Series-2 (Aug. 2021)Aug. 2021 Issue Statistics
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ABSTRACT: Over the last decades,the β-CN variants A1, A2 and B have received attention from the research community, producers, and consumers because of the influence of the variants on milk production traits, milk gelation performance and the health benefits of β-CN variant A2 over A1. The study examined and analysed the incidence of β-casein variants A1, A2, and B and their genotypes in Friesian X Bunaji cows; it also investigated how the identified genotypes affected milk yield, milk pH and composition traits.Thiry (30) Friesian X Bunaji cows that differed in lactation stage and parity were used to collect blood and milk samples. Twenty (20) ml of milk from each cow was used for analysis of percentages of protein, fat, lactose, solid-not-fat (SNF), salts and pH, usingLactoscan milk Analyzer.....
Key words: Friesian X Bunaji cows, genetic polymorphism, beta-casein gene, genotyping, milktraits
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ABSTRACT: Background: Haematobiochemical studies is gives a good representation of physiological responses to health threat, environmental and nutritional cues. A detailed appraisal of the nutrition and health status of beef cattle in extensive management condition is a prerequisite for effective production of quality beef in the tropics. This method tends to be more economical and less invasive. Apart from veterinary uses of blood picture, it enables one to see weak points on the farm and it is a useful tool to improve the health, welfare and productivity of the animal. Currently in Nigeria, the available information on the serum chemistry of indigenous cattle with reference to seasonal influence is inadequate or tending to being obsolete. Even though these references are relatively important, the fact remains that apart from expanse of time, climate change due to global warming has evidently caused changes in the ambient climatic parameters, which affects directly the physiology of the animal and indirectly nutrient availability........
Keywords: Lipids, Enzymes, Seasons, Muturu, Bunaji
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ABSTRACT: This research aims to study and map the potential of Mamar as wisdom in the Kupang district - East Nusa Tenggara Province. The sampling method used in this study was purposive with the consideration that the area is a dominant dry land area and has a specific farming system, namely Mamar. Data collection techniques used in this study are observation techniques, interview techniques and GIS analysis. The results showed that the potential of mamar as a traditional agricultural system that has a conservation function (ecological) in maintaining the sustainability of the spring ecosystem, an economic function for the community/mamar farmers, and a social function, namely the presence of the main plant as a means and springs as a place/container. Unifying and resolving conflicts in society. While the area of the marsh area varies between 5-10 ha, in the upstream area (water catchment) it is used as a conservation area/cover area (core area) for a spring protection system with a low plant density.....
Keywords: Study, Mamar Potential Mapping. Kupang Regency Local Wisdom
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Some Skin Problems in Cats (A Review) |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Kamal M. Alsaad |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1408023745 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Cats are susceptible to skin infections, parasites, allergies, and many other conditions. Common signs of skin disease in cats include, excessive scratching, licking, or chewing of the fur, redness, and swelling of the skin, Loss of fur, scabby, scaly, or flaky skin, and swellings or bumps on the skin. Figuring out the cause of skin disease in cats can be difficult, although in some cases the cause is more easily determined. Careful consideration of the history of the illness, a physical examination, the results of diagnostic tests, and, in some cases, response to treatment or modification of diet or lifestyle is important. A careful physical examination is necessary to evaluate the nature and pattern of skin abnormalities (including loss of hair, redness, and presence of parasites), that may suggest a cause for the skin disease.
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ABSTRACT: Background: Silkworms are well known industrial insects which produce natural silk. Over the years in the silk industry, it is of main focus to increase the profit of silk products and other sectors by the progressive improvement of economic traits like egg and cocoon production. Improvement of these traits are very important for yield. There are several thousand silkworm strains are available all over the world and various breeding programmes are going on to ensure the highest yield of silk produces.
Materials and Methods: In this prospective study, selection indices were constructed from discriminant function selection for different combinations with nine quantitative characters in 65 varieties of mulberry silkworm, B. mori L. to identify the characters which may be useful during selection breeding.
Results: The negative expected gain of TEL.....
Key Words: Selection indices, Discriminant function, Bombyx mori
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ABSTRACT: The study evaluatedpetroleum exploitation and exploration impact on yam production in Niger delta region of Nigeria. The following tools of analysis was used in achieving the specific objectives: Auto regressive distributed lags (ARDL), error correction model (ECM), and ordinary least square (OLS). The Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) unit root test was used to check the stationarity of the variables at both level and first difference. Johanson cointegration test was performed to determine the existence of the cointegrating relationship among the variables. The ADF unit root test showed that all logged variables were stationary after first difference I(1). The Johanson cointegration test for model showed that there is a long-run cointegrating relationship between the variables. The results of the ARDL......
Key Words: Petroleum, Exploitation, Oil spill, Impact, Environment, Yam, Nigeria
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