Series-1 (Nov. – Dec. 2024) Nov. – Dec. 2024 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Wheat was one of the most widely cultivated and economically significant staple crops globally. Wheat flour was a primary ingredient in various foods, with its quality commonly described by parameters such as moisture, protein, starch, ash, gluten content, and gelatinization characteristics. Understanding these parameters was essential for assessing wheat flour's processing suitability and selecting the appropriate wheat flour type for specific food formulations. This study leverages hyperspectral imaging (HSI) technology to predict the gelatinization characteristics of wheat flour, using peak viscosity as a key indicator.........
Keywords: Hyperspectral imaging; Wheat flour; Near-infrared; Gelatinization characteristics.
Li S, Luo J, Zhou X, Et Al. Identification Of Characteristic Proteins Of Wheat Varieties Used To Commercially Produce Dried Noodles By Electrophoresis And Proteomics Analysis[J]. Journal Of Food Composition And Analysis, 2021, 96: 103685.
Mæhre H, Dalheim L, Edvinsen G, Et Al. Protein Determination—Method Matters[J]. Foods, 2018, 7(1): 5.
Tian W, Chen G, Zhang G, Et Al. Rapid Determination Of Total Phenolic Content Of Whole Wheat Flour Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy And Chemometrics[J]. Food Chemistry, 2021, 344: 128633.
Caporaso N, Whitworth M B, Fisk I D. Protein Content Prediction In Single Wheat Kernels Using Hyperspectral Imaging[J]. Food Chemistry, 2018, 240: 32–42.
Wang G, Wang W, Cheng K,Et Al. Hyperspectral Imaging Combined With Back Propagation Neural Network Optimized By Sparrow Search Algorithm For Predicting Gelatinization Properties Of Millet Flour[J]. Food Science, 2022, 43(19):65-70.
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Abstract: The objective of this study is to evaluate the health safety of fish from the Congo River in its section located in Lualaba Province, in Democratic Republic of Congo. In fact, for several decades, the Congo River has been receiving water polluted with mining waste from the Luilu river, into which the Luilu hydrometallurgical plant discharges its wastes, both solid and liquid. Solid releases contain 3% Cu and 0, 8 % Co while liquid releases contain 1, 5 g/L Cu and 1,0 g/L Co. It also receives, through the Butungu river, water polluted by untreated mine waste from UCK factory of Kolwezi town. The waters of the Butungu river contain Co and Se. All these tailings found in Katanga contain trace metal elements......
Keywords: Fish health safety, Congo River, Metal Trace Elements, Lualaba Province, South-east of Democratic Republic of Congo
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Serotonin (5-HT) Modulation Model Of Motor Neuron Firing Patterns |
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Authors | : | Meléndez-Gallardo, J. |
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: | 10.9790/ 264X-1006011521 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: This study presents a computational model of a motoneuron incorporating the 5-HT1a serotonin receptor and a presynaptic neuron that releases serotonin (5-HT) upon stimulation. The model aims to elucidate the role of serotonin in motor function and its impact on motoneuron excitability. Three key aspects are analyzed: the relationship between 5-HT1a receptor density and firing frequency, the effect of varying 5-HT concentrations on motoneuron....
Keywords: Motoneurons, Serotonin, 5-HT1a Receptor, Central Fatigue.
Perrier J. F. (2016). Modulation Of Motoneuron Activity By Serotonin. Danish Medical Journal, 63(2), B5204.
Kawashima, T. (2018). The Role Of The Serotonergic System In Motor Control. In Neuroscience Research (Vol. 129).
Perrier, J.-F., Rasmussen, H., Christensen, R., & Petersen, A. (2013). Modulation Of The Intrinsic Properties Of Motoneurons By Serotonin. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 19(24). Https://Doi.Org/10.2174/13816128113199990341
Soares, D. D., Lima, N. R. V., Coimbra, C. C., & Marubayashi, U. (2003). Evidence That Tryptophan Reduces Mechanical Efficiency And Running Performance In Rats. Pharmacology Biochemistry And Behavior, 74(2). Https://Doi.Org/10.1016/S0091-3057(02)01003-1
Cotel, F., Exley, R., Cragg, S. J., & Perrier, J. F. (2013). Serotonin Spillover Onto The Axon Initial Segment Of Motoneurons Induces Central Fatigue By Inhibiting Action Potential Initiation. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America, 110(12). Https://Doi.Org/10.1073/Pnas.1216150110.
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Abstract: Glycosylation is the most prevalent and varied covalent modification of recombinant therapeutic proteins. A wide spectrum of roles has been attributed to glycoproteins, reflecting this diversity.N-acetylgalactosamine-4-sulfatase (NAG4S) is a recombinant hu-man enzyme used as replacement enzyme therapy for the treatment of adults and children with mucopolysaccharidosis VI, a rare genetic disorder caused by a deficiency of a lysosomal enzyme. The presence of phosphorylated glycans in NAG4S contributes to the complexity in molecular characterization, attributed to its heterogeneity. This challenge was addressed by comprehensive methods based on mass spectrom-etry detailing the......
Keywords: Galsulfase, Mass Spectroscopy, Glycosylation, Mannose
Varki, A. Biological Roles Of Oligosaccharides: All Of The Theories Are Correct. Glycobiology, 1993, 3(2), 97-130.
Haynes P. A. Phosphoglycosylation: A New Structural Class Of Glycosylation? Glycobiology, 1998, 8, 1–5.
