Series-1 (March 2022)Mar. 2022 Issue Statistics
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ABSTRACT: This study on determinants of entrepreneurship decision for agricultural business among tertiary graduates was conducted in Delta state, Nigeria. The research described selected socio-economic characteristics of graduates involved in agri-business in Delta State; identified agricultural business enterprises operated by graduates in the study area; determined factors that influenced graduates decision to take to entrepreneurship in agricultural business in the study area and identified factors that constrain graduates from investing in agricultural business in the study area. Purposive and multistage random sampling techniques were employed in selecting sample (120 graduates) for the study. Data generated were analyzed descriptively and by inferential statistics using Probit regression model.....
Keywords: Determinants, Entrepreneurship, Decision, Agricultural Business, Tertiary Graduates, Delta State, Nigeria
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ABSTRACT: Plant protection operations are generally done using hydraulic energy sprayers, gaseous energy sprayers, centrifugal energy sprayers and kinetic energy sprayer. Nozzle selection is one of the most important decisions to be made related to pesticide applications. In pesticide application, accuracy and uniformity of application is most important to avoid adverse effects of pesticides on environment and crop injury, and reduced pest management. A poor choice in spray nozzles selection, or use of under-performing nozzles, can lead to re-spraying and reduced performance, so one should be very particular regarding use of nozzles. Mechanical Patternator is the most direct method.......
Keywords: Pesticide, Nozzle, Spray, Pattern, Uniformity, Drift, Field.
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ABSTRACT:the average value of total value of vegetable oils and fats imports amounted to about 996 million dollars. The deficit in the trade balance is about 880 million dollars during the study period (2001-2019).
The research goal identifies the impact of categories (family size - average annual household income - educational degree of the head of the family) on the average annual per capita share of different types of vegetable oils. The research relied on the quantitative descriptive and analytical approach, The research relied on published and unpublished data and the data obtained from the study sample.
Results: The regions of East, West, North, and South Cairo represent about 42%, 13.7%, 16.7%, and 27.6% of the total study sample of about.....
Key words: vegetable oils, annual per capita consumption, gap, self-sufficiency ,food security
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Costs and Returns to the Agricultural Enterprises among the Military Personnel |
Country | : | Nigeria |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1503013037 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Agriculture is the only form of enterprise military personnel are officially allowed to embark on in addition to defending the Nation and ensuring its national security. While the military are engage in different agricultural enterprises, there is insufficient empirical information on the returns to agricultural enterprises among the personnel. The aim of the study was to investigate economic analysis of agricultural production enterprises among the Nigerian military personnel. The objectives were to: (i) identify the major agricultural enterprises; and (ii) evaluate the costs and returns to the agricultural enterprises. The population for this study comprised all Nigerian military personnel.....
Key words: Costs and Returns, Agricultural Enterprises, and Military Personnel
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ABSTRACT: By dividing the structural parts of the maize plant, the morphological parameters of the maize plant height, minimum ear bearing height, ear length, ear big end diameter, stalk length, and stalk diameter were measured and counted, and the regression fitting model of maize plant height and minimum ear bearing height was obtained; The analysis method of frequency distribution histogram is used to count and analyze the diameter of different nodes of corn stalk, and the moisture content at different positions of corn stalk is measured according to the determination method of GB/T1931-2009, which provides a basis for the determination of parameters of ear picking device of corn combine harvester.
Key words: Maize plant, Biological characteristics, Moisture content, Determination
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ABSTRACT: Entrepreneurs have the potential to contribute to society in effective way and Researchers have tried to analyze their personalities, skills and attitudes, as well as the conditions that foster their development. The entrepreneurial behavior was studied with respect to ten dimensions. The study was conducted in Khargone district of Madhya Pradesh. Khargone district with 120 farm women. Results found that the entrepreneur behavior of women vegetable growers table relevant that majority (56) of the respondents were found who have medium entrepreneur behavior, 34 respondent were found who have high entrepreneur behavior and 30 respondents were found who have low entrepreneur behavior
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ABSTRACT: Studies to determine performance of vegetables cowpea as influenced by sowing dates were conducted in 2020 and 2021 cropping seasons in Cross River University of Technology Obubra, Teaching and Research farm, Agronomy Department. Experimental design was randomized complete design treatments were seven sowing dates(10th March, Aril, May, 3th June, August, September, and October ) with four replications. Data were collected on growth and yield parameters. Result showed that difference sowing dates significantly affected growth and yield of cowpea . Early sowing dates of 10th March and April gave higher vegetative growth (leaves , branches, taller plant heights and dry matter of plant fractions) than late sowing. Pods and seed yields per plant and per hectare were significantly higher in late planting of August and September 2020 and 2021 cropping seasons. The highest seed yield of (in 2020 and in 2021) per hectare and 100 seed weight (in 2020 and in 2021) were produced by cowpea planted in 3th August . Farmers are advised to cultivate cowpea on 3th August for optimal growth and yield in South, South agro ecological zone .
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ABSTRACT: Mineral and vitamin deficiencies affect poverty-stricken people in developing countries in a disproportionate manner because poor people cannot afford a diversified diet. Food source such cereals and legumes provide nearly all the vitamins and minerals requirement of humans to maintain a healthy body but processing technique such as soaking tend to deplete the essential nutrients including vitamin C and minerals from these food sources. The effect of water soaking temperature on minerals and vitamin in maize varieties was investigated. Abotem, Abeleehi and Dorke SR varieties of maize were soaked at different water soaking temperatures of 30oC, 40oC.....
Keywords: Soaking; leaching; mineral content; vitamin content
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