Series-1 (Jan-Feb 2019)Jan-Feb 2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Poly herbal hair oil formulations was prepared using Ricinus communis L., Phyla nodiflora Mich., Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L., Wrightia tinctoria R.Br., Vernonia cinerea Less. leaf crude extracts and Magnolia champaca (L.) Baill. ex Pierre flower oil. Totally five formulations were prepared using definite ratios of extracts. The antidandruff activity of formulated poly herbal hair oil was evaluated by agar well diffusion and broth dilution assay against dandruff causal agent Malassezia furfur. Among the five different combinations the F3 formulation showed better activity against M. furfur..
Keywords: Poly herbal hair oil, antidandruff activity, Malassezia furfur and dandruff
[1]. DeAngelis Y. M., Gemmer C. M., Kaczvinsky J. R., Kenneally D. C., Schwartz J. R., Dawson T. L. (2005): Three etiologic facets of dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis: Malassezia fungi, sebaceous lipids, and individual sensitivity". The Journal Investigative Dermatology Symposium Proceedings, 10 (3): 295-297.
[2]. Ro B. I. and Dawson T. L. (2005): The role of sebaceous gland activity and scalp microfloral metabolism in the etiology of seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff. The Journal Investigative Dermatology Symposium Proceedings, 10: 194 - 197.
[3]. Xu J., Saunders C. W., Hu P., Grant R. A., Boekhout T., Kuramae E. E., Kronstad J. W., De Angelis Y. M., Reeder N. L., Johnstone K. R., Leland M., Fieno A. M., Begley W. M., Sun Y, Lacey M. P., Chaudhary T., Keough T., Chu L., Sears R., Yuan B. and Dawson T. L. (2007). Dandruff-associated Malassezia genomes reveal convergent and divergent virulence traits shared with plantand human fungal pathogens. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 104 (47): 18730 - 18735.
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Abstract: Asthma is a clinical condition characterized by inflammation of the airways and C-reactive protein is a marker for inflammation, infection, tissue damage and host defence mechanism by complement pathway. Impaired respiratory functions are associated with disturbance in immune response in the lung. This immune response is characterized by the secretion of some inflammatory cytokines such as C-reactive protein and IL-6. The case-control study was conducted in the department of Biochemistry, People's College of Medical Science & Research Centre Bhopal (M.P.). Total 200 subjects were selected for the study. The level of hs-CRP was measured using the nephelometric...........
Key Words: Asthma, Inflammation, hs-CRP, Immunity.
[1]. Ramesh Chandra Sahoo, Preetam Rajgopal Acharya, T. H. Noushad, R. Anand, Vishak K. Acharya and Kausalya R. Sahu. A study of high-sensitive C-Reactive protein in bronchial asthma. The Indian Journal of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences 2009; 51:213-216.
[2]. Sugita M, Kuribayashi K, Nakagomi T, Miyata S, Matsuyama T, Kitada O. Allergic bronchial asthma: airway inflammation and hyper-responsiveness. Intern Med 2003; 42: 636-43.
[3]. Postma DS, Kerstjens HA. Characteristics of airway hyperresponsiveness in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1998; 158: S187-92.
[4]. Georas SN, Guo J, De Fanis U, Casolaro V. 2005. T-helper cell type-2 regulation in allergic disease. European Respiratory Journal 26(6), 1119-1137.
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Abstract: Neonatal jaundice is an alarming situation manifested by hyperbilirubinemia in early infancy. In the present study we analysed the proteins using electrophoretogram in erythrocyte lysate of neonatal jaundice in comparison with normal control. From the elctrophoretogram we observed there was a decrease in band intensity corresponding to catalase and pyruvate kinase monomers. Besides, there were other proteins such as peroxiredoxin and haemoglobin showed marginal decrease at their respective bands in neonatal jaundice hemolysates in comparison to control and the band in the region 260 KDa showed higher band intensity in neonatal jaundice sample compared to control in the electrophoretogram which could be spectrin. The catalase activity by spectrophotometry also observed there was lowered catalase activity in both hemolysate and plasma of neonatal jaundice compared to control...
Key words: Neonatal jaundice, catalase, erythrocyte lysate, electrophoretogram.
[1]. Maisels MJ. Neonatal jaundice. Pediatrics in Review. 2006;27(12):443.
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[3]. Seidman DS, Ergaz Z, Paz I, Laor A, Revel-Vilk S, Stevenson DK, Gale R. Predicting the risk of jaundice in fullterm healthy newborns: a prospective population-based study. Journal of Perinatology. 1999;19(8):564.
[4]. Weldon AP, Danks DM. Congenital hypothyroidism and neonatal jaundice. Archives of disease in childhood. 1972;47(253):469.
[5]. Melton K, Akinbi HT. Neonatal jaundice: strategies to reduce bilirubin-induced complications. Postgraduate medicine. 1999;106(6):167-78..
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Abstract: In the present investigation187 species of cyanobacteria belonging to 45 genera were recorded from three groups of agriculturally fertile soils of Patna under investigation. But the number of species rounded from each soil group was quit variable depending upon the ecological condition at the soil. A comparatively large number of cyanobacterial species was recorded from soils of group a. (138 species), followed by soils of Group:-B (135 species) and Group:-C (129 species). The total average density of cyanobacteria varied from 560×103 to 1650×103/g of soil (dry weight). In all the three groups of soils the population density of cyanobacteria was minimum in June (565×103/g in group A, 560×103/g in Group C and 650×103/g in group B) and maximum during rainy season (July to September)..
Keywords: Cyanobacteria, Biodiversity, Population density, Biofertilizer.
