Version-2 (Nov-2018)
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ABSTRACT: The cassava (Manihot Esculenta Crantz), it constitutes the only species of the gender Manihot, as a consequence of their roots rich tuberoses in carbohydrates that are transformed in several products in several countries of the world [3]. However, that is not the only cassava species used by the man, it increases the same author. The cassava is a plant that possesses great accommodation the climatic and pedologic conditions, it plants perennial, that for besides being a source of human feeding, it is for decrease of the costs of the rations, however great part of his/her stem is left in the plowings (field) and the other, it is taken advantage for the other agricultural time as it happens in Angola [14]. The cultivation of the cassava in Africa remounts to the year of 1558 was destined exclusively to provide food to the ships that transported slaves, even about the years 1600 [10].
[1]. AFONSO, S. D. J.; LEDO, C. A. da S.; MOREIRA, R. F. C.; SILVA, S. de O. e; LEAL, V. D. de J.; CONCEIÇÃO, A. L. da S.Selectionofdescriptors in a morphologicalcharacteristicsconsidered in cassava accessions bymeansofmultivariatetechniques. JournalofAgricultureandVeterinaryScience, v. 7, Issue 1 Ver. V, p. 13-20, 2014.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Bovine Gastrointestinal Trematodosis In Nigeria: A Review |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Chongmobmi M. || Panda S.M. |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1111020819 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: In this review, the economic importance of bovine gastrointestinal trematodosis in Nigeria was reviewed, bearing in mind that infections with these parasites affect cattle productivity either directly or indirectly. The epidemiological factors influencing the occurrence of the parasites were reviewed and three species (Dicrocoelium, Fasciola and Paramphistomum) that commonly occur in Nigeria were discussed. The prevalence of infections with these parasites was also reviewed both globally and in Nigeria. Various diagnostic techniques for each of the parasites were discussed as well as control option applicable to the Nigerian situation. Based on existing literatures and data on the epidemiological features of trematode infections in cattle, control and prevention methods are reviewed and modified grazing practices are recommended as this will help reduce host-parasite contact.
Keywords: Gastrointestinal, Trematodosis, Dicrocoelium, Fasciola, Paramphistomum,Nigeria.
[1]. Abebe F., Behablom M., and Berhanu M. (2011): Major trematode infection of cattle slaughtered at Jimma municipality abattoir and the occurrence of the intermediate hosts in selected water bodies of the zone. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 10(12): 1592-1597.
[2]. Abebe, R., Abunna, F., Berhane, M., Mekuriah, S., Megersa, B. & Regassa, A.(2010). Fasciolosis: Prevalence, financial losses due toliver condemnation and evaluation of a simple sedimentation diagnostictechnique in cattle slaughtered at Hawassa Munincipal abattoir, SouthernEthiopia. Ethiopia Veterinary Journal,14, 39-51.
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ABSTRACT: The present study conducted at KhulaisNational Park , West Saudi Arabia, to assess soil seed bank, and above ground vegetation.A total of 28 emerging seedlings of plant species belonging to 7 families were recorded in the soil seed bank samples during the germination period. From the emerged seedlings 81.5% were annuals and 18.5% perennials. The range of variation between life forms was small. The dominant families were ( Poaceae , Fabaceaesub.f. Mimisoideae and Portulacaceae)The most dominant species were Acacia ehrenbergian, Eragoristis species, Panicumturgidum, Dactyloniumaegyptiacum, Zygophyllum simplex andportulacaquadrifidaThe density of live soil seed banks in the study area was 80 seeds/m2, which consider as viable seeds........
Keywords: Vegetation cover, emerging seedlings, live soil seed bank, life forms, density of seeds and similarity index.
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ABSTRACT: In order to increase sustainably Capsicum annum L. production, study was conducted on effects of compost quality on productivity of this vegetable in Ngaoundéré-Cameroon. Composting was conducted from February to May 2017 and the field trial was carried out during the June-September cropping season of the same year. Determination of pH, conductivity, organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and calcium, as well as growth of C. annum plants and physico-chemical properties of fruits were assessed. Randomized complete block design with 5 treatments and three replications was used............
Key Words: Capsicum annum L., productivity, composts, Ngaoundéré-Cameroon.
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ABSTRACT: iruseswillalwaysneedthemetabolicmachineryoftheinfectedce.............
Keywords: Canine herpes virus, multiplex PCR, moleculardiagnostic.
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ABSTRACT: The study of agricultural sustainability has been a prime concern of all the nations around the world. Keeping its importance in view strategic steps are being adopted and harnessed by the nations aiming at bringing about a drastic change in cropping pattern which results in intensification of crops grown. India is also no exception from it. However, in respect of Sivasagar district it is observed that in spite of having immense potentiality in accelerating cropping intensity, the district is lagged far behind. Single cropping system is still being practised in the larger portion of the district. Most of the farmers are still accustomed to the traditional patterns of cultivation which is essentially required to be reiterated and renovated...........
