Series-1 (June 2023)June 2023 Issue Statistics
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ABSTRACT: Chili is a high-value plant in Indonesia, but its productivity is still low due to soil fertility issues, especially on ultisol soil. Mycorrhiza and biochar are beneficial for plant growth and nutrient absorption. Mycorrhiza improves nutrient availability and soil structure, while biochar enhances mycorrhizal root colonization and soil characteristics. This study aims to examine the effects of mycorrhizal biographical fertilizer and rice husk biochar on the growth and yield of chili plants in ultisol soil. This research was carried out at the Eastern Sector Experimental Garden, Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University, which took place from January to June 2022. This study......
Keywords: Ultisol, Mycorrhiza, Biochar
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ABSTRACT: This study assessed the training needs of smallholders' food crop farmers in Teso-South Sub-County of Busia County, Kenya. A gendered analysis approach was taken and three research questions were adopted, which were; What are the training needs of smallholders food crop farmers? What is the relationship between gender and previous training of smallholders' food crop farmers? Is there a relationship between gender and training needs of smallholders' food crop farmers? A survey research design was employed and a structured questionnaire with both closed and open ended question was used to collect data from 124 smallholders' food crop farmers who were selected proportionately from the wards in Teso South Sub-County.The findings revealed that more......
Keywords: Food security; Gender; Smallholders famers; Training Needs
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design And Development Of Manually Operated Cotton Seeding Machine |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prof. A. P. Rajurkar |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/2380-1606012124 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: India is a developing country and agriculture field is backbone of Indian economy. The involvement of technology in agricultural field will have great impact in reducing the consumption of input resources and effective utilisation of them. Cotton is one of the major plant taken in India. Conventional cotton sowing methods requires much physical efforts, labour, money and time. Also it has specific requirements has to be fulfilled such as depth of sowing, distance between two crops as well as rows has to be maintained. There are various machines available......
Keywords: Cotton plantation, Reduction of input sources, chain and sprocket, efficient economy.
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[5]. Central Institute of Cotton Research, Nagpur, Technical Bulletin No. 35,
[6]. Soil Working Equipment-Cultivators. Animal drawn-Specification(Second Rivision), Indian Standard 3342:1998
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ABSTRACT: Background Astaxanthin is a fat soluble carotenoid with strong antioxidant activity , which can effectively enhance animal immunity and has coloring function. Materials and Met hods : In this study, the fermentation method of solid-state fermentation of astaxanthin with Phaffia rhodozyma was evaluated. Two fermentation methods were studied, namely two-stage fermentation with aerobic culture and sealed culture, and reserved air fermentation. After two methods of fermentation, the astaxanthin content and acid soluble protein/crude protein relative content in the feed were selected as the main indicators for weighted evaluation.....
Keywords: Astaxanthin S olid state fermentation Phaffia rhodozyma
[1]. Ambati R R , Phang S M , Ravi S , et al. Astaxanthin: Sources, Extraction, Stability, Biological Activities and Its Commerc ial
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ABSTRACT: Background: An Extender Is Needed To Preserve The Fertility Of Spermatozoa During A Period Before Being Used For Artificial Insemination. The Complete Extender Should Be Containing Buffer, Nutrition, Energy, Anti-Cold-Shock, And Antioxidant To Preserve And Protect Spermatozoa From Any Destructive Substances And Free Radicals.This Study Was Performed To Investigate The Fertility Of Bali Bull Spermatozoa During Chilled Storage In Synthetic Cauda Epididymis Plasma Egg Yolk (S-CEPEY) Extender Added By Guava Filtrate (GF).
Materials And Method.....
Keywords: Artificial Insemination; Extender; Fertilization; Gestation Rate; Semen
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