Version-1 (March – April 2017)
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Abstract: An accurate and detailed knowledge of theIdentification,composition and distribution of malaria vectors is needed to guide malaria control programmes.An investigation to accurately identify malaria vectors using standard molecular protocols was carried out in selected rural and urban communities in Benue State, North Central Nigeria where such baseline data was not previously available. Sampling was carried out using Pyrethrum Spray Catch (PSC) from January to December 2015. A total of 1,734 mosquitoes were recorded of which Culex peaked 1,410 (81.31%), Anopheles 276 (15.92%),Mansoni 14(0.81%), Aedes 3(0.17%) and unidentified accounted for 31 (1.79%)..............
Key words: An.gambiae, M, S & H forms, Distribution map, PCR, PCR-RFLP, North Central, Nigeria
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Abstract: A high sensitive and stable amperometric biosensor was developed using cholesterol oxidase, chitosan and multiwall carbon nano tubes (MWCNT's) in order to determine total cholesterol in serum samples. Cholesterol oxidase was covalently immobilized on MWCNT's; this enzyme was coated over glassy carbon electrode (GCE) and then a layer of chitosan deposited to prevent enzyme leaching. The ChOx/MWCNT/Chitosan was characterized using fourier transformed-infrared (FT-IR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), cyclic voltammetry (CV) and amperometric analyses. These studies indicate immobilization of cholesterol oxidase..............
Key words: Amperometric biosensor, cholesterol, cholesterol oxidase, multiwalled carbon nanotubes
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Abstract: The pollution of the ecosystem by the industrial effluents and sewages has different consequences as air and food contamination with the toxic agents such are heavy metals. It constitutes a significant risk of public health.Six (6) batches of 5 males and females rats were made up. These rats were contaminated with various doses of cadmium sulfate (0; 4; 5; 6, 6,6; 10; 20 mg/kg of body weight) by daily during 30 days. At the end of the experiment, animals were sacrificed and their blood serum is used for the dosage of spleen biochemical parameters. Also, the spleens of these animals were extracted and weighed..............
Key words: Cadmium sulfate, spleen, histopathology, biochemical parameters, weight
[1] N. Pirarat, P. Chotipong, P. Singhasenee, Toxicity of Cadmium on Tilapia (Oreochromisniloticus) Spleen: Proc. 15th Congress of Federation of Asian Veterinary Association, 2008, 143-144.
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Abstract: Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (AChE), the metabolizing enzyme of acetylcholine is evolving as the most important therapeutic target for development of cognitive enhancers. However, AChE activity in brain has not been properly evaluated on the basis of sex. In the present study, AChE expression was investigated in different brain areas of cerebrum and cerebellum in male and female Hemidactylus frenatus. On comparing male and female genders, increased AChE activity was seen in cerebrum and cerebellum of female Hemidactylus frenatus. However, no significant change in AChE activity was found between cerebrum and cerebellum within the same male and female.............
Key words: Acetylcholinesterase; Physiology; Invertebrates; Vertebrates; Cerebrum
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Abstract: The increase in brain size during development of an organism is due to an increase in the number and the size of the cells and therefore DNA and RNA content. RNA amount is considered as a reflection of basic functional activity.The prime goal of this study is to compare the accumulated data about various species by defining the differences and the similarities of RNA content in the cerebrum and cerebellum. Differences in the whole body weight, cerebrum and cerebellum weight between in relation to total brain weight of all the five vertebrate species have been compared..............
Key words: RNA; Physiology; Invertebrates; Vertebrates; Cerebrum; Cerebellum
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Microbial Conversion of Vegetable Wastes for Bio fertilizer Production |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | D. Indumathi |
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: | 10.9790/264X-03024347 ![]() |
Abstract: Microbial degradation has recently emerged as a simple but efficient biotechnological tool for recycling organic wastes to produce better end product with the help of some specific group of decomposing bacteria. Studies were carried out to screen the soil borne bacteria from decomposing vegetables and fruits. The collected samples were subjected to Total microbial count, Standard plate count, Coli form count and Biochemical tests to identify the bacteria present in it. Bacillus sp. and Pseudomonas sp. dominantly found in the sample were identified and confirmed by their morphological.............
Key words: Compost, Bacillus spp. and Pseudomonas spp.
