Series-1 (Sep. 2021)Sep. 2021 Issue Statistics
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ABSTRACT:Background: The affinities of the Plantaginaceae are not clear and Plantago is a problematic genus to study; most of its species are so similar that identifying stable aspects of variation among them is difficult. In the present study, we attempt to determine the relationships among seven Plantago species combining morphological and ecological data.
Materials and Methods: Morphological variations and morphometry of leaves, inflorescence, flowers and seeds were studied in seven Plantago L. accessions, namely P. ciliata Desf., P. albicans L., P. albicans var. nana Boiss., P. weldenii Rchb., P. coronopus L., P. albicans subsp. lanuginosa Chevall., P. serraria L. collected from different locations in Tunisia mainly from arid regions. For edaphic study, soil samples were collected at each collection site near the base of each........
Key Word: Morphological analysis, edaphic data, Plantago genus, Tunisia
[1]. Lazzaro L, Mugnai M, Ferretti G, Lazzeri V, Br, Bri V C., Foggi B. Lectotypification of the names Plantago weldenii and P. commutata (Plantaginaceae). Phytotaxa. 2020, 429(1),
[2]. Hassemer G, Bruun-Lund S, Shipunov AB, Briggs BG, Meudt HM, Rønsted N The application of high-throughput sequencing for taxonomy: The case of Plantago subg. Plantago (Plantaginaceae). Molecular phylogenetics and Evolution. 2019, 138, 156-173.
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ABSTRACT: A field experiment on the effects of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid herbicide on the growth, yield and carbohydrate content of maize (Zea mays) was carried out at Federal College of Forestry, Jos. The experiment consisted of five treatments, in which the control plot was weeded using hoe. Other treatments are T1 (4 ml/L), T2 (8 ml/L), T3 (16 ml/L) and T4 (32 ml/L) of 2,4-D herbicide respectively applied to 4m2 experimental plot for weed control. The experimental design consisted of Randomized Complete Block Design and data was taken on the germination number, leaf count, plant height, number of tassels, yield and starch concentration of maize grains. Statistical package for Social Sciences (SPSS), version 23 was used to carry out data analysis and Tukey's test was used to separate.....
Keywords: Maize, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), growth, yield, starch concentration
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A study on field crossbreed animals' sale pattern |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | R L Bhagat || B D Jiglekar || S B Chaudhari || V Y Deshpande |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1409011518 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Data on 4581 Holstein Friesian or Jersey x Local crossbreed animals sold during January 2010 to June 2021 by 2072 farmers spread over 173 villages distributed among 23 Cattle Development Centre's (CDC) in Ahmednagar and Pune districts of Western Maharashtra was compiled for studying animal sale pattern. The average sale price realized for field crossbreed animals by the farmers was noticed to be Rs.25570.78±243.99. The reasons for animal sale as attributed by the animal owners were better price, fodder shortage, household needs, surplus animals, animal trading business as livelihood, unsatisfactory production, old age, and problem breeders, etc. The study revealed that CDC category, animal sire, animal sold season, animal lactation stage, animal class, age of the sold animal, type of buyer, and reason for animal sale had significantly affected the animal sale price, while the site of sale and animal sold through (trading system) found non-significant from an animal sale point of view.
Key Words: Crossbreed animals, animal sale pattern, field areas, and reasons for animal sale
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ABSTRACT: Milk production is a viable economic enterprise in Kenya. It supportsthe livelihood of approximately four million Kenyans through food provision, income generation and employment. However, milk production per individual animal in Kenya, averaging seven to nine litres/cow/day, is low compared to the world's best at 10,133 litres/cow/year (28 litres/cow/day). This means that Kenya produces an average of 20 litres of milk less per cow per day compared to the world's best. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of tickcontrol on milk revenue of smallholder farmers in Kapseret Sub-county. The study was conducted between the months of January-March, 2020. Primary data was collected using closed and open-ended questionnaires.Karl Pearson's......
Keywords: correlation, east coast fever,milk revenue, smallholder farmers, production.
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ABSTRACT: The study aimed to evaluate the fatty acid and proximate composition of diets for Nile tilapia containing soybean meal (SBM), canola meal (CM) and sunflower meal (SFM) as replacements of fishmeal (FM). A control diet (D1) of 30% crude protein (CP) was formulated using fishmeal as main protein source. The test diets (D2, D3 and D4) were formulated by replacing 10% CP of FM by SBM, CM and SFM, respectively. The fatty acid profile of ingredients and diets were determined by MPA FT-NIR spectrometer. FM displayed higher CP content (62.60%) followed by SBM (47.38%), CM (34.39%) and SFM (24.81%). SFM had highest crude fibre content (p<0.05) while CM displayed higher figure for ether extracts (p<0.05). Substituting FM with SBM, CM and SFM increased the levels of crude......
