Series-2 (November 2021)Nov. 2021 Issue Statistics
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ABSTRACT: Rice is basically a subsistence commodity. Farmers as producers also act as consumers. With an average ownership of 0.6 ha, most farmers in Indonesia cultivate rice to meet family needs, if there is an excess, that amount is marketed by farmers as a supply of rice to the community (marketed surplus). This study aims to identify and analyze what factors influence the size of the marketed surplus of rice on land types (A/B and C) in Banjar Regency. The analysis used to answer the purpose of this study is a different test and multiple linear regression models. Based on thecalculation t-student, it shows that the value of ttest (16.958) > ttable (2.00172) or sig. (0.0000) < real test level (α = 0.05). So it can be concluded that there is a significant difference between marketed surplus of rice farmers in tidal land type C and marketed surplus of rice farmers in tidal land type A/B. In tidal land type A/B, there......
Key Word: Marketed Surplus, rice, banjar, t-student, regression
[1]. Amarender R. 2009. Factor Productivity and Marketed surplus of Major Crops in India. India. Administrative Staff College of India
[2]. Bhakta, Narayan N. 1983. An Economic Analysis of Marketable Surplus of Paddy in Kathmandu District. [Thesis]: Universiti Putra Malaysia
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ABSTRACT: The effect of population density and fertilizer micro dosing grain yield and its related characters were studied in nine pearl millet genotypes. The experimental was laid in a split-split plot design with three replications at Bengou and N'dounga in 2017 and 2018 cropping seasons. Significant differences were observed on plant height, days to 50% flowering, number of tillers per plant, thousand grain weight and grain yield due to population density and fertilizer application. The plant density of 15 000 hills ha-1and fertiliser micro dosing rate of 4 g of NPK + 2 g of urea.
Key Word: population density and fertilizer micro dosing and top cross
[1]. Abdou, A., Koala, S. and Bationo, A. (2012) Long-Term Soil Fertility Trials in Niger, West Africa. In: Lessons learned from Long-term Soil Fertility Management Experiments in Africa. Springer Netherlands, 105-120. ISBN 978-94-007-2938-4
[2]. Acharya, Z. R., Khanapara, M. D., Chaudhari, V. B. and Dobaria, J. D. (2017). Exploitation of Heterosis in Pearl Millet [ Pennisetumglaucum(L.) R. Br.] for Yield and its Component Traits by Using Male Sterile Line. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences,6 (12), 750–759.
[3]. Agha A. M., Eshaq A. M., Modarres,S. A. M., (2008) Forage Yield and Quality of Pearl Millet (Pennisetumamericanum) as Influenced by Plant Density and Nitrogen Rate. Pajouhesh and Sazandegi, 77: 19-27.
[4]. Ajeigbe, H. A., Akinseye, F. M., Kunihya, A., Abdullahi, A. I. and Kamara, A. Y. (2019). 'Response of Pearl Millet (Pennisetumglaucum L.) to Plant Population in the Semi-arid Environments of Nigeria', Net Journal of Agricultural Science, 7(1):13–22. doi: 10.30918/njas.71.18.036.
[5]. Ali, E. A. (2010). Grain Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Pearl Millet as Affected by Plant Density, Nitrogen Rate and Splitting in Sandy Soil.American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Science, 7 (3):327-335.
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ABSTRACT: A study was done to identify the types and quantities of feeds on offer and the profitability of peri-urban dairy camels. A total of 120 lactating camels from 10 peri-urban dairy farms were recorded. A purposive sampling of 12 camels within each farm with four camels in each lactation stage (early, middle, and late) was done. Whenever possible, the selected camels were of almost similar parities and weights. The types of feeds on offer to lactating dairy camels varied across the farm categories where the large and small-scale farms were using maize corn, sesame oil meal, alfalfa hay, yellow pea seeds, and sorghum straw while the medium scale was using the same feedstuffs except for yellow pea seeds.......
Key Word: feeds, Profitability, Crude protein, Digestibility
[1]. Babiker, W., & El-Zubeir, I. (2014). Impact of Husbandry, Stages of Lactation, and Parity Number on Milk Yield and Chemical Composition of Dromedary Camel Milk. , Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, Vol. 26, no. , pp. 333-41.
