Series-2 (February 2021)February 2021 Issue Statistics
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ABSTRACT: This study aimed to test four rice varieties in newly opened peatlands in South Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. The experiment was carried out on newly opened peat fields owned by farmers in 3 (three) villages, namely Karya Makmur Village, Cintapuri District, Banjar Regency, Jejangkit Muara Village, Jejangkit District, Barito Kuala Regency and Ketapang Village, Bajuin District, Tanah Laut Regency, South Kalimantan Province, from November 2020 until February 2021. The experiment was carried out using a Completely Randomized Design with 5 replications. The experimental treatment was planting 4 local rice varieties, namely Pandak Habang, Siam Unus, Siam Kapuas and Pandak varieties. The results showed that the highest plant height was Siam unus variety with the height of 91.32 cm and the lowest....
Key Words: Local Rice Variety, New Peat Soil, Efficiency
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ABSTRACT: In the present study, chicory root powder (CRP) as growth promoter was supplemented in broilers' diet to investigate the growth performance. Forty five, one-day-old broilers were used in a completely randomized design (CRD) with 2 treatments and 3 replicates (5 chicks per replicate). Chicks' feed of Control, Treatment one and Treatment two were supplemented with 0gr/kg, 2.5 gr/kg and 4gr/kg of Chicory root powder respectively. On day 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th and finally on the 32nd day feed intake (FI), weight gain (WG), and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were measured. There was no difference of live body weight during first, second and third days (p>0.05). On 28th and 32nd days, T1 and T2 groups......
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ABSTRACT: Background: In Indonesia, cassava is the staple food after rice and maize. One way to increase the productivity of cassava is the use of fertilizers. Fertilization is an act of providing additional nutrients to the soil, either directly or indirectly, so that it can provide nutrients for plants. Fertilization is an important thing given to plants so that plants can grow and develop properly. Plant growth and development are strongly influenced by the availability of nutrients in the soil. Materials and Methods: This research was conducted at the Experimental Garden of the Faculty of Agriculture, Slamet Riyadi University, Surakarta, which is located in Banjarsari Village, Banjarsari District, Surakarta. The research design used a completely randomized design (CRD) which consisted of a single factor, including various kinds of organic fertilizers........
Key Word: Kinds of Fertilizer, Dosage, Growth, Yield, Cassava.
[1] A. Y. Savitri, Ardian, and E. Yuliadi, "ENGARUH BERBAGAI PERLAKUAN STEK TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN AKAR PADA UBI KAYU (Manihot esculenta Crantz)," Inov. dan PEMBANGUNAN-JURNAL KELITBANGAN, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 85–95, 2013.
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ABSTRACT: Abusive use of pesticides in cotton plotsin Côte d'Ivoire is not without consequences for useful entomofauna. Very few studies based on the role of beneficial insects in pest management have been done. The study aims to knowthe effect of three pesticides on Cheilomenes sulphurea, in cotton plots. Hand capture of insect was conducted 24 hours before and 72 hours after each chemical spraying. Observations made before the first spraying showed the abundance of larvae (3.08 ± 1.83/30 plants) and adults (5.91 ± 2.6 /30 plants). Statistical analysis showed that there was no significant difference between the numbers of larvae (ddl = 11; F = 0.41 p = 0.75) and adults (ddl = 11; F = 0.13 p = 0.93). However, the number of larvae and adults of Cheilomenes sulphurea dropped considerably except in control.....
Keywords: Cheilomenes sulphurea, insecticide, cotton, Ivory Coast.
[1]. Aïwa A. L'impact de la culture du coton sur le développement socio-économique : étude de cas de la région de Korhogo, au nord de la cote d'ivoire. European Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies ~ 1053 ~ Scientific Journal.; 11(31) : 2015 ; 1857-7881.
