Series-1 (Aug-2019)Aug-2019 Issue Statistics
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ABSTRACT: The present experiment was conducted at the microbiology unit of post-harvest laboratory, department of horticulture, PSTU, during January to December, 2017 to identify the Antagonistic bacteria against Colletotrichum musae. To identify Antagonistic Bacteria different local verities viz "‟Kathali", "Anaji", "Sobri", "Bitchi" was used. Total fifty five (55) bacteria were isolated from banana fruits in the Applied Microbiology unit of Postharvest Laboratory, Department of Horticulture, PSTU. Of the 55 bacterial isolates, 18 were inhibitory towards C. musae.........
Keywords: Colletotrichum musae, Antagonistic bacteria, Isolation, Screening
[1]. Conway WS, Leverentz B, Janisiewicz WJ, Blodgett AU, Saftner RA and Camp MJ (2004): Integrating heat treatment, biocontrol and sodium bicarbonate to reduce postharvest decay of apple caused by Colletotrichumacutatum and Penicilliumexpansum. Postharvest BioI. Tech. 3411-20.
[2]. DrobyS, Wisniewski M, Macarisn D, Wilson C 2009: Twenty years of postharvest biocontrol research: Is it time for a new paradigm. Postharvest BioI. Tech. 52 137-145.
[3]. Emmert EAB, Handelsman J 1999: Biocontrol of plant diseases: a positive perspective. Federal of European Microbiological Society (FEMS), Microbiology Letters 171 1-9.
[4]. K.A. Abd-Elsalam; S. Roshdy1, O.E. Amin1 and M. Rabani (2010). First morphogenetic identication of the fungal pathogen Colletotrichummusae (Phyllachoraceae) from imported bananas in Saudi Arabia. Genetics and Molecular Research 9 (4): 2335-2342.
[5]. Janisiewicz WJ1, Korsten L.(2002) Biological control of postharvest diseases of fruits.
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ABSTRACT: The development of livestock business is currently directed at increasing the income of farmers, encouraging food diversification and improving the quality of community nutrition and export development. Livestock commodities which are generally cultivated by small farmers in an effort to support income in rural areas, one of them is goat farming, including PE goats, which are generally spread in highland areas. Tanah Laut Regency the centers of goat production in South Kalimantan has the potential for development in the future where the goat population continues to increase from year to year The business of fattening goats is one alternative business that many farmers choose. This is because in addition to the relatively easy maintenance system, the exploitation period is also relatively short. From this study, the conclusions of the variables that significantly affect production in the business fatteninggoat are forage and maintenance age. Given the forage and maintenance time have a positive and very significant effect, the farmer needs to increase the forage and maintenance period to achieve optimal production .
Keywords: ProductionFunction, Factor Production.
[1]. Ahmad, S.N., D.D. Siswansyah and O.K.S. Swastika. 2004. Study of Goat Livestock Business Systems in Central Kalimantan. Journal of Agricultural Technology Assessment and Development, 7 (2): 155−70.
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[3]. Mulyanuddin, A.D. 1996. Business Performance of Fattening cattle and the Indonesian Forestry Society (MPI) in Wonogiri District, Central Java.Bachelor Thesis.Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor.
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ABSTRACT: This study was aimed to examine the effect of different cultivation techniques on growth and yield components of an amphibious promising line of red rice by conducting a field experiment on ricefield in Beleke village of West Lombok (Indonesia) from May to August 2018. The experiment was arranged according to Split Plot Design with two factors and three blocks. The main plot factor was cultivation technique (T) with three treatments (T1= conventional; T2= aerobic rice systems (ARS) on raised-beds; T3= ARS intercropped with peanuts), and the sub-plot factor was rice row patterns (P) with three treatments (P1= normal or single-row; P2= double-row; P3= triple-row). In the intercropping rice-beds, peanut seeds were relay-planted between single-, double-, or triple-row of........
Keyword: rice systems; conventional rice; rice row patterns; raised-beds; additive series; peanut
[1]. Anderson, J.M. and Ingram, J.S.I. 1993. Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility: A Handbook of Methods. 2nd edition. CAB International, Wallingford, UK.
[2]. Bethlenfalvay G.J., Reyes-Solis, M.G., Camel, S.B. and Eerrera-Cerrato, R. 1991. Nutrient transfer between the root zones of soybean and maize plants connected by a common mycorrhizal mycelium. Physiologia Plantarum, 82: 423-432.
[3]. Bouman, B.A.M. 2001. Water efficient management strategies in rice production. International Rice Research Notes, 16(2): 17–22.
