Version-2 (Feb-2018)
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ABSTRACT: Laboratory experiments were conducted in order to investigate the potentiality of botanicals from Euphorbia balsamifera Aiton, Lawsonia inermis L., Mitracarpus hirtus and Senna obtusifolia in suppressing the development of Sitophilus zeamais Motsch. in stored sorghum grains. Twenty sorghum grains were randomly taken from each container with varying concentrations of 2.5, 5.0 and 10.0 x 104 ppm of leaf powders and methanolic, ethanolic and aqueous extracts of each of the botanicals separately 14 days after introducing the weevils. The grain samples were soaked in warm water and then immersed in acid fuchsin. The stained grains were rinsed with water, air-dried and viewed under Photo micrographic microscope. Percentage oviposition deterrence (POD), inhibition..........
Keywords: Botanicals, Developmental periods, Adult emergence, Oviposition deterrence, Sitophilus zeamais
[1] USDA (2010). Grain and feed annual. Grain Report Number: NI10007. United States Department of Agriculture. 11pp.
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[5] Sharma, H.C., Ashok, S.A., Ravinder, R.C., Jayaraj, K., Varaprasad, V.J., Varaprasad, R.K.M., Belum, V.S.R. and Rai, K.N. (2007). Management of Sorghum and Pearl Millet Pests in Bulk Storage. Global Theme on crop improvement. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Patancheru 502 324, Andhra Pradesh, India. 20pp.
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ABSTRACT: The scarcity of information on porcine leptospirosis in Zaria and areas of Kaduna State led to this study, in order to detect antibodies to Leptospira in pigs, and to isolate Leptospira from pigs in Kaduna state Nigeria. The methodologies involved serological survey using competitive Enzyme Linked Immuno-Sorbent Assay (cELISA). Five hundred (500) porcine blood (whole blood) samples were collected for serology. The percentage distribution of antibodies to Leptospira detected using C - ELISA was 75 (15.83. This study showed that antibodies to Leptospira are present in pigs in Kaduna state, Nigeria. Based on the findings of this study, recommendations are; proper hygienic handling of pigs and porcine raw materials in farms, households, markets, teaching hospitals and abattoirs, by personnel like veterinarians, farmers, butchers, sewer workers, pork meat consumers that are at high risk of contracting leptospirosis. There is need for public health awareness and education on prevention /control of leptospirosis, as the disease is of great public health significance.
Keywords: Prevalence, Leptospira spp. serovar Brastislava, Pigs, C-ELISA, Kaduna, Nigeria
[1] Abdollahpour, G. R. (1995a). Isolation of Leptospira interrogans serovar Grippotyphosa from a heifer in New South Wale`s. Australian Veterinary Journal, 73: 109 – 110.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Histogenesis of Collagen and Elastic skin fibers in prenatal goat |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Zaidi B. || Tripathi M. || Mishra R.P. |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1102021723 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: The study was conducted on 30 goat foetuses (Capra hircus) of all three age groups. As studies revealed Goat skin contains intense network of collagen and elastic fibres making a compact and a peculiar arrangement. After reporting the genesis on histochemical ground , TEM(Transmission Electron Microscope) analysis has been done to get the magnified images of histogenesis. The genesis and growth of skin fibres (collagen, elastic & reticulin) in all three foetal age groups shows a specific pattern in which the fibres originate in specific fetal age and grow up in a peculiar mode up to a precise age of late foetal group, after it build up fully the structural changes can be seen in fibrous tissue with further growth. Advance method carried out with the TEM study in which we find magnificent apparent images of various regions (10 CRL, to 40 CRL samples) and explicate the histological & developing stages of fibres clearly.
Keywords: Collagen, elastic, Fibroblast, Histogenesis, TEM.