[2]. Basmail, S. .. (1989). The nutrition of Arabian Camels is under controlled management. In: Galal, E.S. E., M.B. Aboul Ela, M.M. Shafie (eds). Proc. Intl. Symp. Ruminant Prod. in the Dry Subtropics: Constraints and potentials. 5-7 Nov. 1988. Cairo EAAP Pub. No. 38.
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[4]. Dereje, M., & Uden, P. (2005a.). The browsing dromedary camel II: Effect of protein and energy supplementation on milk yield. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 121: 309-317.
[5]. FAOSTAT. (2015). Animal Production Yearbook, Food & Agricultural Organization, Rome, Italy. : (Accessed 31 July 2015).
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ABSTRACT: The study assessed the Socio – economic Characteristics of Famers in the Fertilizer Voucher Programme (FVP) in Taraba State, Nigeria. Specifically, the study sought to: ascertain the influence of socio-economic characteristics of the respondents involved in the Fertilizer Voucher Programme on number of fertilizer purchased; ascertain farmers' level of productivity as a result of Fertilizer Voucher Programme; and determine major challenges in the implementation of the Fertilizer Voucher Programme in Taraba State. The population for the study comprised all farmers that participated/benefited in FVP in the Taraba State. Multistage sampling technique was used to draw the sample size. In stage one (1), two senatorial zones (Central & Northern) were purposively selected for their relative peace and security.........
Key Word: Socio – economic Characteristics, Fertilizer Voucher Programme (FVP), varimax- matrix rotation
[1]. Agwu, A. E; U. C. Uche-Mba and O. M. Akinnagbe (2008). Use of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) among Researchers, Extension Workers and Farmers in Abia and Enugu States: Implications for a National Agricultural Extension Policy on ICTs, Journal of Agricultural Extension, Vol. 12 (1), Pp. 37- 49.
[2]. Agricultural Transformation Agenda (ATA) (2012): Repositioning agriculture to drive Nigeria's economy, Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD), Abuja, Nigeria.
[3]. Ammani, A. A.,Ja'afaru, A. K., Aliyu, J. A. and Arab, A. I. (2012). Climate Change and Maize Production: Empirical Evidence from Kaduna State, Nigeria, National Agricultural Extension and Research Liaison Services, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria-Nigeria,, +2348023580413, Journal of Agricultural Extension, ISSN 1119-944X, Vol. 16 (1), Pp. 1-2.
[4]. Biam, C.K., Akande, R.O. and Demenongnu T.S. (2016). Climate Change and Agriculture in Nigeria: Crop Farmers Perceptions and Adaptation to Climate Change and Variability in Benue State, Journal of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development: Spring Journals, Vol. 4(7): Pp. 476-484.
[5]. Bonjoru, F. H. (2013). Manpower and Institutional Constraints in the Administration of Fadama III Project in Taraba State, Nigeria, Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, submitted to Department of agricultural Extension, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effects of Planting Distance on Bitter Leaf Plant (Vernoniaamygdalina) Growth and Yield |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | AGBA. O. A |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/2380-1411024044 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Bitter leaf (Vernoniaamygdalina) is a very important indigenous vegetable in Africa especially Nigeria. It is a leafy vegetable use for food, feeds and medicinal purposes but it is not grown in commercial scale and regular cropping system. Hence studies were carried out in 2019 and 2020 cropping seasons to determine effects of planting distance on growth and yield of the crop. Seven planting distances: 90x40cm, 90x60cm, 90x80cm, 1mx50cm, 1mx1m, 1mx1.5m, and 1mx2m inter andintra row respectively, replicated three times. Growth aid yield of bitter leafplant was significantly affected by planting distance. Lager leaf area index values (2.95, and 3.316 ) and tallest........
Key Words: Bitterleaf, (Vernoniaamygdalina) planting distance, growth, yield
[1]. Nwanjo, (2005). Efficacy of aqueous leaf of Vernoniaamygdalina on plasma lipoprotein and oxidative status of diabetic rats. Niger J. Physiol. Sci. 20:39-42.