[4]. Chu, G.X., Shen, Q.R. and Cao, J.L. 2004. Nitrogen fixation and N transfer from peanut to rice cultivated in aerobic soil in an intercropping system and its effect on soil N fertility. Plant and Soil, 263: 17–27.
[5]. Dulur, N.W.D., Farida, N., Wiresyamsi, A. and Wangiyana, W. 2015. Growth of Several Amphibious Red Rice Lines between Conventional and Aerobic Systems Intercropped with Soybean. International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sciences, 8(5): 774-778.
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ABSTRACT: At present, the number of natural rubber producing countries is increasing, so that world rubber products are increasing. Rubber production will also increase. In other words, the rubber supply increased, which caused the price of rubber to fall. This situation forces businesses in the field of rubber to act competitively by processing rubber products that have high added value, so that they will improve product competitiveness. This study aims to determine the processing aspects of Brown Crepe (BC), analyze the added value and profitability and gross margins at UPPB SUKA MAKUR, Banjar Regency. The results of the study show aspects of BC processing from soil lumps, starting with soaking first so that the raw material is softer and easier to process through machine grinding........
Keyword: Brown Crepe, Value added, Profitability
[1]. BAPPEDA Banjar. 2015. Final Report on Program Evaluation from Local and Regional Economic Development Activities in Banjar District.
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[3]. Elizabeth, Juvena. 2009. Optimization of Production of Processed Ribbed Smoked Sheet Rubber (Case: Widodaren Plantation, Jember Regency, East Java). (Skiripsi) ProgramStudyAgribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University. Bogor.
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[5]. Plantation Office of South Kalimantan Province, 2014.Prospect of Availability of Rubber Ore (Bokar) for Consumption of Crumb Rubber Plant in South Kalimantan. .
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Response of Rice Supply in Paser Regency |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Yuli Setiowati || Hamdani || Muhammad Husaini |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1208012230 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influenced the rice supply in the Paser Regency and to determine the value of elasticity (response) of rice supply in the short and long term. This study was carried out in East Kalimantan, namely in Paser Regency from March to November 2017. The location of the study was determined by purposive sampling, a deliberate location taking, because of the characteristics of the location in Paser Regency with the consideration that Paser Regency was an area that had a lot of effort to cultivate both paddy of wet rice fields and paddy of fields. The data used in this study were time-series data from 2007-201, while the power analysis.......
Keywords: Supply, rice
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[3]. Nerlove, M. 1986. The Dynamics of Supply: Estimatoin of Response to Price. The Johns Hopkins Press. Baltimore. USA .
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The use of Bingol honey in infected wound treatment in a cat |
Country | : | Turkey |
Authors | : | S.Melek || S.Unsaldi || E. Karabulut |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1208013133 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: In this study; It was aimed to report the results of the treatment of large infected wound ( starting from right articulatio cubitis, continuing along radius-ulna and ending in articulatio carpi ) with Bingol honey in a 4 month old male cat brought to Bingol University Veterinary Faculty Surgery Clinic. Disinfection was performed by shaving the hairs around the infected wound of the cat under general anesthesia. The necrosis areas in the area were cleared. Honey was applied to the sterile hydrophilic gauze as a thin layer and applied as a dressing on the infected wound. Honey dressing was changed every two days. No topical or systemic antibiotics were administered to the cat.....
Keyword: Bingol,honey, wound, infection, treatment
[1]. Subrahmanyam M.Topicalapplicationofhoneyintreatmentof burns. British Journal of Nursing. 1991; 78(4): 497-498.
[2]. Van den Berg AJ, Van den Worm E, Van Ufford HC, et al. An invitro examination of the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of buckwheat honey. J Wound Care. 2008;17:172-178.
[3]. Karabulut E, Durgun T. The use of honey in wound treatment. Indian Veterinary Journal. 2004; 81: 1108-1110.
[4]. Weston RJ. The contribution of catalase and other natural products tothe antibacterial activity of honey: a review.Food Chemistry. 2000;71: 235-239.
[5]. Molan P. Potential of honey in the treatment of wounds and burns. American Journal of Clinic Dermatology.2001; 2(1):13-19...
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ABSTRACT: In this case, It was aimed to sharing the results obtained and treatment of ventral abdominal hernia in 1 year old female cockatiel brought to Bingol University Veterinary Faculty Surgery Clinic. In anamnesis; It was learned that a mass about the size of a hazelnut appeared in the abdominal region 6 months ago. In palpation examination, reponibility and compressibility were detected and was suspected of hernia abdominalis. Ketamine-HCL (Ketasol 10%, Richter Pharma AG, Austria) was administered intramuscularly (IM) at a dose of 35 mg / kg for general anesthesia of cockatiel. Routine asepsis antisepsis procedures were performed after.....