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ABSTRACT: A Healthy Agricultural Land Is A System With Resistance To Stress Due To Its Biological Diversity, An Active Cycling Of Nutrients And Energy And A High Physical Stability. The Activity Of Bacteria And Fungi Is Essential In The Humification Processes. One Of The Most Relevant Relevant Groups Of Soil Fungi Is The Arbuscular Mycorrhizals (AMF). AMF Synthesize A Glycoprotein Called Glomalin Or GRSP (Soil Protein Related To Glomalin), Which Is Not Secreted By The Mycelium, But Being The Release By Lysis Of Post Mortem Tissues The Main Route Of Its Deposition In The Soil. The Objective Of This Work Was To Evaluate The GRSP Content, The GRSP / Carbon Ratio, The Amount Of Dry Matter And The Foliar Phosphorus Content Of Festuca Arundinacea At Various.............
Keywords: GRSP, Inoculation, Fertilization.
[1]. Aguilera Gómez L. I., Olalde Portugal V., Arriaga M. R. & Contreras A. R. 2007. Micorrizas Arbusculares. Ciencia Ergo Sum. 14:(3) 300-306
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[3]. Gang Wang Z., Li Bi Y., Jiang B., Zhakypbek Y., Ping Peng S., Wen Liu W. & Liu H. 2016. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Enhance Soil Carbon Sequestration In The Coalfields, Northwest China. Scientific Reports. 1-11
[4]. Gomez E., R Pioli & M.E. Conti. 2007. Fungal Abundance And Distribution As Influenced By Clearing And Land Use In Vertic Soil Of Argentina. Biol Fertil Soils. 43: 373-377
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ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research is the empowerment of home business of fish processing industry home business Fish Processing at trading business (UD). Duta Nelayan in Paciran, Lamongan District. The method used is action research with the development of Cold Chain System Application for the realization of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in processing units of processed fish with frozen value, to obtain certification of free sales license in the market, in accordance with the applicable standards of the Drug Control Agency and Food. So the home industry products from UD. Duta Nelayan: like surimi, fishball, and nuggets, can be marketed freely and compete with other fish products. Such conditions are carried out as an alternative problem solving in SMEs that do not yet have adequate standardization and product quality certification, but product diversification has not fully met market demand, and business management has not run well from regional markets..............
Keywords: cold chain system, certification, Duta Nelayan, Lamongan.
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ABSTRACT: In general, feeding of silk worms (Tubifex sp.) for catfish larvae aged 5 days to 10 days is done by chopped it first into small part. It is intended that the catfish larvae can utilize silk worms with more leverage, because the mouth opening catfish larvae are still small. Treatment of silk worm chopped is not impossible also cause other problems, some problems that can be caused, among others: (1) The loss of nutrients contained in the body mass worm due to dissolve into the water; (2) Water quality degradation is caused by pollution from silk worm organic material that begins to decompose. Therefore it is necessary a study of how big the effect of silk worm feed given intact compared to that provided with the first chopped..............
Keywords: catfish larvae, intact silk worms, growth and survival.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Economic Returns and Employment Generation Potentials of Artisanal Fishing in Ondo State |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Foluso Osundare |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1102024752 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: This Paper estimated input elasticities and factors influencing net returns among artisanal fish farmers with the aim of providing insights to the absorptive capacity of artisanal fishing in Ondo State. Data were collected from 120 Fish Farmers with the aid of structured questionnaire supplemented with oral interview. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, budgetary technique and regression analysis. Findings show that fish farmers in the area were young with mean age of 32.5years while majority of them (90%) had acquired formal education. Results of profitability analysis and cost benefit ratio showed that artisanal fish farming was economically rewarding to sustain the interest of fish farmers and induce new entrants. Estimated inputs elasticities indicated that hired and family labour.............
Keywords: Economic returns, employment generation, potentials and artisanal
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ABSTRACT: This experimental was conducted to study the response of jojoba tree (Simmondsia chinensis) to foliar application of gibberellic acid (0,50,100,150 ppm) on vegetative, reproductive traits and the seed oil content at privet farm in EL-Behira governorate, Egypt during two successive seasons of 2016 and 2017. The experiment was arranged in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications .Results revealed that all treatments significantly enhanced vegetative growth characteristics (branch length, secondary branches length, number of branched nodes and reproductive characteristics (flowering date, initial fruit set, final fruit set, seed yield and chemical composition of jojoba seed compared to the control in the first and second seasons, respectively, so seed...........
