Series-1 (Sep. – Oct. 2024) Sep. – Oct. 2024 Issue Statistics
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Comparative Study Of Bioethanol Precursors And Production Methods |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Pranav Nath |
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: | 10.9790/ 264X-1005010108 ![]() |
Abstract: The aim of this study was to investigate the bioethanol yield per unit mass of feedstock for the three generations of bioethanol feedstock. The first-generation feedstock has readily available sugars for fermentation whereas the second and third-generation feedstocks are composed of cellulosic material that needs to be broken down into simple sugars before fermentation into ethanol. The hypothesis was that the first-generation feedstock would yield a greater yield for this very reason. The feedstocks used were beetroot juice, sugarcane bagasse, and Callicostella Prabaktiana moss as the first, second, and third-generation feedstocks respectively. The beetroot juice was treated with lime....
Keywords: bioethanol, generation, feedstock, beetroot, sugarcane bagasse, dilute-acid pretreatment
Alonso, D. M., Bond, J. Q., & Dumesic, J. A. (2010). Catalytic Conversion Of Biomass To Biofuels. Green Chemistry, 12(9), 1493-1513.
Balat, M., Balat, H., & Öz, C. (2008). Progress In Bioethanol Processing. Progress In Energy And Combustion Science, 34(5), 551-573.
Cavelius, P., Engelhart-Straub, S., Mehlmer, N., Lercher, J., Awad, D., & Brück, T. (2023). The Potential Of Biofuels From First To Fourth Generation. Plos Biology, 21(3), E3002063.
Chung, I. K., Oak, J. H., Lee, J. A., Shin, J. A., Kim, J. G., & Park, K. S. (2013). Installing Kelp Forests/Seaweed Beds For Mitigation And Adaptation Against Global Warming: Korean Project Overview. Ices Journal Of Marine Science, 70(5), 1038-1044.
Harinikumar, K. M., Kudahettige-Nilsson, R., Devadas, A., Holmgren, M., & Sellstedt, A. (2020). Bioethanol Production From Four Abundant Indian Agricultural Wastes. Biofuels
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Abstract: The environmental microbial composition and diversity are sensitive key indicators of the impact of organic pollutants on the environment. The inherent characteristics give microbes the ability to bioremediation polluted environments provided favourable environmental and nutritional conditions are ensured in bringing about their optimal activities. The study aims to isolate and identify enzymes associated with pesticide tolerance and degradation. Pure cultures of bacteria and fungi were isolated from soil contaminated with glyphosate in Ikorodu farm.....
Keywords: Microorganisms, Enzymology, Synthesis, Extract, Concentration, Optimal Activities
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Abstract: This study focused on a comparative phytochemical analysis of butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea), pink periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus), and marigold (Tegetes erecta), flowers using methanol as the solvent. To identify and quantify secondary metabolites we employed liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Also treated with the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) for the antioxidant activity assay and the antimicrobial properties tested by the disk diffusion tests. Our findings revealed diverse phytochemical profiles for each flower species....
Keywords: alkaloids, Catharanthus roseus, Clitoria ternatea, methanol, phenols, phytochemicals, Tegetes erecta linn., antioxidant activity
Abdiwijoyo M., Yulianti E., Limanan D., Ferdinal F. 2021. Phytochemical Screening And Total Antioxidant Capacity Of Marigold Leaf Extract (Tegetes Erecta L.). Advances In Health Science Research, 41:39-44.
[2] Abijeth B, Ezhilarasan D. Syringic Acid Induces Apoptosis In Human Oral Squamous Carcinoma Cells Through Mitochondrial Pathway. Journal Of Oral And Maxillofacial Pathology, Jomfp. 2020 Jan-Apr;24(1):40-45. Doi: 10.4103/Jomfp.Jomfp_178_19.
[3] Adeyi Oe, Somade Ot, Ajayi Bo, James As, Adeyi Ao, Olayemi Zm, Tella Nb. Syringic Acid Demonstrates Better Anti-Apoptotic, Anti-Inflammatory And Antioxidative Effects Than Ascorbic Acid Via Maintenance Of The Endogenous Antioxidants And Downregulation Of Pro-Inflammatory And Apoptotic Markers In Dmn-Induced Hepatotoxicity In Rats. Biochem Biophys Rep. 2023 Jan 14;33:101428. Doi: 10.1016/J.Bbrep.2023.101428
Anjali, Kumar S., Korra T., Thakur R., Arutselvan R., Kashyap A. S., Nehela Y., Chaplygin V., Minkina T., Keswani C. 2013. Role Of Plant Secondary Metabolites In Defence And Transcriptional Regulation In Response To Biotic Stress, Plant Stress. 100154:1-19.
