Version-3 (Jan-2014)
Version 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4 Version 5
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ABSTRACT: Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) is widely cultivated in hill slopes of Manipur under organic farming system for multipurpose use as fuel, fodder, vegetable, pulse etc. The growing sites where survey was conducted showed different degree of disease incidence and severity of wilt in pigeonpea caused by Fusarium udum. Maximum disease incidence (58.77 % ;early maturing (V1 ) & 42.74% ;late maturing (V2)) and severity (55.22% ; V1 & 40.96% ; V2) were found at sampling sites (Motbung ; V1 & Kanglatongbi ; V2) where pigeonpea is grown continuously. Disease progress is slow during the early phases of growth but accelerates during the flowering and podding stage. Rate of infection was highest in flowering and podding stage and there was slight variation in area under disease progress curve between the sampling sites. Significant positive and negative correlations were observed between disease incidence and severity and meteorological factors.
Keywords: Apparent rate of infection, AUDPC, Epidemiology, Fusarium udum, Wilt.
[1] M.K. Naik and M. V. Reddy, Pathometry of Fusarium wilt ofpigeonpea. In K. Muralidharan and C. S. Reddy (Ed.), Plant disease problems in central India.Proc. Symp. Central Zone,Indian Phytopathological Society, 1991, 35-40.
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[5] M. V. Reddy, T. N. Raju, S. B. Sharma, Y. L. Nene and Mc Donald, Handbook of pigeonpea diseases. Information Bulletin no. 42, (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Patancheru, A. P., 502 324, India,1993) 8.
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ABSTRACT: A comparative study on the texture, flavor, taste, appearance and acceptability of smoked and electric dried Synodontis vermiculatus was carried out at Amukpe Sapale local government of Delta state Nigeria, to determine the best processing and storing methods to be adopted by the fisher folk. The fish was processed for a period of 20 hours during the smoking while the processing time for the electric drying was for a period of 14 hours. A panel of 20 gave the electric dried dried S.vermiculatus the best score while the acceptability rate was given to the smoked fish.
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[5]. Eyo, A.A. (2006). Fish Processing Technology in the tropics. University of Illorin Press. 2nd Edition, pp 1-300.
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ABSTRACT: The present study was carried out from October 2011- September 2012 to study the potential risk factors associated with the coccidiosis in sheep in Kashmir valley. The risk factors under study were Breed, Feeding system, Watering system, Housing pattern, floor type, and Flock size. A total of 192 samples were examined for the infection. During the study it was found that a total of 54.68% samples were infected with coccidian Oocysts. Non local (exotic) breed of sheep was found to have higher percentage prevalence of coccidiosis being 68.18% than local breed being 36.5%. More infection was found in sheep of larger flock size and reared on the non-cemented floor pattern with stastically significant difference. Similarly more infection was found in sheep having ground pattern of feeding and given stream water but the data was stastically non significant. However Housing pattern of the animals had no impact on the prevalence of the disease.
Key Words: Coccidiosis; Prevalence; sheep; Kashmir; Risk factors.
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Key Words: Agricultural Development Pattern Planning Spatial.
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Keywords: Napier grass, fruit peels, organic matter, volatile fatty acids, methane, microbial protein.
[1]. Adeyosoye, O.I., Adesokan, I.A., Afolabi, K.D. and Ekeocha, A.H. (2010). Estimation of proximate composition and biogas production from in vitro gas fermentation of sweet potato (Ipomea batatas) and wild cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta) peels. African J. Environ. Sci. and Tech., 4(6): 388—391.
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Key words: Biogas plant residues, poultry manure, ladies finger, growth, yield.
[1] S. K. Sanwal, K. Lakminarayana, R. K. Yadav, N. Rai, D. S. Yadav and B. Mousumi, Effect of organic manures on soil fertility, growth, physiology, yield and quality of turmeric. Indian Journal of Horticulture, 64(4), 2007, 444-449.
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Keywords: Dried Poultry Droppings: Sorghum Stover: Yankasa Rams.
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Key words: Necrotic enteritis, Clostridium perfringens, acidifiers.
[2]. Barnes, H.J. (1997). Clostridial diseases. In: Diseases of Poultry. CALNEK, B.W., BARNES, H.J., BEARD, C.W., MCDOUGALD, L.R. & SAIF, Y.M. 10th.Ed.Iowa State University Press Ames,Iowa USA. pp 255 – 264
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Key words: Meloidogynesp, Lycopersiconesculentum, Lycopersiconpimpinellifolium.
[1] P. Surya. Nitrogen effect on fruit set, yield and quality of heat tolerant tomato. 1993, P.121- 124. In: Training Report 1993. ARC-AVRDC, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand.
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Keywords: Scarabaeinae, Gymnopleurina, Gymnopleurus, Karyotype, Chromosomal analysis.
[1] I. Hanski, Y. Cambefort, Dung beetle ecology, (Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, 1991).
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Keywords: About fisher, cluster, multi stage, characteristic, household, fishermen.
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[2]. Abo-Shetaia,. A. M., and A.M. Soheir. 2001 Yield and yield components responses of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) to phosphorus fertilization and micronutrients. Arab Univ. J. Agric. Sci. 9: 235-243.
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Keywords: Kerau, kriging,semivariograms, variation, vertisols, interpolation.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Use of Wire Suture for the Management of Fractures in Calves |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Md. Maksudul Alam || Nasrin Sultana Juyena || Md. Mahmudul Alam || Raihana Nasrin Ferdousy || Sattwikesh Paul |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/2380-07139096 ![]() |
Keywords: calves, fracture, fixation, wire suture.
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