Keywords: Jojoba, gibberellic acid (GA3), vegetative growth, flowering, fruit set, seed yield and seed oil fatty acid content.
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ABSTRACT: The red palm weevil (RPW) is the major pest of palms in the Mediterranean region. One of the most interesting control solutions for this pest is endotherapy, comprising injections of biologically active substances directly into the stem of the palm. The objective of the present work was to study the ovicidal and adulticidal properties of two neonicotinoid insecticides (clothianidin and thiamethoxam) under laboratory conditions, to obtain evidence for application of endotherapy in the control of RPW infestations. Our results show that both commercial compounds display a dose-dependent action and exhibit different modes of action: clothianidin is more rapid in its action, but in general is less effective for control of the adult stages, while thiamethoxam is more effective, but its action requires longer to show efficacy. The eggs are much less sensitive to treatments, especially for clothianidin..
Keywords: Rhynchophorus ferrugineus, neonicotinoids, adults, eggs, clothianidin, thiamethoxam.
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ABSTRACT: A feeding trial was conducted to assess the replacement value of yam Discorea rotundata peel as a dietary replacement for guinea corn meal in the diet of Clarias gariepinus. All 5 diets were prepared to be iso-caloric diets. (35% crude protein). Yam Peel Meal (YPM) were used to replace Guinea Corn Meal (GCM) at the rate of 0% (YPM 1), 25% (YPM 2), 50% (YPM 3), 75% (YPM 4), and 100% (YPM 5). The performance of the varying levels of yam peel meal-based were compared to fish fed guinea corn meal-based control diet containing 35% crude protein while guinea corn meal itself has 10.80% crude protein. Ten (10) Clarias gariepinus fingerling per replicate with mean body weight of 13+-29g were stocked. The fingerling were fed at 5% of their body weight per day for 56 days. The was no significant difference (P>0.05) in the Mean Weight Gain (MWG), Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR), but there was significant in the Specific Growth Rate (SGR). The highest (MWG) was recorded in...........
Keywords: .......
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ABSTRACT: Along with other South East Asian countries Indonesia is one of the homeland of bananas and is considered as a center of diversity of the genus Musa plants.However, given the vastness of Indonesia, the diversity of banana germplasm, especially in Lampung—oneof Indonesia's provinces on the island of Sumatra, has not been fully known.This study aimed to determine ploidy levels of banana germ plasm in the City of Bandar Lampung, based on the number of chromosomes. Banana plant sampleswere taken randomly from the back yard in 12 districts out of 20 districts in Bandar Lampung. The banana collectionswere then grown in soil media in polybagsand the secondary roots grown were taken for chromosomal preparationusing a modified squash method. The microcospic slide................
Keywords: Ploidy, banana germplasm, chromosome number, banana accessions.
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ABSTRACT: Exposure of 0.2 mT magnetic field (MF) to tomato seeds is known to increase germination, growth, and resistance of plants to Fusarium sp. In this study, the germination and growth of F1 tomato seeds were tested after reinfection with Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.lycopersici (Fol). The study was arranged factorially in Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The first factor is F1 seed types consisting of 8 types: M0F0, M0F60, M7F0, M7F60, M11F0, M11F60, M15F0, and M15F60. The numbers after letter M and F indicate that F1 tomato seeds were obtained from parental tomato plants whose seeds were induced by exposure of 0.2 mTMF each for 0, 7'48", 11'44", and 15'36"and then infected by Fusarium sp. monospore suspension each for 0 and 60 minrespectively. The second factor is Fol infection. The data obtained were analyzed variance and followed by Fisher's Test at α = 5%.The results show that...........
Keywords: F1 tomato seed type, germination rate, Fol, germination percentage, and dry weight.
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