Archna Karel, Hanwant Kumar And Bhaswati Chowdhary. 2018. Clitoria Ternatea L. A Miraculous Plant. Int.J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 7(9): 672-674. Doi: Https://Doi.Org/10.20546/Ijcmas.2018.709.079
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Abstract: Cordycepin, chemically known as 3'-deoxyadenosine, is a biologically active natural compound with anticancer, antiviral, and immunomodulatory properties, etc. It holds great potential as a therapeutic agent and functional ingredient. With the identification of the cordycepin biosynthetic gene cluster in Cordyceps militaris, various yeast platforms have been engineered to establish cell factories for cordycepin synthesis, addressing the limitations of low yield and high cost associated with chemical synthesis and extraction from natural sources. Our laboratory previously developed a Pichia pastoris strain THP292.......
Keywords: Cordycepin; Surfactant; Pichia pastoris; Fermentation.
[1]. Cunningham KG, Manson W, Spring FS, Et Al. Cordycepin, A Metabolic Product Isolated From Cultures Of Cordyceps Militaris (Linn.) Link. Nature 1950;166:949.
[2]. Zhou X, Meyer CU, Schmidtke P, Et Al. Effect Of Cordycepin On Interleukin-10 Production Of Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells. European Journal Of Pharmacology 2002;453:309-17.
[3]. Jin Y, Meng X, Qiu Z, Et Al. Anti-Tumor And Anti-Metastatic Roles Of Cordycepin, One Bioactive Compound Of Cordyceps Militaris. Saudi Journal Of Biological Sciences 2018;25:991-995.
[4]. Tuli HS, Sandhu SS, Sharma AK. Pharmacological And Therapeutic Potential Of Cordyceps With Special Reference To Cordycepin. 3 Biotech 2014;4:1-12.
[5]. Jeong MH, Lee CM, Lee SW, Et Al. Cordycepin-Enriched Cordyceps Militaris Induces Immunomodulation And Tumor Growth Delay In Mouse-Derived Breast Cancer. Oncology Reports 2013;30:1996-2002.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Case Study: Comprehensive Review Of Ten Disease |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sheetanshu Patil |
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: | 10.9790/ 264X-1005013134 ![]() |
Abstract: The growing global burden of diseases necessitates a comprehensive understanding of their
epidemiology, pathophysiology, and management strategies. This case study aims to provide an in-depth review
of ten prevalent diseases, highlighting key aspects such as their causes, clinical presentations, diagnostic
methods, and treatment options. By examining a diverse range of illnesses, including infectious, noncommunicable,
and chronic conditions, this review seeks to offer a holistic perspective on the challenges and
advancements in medical science. Furthermore, this case study explores the social, economic, and public health
implications of these diseases, contributing to the broader effort of improving healthcare outcomes and disease
prevention strategies......
[1] American Diabetes Association, 2011. Standards Of Medical Care In Diabetes—2011. Diabetes Care, 34(Supplement_1),
[2] Whelton, P.K., 2017. 2017acc/Aha/Aapa/Abc/Acpm/Ags/Apha/Ash/Aspc/Nma/Pcna Guideline For The Prevention, Detection,
Evaluation, And Management Of High Blood Pressure In Adults: A Report Of The American College Of Cardiology/American
Heart Association Task Force On Clinical Practice Guidelines [Published Online Ahead Of Print November 13,
2017]. Hypertension.
[3] Parums, D.V., 2023. Global Initiative For Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (Gold) 2023 Guidelines For Copd, Including
Covid-19, Climate Change, And Air Pollution. Medical Science Monitor: International Medical Journal Of Experimental And
Clinical Research, 29, Pp.E942672-1.
[4] Gbd 2019 Diseases And Injuries Collaborators, 2020. Diseases And Injuries Collaborators. Global Burden Of 369 Diseases And
Injuries In 204 Countries And Territories, 1990-2019: A Systematic Analysis For The Global Burden Of Disease Study
2019. Lancet, 396(10258), Pp.1204-1222.
[5] Wiley, J., 2021. Alzheimer's Disease Facts And Figures. Alzheimers Dement, 17(3), Pp.327-406.
