomography remains critical in image quality as well as quantitative accuracy especially in small oncologic lesions.Several attempts have been made to overcome this issue and improve the impact of partial volume on diagnostic accuracy of clinical PET imaging with no a universal consensus on a specific approach or method to follow. Introduction of point spread function in image reconstruction has proved useful in mitigating the impact of partial volume. The aim of this work was to investigate the role of point-spread-function........
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ABSTRACT: The paper presents an investigation into the comparative analysis of L-shaped and thin foil parabolic reflectors on the performance of concentrating solar cooking system. The performance evaluation of concentrating solar cooking system was carried out using two different types of parabolic reflectors namely L-shaped and Thin foil paper parabolic reflectors. Each reflector was fixed at a height from cooking vessel of the concentrating solar cooker stand.Boiling test for the determination of the system performance was carried out.. The water temperature, wind speed, diffuse solar radiation, direct solar radiation and global solar radiation were recorded while carrying out the.......
Key words: reflector, thin foils paper, efficiency, temperature and global solar radiation.[1]. Basil,O. E. (2013) Performance evaluation of parabolic solar cooker. International journal of Engineering and technology Volume 3. (10)
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ABSTRACT: The activity concentrations of 226Ra,228Ra, 232Th, and 40K were investigated in drinking water resources in Sidfa and El-Ghanayim of Assiut Governorate, Upper Egypt. Concentrations of radionuclides in a total of nine samples were determined via gamma-ray spectrometer using a reverse electrode high purity germanium detector with a specially designed shield.The average activity concentrations226Ra, 228Ra, 232Th, and 40K were 257.32±37.63, 68.47±11.48, 78.07±11.20, and 826.30±91.57 mBq L-1,respectively. The annual effective dose changed from 12.1210-3 to 79.7510-3mSvyr−1 with an average valueof 47.5310-3 mSvyr−1, from 20.9110-3 to 14.1210-2mSvyr−1 with an average value of 83.7310-3 mSvyr−1, and from 22.4910-3 to 11.1610-2 mSvyr−1 with an average value of 69.4410-3 mSvyr−1the for different age groups infants, children and adults, respectively.The cancer risks due to water consumption during the life time (70 yr) were estimated and they were ranged between 1.3310-5 and 1.6610-4.
Key words: Natural radioactivity, Upper Egypt, Cancer risk, Annual effective dose.
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ABSTRACT: Different types of ceramic materials are currently being studied as possible cathodes in solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC), due to reduce operating temperatures. Strontium doped lanthanum cobaltite (La1-xSrxCoO3-δ- LSC) was used as cathode for solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC). LSC thin films with 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 mol % strontium were synthesized by spray pyrolysis technique. These thin films were sintered at 1000oC has been characterized by X-ray diffraction to determine the crystalline perovskite phase; FESEM was used for morphological analysis. D. C. electrical conductivity was measured with variation of temperature and it increases due to increase of
strontium content. Dielectric constant was measured with frequency variation.........
[1]. Cheng-Xin Li, Min Gao, Chang-Jiu Li, Wei Zhou, Gaun-Jun Yang and Yu-Yue Wang; Mat. Tranc., vol. 47No.7 (2006) p.p.1654-
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ABSTRACT: Fresh okra was washed and sliced using a knife. The sample was weighed and divided into two equal parts of 0.625kg which was dried in a passive solar dryer and open air respectively for three days. A comparative analysis was carried out during and after drying on the medium sized passive solar dryer, which was constructed at the Sokoto Energy Research Centre of the Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto and open air drying. The results obtained showed that drying was faster with the solar dryer than with the open air. It was observed that while the okra in the dryer attained a final weight of 0.075kg representing 88% moisture loss (wb), the sample in the open air only attained a final weight of 0.150kg representing 76% moisture loss (wb) which shows that those in the solar dryer lost more moisture than the open air dried samples. The results also revealed that the average collection efficiency was 50.47% while the average system drying efficiency was 1.47%.
Keywords: Passive solar dryer, Fresh okro, moisture, open air, and efficiency
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ABSTRACT: In this paper further developments of the Grand Unified Theory GUT are presented. An extension of the Schwarzschild solution in General Relativity is performed, which leads to an expression of a summation of all forces like gravitation, electromagnetic force, weak interaction, and strong interaction. A calculation of the light speed along a geodetic line is also derived and also the elliptic shape along this geodetic line is verified. A development of the Orhtogonal Relativistic Laplace Equation ORLE is also shown, which probably has many applications in nature. The connections between the Dynamic R elativistic Laplace Equation DRLE and the optical formulas T4 and the New Intensity Formula are also shown and discussed. A new method of determing the masses of partices, the s.c. Binary Particle........
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