Key words: Crude protein, Essential fatty acids, Nile tilapia, Nutrients composition
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ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to analyze value chain financing in small scale rice farming enterprises in Enugu State, Nigeria. This study examined characteristics of actors in the rice value chain in the study area; identified the value chain finance channels available to small scale rice farmers in the study area; examined types of financing and credit needs of the different value chain segments of small scale rice farming enterprise in the study area; assessed the factors influencing financing of different value chain segments of small scale rice farming enterprises in the study area;A total of hundred and forty (140) respondents were sampled for this study. Data collected for the study were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Interms of institutional characteristics, 30.7% of the......
Keywords: Meta-Analysis, Value Chain Financing, Small Scale Rice Farming Enterprises, Enugu State
[1]. Agbaeze, K., & Onwuka, I. (2013). Boosting the Financing of Agriculture in Nigeria: The Capital Market Option. Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, 3, 13.
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ABSTRACT: This study aimed at deriving the effects of applying various types of mulch and NPK fertilizer applications on the growth and production of shallots (Allium ascalonicum L.). The study was conducted in Tigarunggu, Tigarunggu Urban village, Purba Sub-district, Simalungun Regency, North Sumatera Province. The location is ±1400 meters above sea level. The study started from February to May 2021, and was carried out by Randomized Block Design involving two application factors namely, types of mulch and NPK fertilizer dosages. The applied factors were: Factor 1: The Usage of Mulch (M) consisted of three types namely, M1 (without mulch); M2 (paddy straw......
Key Word: Mulch, NPK, Shallots
[1]. Adnan, A. 2019. Effects of Mulch Usage and Planting Space on the Growth and Yield of Shallots Variant Lembah Palu. MitraSains, 7 (1), p.96-112.
[2]. Central Bureau of Statistics (Badan Pusat Statistik). 2020. Production of Shallots in IndonesianProvinces in Years 2015- 2019. Agriculture Ministry of Indonesia Republic (Kementrian Pertanian Republik Indonesia), Jakarta. Accessed on January 15th2021 at 19:00 WIB.
[3]. Carvalho, D.F., E.C. Ribeiro, D.P. Gomes. 2018. Marketable Yield of Onions (Allium cepa L.) under Different Irrigation Depths, with and without Mulch. R. Bras. Eng. Agri. Ambiental. 22: p.107-112.
[4]. Dewantari, R. P., N. E. Suminarti, and S. Y. Tyasmoro. 2015. Effects of Paddy Straw Mulch andWeeding Time Frequency on the Growth and Yield of Soya Bean Plant (Glycine max (L.) Merril). Plant Production Journals. 3 (6): p.487-495.
[5]. Fauzi, I., Y. Hasanah, T. Simanungkalit. 2016. Growth Responses of Shallots (Allium ascalonicum L.) by Mulch Application and Various Planting Space. J. Agroecotechnology 4: p.2173-2180
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ABSTRACT: Tomato production in Kenya is limited due to abiotic and biotic constraints among them water availability and bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum. A study with objective of determining the effects of Allium fistulosumcrude extract concentrations and irrigation levels on Ralstonia solanacearum inhibition in-vitro, and bacterial wilt disease incidence and severity on tomato grown in the greenhouse was conducted at KALRO-Kakamega, Kenya. The experiment employed a single factor treatment design with combination of different levels of Allium fistulosum crude extract and irrigation treated as distinct treatments. A CRD, with three replications were used in both the laboratory and greenhouse experiments. Treatments in the laboratory experimentwere; negative control (distilled water), positive control (Greencop at 50g/20L) and Allium fistulosum concentrations at......
Key Word: Tomato, Inhibition, Greenhouse, Ralstonia solanacearum, In-vitro, Incidence, Allium fistulosum, Severity
[1]. Agather A, Alois PN,Rashid E.M (2017) Identification and management challenges with Ralstonia Solanacearum causal agent of bacterial wilt disease of tomato in Sub-Saharan Africa. Pak J of Biol Sci 20(11):530-542.
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[3]. Anton H, Hann, F, Easther A Bjorn A (2021) Plant products to control Ralstonia solanacearum causing bacterial wilt in tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) in Kenya. Master's Thesis, University of Embu, Kenya (p1-38).
[4]. Balestra G, Heydari A, Ceccarelli D, Ovidi E, Quattrucci, A (2009) Antibacterial effect of Allium sativum and Ficus carica extracts on tomato bacterial pathogens. Crop Protection J 28:807-811.
[5]. Buyela DK (2017) Profiling and pathogenicity of Ralstonia solanacearum disease of tomato and its control using Senna didymobotrya and Moringa oleifera plant extracts. Master's Thesis, Maseno University, Kenya (p1-4).
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ABSTRACT: In the Indian economy, livestock plays a key role. Approximately 20.5 million people rely on livestock. One of the most critical constraints in such a condition is the spread of emerging diseases, which causes reduced milk production, meat production, draft capacity, dung, and hides. Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is an economically significant emerging viral disease of cattle and buffaloes. LSD is associated with the Lumpy skin disease virus (LSDV), a member of the genus Capripoxvirus of the Poxviridae. The LSDV has traditionally been limited to the African continent, but recently it had spread to different parts of the globe. Hence, the significance of this paper is to review available ethno-veterinary practices for LSD control on e-resources.
Key Word: Lumpy skin disease, Livestock, Ethno-veterinary practices, Disease management
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