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Abstract: Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease characterized by increased blood glucose levels as a result of a lack of insulin or the body is unable to use insulin. One of the plants that have the potential to lower blood glucose levels of diabetics mellitus is cinnamon and tea. Testing the effect of cinnamon tea and tea to the insulin that play a role in decreasing blood glucose levels. Therefore, to investigate the effect of cinnamon tea and tea drinks is the most effective on blood glucose levels, body weight, and plasma insulin levels respondents diabetes mellitus type 2. Treatments consisted of a control group and two treatment groups. The control group is a negative control (diabetes mellitus.............
Key words: Diabetes mellitus; cinnamon extract; blood glucose; plasma insulin
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Abstract: Docking studies are proved to be an effective tool that facilitates the structural diversity of products to be connected in an organized manner. The aim of the present investigation is to prove that violacein is a broad range anti-cancerous drug as compared to other available drugs. In this study protein structure similarity of different proteins that are responsible for causing various types of cancer were studied using BLAST. Among all the proteins under study, maximum structural similarity of 75% identity was seen between the protein receptors PU1 and p53 and 71% similarity between RB and FGFR. Their efficiency of their binding properties.............
Key words: Anti-Cancerous drug, ArgusLab, Cancer, Docking, SwissDock and Violacein
[1] Sun. D, Li .Z, Rew .Y, Gribble. M, Bartberger. MD., Beck .HP, Canon .J, Chen .A, Chen. X, Chow. D, Deignan. J, Duquette. J, Eksterowicz, J, Fisher.B, Fox. B, Fu. J, Gonzalez. AZ, Gonzalez-Lopez De Turiso F, Houze. JB, Huang. X, Jiang. M, Jin. L, Kayser, F, Liu. J.J, Lo,MC, Long. AM, Lucas. B, McGee. LR., McIntosh. J, Mihalic. J, Oliner. JD, Osgood. T, Peterson. ML, Roveto. P, Saiki. AY, Shaffer. P, Toteva. M, Wang. Y, Wang, YC., Wortman, S., Yakowec, P., Yan, X., Ye, Q., Yu, D.Yu, M., Zhao, X., Zhou, J., Zhu, J., Olson, SH., Medina, JC. Discovery of AMG 232, a potent, selective, and orally bioavailable MDM2-p53 inhibitor in clinical development. J. Med. Chem. 57, 2014, 1454–1472.
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[3] Timothy C Johnstone, Kogularamanan Suntharalingam, Stephen J Lippard. The Next Generation of Platinum Drugs: Targeted Pt(II) Agents, Nanoparticle Delivery, and Pt(IV) Prodrugs. Chem. Rev. 116, 2016, 3436–3486.
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Abstract: Childhood obesity has grown at an alarming rate, and is associated with metabolic disturbances that determine a higher risk of type 2diabetes and atherosclerotic vascular disease in adulthood. These disturbances may arise at a veryearly age in obese children. These metabolic disturbances may be associated with insulinresistance (IR), a systemic low-grade inflammatory state andendothelial dysfunction. Objective:to determine the concentration levels of some inflammatory markers in obese pre-pubertal children, and their possible relation with metabolic syndrome..............
Key words: Childhood obesity, metabolic syndrome,insulin resistance and endothelial dysfunction
[1] Inge TH, King WC, Jenkins TM, et al.The effect of obesity in adolescence on adult health status. Pediatrics132(6), 2013,1098-104.
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Abstract: Eggplant (Solanum melongena) is recognized as one of the most important members of the Solanaceae family. Knowledge of brinjal genome organization is rather limited compared to other Solanaceous crops, especially tomato and potato. It is essential to develop an efficient method to build the fingerprinting database of commercial brinjal hybrids and their parental lines for seed purity analysis. Use of morphological differences, between true hybrids and off types in grow out test (GOT) for genetic purity analysis, are not always apparent and cannot be recognised easily.............
Key words:Agarose gel electrophoresis; Brinjal; Genetic purity; High resolution melting curve analysis; Solanum melongena
[1.] MC Daunay, RN Lester, G Ano ,Cultivated eggplants, Tropical plant breeding, Oxford university press, Oxford, United
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[4.] Manisha Mangal,Priti Upadhyay,Pritam Kalia,Characterization of cultivated and wild genotypes of brinjal(Solanum melongena L.)
