Version-2 (Jan-2014)
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ABSTRACT: The experiment was carried out during Rabi season 2013-14, Department of Biological Sciences, SHIATS, Allahabad (U.P.) the influence of organic, inorganic nutrients forms and plant growth regulators on various morphological growth, biochemical traits, and yield components in tomato (Lycopersicum esculetium. L.) The experiment was consisting of two organic i.e., FYM and vermicompost at two different concentrations, one P-solubilizer nutrients viz., KNO3 and FeSO4 and plant growth regulators viz., salicylic acid and GA3 with three replications. Significant differences were observed for various morphological, biochemical and yield attributes due to the application of organic, nutrients and plant growth regulators. The plant height increased significantly due to the application of salicylic acid (50 ppm) and P-solubilizer (2.5 kg/ha). The morphological traits viz., number of branches, in leaf increased significantly due to application of organic, nutrients and plant growth regulators. Among various treatments the application of GA3 (20 ppm), P-solubilizer (2.5 kg/ha) and vermicompost (2 t/ha) were effective in increase plant height, leaves, fruit diameter, & number of fruit. The biochemical parameters tested, like chlorophyll content was significantly higher with GA3 (20 ppm) followed by vermicompost (2 and 1t/ha).
Key words: FYM, GA3, Lycopene, PGR , salicylic acid.
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ABSTRACT: An experiment on the influence of different planting methods on succession of rice yellow stem borer was carried out in rice field. This experiment was carried out with conventional (Transplanting) and SRI method of paddy cultivation. Under conventional method, yellow stem borer infestation appeared peak during first week of September (5.58% DH) and 1st week of October (5.79% WEH). In SRI method, the peak incidence was observed during first week of September (4.19% DH) and at last week of September (4.93% WEH). The results of both methods indicated that the weather parameters had less influence on the activity yellow stem borer damage.
Keywords: Conventional, Parameters, SRI, Weather, Yellow stem borer.
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ABSTRACT: Experiment was conducted at the landscape unit of Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola, to study the effects of organic materials on phosphorus forms under submerged condition in the soils of Geriyo Irrigation project. Soils were incubated with cowdung and poultry droppings at 5, 10 and 15 tons/ha for a period of 90 days. Soil samples were collected at 30, 60 and 90 after submergence and processed for analyses. Results showed that the soils were slightly acidic, low in total nitrogen, available phosphorus, effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC), and percent base saturation (PBS). Characterized organic materials showed higher N, P, and K contents in poultry droppings while cowdung had higher moisture and organic carbon contents. Irrespective of the type of organic materials, total P, organic P, available P and other forms of P increased significantly (p<0.05) with increasing levels of organic materials in both trials. In the first trial, total P and organic P increased at 60 days of submergence and declined afterwards while available P progressively increased up to 90 days of submergence, saloid P and aluminum bound P progressively decreased up to 90 days of submergence while iron and calcium bound P were highest at 60 days of submergence. In the second trial, total P and organic P progressively decreased with time while available P decreased at 60 days of submergence, saloid, aluminum and iron bound P were highest at 60 days of submergence. This implies that the use of poultry droppings in the soils of Geriyo irrigation project may ensure the supply of phosphorus to sustain rice production despite the seasonal flooding in the area with high risk of iron toxicity/ antagonism.
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ABSTRACT: The fresh water catfish is the most predominant species of the teleost bred in captivity in Nigeria and has provided a model for the study of reproduction in aquatic vertebrates, but information on the number of mitotic divisions and spermatogonial generations remains inconclusive. This investigation aimed at assessing the number of generations of spermatogonia produced prior to meiotic division during spermatogenesis. Results indicate that spermatogenesis occurred in cysts and germ cells at the same stage of maturation formed clones round the Sertoli cell. Spermatogonia went through 5 rounds of mitotic divisions to produce 6 generations of B clones (B1-B6) before producing primary spermatocytes, secondary spermatocytes and haploid spermatids . The process of spermiation was not synchronized in all clones of the cysts. Cellular maturation and spermiation occurred in the most advanced clones. Each cyst appeared to simulate the spermatogenic process that occurs in the seminiferous epithelium of mammalian testis. It is concluded that spermatogenesis in captive bred African catfish Clarias gariepinus is cystic, and that spermatogonia arrangement in the cysts is unrestricted and progresses through 5 mitotic divisions to produce 64 spermatogonia type B , 100 mono-flagellated spermatozoa. Approximately, 68% germ cells complete spermatogenesis, following 32 % germ cell loss.