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[3]. Falodun, E. J. and Ogedegbe, S.A. (2016). Effects of plant spacing and harvest intervals on growth and quality of okra . Applied Tropical Agriculture. Vol. 21: 211-216.
[4]. Ijeh C.E and Ejike ,C.C (2011). "Current perspectives on the medicinal potential ofVernoniaamygdalina. J Med Plant Res. 5 (7): 1051–1061.
[5]. Asante, and Du-Bois;. (2016). "Antidiabetic Effect of Young and Old Ethanolic Leaf Extracts of Vernoniaamygdalina: A Comparative Study". Journal of Diabetes Research. 8252741: 8252741. doi:10.1155/2016/8252741. PMC 4884890. PMID 27294153.
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ABSTRACT: Cleome gynandra was tested under different Effective Microorganisms (EM) levels in a CRD greenhouse pot experiment. The study used two varieties (MSL-17 and MSL-F3), combined with five EM concentrations (EM 0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 g/L) on ferralsol soil in Kibabii. Normal agronomic management practices were carried out. Data was collected weekly on plant height, leaf area, leaf fresh and dry weight, days to 50% flowering, leaf number, soil microbial count, water and chlorophyll content. Spider plant varieties varied significantly (P≤0.05) in number of days to seedling emergence, local spider plant variety recorded lower seed germination than the exotic variety (MSL-F17)......
Keywords: Cleome gynandra, varieties, genotypic, Effective Microorganisms
[1]. Chweya, J.A. and Mnzava. N.A. (1997) Cat's whiskers, Cleome gynandra L: Promoting the conservation and use of underutilized and neglected crops. Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, Gatersle ben/IPGRI, Rome, Italy.
[2]. Mathooko, F.M. and Imungi. J.K. (1994) Ascorbic acid changes in three indigenous Kenyan leafy vegetables during traditional cooking. Journal of Ecology and Food Nutrition 32:239-245.
[3]. Ayoola, O.T. and Makinde, E.A. (2007) Complementary organic and inorganic fertilizer application: Influence on growth and yield of cassava/maize/melon intercrop with a relayed cowpea. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 1(3):187-192.
[4]. Higa, T., 2001. The technology of effective microorganisms – Concept and philosophy. Proceedings of a seminar on the application of effective microorganisms (EM) techniques in organic farming, organized by the International Society of the Royal Agricultural College, Cirincester, U.K.
[5]. Sharafzadeh, Shahram & Ordookhani, Kourosh. (2011). Organic and Bio Fertilizers as a Good Substitute for Inorganic Fertilizers in Medicinal Plants Farming. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(12): 1330-1333, 2011
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ABSTRACT: Habanero pepper(Capsicum chinenseJacq) is one of the bioactive plants, known for its pungency and pharmaceutical needs. it is a spicy fruits, use for its condiments but it plays a major role in pharmaceutical industries because of its chemical contents known as capsaicin and Dihydrocapsaicin a Phenolic compound derived from Capsaicinoid. Capsicum chinense research in terms of mutagenesis in Nigeria is still at low level compared to other Solaneceous vegetables such as eggplants. Irrespective of its pharmaceutical and its numerous uses of habanero pepper. The plant has little mutagenic research attentions, hence, needs for this study.Healthy and quality seeds of Habanero pepper were freshly extracted from the fruits and pre-soaked in distilled water for 3hours......
Keywords: Mutagenesis; ethyl methane sulphonate; EMS; habanero pepper; growth; yield
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[4]. Badawi, M. A., Sahar, S.T., Al-Hamada, R. I. and Abdelaziz, M. E. Effects of Ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS) mutagen on genetic variability, growth characters and yield of potato. Middle East Journal of Agricultural Research.2015,4(4):1076-1087.
[5]. Bhat, T. A., Khan, A. H. and Parveen, S. Comparative analysis of meiotic abnormalities induced by gamma rays, EMS and MMSinViciafaba L. Indian Journal of Botanical Society.2009,84:45–48