Version-1 (Dec-2018)
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ABSTRACT: Green-house experiment was conducted on zea mays planted on sandy soil to determine the toxic levels of Zn2+, Mn2+, Cu2+ and Fe2+ in the leaf of seedling of the plant. This was achieved by applying 250cm3 of 10PPM, 50PPM, 100PPM, 150PPM, 200PPM and 500PPM of Zn2+, Mn2+, Cu2+ and Fe2+ at intervals until toxic level was indicated through change in colour of the leaves. Diethylene triaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) was used to extract the micronutrients in the soil and the concentrations were evaluated using, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). The concentrations of the micronutrients in leaves were also determined using AAS. The concentration of the micronutrients in leaves of the plant in the soil at toxic levels were 250PPM- 260PPM Zn2+, 37.24PPM-55.90PPM of Cu2+, 290-320 of Mn2+420-700 of Fe2+. The results were statistically treated using t-test to determine the significant difference in the uptake of the micronutrients byZea mays in sandy soil.
Key Words: Green-house, micronutrients, Zea mays, toxicities..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Applied Extension Planning Process and Its Importance for Ministry of Agriculture |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Raad Muslim Ismail Al-khazraji |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1112010917 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: The research aimed to measure the importance of agricultural extension planning process stages with applied components for program and activates which provided by ministry of agriculture , which comes part within the scope of its duties at the level of the center &departments to serve and development goals of local committees in different regions of rural agriculture in Iraqi , which include directorates now ( state boards& companies before ) and its departments in governorates, to services and guidance provided recommendation absorbed and to increased contribution to dissemination &diffusion propaganda and audience for farmers to adoption modern agriculture technologies transfer. To achieve the aim of research, as scale was prepared to estimate measure for importance extension programs and activities forapplied planning process, including 6 stages consisted 30 item, which are: I the general from work to planning :2 external environments :3 organizational structure of extension planning process :4 planning mechanism :5 monitoring
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ABSTRACT: Reports of various authors indicate that there is a decline in the number of the Yoruba ecotype indigenous chicken, found in southwestern Nigeria. The geographical distribution of these strains of chicken is poorly documented thereby hampering the implementation of any effective management and sustainable conservation program. Hence this study conducted an open survey among breeders of local fowls in Ile-Ife, a traditional town in southwestern Nigeria to identify some of the attractive characteristics of these chickens that can be included in breeding programs designed for biodiversity conservation of indigenous chickens. Ile-Ife, located on latitudes 7.52°N – 7.57°N and longitudes 4.50°E – 4.57°E, was classified into three zones of core, transition and sub-urban using high resolution.........
Keywords: Indigenous Chickens, Diversity, GIS
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Seroprevalence of Bluetongue Disease in the Cattle in Siirt Province, Turkey |
Country | : | Turkey |
Authors | : | Ozgur Yasar Celik || Tekin Sahin |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1112013941 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Bluetongue is a viral disease of domestic and wild ruminants transmitted via the biting flies. The agent is in the Orbivirus genus of the Reoviridae family and has 24 known serotypes. The disease is most common during the summer months and is more severe during humid and rainy times. The aim of this study is to determine the presence of bluetongue infection serologically in cattle in Siirt province, Turkey, and to get information about its prevalence in the region. The material of the study consisted of a total of 279 cattle reared in different localities of Siirt. For laboratory analysis, 5 ml blood samples were taken from jugular vein of cattle and put into non-anticoagulant tubes..........
Keywords: Cattle, Bluetongue, ELISA, Siirt, Turkey
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ABSTRACT: Current experiment conducted at Research farm of Poultry and Fish production Department, Menoufia University, Egypt. The study aimed to assess the effect of selection for feed efficiency under different feeding regimens (free (i.e. once) at 08:00 am and twice (50%:50%) at 08:00 am and 03:00 pm) in local Egyptian chickens Saini Bedouin fowl on egg quality traits (EQT). Experiment continued for three successive generations and EQT were measured, recorded and statistically analyzed for all genetic groups (1284 fresh eggs were used). Results indicated that, both selection (P≤0.05) and feeding regimen (P≤0.01) increased egg weight significantly. Eggs laid by selected birds were heavier (41.22 and 46.05 g) than those produced by control lines birds (40.16 and 42.40 g) under free and twice feeding, respectively.Moreover, external, shell and internal quality traits didn't affected significantly by selection for feed efficiency except egg width and yolk weight. Egg length, width, shell, albumen and yolk weight significantly differed according to feeding regimen effect. Additionally, significant interaction..........
Keywords: Egg quality, feed efficiency, feeding regimen, Sinai Bedouin fowl
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ABSTRACT: Recent study held at Research farm of Poultry and Fish production Department, Menoufia University, Egypt, aiming to determine the realized correlated responses in some economic traits due to selection for feed efficiency under different feeding regimens (free (i.e. once) at 08:00 am and twice (50%:50%) at 08:00 am and 03:00 pm) in local Egyptian chickens Saini/Bedouin fowl. Data on body weight at 24, 35 weeks of age, egg number during first 90 days of production, egg weight at sexual maturity and egg mass produced through first 90 days of production cycle were collected for three successive generations and statistically analyzed for all genetic groups (584 hens were used). Results indicated that, after two generations of selection for feed efficiency: - Body weight at 24 weeks and at maturity significantly decreased by selection, but, didn't affected by regimen of feeding..........
Keywords: correlated selection response, egg production, feed efficiency
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ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to determine the socio-economic profile of farmers who planted maize in Şanlıurfa, and to determine their views on the technical support needs of maize plant cultivation. The main material of the study is the data obtained from farmers planting maize in Şanlıurfa. The surveys were conducted through face-to-face interviews with 294 farmers who were selected by simple random sampling among the farmers who made maize cultivation in the 2017 production season. Chi-square and Kruskal Wallis tests were done in SPSS for statistical evaluation of the results. According to research results, average age was 43.41 years, the average amount of land..........
Keywords: Farmers' profile, GAP-Şanlıurfa, Technical Support Need, Turkey, Maize Production
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ABSTRACT: The axenic method for cultivation presents the potential for regular and safe production as it provides for the sterilization of substrates, reduces the early period of production and maintains controlled and predictable conditions in the development of the mushrooms. This study aims to evaluate the axenic cultivation of Pleurotus sajor-caju, Pleurotus ostreatoroseus and Pleurotus citrinopileatus in three different substrates. The substrates of Ricinuscammunis L., Oriza sativa L. and Pennisetumpurpureum L. were rehydrated for 24 hours, drained and packaged. Each of the substrates were autoclaved, inoculated with spawn 3% (w/w) and incubated for colonization after cooling. For fruiting, the bags were stored in a fructification chamber (25°; RH: 75-90%). After harvesting, fresh weight, yield and..........
Keywords: biological efficient, elephant grass, mamona residues, rice straw,
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ABSTRACT: The crop yield production depends on different nutrients (macro and micronutrients), but because of the several anthropogenic and environmental factors, the plants face some micronutrient deficiencies. Among them, worldwide the zinc (Zn) deficiency are common (mainly in the arid and semi-arid regions characterized by calcareous soils). These elements have a high concentration in the soils of these areas, however, their absorbable concentration for the plant is low (because of several factors, such as high soil pH, lack of organic matter.........
Keywords: Plant rhizosphere, zinc nutrient, solubilization, plant growth promotion
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