Series-2 (January 2022)Jan. 2022 Issue Statistics
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ABSTRACT: The chemical analysis of some scavengeable duck feed resources was performed from two coastal districts (Noakhali and Lakshmipur) of Bangladesh. The study was undertaken with an objective to prepare a database of such feeds of the south delta of the country including their chemical composition. Oyster, crab, snail, fish head, duckweed, shawla, and azolla are available feed resources usually scavenged by the duck. Representative samples of feed ingredients were collected, recorded, sun-dried, ground and stored in airtight polythene bags and subsequently analyzed by following standard methods. Proximate components, calcium (Ca) and total phosphorus (TP) were determined.......
Keywords: chemical composition; duck feed resources; proximate components; indigenous ducks
[1]. AKHTER M, CHOWDHURY S.D., AKTER Y. and KHATUN M.A. (2011) Effects of duckweed (Lemna minor) meal in the diet of laying hen and their performance. Bangladesh Research Publications 5: 252-261.
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[4]. BISWAS M.S.A. (2003) Study on the seasonal availability and chemical composition of scavengable feed resources for ducks in Patuakhali district, MS Thesis, Department of Poultry Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202.
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ABSTRACT: The experiment was undertaken to study the effect of different nutrient density diets on laying performance of indigenous ducks under scavenging system of rearing in two coastal districts of Bangladesh. The experiment was conducted at Ramgati and Raipur upazilas of Lakshmipur district and Begumgonj and Subarnachar upazilas in Noakhali district. A total of 60 farmers were randomly selected from two districts who had six ducks of 22 weeks of age. In the study areas, the control group was reared under traditional feeding practices as followed by the farmers. In addition to scavenging, the birds belonged to supplementary feeding groups received a layer ration either BR+RP (50:50), LND diet (14% CP and 2500 kcal ME/kg), MND diet (16% CP and 2700 kcal ME/kg) or HND diet (18% CP and.....
Keywords: Indigenous ducks, supplementary feeding, nutrition, performance, scavenging system
[1]. Amin MM 1999: Poultry disease in Bangladesh. Present status and control strategies. International Poultry show and Seminar organized by the World's Poultry Science Association- Bangladesh Branch, Dhaka. pp. 81-51.
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[5]. Das SC, Chowdhury SD, Khatun MA, Nishibori M, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y 2008: Poultry production profile and expected future projection in Bangladesh. World's Poultry Science Journal 64 99-116.
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ABSTRACT: The information available regarding the utilization of iron (Fe) from different Fe sources at a target tissue level is not well known. It detect differences in Fe metabolic utilization among Fe sources, the effect of intravenously injected Fe on growth performance, hematological indices, tissue Fe concentrations and Fe-containing enzyme activities and gene expressions of Fe-containing enzymes or protein in broilers was investigated. On d 20 post-hatching, a total of 535 male chickens were randomly allotted to 1 of 9 treatments in a completely randomized design. Chickens were injected with either a 0.9% (wt/vol) NaCl solution (control) or a 0.9% NaCl solution supplemented with Fe sulphate or 1 of 3 organic Fe sources. The 3 organic Fe sources were Fe chelates with weak, moderate or extremely.....
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ABSTRACT: Milk is the essential component of our daily diet, especially for young ones. So the present research paper studies contents and nutritive properties of milk of livestock. For this study physico-chemical analysis applied. Milk samples of Surti Buffalo had higher pH, titratable acidity, total solids, solid not-fat (SNF), ash, fat, protein, lactose, total Nitrogen and some selected minerals viz., Calcium, Phosphorous and Chloride content than Nimari cow and Sangamneri goat. Whereas Sangamneri goat milk samples were having higher water and magnesium content than that of milk samples collected from Nimari cow and Surti buffalo. Milk of Surti buffalo was rich source of macro nutrients (fat, protein, lactose and selected minerals than that of Nimari cow milk. Surti buffalo milk was more energetic, than that of milk of Nimari cow and Sangamneri goat.
Key Words: pH, S.N.F, goat milk, titratable acidity, macro nutrients
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[3]. Ahmad, I.S. Gaucher, F. Rousseau, E. Beaucher,M. Piot, J.F. Grongnet & F. Gaucheronl. Effects of acidification on physico-chemical characteristics of buffalo milk: a comparison with cow's milk. Food Chemistry.2008.106: 11-17.
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[5]. Arora R., N. Bhojak and R. Joshi. Comparative Aspects of Goat and Cow Milk. 2013.Vol. 2 Issue 1,p.07-10.