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Abstract: The evergreen, thorny, spiny blooming tree Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Del, often known as the "desert date," grows to a height of about 10m and is a fantastic medicinal source for curing diseases. It belongs to the Balanitaceea family, which is widely distributed in the arid regions of southern Asia and Africa. Saponins, flavonoids, alkaloids, lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, and organic acids are among its constituents. The present study, therefore, focusses on the phytochemicals that have antioxidant activity and are found in the Balanites aegyptiaca seed ethanol extract......
Keyword: Phytochemicals, extract antioxidant
[1] Tesfaye, A. (2015). Balanites (Balanite Aegyptiaca) Del., Multipurpose Tree: A Prospective Review. International Journal Of Modern Chemistry And Applied Science, 2(3), 189-194.
Ibrahim, M. B. Sustainability And Community Development Relevance Of Desert Date (Balanites Aegyptiaca) In The Sudano-Sahelian Zone Of Nigeria.
Tesfaye, A. (2015). Balanites (Balanite Aegyptiaca) Del., Multipurpose Tree: A Prospective Review. International Journal Of Modern Chemistry And Applied Science, 2(3), 189-194.
Saboo, S. S., Chavan, R. W., Tapadiya, G. G., & Khadabadi, S. S. (2014). An Important Ethnomedicinal Plant Balanites Aegyptiaca Del. Am. J. Ethnomed, 1(3), 122-8.
Mohamed, A. M., Wolf, W., & Spiess, W. E. L. (2002). Physical, Morphological And Chemical Characteristics, Oil Recovery And Fatty Acid Composition Of Balanites Aegyptiaca Del. Kernels. Plant Foods For Human Nutrition, 57, 179-189.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Global Warming And Climatic Changes: Challenge Ahead And Sustainability |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Anand Mohan || Baidyanath Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/ 264X-1005014049 ![]() |
Abstract: Naturally variation in solar irradiance, variations in orbital parameters of earth and volcanic activities cause climate change. Portion of incoming solar energy reflects back to space. However, a portion of such outgoing energy is absorbed by atmospheric gases and dusts. This causes an increase in temperature of earth and its atmosphere. The gases which trap the heat energy are known as greenhouse gases. This exponential increase in surface temperature of the earth and the global sea level in the last few decades is a major aspect of climate change........
Keywords: Global Warming, Greenhouse gases, climatic changes
IPCC (2007): Impacts, Adaptation And Vulnerability. Contribution Of Working Group II To The Fourth Assessment Report Of The Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change, M.L. Parry, O.F. Canziani, J.P. Palutikof, P.J. Van Der Linden And C.E. Hanson, Eds., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 544.
Macrae, P., (2008): We Are Long Way From Global- Warming' Oblivion', False Alarm, Retrieved From
Http://Www.Paulmacrae.Com/?P=29on July.05.2015.
Alister Doyle (2007): Fossil Antarctic Animal Tracks Point To Climate Risks, Science, Reuters, Apr.25.2007. Retrieved From Http://Www.Reuters.Com/Article/2007/04/25/Us-Mine-Norway-Idusl2441335120070425on July.05.2015.
Climate Research Unit (2009): Available At [Http://Www.Cru.Uea.Ac.Uk/].
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Abstract: Ayurvedic medicines, which have been used for health and wellness for centuries, often include various trace elements that can have both therapeutic benefits and toxic effects. This study focused on measuring the concentrations of trace elements in four commonly used Ayurvedic medicines—Arogyawardhini Bati, Ekangveer Ras, Laxmi Vilas Ras, and Shirashooladivajra Ras—using Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES). These medicines are known to contain metals and minerals as essential components, which can pose health risks if they are present in high amounts. The samples underwent an acid digestion process and were analyzed for elements such as Cobalt (Co),Copper (Cu),Iron (Fe),Manganese (Mn) and Zinc (Zn) and other metals.........
Keywords: Ayurvedic medicines, trace elements, human health Quantity assessment ICP-OES.
[1] A. Bhalla, A. K. Pannu, Are Ayurvedic Medications Store House Of Heavy Metals?, Toxicology Research, Volume 11, Issue 1, February 2022, Pages 179–183.
[2] Aronson Jk. Cobalt. In: Aronson Jk, Ed. Meyler's Side Effects Of Drugs. 16th Ed. Waltham, Ma: Elsevier; 2016:490-491.