Keywords: Catfish, germ cell cyst, spermatogenesis, spermatogonia, testis
[1] Schulz, R.W., L.R. de Franca, J.J. Lareyre, F. Le Gac, H. Chiarini-Garcia, R.H. Nobrega and T. Miura, 2010. Spermatogenesis in fish. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol., 165: 390-411.
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ABSTRACT: Low dry matter intake on rice straw due to nitrogen content of rice straw is low, so it is not able to support the growth of rumen microbes. Supplementation and synchronizing the rate degradation of protein and organic matter in the rumen can increase microbial protein production. The objective of this research was to determine the effect of synchronizing the rate degradation protein and energy of feed base on rice by product on fermentation characteristic and synthesis protein microbial on in vitro condition. Dietary treatments contained 3 level of synchrony indeks (0.4; 0.5 and 0.6) that were derived from nutrient content and degradation parameters of feedstufs using nylon bag technique. This research was using randomized complete design. Synchronization index affected to the concentration of acetic acid (P = 0.007), propionic acid (P = 0.020), butyric acid (P = 0.029), CH4 (0.031) and ratio of C2: C3 (0.013). Improved synchronization index led to a decrease in acetic acid and CH4 and increase efficiency of microbial protein synthesis. This result indicated that the improvement of synchronization index can improve feed efficiency, reduce global warming and it can be expected to improve the productivity of livestock.
Key words: feed base on rice by product, fermentation characteristic, in vitro, synchrony indeks, synthesis protein microbial
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ABSTRACT: In this study bacteria were isolated from alkali cleaning solution used for cleaning of pasteurization in a Dairy Plant. The thermoduric bacteria from these samples were isolated after laboratory pasteurization in nutrient agar. The isolated samples were identified as genus Bacillus by morphology, cultural characters and biochemical reactions. The isolates were subjected to various pH treatments ranging from 4.5 to 10.5 and temperature range of 60 to 80̊C. The growth of organisms estimated by enumeration of organisms at different times and the growth rate of each isolates at each pH values were calculated and plotted as a function of time.
Key Words: acid adaptation, alkali adaptation, heat adaptation, Thermoduric Bacilli
[1]. Alvarez, S., N. Gobbato, E., Bru, A. P., Holagdo, D.R. and Perdigon, G. 1998. Specific immunity induction at the mucosal level by viable Lactobacillus casei, A perspective for oral vaccine development. Food Agri.Immunol. 10:79-87
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ABSTRACT: this research was carried out to study the resource use efficiency of low land rice production in Katcha Local Government Area of Niger State. The specific objectives were to determine the resource use efficiency, describe socio-economic characteristic of low land rice farmers and problems faced by low land rice farmers in study area. Two districts were purposively selected out of which ten villages were randomly selected.And random sampling proportional to size of each village was used to select 200 rice farmers using 1991 census figure. Descriptive statistics was used to examine socio-economic characteristic and production experience of rice farmers. Production function analysis was used to determined resource use efficiencyin low land rice production of the farmers. The result of descriptive statistic indicated that 86.5% of low land rice farmers were between the ages of 20 -50 years. Majority of the farmers were literate with long experience of rice cultivation. The M V P/M F C ratio of resources like farm size, seed material, Agro chemical and fertilizer were underutilized because their ratio were greater than 1 while family and hired labor ratio of MVP/MFC shows over utilization because their ratio were less than 0 which means all resources were inefficiently utilized. The best fit analysis which is lead equation was semi log with F- value of 94.831, and R2 of 0.747. Farm size seed materials and fertilizer were significant at 1% level of probability. The elasticity of production was 0.724 indicating decreasing return to scale. It was recommended that the use of farm size, seed rate, agro chemical and fertilizer be increased while the use of family and hired labor should be reduced.
Key words: low land rice, resource use efficiency, small scale production and Niger state.