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ABSTRACT: China is in the process of transformation and upgrading from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture. The mechanization level of crops is constantly improving, and the types and quantities of agricultural machinery are increasing year by year. Fatigued driving is one of the important causes of agricultural machinery accidents, and fatigue driving detection of agricultural machinery has become a research hotspot. This paper reviews the definition of fatigue and driving fatigue, and two methods for fatigue detection, namely the subjective test and objective test, the former including subjective since the evaluation method and subjective evaluation method, which include testing the driver's physiological characteristics, behavioral characteristics, vehicle movement characteristics, and multiple information fusion methods, and summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of various testing methods, It provides an important basis for the study of fatigue driving detection of agricultural machinery in China.
Key Word: agricultural machinery production safety, fatigue driving, fatigue detection, development trend
[1]. Pang Huishan, Zhang Lingcong. Review on Measurement Methods of Driving Fatigue [J]. Ergonomics,2018,24(2):82-86.
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ABSTRACT: Background. Optimizing the use of rice straw which is the main waste of food crops as feed, is a vital step in developing an integrated livestock-farming business with the "SIMANTRI" pattern. The high lignocellulosic is the main limiting factor for use of rice straw as feed. Utilization of lignocellulolytic bacteria as starter inoculants for rice straw is a strategy developed in this study.
Material and Method. Lignocellulolytic bacteria isolated from the rumen fluid of Bali cattle (R) and termites (T) use in this study, namely; R1=Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain BR9LS, R2=Bacillus subtilis strain BR4LG, R3=Bacillus subtilis strain BR2CL, R4=Paenibacillus dendritiformis strain BR3XY, and T1=Aneurinibacillus sp. strain BT4LS, T2=Aneurinibacillus sp.....
Keywords: Lignocellulolytic Bacteria, Inoculants, Bali Cattle Rumen Fluid, Termites, Lignocellulosic
[1] Partama, I. B. G., I M. Mudita, I G.L.O. Cakra, A.A.P.P. Wibawa, T. I. Putri. 2017. Blood Chemistry Profile of Bali Cattle Fed Silage Rice Straw and Biosupplement of Selected Rumen and Termites Lignocellulolytic Bacteria Consortium. Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences. Section B: Biological Sciences. Vol. 7, No. 4. August 2017–October, 2017; 1280-1288. DOI:10.24214/jcbps.B.7.4.128088; Available from URL:
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ABSTRACT: The objectives of this on-farm demonstration were to create awareness on the availability and importance of the new tef varieties and to create wider demand pull by reaching large number of users over relatively wider geographical area. In addition to this the study aimed to enhance institutional and functional linkages with key players through joint actions and performances. Training and experience sharing events like field days were used to demonstrate the new improved tef varieties. For the on-farm demos seeds of the newly released varieties were provided to farmers at the rate of 10 kg/ha on a revolving seed loan basis. The plot size was 10 m x10 m at all locations. Data were collected through field observation and direct measurements. A field day was organized at maturity stage at all three sites.....
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[4]. Kebebew Assefa, Solomon Chanyalew and Zerihun Tadele. 2013. "Achievements and Prospects of Tef Improvement" Proceedings of the Second International Workshop, November 7-9, 2011, Debre Zeit, Ethiopia.
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ABSTRACT: Background: Durum wheat is a main staple food in the world. Landraces are locally adapted and are important genetic resources in new breeding programs to develop quality attributes of wheat varieties. Therefore, this study aims to compare some physico-chemical properties of improved durum wheat genotypes with those of landraces and to identify traits that correlated positively with protein content for use as selection criteria in durum wheat breeding programs......
Keywords: Landraces; protein content; quality traits; variability
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Agricultural Extension Service Approach in Ethiopia from where to where? A Review |
Country | : | Ethiopia |
Authors | : | Truayinet Mekuriaw |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/2380-1501026876 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Since research-based agricultural extension services started to be provided to the surrounding farming communities by the then Alemaya College of Agriculture (currently Haramya University of Agriculture) in 1953, the country has implemented several agricultural extension systems at different times aimed at supporting rural communities. Under Ethiopia's current Agriculture Development-Led Industrialization (ADLI) strategy, the extension system remains a critical tool. The government of Ethiopia firmly believes that an effective and efficient extension system must play an important role in bringing about agricultural growth and transformation by facilitating adoption and utilization of yield- and quality-increasing agricultural technologies......
Key Words: Agriculture, Agricultural extension, Approach
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