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Upreti, R.K.; Kumar, M.; Shankar, V. Bacterial Glycoproteins: Functions, Biosynthesis And Applications. Proteomics, 2003, 3(4), 363-379.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Algae Technology And The Future Of Sustainable Energy |
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Authors | : | Isabella Jerbi |
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: | 10.9790/ 264X-1006012932 ![]() |
Abstract: As we enter an era where our dependence on sustainable energy is becoming higher than ever, finding solutions that will outlast and outperform fossil fuels is quickly becoming imperative. Even though many alternative energy sources are gaining popularity, we still heavily rely on fossil fuels due to their high quantity and easy access. If we cannot bring our greenhouse gas and carbon emission levels down, it is unlikely that we will be able to reduce or prevent the irreversible damage that climate change has already caused. One of the answers lies in one of the newest biofuel sources: algae biomass.
[1] Ali, Sameh Samir, Et Al. “Recent Advances In Wastewater Microalgae-Based Biofuels Production: A State-Of-The-Art Review.” Energy Reports, Vol. 8, Nov. 2022, Pp. 13253–80. Science Direct, Https://Doi.Org/10.1016/J.Egyr.2022.09.143.
[2] Behera, S., Singh, R., Arora, R., Sharma, N. K., Shukla, M., & Kumar, S. (2015). Scope Of Algae As Third-Generation Biofuels. Frontiers In Bioengineering And Biotechnology, 2. Https://Doi.Org/10.3389/Fbioe.2014.00090
[3] Cavelius, P., Engelhart-Straub, S., Mehlmer, N., Lercher, J., Awad, D., & Brück, T. (2023). The Potential Of Biofuels From First To Fourth Generation. Plos Biology, 21(3), E3002063. Https://Doi.Org/10.1371/Journal.Pbio.300206
[4] Desai, A., & Easton, E. (2022, July 8). Algae-Based Fuel As The New Kerosene In Aircraft Transportation. Tedx Warwick. Https://Www.Tedxwarwick.Com/Post/Algae-Based-Fuel-As-The-New-Kerosine-In-Aircraft-Transportation
[5] Fotw #1304, August 21, 2023: In 2023, Non-Fossil Fuel Sources Will Account For 86% Of New Electric Utility Generation Capacity In The United States. (2023, August 21). Energy.Gov. Retrieved August 5, 2024, From Https://Www.Energy.Gov/Eere/Vehicles/Articles/Fotw-1304-August-21-2023-2023-Non-Fossil-Fuel-Sources-Will-Account-86- New
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Abstract: The need for novel antimicrobial remedies is highlighted by the rising incidence of drug-resistant microorganisms. Medicinal plants have the potential to provide new avenues for fighting pathogenic microorganisms by supplying novel bioactive chemicals. This review looks at the modes of action and chemical variety of chemicals derived from plants that have antibacterial characteristics. It also discusses the inconsistent results of antimicrobial susceptibility tests and the difficulties in optimizing extraction methods, which differ depending on the species of plant. Though more investigation is required to fully understand their pharmacokinetic.....
Keywords: Antimicrobial activity, Drug-resistant bacteria, Medicinal plant compounds, Bioactive substances, antimicrobial susceptibility, Antibiotic discovery, Resistance mechanisms, plant-based antimicrobials
Haas Lf. Papyrus Of Ebers And Smith. Journal Of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry. 1999 Nov 1;67(5):578-.
Harrison, Freya, Aled El Roberts, Rebecca Gabrilska, Kendra P. Rumbaugh, Christina Lee, And Stephen P. Diggle. "A 1,000-Year-Old Antimicrobial Remedy With Antistaphylococcal Activity." Mbio 6, No. 4 (2015): 10-1128.
Gelpi, A., Gilbertson, A. And Tucker, J.D., 2015. Magic Bullet: Paul Ehrlich, Salvarsan And The Birth Of Venereology. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 91(1), Pp.68-69.
Fleming, Alexander. "On The Antibacterial Action Of Cultures Of A Penicillium, With Special Reference To Their Use In The Isolation Of B. Influenzae." British Journal Of Experimental Pathology 10, No. 3 (1929): 226.
Jules Brunel, Antibiosis From Pasteur To Fleming, Journal Of The History Of Medicine And Allied Sciences, Volume Vi, Issue Summer, Summer 1951, Pages 287–301
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Abstract: Tomato Leaf Curl New Delhi Virus (ToLCNDV), a bipartite begomovirus belonging to the Geminiviridae family, poses a severe threat to cucurbit production worldwide, resulting in significant economic losses. Its ability to infect a broad range of host plants and rapidly adapt to changing environments has exacerbated the problem. The advent of molecular tools has provided promising strategies for managing ToLCNDV infections. CRISPR/Cas systems have emerged as powerful genome-editing tools, enabling precise targeting of viral genes, such as the replication-associated protein (Rep) and coat protein (CP), to disrupt viral replication. Variants like CRISPR/Cas12a and Cas13.....
Ali, Z., Et Al. (2016). Crispr/Cas9-Mediated Resistance To Tomato Leaf Curl Virus In Tomato. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 14(10), 2103–2113.
Aman, R., Et Al. (2018). Rna-Targeting Crispr/Cas Systems And Their Applications. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 19(8), 525–542.
Briddon, R. W., Et Al. (2003). Satellite Dna Molecules Associated With Geminivirus Disease Complexes. Virology, 312(1), 1–20.
Chakraborty, N., & Praveen, S. (2017). Biotechnological Interventions For Plant Virus Management. Journal Of Virological Methods, 246, 44–53.
Dalakouras, A., Et Al. (2020). Delivery Of Rna Molecules For Silencing Viruses In Plants. Pest Management Science, 76(3), 841–848.