Series-1 (July 2022)July 2022 Issue Statistics
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ABSTRACT: Diseased Millet seedlings in the cultivated farmlands of Aliero were studied to identify the causative microorganisms. Samples were purposely collected after identifying them by visible symptoms. Collection was in three locations; Kali (KAL), Government science secondary school (GSSS) and Labana (LBN). The samples were taken to the Microbiology laboratory of Kebbi State University of Science and Technology Aliero in sterile polythene bags. Nutrient and potato dextrose agars were used to culture bacteria and fungi respectively. The results revealed that GSSS had the highest bacterial load of 6.6x105cfu/g while Labana had the lowest bacterial load of 2.1x107cfu/g, but same......
Key words: Millets; Bacteria; Fungi; Aliero.
[1]. Hassan, Z. M., Sebola, N. A. and Mabelebele, M. (2021). The nutritional use of millet grain for food and feed: a review. Agriculture and Food Security. 10: 16-21.
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ABSTRACT: This study was designed to evaluate pituitary function and its gonadotropic activity by inference via characterization of semen (milt) parameters of African catfish following extension in different milt extenders including Soya milk, Coconut water and Coconut milk based extenders to justify pituitary extraction as well as compare longevity of the germ cells in those media and see possibility of replacing egg yolk based extenders with those media for Catfish milt under chilled condition. Pooled milt from 5 male brood stocks of catfish aged 16-18 months old and weighing 1.25-1.60kg and measuring 52.4-54.0cm in length were used for this experiment. Volume of semen was observed and recorded. The color was graded from creamy to watery. A drop of fresh semen was made on a pre-warm glass slide and covered with a warm cover slip. The sample was viewed under light microscope......
Key words: Catfish, Pituitary, Gonadotropic, Milt, Extender, Longevity
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ABSTRACT: Among the blood parasites in mammals are Eperythrozoon, Haemobartonella and Trypanosoma species. Which are extracellular of RBCs. Their effects on the susceptible hosts vary from mild effect to death. Haemobartonella and Eperythrozoon species are currently classified as Rikettsiae (order: Rickettsiales) because of their small size and staining properties, their uncultivated status, their transmission by arthropod vecrots and their haemotrophic character. Haemobartonella and Eperythrozoon differ from Anaplasma in that they are wall less attach to the surface of red cells and do not invade the erthtocytes. Haemobartonella and Eperythrozoon species in different animals have been shown to be transmitted by various blood – feeding arthropods, including tick, lice, fleas, flies and mosquitoes.....
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Peste Des Petits Ruminants (PPR) of small ruminants in Iraq (A review) |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Ghaswan F. Alwan || Kamal M. Al Saad |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1507012023 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) is a highly contagious viral disease of sheep and goats with high morbidity and mortality rate. The disease is of considerable economic importance in all countries, where small ruminant products are more important. This review will highlight the importance of the disease in Iraq and its possible epidemiological criteria with suggested control measures advised, the causative virus PPRV has been registered in most of Iraq, However, The diagnosis concentrated on the clinical manifestations encountered by diseased animals, post mortem lesions.....
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ABSTRACT: Nephentes propagation by tissue culture is influenced by several factors, one of which is the growth media. This study aims to determine the appropriate media for Nephentes in vitro germination. The explant source was Nephentes seed pod which was obtained from the forest of Uwe River Village, Paser Regency. The pod washed then dipped in 96% alcohol and burned in LAF. Then the Nephentes seeds were planted into MS media (½ , ¼ , 1/6, 1/8) combined with additional coconut water (100 ml, 200 ml). The results showed that the use of single 1/6 MS media resulted in the highest seed germination rate and the fastest germination time, which was 4 weeks after culture (WAC)..
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ABSTRACT: Background: This study has been carried out to clarify the differences between the qualitative and quantitative methods for detecting the presence of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) in pasteurized milk. After a historical overview on milk pasteurization, the individual methods are described, mentioning the positive and negative points of each method. Materials and Methods: A comparison was conducted between a series of different commercially available kits for proper milk pasteurization process (both quantitative and qualitative) and an experimental test kit, named ''AP test''. Results: Several commercial kits, e.g. Lactognost Heyl III are obsolete and the accepted limits from the regulatory Authorities for proper.....
Key Words: Alkaline phosphatase , AP test, Milk Pasteurization, Quantitative Method, Qualitative Method
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ABSTRACT: This research aims to discover the average income of watermelon farmers in Tajur Village, Long Ikis District, Paser Regency, to determine the average income of watermelon farmers in Tajur Village Long Ikis District Paser Regency, to find out whether watermelon cultivation is feasible in Tajur Village. Long Ikis District, Paser Regency. This examine was conducted in Tajur Village, Long Ikis District, Paser Regency, from September 6, 2020, to December 30, 2020. By using two data sources, namely primary data and secondary data. The sampling technique in this study was the Total Sampling method used for farmer respondents. The number of respondents in this study.....
Key Words: R/C,feasibility, watermelon
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ABSTRACT: This study aims to determine the role of farmer groups and income in lowland rice farming in AnjirSerapatBaru Village 1. The research period starts from April to November 2021. This study was sourced from primary and secondary date using a survei method, sampling usang a porposive sampling method, the number of respondents was 20 people from 80 farmers in AnjirSerapatBaru Village 1.The result of the research in AnjirSerapatBaru 1 Village, AnjirMuara District, Barito Kuala Regency, showed that the role of farmer groups based on 3 function, namely as a learning class was at a medium level, as a vehicle for cooperation at a higt level, and as a production unit at a high level.....
Key Words: Rice Farming ; Cost; Role; Farmer Group; Income
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ABSTRACT: Fresh tomatoes are readily available in abundance during the harvest seasons, but due to short postharvest life (post harvest loss), they are only available for a short period of time, except they are quickly and properly preserved. 3 in 1 Balanced Tomato Powder is the sundry of combined grinded fresh tomatoes (3.4kg), sweet pepper (1.8kg) and sardine fish (500g) that have been dehydrated by being placed in the sun for four days in green house. When they are dried, the 3 in 1 balanced tomato powder shrinks up (618g) losing over 90% of its water weight. The study.....
Key Words: Tomato, Pepper, Fish, Powder, Sundry, Income generation.
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ABSTRACT: This study evaluated the ability of regional climate models to reproduce the observed climatology and the impacts of climate change on rain-fed maize in the district of Bohicon in Benin for two horizons: 2030 and 2050. The observed climate data and ten CORDEX Regional Climate Models data in their historical and projected parts were used under scenarios RCP4.5 and RCP8.5.For regional climate evaluation, seasonal cycles were analyzed in addition to statistical metrics (correlation, RMSE, and variance) to verify good agreement between the models and observations. Regarding climate change impacts, a biophysical model (AquaCrop) was used. The results showed that MIROC, MOHC.......
Keywords-Climate change, AquaCrop, maize, DMR-ESR-W, Bohicon.
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