Series-1 (Sep. 2022)Sep. 2022 Issue Statistics
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ABSTRACT: The objective of the paper is to analyse the policy issues and impact of agricultural development in Odisha. The study is based on secondary data from 1990-91 to 2018-19 collected from Economic survey reports, Department Of Agriculture and Farmers' Empowerment, Planning and Convergence Department of the State of Odisha, Directorate of Economics and Statistics etc. A comparative analysis has been done using ANOVA to find out how the agriculture productivity before the introduction of State's agriculture policy in 2008 and revision of the same policy in 2013.Aricultural development is vital for the economy of Odisha as 49% of the workforce are engaged in this sector. According to the World Bank report 2009 agricultural growth can bring quick reduction in poverty.......
Key Word:Agricultural Policy, Comparative Analysis, Crop Diversification, Gross Cropped Area, Economic Reform
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ABSTRACT: Sweetpotato is an important food, feed and vegetable crop in most tropical developing countries. The decision to adopt a new cultivar is complexly related to field and yield performance as well as consumer taste acceptability. The objective of this study was toidentify sweetpotato management system andconstraints to farmers, traders and consumers in Niger and Nigeria. The study was carried out for both Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and Semi-Structured Questionnaire (SSQ) in Niger and Nigeria. Data was collected using established Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) tools and was analysed using "R" software version 3.1.5. The results revealedthat in Niger, sweetpotato is men crop, while it is women crop in Nigeria mostly in South-East part. The main top five production constraints in Niger were sweetpotato weevil (Cylaspuncticolis) (61.11%), caterpillar (44.44%), drought stress (40.00%), post-harvest......
Key words: sweetpotato, constraint, end used, Niger, Nigeria
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ABSTRACT: 180 day- old broiler chicks were used in a study designed to evaluate the effects of different levels of feed restriction at the growing period on the physiological response and performance of broiler chickens under the humid tropical conditions of hot season. The experiment consisted of four quantitative feed restriction treatment groups, each in three replicates of 15 birds per replicate. The treatments indicate the proportion of total daily allowance of feed restricted and offered to groups: T1 (0%), T2 (15%), T3 (30%) and T4 (45%). The experiment was framed in a Completely Randomized Design and was conducted in the hot season (April, May and June). Feed was restricted during the third, fourth and fifth weeks of age. Blood samples were collected from three birds in each of the....
Key words: Feed, Quantitative, Hot season, Protein, Intake, Broilers
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ABSTRACT: Background: Meat and meat products are important foods with essential nutritional components such as essential amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals that form a significant component of the normal physiological and biochemical processes. The microbiological quality of meat and meat products can be judged by the hygienic quality. Raw meat and other meat products can act as vehicles of various hazards that may have serious impact on human health. There are various types of hazards, which may be chemical, biological or physical. From safety viewpoint, refrigerated meat and meat products have been linked to outbreaks of pathogenic bacteria like Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella, and many others, thus, consumers may be exposed to food borne illness through unsafe preparation of such products. Therefore, the study investigated the chemical composition and microbial load in processed meat products available in different companies in Bangladesh.......
Keyword: Quality, assessment, meat products, different companies, safety issue
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ABSTRACT:Background: Along with the thoughts that Indonesian farmers are increasingly being pushed to increase the production of rice paddy in order to meet their needs but are constrained by a lack of labor, farmers solve this problem by using technology, specifically a combine harvester, to overcome these problems, which aims to harvest optimal rice paddy production in a short time with the use of minimal labor.
Methods: The number of people sampled was 60, and the sampling method was simple random sampling. Interviews, observations, questionnaires, and documentation were used to collect data. The Wilcoxon test is the data analysis technique used.......
Key Word: harvest, combineharvester,rice paddy
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ABSTRACT: The study evaluated gender policy in agriculture of Nigerian government in the North East region of the country. Three research questions guided the study. The design for the study was descriptive research design. The population of the study comprise of rural women farmers in the North East and the sample was 384 rural women farmers randomly selected in the region. Structured questionnaire was used to obtain data for the study. The questionnaire was subjected to face and content validity by four experts, two from the Department of Vocational and Technical Education, Adamawa State University Mubi and two from the Department of Vocational Education, ModibboAdama......
Key Word: Evaluation, gender policy, agriculture, north east
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Evaluation of the properties of open yarn-woven blended fabrics after dyeing processes |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1509014849 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of different treatments processes such as, treatment using sodiumhydroxide via conventional technique, via microwave irradiation technique, using sodiumhydroxide and methanol via microwave irradiation technique, and one bath one reactive dyeing on tensile strength, pilling tendency, air permeability, color efficiency and rubbing fastness properties of cotton/polyester/linen fabrics (ClP)plain fabrics, produced with ring spun yarns. The samples have the advantages of less hairiness, a smooth surface and improved mechanical properties, such as breaking force & elongation, color efficiency, rubbing fastness and air permeability. However, the pilling properties of the fabrics and the tensile strength of the fabrics produced with are better.
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ABSTRACT: Flash floods affect rice seedlings severely, therefore improvement and selection of flash flood tolerance in rice plants is very much important. This study was carried out to determine the response of rice genotypes (Oryza glaberrima Steud; O. sativa L.) to flash flooding in Gombe State, Nigeria. In the study 10 varieties of rice were subjected to degrees of sub-mergence under water in randomized complete block design (RCBD) replicated three times.Results indicated FARO 44 was maximum in the shoot elongation at five days after de-submergence under control and ratio of submergence to de-submergence......
Keywords: Gombe, flooding, rice genotypes, submergence, principal component analysis
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ABSTRACT: Alabio duck is the superior poultry germplasm of South Kalimantan, where the meat is much sought after, because of its deliciousness, rich in protein, fat and minerals needed by the body. One of the processed products of alabio duck meat that is much favored by the public is roasted duck, the delicacy of roasted alabio duck is not only favored by local people as well as tourists visiting South Kalimantan, because the quality of alabio duck meat must be considered. The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not the contamination of salmonella sp. on alabio duck meat sold at the Banjarbaru City Traditional Market.......
Key Word: Alabio ducks; market; germplasm; zoonoses.
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ABSTRACT: Background: Spinal disorders in dogs are usually associated with some neurologic dysfunctions like paresis or paraplegia and more common in thoracolumbar spinal segment. Survey radiography and myelography are commonly used for the diagnosis of spinal disorders but with poor diagnostic efficiency. Computed tomographic (CT) is an emerging important diagnostic tool, especially in canine orthopaedic cases and provide advantage over radiographs...........
Key words: Fracture, Computed tomography, Dogs, Radiography
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