Keyword: Cockatiel, hernia, abdomen,treatment
[1]. Dar KH. Surgical management of abdominal hernia in a duck (Anasplatyrhynchos):A case report. Mathews Journal of Veterinary Science, 2016;1(1):002.
[2]. Jahromi AR, Nazhvani SD, Haddadi S. VentralabdominalherniainacommonMyna(Acridotherestristis)-acasereport.VeterinarskiArhiv,2009; 79(6): 621-625.
[3]. Coles BH.Avian medicine and surgery.2.Edition.Oxford, BlackwellScienceLtd.1997.
[4]. Forbes NA. Aviangastrointestinalsurgery.J. Exot.Pet.Med. 2002; 11:196-207.
[5]. DoneleyB. Avian medicine and surgery in practice. London, Manson Publishing, 2010; 172-263..
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ABSTRACT: The study was to investigate on towards rural agro-entrepreneurship choice to Nigerian economic development among youths in South-eastern, Nigeria. A combination of multistage and purposive sampling techniques was adopted in the collection of data from three hundred and sixty (360) agribusiness investors using structured questionnaires. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were employed to realize the objectives of the study. From result of the analysis, the study also identified farm production (e.g. crop and livestock production), farm input supply, agro-processing and marketing /distribution as their major agro-entrepreneurial area of specialization.....
Keyword: Towards, Rural Agro-entrepreneurship, choice, Youths, Panacea, Unemployment, Poverty, Alleviation.
[1]. Rebecca Namatovu and Samuel Dawa (2012) Rural Youth Entrepreneurs in East Africa: A view from Uganda and Kenya; ICBE-RF Research Report No. 32/12 Investment Climate and Business Environment Research Fund (ICBE-RF)
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[5]. National Population Commission and ICF Macro. (2009). Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey 2008. Abuja, Nigeria: National Population Commission and ICF Macro
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ABSTRACT: The production and sale of healthy nursery stock is essential as production of plant nurseries are the heart of our ornamental, vegetative fruits and forest industries. Most of the seedlings planted by farmers are produced in local small scale plant nurseries which have an important role in the sustaining the development of local community. Very few plants nurseries managers have received professional training and advice on the techniques of nursery management. Thus this paper discusses in details the setting up and running of plant nurseries, with emphasis on the points to look out for in each procedure. Also general principles of plants nurseries growth and management are outlined in non-technical language.
Keyword: Establishment, Management, Plant Nursery.
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ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to evaluate the total load of bacteria, and detection of Escherichia coli contamination in raw, heated and pasteurized cow´s milk consumed in Khartoum state, and to characterize the isolated microorganisms using PCR and DNA sequences technique. A total of 300 samples were taken from Omdurman, Khartoum and Khartoum North, for which 60 samples of raw milk from farms, 60 samples of raw milk vendor by donkeys, 60 samples of raw milk vendor by cars 60 samples of milk heated and sold in groceries and 60 samples of pasteurized milk sold in groceries all milk samples transported to laboratory at.....
Keyword: Raw milk, Pasteurized milk, heated milk Pathogenic microorganism, PCR, 16s rRNA gene, Escherichia coli, Contamination
[1]. Ahmed, K. and N. Abdellatif, 2013. Quality control of milk in the dairy industry. World J. Dairy Food Sci., 8: 18-26.
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ABSTRACT: The growth, mortality and exploitation rates of cyprinids fish, Carasobarbusluteus, Arabibarbusgrypus, Mesopotamichthyssharpeyi, Luciobarbusxanthopterus and Leuciscusvorax in Al-Diwaniya River, middle of Iraq were assessed from November 2016 to October 2017.Sampling was carried out by using four types of fishing gears. The relative abundance of these species were 10.1, 6.4, 6.3, 5.6 and 5.1% of the total catch, respectively.Growth patterns were allometric according tothe length-weight relationships for all species.Asymptotic lengths(L∞) were 35, 58, 61, 73 and 56 cm for C. luteus, L. vorax, A. grypus, L. xanthopterusand M. sharpeyi.....
Keyword: Cyprinids, growth, exploitation, Al-Diwaniya River, Iraq
[1]. Abbas, L. M. and Al-Rudainy, A. J. 2006. Ecology and biology of two freshwater fish species in Euphrates River, middle of Iraq. Proceedings of the International Conference on Underwater System Technology: Theory and Applications July 18-20, Penang, Malaysia.
