Series-1 (March 2020)March 2020 Issue Statistics
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ABSTRACT: This study was aimed at determining cooperative society's Formation and their Members Contributions to Their Survival in Rivers State. Specifically, the objectives were to Describe the organizational procedure for the formation of agricultural co-operatives in the selected parts of Rivers State, determine the level of members' commitment in general to co-operative matters and examine the effectiveness of committee's management and governance of co-operative societies. Data generated were analyzed using Descriptive techniques (frequency, percentages, mean, standard deviation) and inferential statistics (Pearson Product Moment Correlation coefficient). The results showed that 80%, reported co-operatives being set up due to members' needs, while 4.04% said government programmes to be the reason. Members' Commitment is correlated with Performance of.....
Keywords: Agricultural Co-operatives, Members' Commitment, Committee's management, Governance
[1]. Ibitoye, S. J. (nd) Survey of the Performance of Agricultural Cooperative Societies in Kogi State, Nigeria. European Scientific Journal. October edition. vol. 8, No.24 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431.
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[4]. Nkhoma, A. T. (2011). Factors Affecting Sustainability of Agricultural Cooperatives: Lessons for Malawi. M.Sc. Thesis presented to Massey University, New Zealand
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ABSTRACT: The study was conducted on the impact of Value Chain Development Programme (VCDP) on farmers in Ardo–kola Local Government area of Taraba State. The specific objectives of the study were to; describe the socio-economic characteristics of the framers, determine the impact of VCDP on the livelihood of the farmers and identify problems militating against VCDP in the study area. Data were collected from 90 respondent's randomly selected using structural questionnaire and were analyzed using frequency, percentage and t – test. The analysis on the socio-economic characteristics shows that majorities (96.7%) of the respondents were youth, (77.8%) were men and (72.2%) were married. Most (94.4%) attended one form of education or the other. Majorities (77.8%) were small scale farmers and (83.4%) has house hold size below 11 persons. The result on impact.....
Keywords: Impact, VCDP and Farmers
[1]. Fumilola O.T (2018), Effect of IFAD value chain Development programme on Economic welfare of smallholder Rice and cassava producers in Anambra State, Nigeria.
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ABSTRACT: This research investigated the effects ofethanolic extractsof Enantiachloranthacompared to standard antifungal drug (ketoconazole) against pathogenic fungi;Phomaglomerata(Corda) Wollenw. &Hochapfel) and Rhizopusstolonifer(Vuillemin) using potatodextrose agar (PDA) medium. The experiment was laid out in Forest Pathology Unit, Rivers State University, NkpoluOroworukw, PortHarcourt in a completely randomized design (CRD) with five replications. Data collected were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the mean separation was done using New Duncan Multiple Range Test (NDMRT) at the probability of 5%. The quantitative and qualitative.......
Keywords: African pear, ethanolic extract, Enantiachlorantha, Ketoconazole Phytochemical, constituent
[1]. Aboyade, O.M., Yakubu, M.T., Grierson, D.S&Afolayan, A.J(2009;) Studies on the toxicological effect of the aqueous extract of the fresh, dried and boiled berries of Solanumaculeastrum in male Wistar rats. Hum ExpToxicol. 28:765–775.
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[4]. Adjanohoun, J.F., Aboubakar, N., Dramane, K., Ebot, M.E&Ekpere, J.A (1996).Traditional Medecine and Pharmacopoeia: Contribution to Ethnobotanic and Floristic Studies in Cameroon; Organization of African Unity Scientific, Technical and Research Commission; Porto-Novo. Benin: Centre Nationale de Production des ManuelsScolaires;. 63.
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ABSTRACT: The study was undertaken to investigate biochemical diversity and genetic distance within and between Tiv and Fulani local chicken ecotypes of Nigeria. The experimental birds were randomly sourced from ten locations. The locations (1-5) for the Tiv ecotype were Uikpan, Daudu, Kadarko, Yelwata and Cohor (in Benue and Nasarawa States) while that of the Fulani ecotype were Lafia, Akurba, Adogi, Asakio and Namu (in Nasarawa and Plateau States). At maturity, four (4) male and four (4) female birds were randomly selected from each location per ecotype to give a total of eighty (80) adult birds (40 birds each for Tiv and Fulani ecotype) and used for blood protein characterization study. Blood protein loci, namely haemoglobin, albumen, transferrin and carbonic anhydrase were analyzed using electrophoresis. Data collected from the biochemical analysis were analyzed using popgene version 1.31........