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ABSTRACT: Foot rot is a painful condition resulting in moderate to severe lameness in cattle but with early intervention and vigorous treatment, most cases will have a favourable outcome. A 4 year old Kedah-Kelantan cow weighing 250kg was presented to the large animal unit of the University Veterinary Hospital, Universiti Putra Malaysia, with the complain of lameness for 5 days. Physical examination findings were pyrexia, inappetence and lameness. Blood analysis revealed neutrophilia with left shift, while the biochemical analysis revealed an increase in aspartate aminotransferase, creatine kinase and globulin levels. Bacterial culture from the swab samples of the cow's hoof revealed growth of Corynebacterium pyogenes. The hoof was disinfected with povidone iodine and Benacillin injection (25mg/kg), Flunixine meglumine (1.1 mg/kg) and multivitamin (10mg/kg) injections were administered intramuscularly. The hoof was washed with 5% copper sulphate solution once daily. The prognosis was good after a follow up visit one week later. Early intervention is paramount in addressing foot rot caused by bacterial organisms in cattle.
Keywords: Corynebacterium pyogenes; Foot rot; Lameness; Hoof
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Haematological profile of crossbred Malabari goats in peripartum period |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rejitha, J. Karthiayini, K. |
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: | 10.9790/2380-07624344 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: This study was performed to evaluate the effect of peripartum period on haematological parameters using eight non pregnant and eight pregnant does (100-110th day of pregnancy to one week after kidding). Haematological analysis included haemoglobin concentration (Hb), packed corpuscular volume (PCV), total erythrocyte count (TEC), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH) and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC). The whole data were analyzed using computerized software program SPSS Ver. 17.0. Haemoglobin concentration was the only haematological parameters that showed a higher significant (P<0.01) difference in does during the peripartum period than the non pregnant (9.17±0.11 g %) does. While there were no significant differences (P>0.05) observed in other haematological parameters. So study indicates that haematological imbalances are unlikely to occur during peripartum period in crossbred Malabari does when properly managed.
Key words: crossbred Malabari does, haematological parameters, peripartum period
[1]. M.S. Al-Eissa, S. Alkahtani, H. Al-Yahya and M. AL-Marzoug, M. Effect of pregnancy on haematological and biochemical profiles in the mountain gazelles (Gazella gazelle). Curr. Res. J. Biol. Sci. 4(4), 2012, 526-532.
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[5]. M.M.A. El-Sherif and F. Assad, Changes in some blood constituents of Barki ewes during pregnancy and lactation under semi arid conditions. Small Ruminant Res. 40(3), 2001, 269-277.
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ABSTRACT: Today, tropical diseases pose significant risk to animal and human populations worldwide. Most of which were classified as neglected tropical diseases, having an enormous impact on socio-economic development and quality of life at all levels particularly in developing countries. At present, a lot of research is committed to sleeping sickness, not only because they are major killing diseases but also because disease control becomes more difficult due to a number of factors that limit the utility of current drugs in resource-poor settings, such as high cost, poor compliance, drug resistance, low efficacy and poor safety. Hence, the search for new and preferably cheap drugs needs to be continued Natural products are still major potential sources of innovative therapeutic agents for various conditions, including infectious diseases as they represent an unmet source of chemical diversity. This study was conducted in order to determine the anti-trypanosomal properties of crude chloroform extract (CCE) of Rosmarinus officinalis. A total of thirty rabbits (n=30) of about 5 - 6 months old, weighing 1.5 – 2.5 kg were enrolled and divided into six main groups of five animals each. The course of Trypanosoma evansi infection in rabbits was followed for 48 days post-infection. Animals were closely observed for clinical examination. Blood samples were taken to measure haematological and biochemical parameters. Our results revealed abnormalities in all investigated parameters in infected group. In contrast, animals treated with CCE of Rosmarinus officinalis showed normalization in their haematological and biochemical values thereby confirming their anti-parasitic properties.
Keywords: chloroform extracts of Rosmarinus officinalis, Trypanosoma evansi, Parasitaemia levels, haematological and biochemical values, rabbits.
[1]. Adrian, M. S., Sani, R. A., Hassan, L. & Wong., M. T. 2010. Outbreaks of trypanosomiasis and the sero-prevalence of T. evansiin a deer breeding centre in Perak, Malaysia. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 42: 145–150.
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[3]. Bozin, B., Mimica-Dukic, N., Samojlik, I., Jovin, E., 2007. Antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of rosemary and sage (Rosmarinus officinalis L. and Salvia officinalis L., Lamiaceae) essential oils. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 55, 7879–7885.
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