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assessed by simple sequence repeats (SSRs) markers. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 11(90), 8 November, 2012, pp. 15643-
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Abstract: Asparagus is a spring vegetable, considered as a delicacy in the vegetable world. It is a nutrient dense, low calorie vegetable with no fat. It has a distinct savory flavor. Asparagus contains unique array of phytonutrients and is an important source of inulin, the digestive support nutrient. It has high amounts of vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, iron and calcium. It also acts as diuretic. The benefits of asparagus are unexplored in traditional Indian cuisine which makes it interesting to explore its nutritional, biochemical and organoleptic profile. Asparagus has been found to contain anti-fungal, anti-cancer activities. It is a rich source of fiber and helps to maintain a healthy digestive system. Asparagus is believed to balance and rejuvenate the reproductive system in women..............
[1]. Biochemical Methods-3rd Edition Sadashivam S, Manickam A. (New age international (P) Ltd. Publishers.(ISBN 81-224-0976-8)
[2]. Research Methodology Methods and Techniques-2nd Edition, -C.R. Kothari (New age international (P) Ltd. Publishers. ISBN 81-224-1522-9).
[3]. Pearson's Composition and Analysis of Food by R.S.kirk, R. Sawyer and H.Egan.
[4]. Research Methodology Methods and Techniques-2nd Edition, -C.R.Kothari (New age international (P) Ltd. Publishers. ISBN 81-224-1522-9).
[5]. Pearson's Composition and Analysis of Food by R.S.kirk,R. Sawyer and H.Egan.
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Abstract: The fig (Ficus carica) is widely cultivated plant in the mulberry family (Moraceae). Ficus carica grows in tropical and sub-tropical regions of India. A wide range of size, shape (round, oblate and oblong) and colour (yellow green, purple green and purple black) are found. The plant has a great involvement in curing many diseases and is used as a medicinal plant. They are consumed fresh as well as in the dried form among the masses. For this reason, comparative studies were carried out for establishing the nutritional profiles of fresh fig fruit and dried fig fruit..............
Key words:Fresh Fig, Dried Fig, Comparative studies, Sensory Evaluation, Biostatistical analysis, Therapeutic agents, Nutraceutical food.
[1]. Biochemical Methods-3rd Edition Sadashivam S, Manickam A. (New age international (P) Ltd. Publishers.(ISBN 81-224-0976-8)
[2]. Research Methodology Methods and Techniques-2nd Edition, -C.R. Kothari (New age international (P) Ltd. Publishers. ISBN 81-224-1522-9).
[3]. Pearson's Composition and Analysis of Food by R.S.kirk, R. Sawyer and H.Egan.
[4]. Research Methodology Methods and Techniques-2nd Edition, -C.R.Kothari (New age international (P) Ltd. Publishers. ISBN 81-224-1522-9).
[5]. Pearson's Composition and Analysis of Food by R.S.kirk,R. Sawyer and H.Egan.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Fabrication and Testing of Institutional Stove Using Abura Wood as Fuel |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Oji Akuma || Ameh Emma |
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: | 10.9790/264X-0302105110 ![]() |
Abstract: The fabrication and testing of an institutional stove was undertaken in this work. The stove consists of the riser, combustion chamber, skirt, chimney and the stove body. A comparative test with a traditional stove was also carried out employing a water boiling test. Efficiency metrics obtained from the test were used to compare the performance of both stoves. The results obtained show that the time to boil 10 liters of water for the institutional stove was 28 minutes while it took the traditional stove 67 minutes. A high power hot phase test of the institutional stove consumed 1043.728 grams of equivalent dry wood while 1533.306 grams were consumed by the traditional stove............
Key words:institutional stove, wood, fuel, sustainable, environment
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[3]. Emerhi E. A., 2011, Physical and combustion properties of briquettes produced from sawdust of three hardwood species and different organic binders, Advance in applied science research, 2 (6) : 236-246.
[4]. Ijagbemi C. O., Adepo S. O., and Ademola K. S., 2014, Evaluation of combustion characteristic of charcoal from diffent tropical wood species. IOSR Journal of engineering, Vol. 6 Pg 50-57.
[5]. Larry W., 2006. The Institutional Rocket Stove. Retrieved on August 17, 2016 from