Keywords: Allele, blood protein, dendogram, electrophoresis, genotypic frequency, locations
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ABSTRACT: Irish potato production and food security are intertwined. This is true because globally potato is ranked the fourth most important food crop after rice, wheat and maize while in Kenya, it is the second most important food crop after maize. It is cultivated by over 70% small scale farmers and apart from being source of food at household level, Irish potato is a source of income for farmers in Ndaragwa Agro-ecological Zone of Kenya. Despite such importance, Irish potato production is highly declining which has been associated to climate change and variability. The study found that Irish potato is highly sensitive to extreme weather patterns and in a scenario of climate change and variability, the production of Irish potato will be at risk especially in developing countries. Based on the above backdrop, there was an urgent need to understand the nature of climate change and the relationship to potato production........
Keywords: climate change, climate variability, production, Irish potato.
[1]. Abdi, N. (2004). The Influence of Rural Logistics And Rural Transport Costs On Farm Income And Poverty In Kenya: The Case Of Kisumu And Nyandarua Districts, Kenya
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ABSTRACT: study was designed to evaluate the performance of BAU-Bro parental lines and parents after five generations of selection. The experiment was set up with 1744 one-day-old male and female line and parental line chicks. The male lines were synthetic male line white (MLW), male line white2 (MLW2) and male line color (MLC) whereas the female lines were female line white (FLW), female line color (FLC), female line color-brown (FLC-br) and the two way parental lines, female line white2 (MLW x FLW), female line color2 [FLC-Br x MLC] and female line color3 [MLC x FLC-Br]. The chicks were brooded up to 5 weeks of age and reared up to 18 weeks of age on litter floor and then transferred to individual laying cages in an open house. Adlibitum feeding was practiced for first 3 weeks in male lines and 5 weeks in the female lines. Restricted feeding was practiced thereafter till the end of the experiment........
Keywords: Broiler parents, growth, egg production, fertility, hatchability, livability
[1]. Adebambo AO, Ikeobi CON, Ozoje MO, Oduguwa OO and Adebambo OA (2011). Combining abilities of growth traits among pure and crossbred meat type chickens. Archivos de Zootecnia,60(232):953-963.
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[3]. Ali MA, Mollah MBR, Haque MA and Azam MG (2013). Selection in sire and dam line parents for meat chicken production. Proceedings of 8th International Poultry Show and Seminar, Dhaka, pp. 101-108.
[4]. Ali MA, Mollah MBR, Haque MA and Azam MG (2015). Study on the performance of newly evolved broiler parents compared to standard parents. Proceedings of 9th International Poultry Show and Seminar, Dhaka, pp. 43-51.
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ABSTRACT: Tenebrio molitor is often referred to as mealworm; it is a good model organism due to its short life cycle and effortless collection. T. molitor was used as the model organism. Reverse transcriptase quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) is a fast, dependable, and consistent technique evaluating gene amplification during different biological processes. The performance of five normalization genes (ACTB, RPS18, EF1α, ArgK and GADPH) were analysed for T. molitor in two biotic factors (larvae stage and adult stage). The stability of each candidate reference genes was evaluated by algorithms geNorm, NornFinder, BestKeeper, ΔCt method and RefFinder. As a result, GADPH has been found reliable for the larval stage; ArgK was optimal for the adult stage. This study is usefulness for forthcoming studies on target gene expression in T. molitor.
Keywords: RT-qPCR, reference genes,Cq,normalization,Tenebriomolitor
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ABSTRACT: Background: This study aims to (1) determine the factors that affect red chili production, and (2) Assess the profitability of red chili farming. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted in Wonggeduku Subdistrict in Konawe District of Southeast Sulawesi from August to October 2019. Respondents consisted of 67 red chili farmers selected from the population of 85 farmers using simple random sampling method. The data were obtained through questionnaire-based interviews and observation. The data were analyzed using Cobb Douglas production functions and cost and returns analysis.........
Keywords: Analysis; Factors; Production; Red Chili; Sulawesi
[1]. Saediman H, Prioritizing commodities in Southeast Sulawesi Province of Indonesia using AHP based Borda Count Method. Asian Social Science, 2015, 11(15): 171-179.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Chronic Mastitis of a Mare at Basrah, Iraq (A case report) |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Kamal M.Alsaad || Ali Jarad || Mohanad H. Lafta |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/2380-1303015659 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Chronic mastitis of a local breed mare 11 years old has been diagnosed clinically and laboratory. The diseased mare was brought to the Veterinary Clinical Council at the College of Veterinary Medicine , University of Basrah , Iraq, show signs of swelling of the left quarter. A complete clinical examinations including inspection and palpation has been applied to the diseased mare. Diseased mare show signs of partial loss of appetite, cold, non painful swelling of the left quarter which has been detected with no systemic reactions, Moreover, No pain reaction was felt during udder examination. Furthermore, The milk was scant, cloudy in color with thick consistency and of normal odor. Hematological changes of diseased mare indicate normal values of all hematological parameters. On the other hand, Microbiological findings of the cultured media was confirmed by VITEK 2 systems and the results indicated the causative agents which is Staphylococcus auras.
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