Key words: Cropping Intensity, Sivasagar District, Spatio-temporal Changes, Compound Annual Growth Rate
[1]. The agro-climatic zone is nothing but a climatically classified location suitable to agriculture. The National Commission on Agriculture classified India into 127 agro-climatic zones in 1971.
[2]. Charaideo Sub-division was declared a district in 2015. However, it is included in the study area (hence undivided Sivasagar district) since the spatio-temporal changes of cropping intensity is shown from 1985-86 to 2015-16.
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ABSTRACT: Declining soil fertility causes substantial net losses of soil carbon resulting in increased carbon flux to the atmosphere; hence the need for sustained efforts for carbon sequestration through sustainable land management practices. The specific objectives of this study were to quantify soil organic carbon stocks at different soil depths across different land use types, soil types and agro-ecological zones in Murang'a County. The top soils were sampled at a depth of 0-30 cm while the sub-soils were sampled at 30-60 cm depth for evaluation of percentage organic carbon, bulk density, pH, and clay percentage. The data collected was subjected to analysis of variance to test for differences in soil organic carbon stocks in different soil types, land use types across different agro-ecological zones...........
Keywords: Soil carbon stocks, Production systems, land managemnet practices, Soil sampling.
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ABSTRACT: Repeat breeding (RB) is a major problem that causes a great economic loss in dairy herds. Farmers cannot get benefit from it as it increases production cost by insemination, treatment,feed,labor,calving interval,culling rates and decreased calf and milk production.A total of thirty (30) dairy cows ofrepeat breeder at the different sheds of dairy farmers at the Bathanrearing area of ShahjadpurUpazilla under Sirajgonj district in Bangladesh used for this study.The cows were synchronized in a standard heat period in which GnRH and PGF2α were treated.Blood samples were collectedand separated serum samples wereexamined for the comparative study of the reproductive hormonal level of repeat breeder andsynchronized repeat breeder dairy cows.The level of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), progesterone were significantly higher in synchronized repeat breeder cows than repeat breeder cows............
Keywords: Reproductive hormone,synchronization, artificial insemination, repeat breeder cows.
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ABSTRACT: In this study, canonical correlation analysis (CCA) was applied to estimate the relationships between two sets (X – Y, water holding capacity (WHC) and pH-lightness (L*), redness (a*), yellowness (b*) values, respectively). Canonical correlation analysis was applied to data obtained from thigh and breast meats of 30 male Ross 308 broilers. Two canonical variable pairs were constituted as U and W. The first canonical correlation between U and W canonical variable pairs (U1W1) was found 0.481(p=0.020), while the second canonical correlation (U2W2) was 0.108(p=0.722). According to results of this analysis, relationship between the two canonical variable pairs was determined as 48.1%. In conclusion, the decrease of pH caused to increase in W1 and as a result of this b* value increased. So, the reduction of WHC and pH caused to decrease in L* and a* values and increase of b* value.
Keywords: Canonical correlation, canonical variable, meat quality, water-holding capacity, meat color
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ABSTRACT: The steady development of population growth along with incomes, on the one hand, and lower production, have led to a decline in self-sufficiency in rice and wheat yields, and the importation of large quantities of them to fill the widening food gap, so the research's interest in using a crop sequencing model is on the same The land is season-by-season instead of leaving the land of Fallow throughout the winter season after the summer rice planting season, which means no full exploitation of productive resources. A random sample of 204 rice growers was covered in the governorates of Najaf and Diwaniyah distributed 100 forms to farmers using a system of wheat after rice, 104 forms for farmers leaving the land after planting rice, and use of Data Envelopment Analysis method to estimate production efficiency Technical, economic efficiency and allocative efficiency in the direction of change of capacity..............
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ABSTRACT: Development of livestock is a crying need at present because global demand for animal proteins is increasing day by day.A crucial component of efficient calf production is high quality bull semen for successful fertilization and improved herd health. The investigation was aimed to evaluate the bulls for breeding soundness by assessing their fresh semen. 15 different genotypes beef bulls of (pure breed BCB-1, Limousin cross, Charolais cross, Simmental cross and Brahman cross) were examined physically with a special emphasis to the palpation of the scrotum and testicles and rectal palpation of the pelvic genitalia were carried out once every two weeks. Semen quality parameters (SQPs) such as physico-morphological parameters (motility, viability, total sperm abnormality, sperm concentration) vanguard distance travelled by sperm and biochemical parameters [aspartate amino transaminase.........
Keywords: Bull, artificial insemination, semen, sperm.
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