Ashutosh Gupta, Ramesh Kumar, Piyali Bhattacharyya, Anupam Bishayee, Abhay K. Pandey (2020), Terminalia Bellirica (Gaertn.) Roxb. (Bahera) In Health And Disease: A Systematic And Comprehensive Review, Phytomedicine, Volume 77, October 2020, 153278.
Ashwini, A.; Kerur,B.R.;(2019).Elemental Analysis Of Ayurvedic Drugs (Bhasma) By Atomic Absorption Spectrometer.Asian Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Clinical Research.12 (3).
Barceloux, D. G. (1999). Cobaltjournal Of Toxicology: Clinical Toxicology, 37(2), 201-216.
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Abstract: Summary The research performs a comprehensive review of the literature on ternary elements in nanotechnology, contextualizing the current scenario of scientific advances in this field. The general objective is to deepen the understanding of the properties, synthesis methods and applications of these nanostructured systems. The adopted methodology consists of a literature review, exploring sources in the SCIELO, Google Scholar and CAPES databases over the last 10 years, both in Portuguese and English. The analysis of the results obtained seeks to identify trends, significant advances and gaps in knowledge, contributing to the current state of knowledge on ternary elements in nanotechnology.
Keywords: Nanotechnology. Ternary elements. Nanostructured properties. Synthesis of nanomaterials
Alves, Ol, Et Al.. Decomposition Of Metalorganic Precursors: A Chemical Technique For Obtaining Thin Films. Química Nova, 25(1), 69-77. Institute Of Chemistry, State University Of Campinas, Cp 6154, 13083-970 Campinas - Sp. Department Of Fundamental Chemistry/Ccen, Federal University Of Pernambuco, 50740-540 Recife – Pe,2002.
[2] Ariga, Katsuhiko; Nishikawa, Michihiro; Mori, Taizo; Takeya, Jun; Shrestha, Lok Kumar; Hill, Jonathan P.. Self-Assembly As A Key Player For Materials Nanoarchitectonics. Science And Technology Of Advanced Materials , [Sl], V. 20, No. 1, P. 51-95, 31 Jan. 2019. Informa Uk Limited. Http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.1080/14686996.2018.1553108 .
Castilho, Amanda Ventura Synthesis And Characterization Of Nanocrystalline Alloys Based On Copper And Zirconium With High Capacity For Glassy State Formation. Dissertation (Master's Degree) – Ufrj/ Coppe/ Nanotechnology Engineering Program, Rio De Janeiro.2017.
Faraz T, Et Al. 2017. Atomic Layer Deposition Of Wet-Etch Resistant Silicon Nitride Using Di(Sec-Butylamino)Silane And N2 Plasma On Planar And 3d Substrate Topographies. Acs Appl. Mater. Interfaces . 9(2):1858-1869.2017.
Https://Doi.Org/10.1021/Acsami.6b12267. Accessed On: October 25, 2023.
Ferreira, Hs, Rangel, Mc (2009). Nanotechnology: General Aspects And Potential Application In Catalysis. Química Nova, 32(7), 1860-1870. 2009. Available At: Doi: 10.1590/S0100-40422009000700033 . Accessed At: 05 Oct 2023.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analytical Description and Future Prospects of Plant Antifungal Proteins |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Reena Tomar |
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: | 10.9790/ 264X-1005016575 ![]() |
Abstract: The fungal infection of crop plants causes yield losses which resulted in financial problems. Chemical fungicides cause environmental crisis and retains in food chain. The present article reviews various potential proteins with antifungal activity, which could lead to provide valuable gene pool for the development of transgenic plants that are resistant to fungal diseases. Most of the antifungal proteins are categorized and placed in different groups but some are still remained uncategorized and studied separately. This review is focused on types of plant antifungal proteins, their mechanisms of action, parameters and their potential applications for developing antifungal plants for future agricultural applications.
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Arakane Y. and Koga D. (1999) Purification and Characterization of a Novel Chitinase Isozyme from Yam Tuber. Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 63 (1): 1895-1901
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[5] Bártová V. , Bárta J. , Vlačihová A. , Šedo O. , Zdráhal Z. , Konečná H. . , Stupková A. & Josef Svajner J. (2018), "Proteomic characterization and antifungal activity of potato tuber proteins isolated from starch production waste under different temperature regimes" Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 102 pp. 10551-10560