[2]. Soro L., Soro S., Yobouet N.L., Ochou G.O. Spatial and temporal dynamics of Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) and Formicidae (Hymenoptera): Two families of beneficial insects, in cotton fields in the Tchologo region (Northern Côte d'Ivoire), Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 2020; 8(2): 2020 ; 1047-1053
[3]. Koffi S.Y. Libéralisation de la filière coton en Côte d'Ivoire quinze ans après : empreinte spatiale et organisationnelle. Cinq Continents 3(7) : 2013 ;5-17.
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ABSTRACT: To analyze marketing channels of Mango and Grapes in Fayoum Governorate, Egypt. Simple random sampling technique was employed in selecting the sample size for the study, in all a total sample size of 247 marketers were interviewed regarding marketing their produce through four different channels; Channel A (Producer- Consumer), Channel B (Producer- Commission merchant – Consumer), Channel C (Producer- Retailer- Consumer) and Channel D (Producer- Wholesaler before harvesting the crop- Retailer- Consumer. It was found that the marketing efficiency is generally low; this is due to the high marketing costs, marketing losses and the large number of intermediaries without providing suitable marketing. Channel A has achieved the highest marketing efficiency.....
Keywords: Marketing channels, Mango, Grapes, costs, margins, Egypt
[1]. Yohanes, M. (2015). Performance and challenges of vegetable market: The case of Kombolcha District- East Harerghe Zone– Oromia National Regional State– Ethiopia. MSc thesis, School of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Hamaraya University, Ethiopia.
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[5]. Sidhu, D.S. and Rangi, P.S. (1979). Price spread in egg industry in the Punjab. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 34 (4).
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ABSTRACT: Fishing is an activity that dates back 90 thousand years, in Mexico it has been an important economic activity for the development of society. The aim of this study was to show the historical background of fishing and fishing cooperatives in Mexico from 1917 to 2018, with emphasis on the institutions and laws of the fisheries sector. Attempts to regulate fishing activity in Mexico date back to the nineteenth century, with President Benito Juárez who promoted the Fisheries Law in 1872. During the post-revolutionary periods (1917-1940) and industrial development (1941-1981), Mexican fisheries legislation retained a social predominance. This is all the fishing laws from 1932 to 1986.....
KEYWORDS: Fishing in Mexico; Cooperative Fisheries; Laws; Rules
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ABSTRACT: Aiming to study the relation between immune response to sheep red blood cells antigen (SRBC) and reproductive female hormones (FSH and LH), and their relation with some productive performance in Norfa chickens. The present research was carried out at the Department of Poultry and Fish Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Shebin El-Kom, Menoufia University, Egypt. The experiment was extended from March, 2018 to July, 2019. Experimental birds injected with SRBC antigen at 20 weeks of age, and antibody titer measured 7 days post immunization. Birds were divided according to their immune response to three groups; control, high and low immunity groups. Productive traits were individually recorded and collected data were statistically analyzed. Results showed that, serum FSH and LH levels not differed significantly between experimental groups, and recorded a range of.......
Key Word: Immune response, chickens, reproductive hormones, FSH, LH.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Aspergillosis in sheep |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr. Hawraa F.H.Al-abedi |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/2380-1402024752 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: One of the most common farm animals in Iraq are sheep. By 1999 the sheep population in Iraq was approximately 6,750 that are distributed all over the country. Numerous breeds have been recognized, mainly the Awassi, Arabi, Karadi and Hamdani and are all of the fat-tail and carpet wool types. It has been demonstrated that Arabi, Karadi and Hamdani sheep were the most production under experimental conditions. In order to improve Awassi sheep in Iraq, they were profoundly crossing with European breeds, limited numbers of Finnish landrace and Chios sheep were introduced and kept on state farms. Unfortunately, very limited data were published, by 1990 a well-planned crossbreeding program was established between 200 Turkish Awassi, 50 Assaf, and 80 D'man sheep. Aim of this step majorly was to obtain different genotypes to that can be evaluated under different production systems considering......
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[5]. Tell, L.A. (2005). Aspergillosis in mammals and birds: impact on veterinary medicine Med Mycol 43 Suppl 1: P S71-S73.