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[4]. Abbas, L. M., Abu-Elhine, A. J., Radhy, A. G. and Hassan, A. H. 2017. Evaluating the Fish Structure Community at Euphrates River near Al-Hindyah Barrier, Babylon Province/ Iraq. Journal Tikrit University For Agriculture Sciences, 17: 28-29. [5]. Abd, J.M. 1989. Age and growth of Barbussharpeyi (Gunther,1874) in Al-Hammar marsh, Iraq. MSc. Thesis, University of Basrah, Iraq..
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ABSTRACT: An experiment was conducted at the Horticulture farm of Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University and the Laboratory of Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA), Mymensingh during the period from November, 2017 to May, 2018 to study the effects of gamma radiation on the growth, yield and quality of four onion accessions. The experiment was consisted of two factors such as (i) different accessions viz., accession-1, accession-2, accession-3, accession-4 and (ii) four gamma radiation levels (0 Gy, 50 Gy, 75 Gy and 100 Gy). Seeds from all accessions were irradiated separately with 50 Gy, 75Gy, 100 Gy and also a control at BINA from 60Co gamma radiation sources. The experiment was laid out in RCBD with three replications. The seeds of 16 treatment combinations..........
Keyword: Gamma radiation, growth, onion accession, quality and yield
[1]. Abu JO, Muller K, Doudu KG and Minnaar A. 2005. Functional properties of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) flour and pastes affected by gamma irradiation. Food Chemistry. 93: 103–111.
[2]. Ali MH. 1999. Effect of soil moisture stress on morphophysiological characters and growth of onion. M.S. Thesis, Department of Horticulture, BAU, Mymensingh. p.54.
[3]. Alikamanoglu S, Yaycili O and Sen A. 2010. Effect of gamma radiation on growth factors, biochemical parameters, and accumulation of trace elements in soybean plants (Glycine max L. Merrill). Biology of Trace Element Research. 141 (1-3): 283-293.
[4]. Alikamanoglu S, Yaycli O, Atak C, and Rzakoulieva A. 2007. Effect of magnetic field and gamma radiation on Paulowinia tomentosa tissue culture. Biotechnology. 21 (1): 129-134.
[5]. Azoom AAA, Hamdi W, Zhani K and Hannachi C. 2015. Evaluation of mineral elements, sugar and proteins compositions in bulbs of eight onion (Allium cepa L.) varieties cultivated in Tunisia. International Research Journal of Engineering and Techology. 2(4): 35.
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ABSTRACT: Vermicomposting is the process of conversion of bio-degradable wastes into high quality manure through the use of earthworms. It is a cost effective method of producing organic fertilizer and a reliable means of bio-waste management. A research was carried out at Agriculture and Forestry University, Nepal, to identify the manuring potential of different agricultural wastes through vermicomposting. Eisenia foetida, an epigeic species of earthworm was used for the conversion of these wastes into manure. The research consisted of eight treatments with three replications for each treatment in completely randomized design. Plastic bins of diameter 43 cm and height 16 cm were used for composting purpose where 200 earthworms of similar size were introduced in all bins except in control treatment...........
Keyword: Vermicomposting, earthworms, substrate, agricultural waste, waste management, organic farming
[1]. Aalok, A., Soni, P., & Tripathi, A. K. (2009). Role of Earthworms in Breakdown of Different Organic Wastes into Manure: A Review. Dynamic Soil, Dynamic plant, 3(special issue 2), 13-20.
[2]. Adhikary, S. (2012). Vermicompost, the story of organic gold: A review. Agricultural Sciences, 3(7).
[3]. Chaudary, A. K., & Suri, V. K. (2018). Low-Cost Vermi-Composting Technology and Its Application in Bio-Conversion of Obnoxious Weed Flora of North-Western Himalayas into Vermi-Compost. Communication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 49(12).
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ABSTRACT: Field experiment was conducted on the presence of beneficial bacteria present in the organic liquid formulation. The main focus was given on the presence of nitrogen fixing bacteria and phosphate solubilizing bacteria. It was found that the colony forming unit CFU/ml is higher in the initial days of preparation,DAP around 8 to 12days. This indicates that Jeevamruthamcould be effectively used in the 8-12th DAP.The breakdown of the organic waste increases the nitrogen and phosphorus content and leads to the increase in the population of nitrogen fixing and phosphate solubilizing bacteria. The physicochemical studies of Jeevamrutham suggests progressive fermentation of the ingredients.
Keyword: Jeevamrutham, N – fixers, Phosphate- solubilizers bacteria, DAP.
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