[1]. Gantar, M., (2000): Mechanical damage of rootsprovides enhanced colonization of the wheatendorhizosphere by the dinitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. strain 2S9 B. Biol. Fertility of Soils 32: 250-255.
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Abstract: In the present work, production of a health drink through fermentation of medicinal plants- Asparagus racemosus (Shatavari) and Phyllanthus emblica (Amla) and along with Citrus sinensis (Orange) juice was carried out by using Effective Microorganisms (EM). EM is a combination of useful regenerative microorganisms predominantly containing lactic acid bacteria and yeasts. The fermentation of the health drink was carried out for 7 days under static conditions in two batches for each plant. Antioxidant and alcohol levels were measured during the fermentation period. The drink was then filtered using a commercial filter. The produced health drink showed high antioxidant levels and low alcohol content which can be useful for preventing chronic diseases, cancer by maintaining healthy gut biome and good overall health.
Keywords: Fermentation, Ayurveda, Effective Microorganisms, Antioxidants, Phytochemicals.
[1]. Ames B.N., Gold L.S. 1991. "Endogenous mutagens and the causes of aging and cancer". Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis 250:3–16.
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[3]. Aruoma O.I., Deiana M., Rosa A., Casu V., Piga R., Peccagnini S., Dessı̀ Massunta, Ke B., Liang Y-F, Higa T. 2002. "Assessment of the ability of the antioxidant cocktail-derived from fermentation of plants with effective microorganisms (EM-X) to modulate oxidative damage in the kidney and liver of rats in vivo: studies upon the profile of poly- and mono-unsaturated fatty acids". Toxicology Letters. 135:209–217.
[4]. Bhattacharya A,Chatterjee A,Ghosal S, Bhattacharya S.1999. "Antioxidant activity ofactive tannoid principles of Emblica officinalis (Amla)". Indian Journal of ExperimentalBiology.37:676-680
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Abstract: Quoted results of a comparative variability study of fourteen quantitative characteristics of the biochemical composition of fruits in cultivar rows of four species of introduced plants from the Ericaceae family (Oxycoccus macrocarpus, Vaccinium corymbosum) and Actinidiaceae family (Actinidia argeuta, Actinidia kolomikta) showed its minimum dependence of O. macrocarpus on genotype and the maximum dependence on genotype of A. arguta when the study species had similarity in the level of genetic determinacy of a number of characteristics of the biochemical composition of fruits. Parameters of accumulation of anthocyanins and leukoanthocyanins in cultivar rows of both species of Ericaceae family showed the minimum stability, whereas parameters of accumulation of ascorbic............
Keywords: Oxycoccus macrocarpus, Vaccinium corymbosum, Actinidia arguta, Actinidia kolomikta, fruits, biochemical composition, organic acids, carbohydrate, bioflavonoids.
[1]. Rupasova Zh.A., Pavlovskij N.B., Vasilevskaja T.I., Krinickaja N.B., Tishkovskaja E.V., Pavlovskaja A.G., Titok V.V., Reshetnikov V.N., Pinchukova Ju.M., Lishtvan I.I. (2017a). Comparative assessment of the biochemical content of the fruit of the new introduced varieties of cranberries (Oxycoccus macrocarpus (Ait.) Pers.) in the conditions of Belarus: News NAS Belarus, series of biological sciences.1: 16-24. (in Russia)
[2]. Rupasova Zh.A., Garanovich I.M., Shpital'naja T.V., Vasilevskaja T.I., Krinickaja N.B., Frolova L.V. (2017b). Biochemical composition of fruits of introduced varieties of actinidia argut (Actinidia arguta Siebold et Zucc.) Planch, ex Miq.) In Belarus. in: Topical issues of innovative development of genetics, selection and introduction of garden crops. Moscow. 274-278. (in Russia)
[3]. Methods for determination of dry substances: GOST 8756.2-82. (1982). Moscow. (in Russia)
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[5]. Marsov N.G. (2006). Phytochemical study and biological activity of cranberries, cranberries and blueberries. Russia, Perm'. (in Russia)..
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Abstract: Agarics, commonly known as gill- fungi, mushroom or toadstools produce conspicuous basidiocarps. Agarics may be edible, poisonous or unpalatable. Edible agarics are commonly known as mushrooms and poisonous ones the "toad stools". They are mostly saprophytic, growing commonly in lawns, pasture and gardens. In the present study the biology and growth characteristics of three edible mushrooms viz. Agaricus bisporus, A. compestris and Coprinus comatus was studied. Among different carbon sources sucrose, fructose, maltose, lactose and glucose favoured maximum mycelia growth rate. Soybean meal, bran and yeast extract were found to be the best nitrogen sources which favoured maximum growth rate of mycelium. The three inorganic salts KH2PO4, MgSO4 and KNO3 promoted high mycelia growth rate and vigority in all the three edible mushrooms. The vitamins and natural components promoted high mycelia growth rate. The optimum temperature and pH for maximum growth rate were found to be 300C and 8.0 respectively all the three edible mushrooms.
Keywords: Mycelial growth, Agarics, Carbon sources, Nitrogen sources, Growth factors, Vitamins
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Abstract: Nine tablet formulations containing calcium salts: citrate, fumarate, gluconate were prepared. Preparations containing calcium salts were made using a modified natural source of calcium, which are the chicken eggsshells. Calcium amount, moisture, friability of tablets and disintegration time were determined in the formulations. The influence of the amount and type of calcium salt (citrate, fumarate), the amount of potato starch and inulin on disintegration time and half-release of calcium from tablets (t50%) was determined using the method of analysis of variance. Obtained results were compared to variant 9 containing calcium gluconate (reference). It was found that the amount and........
Keywords: calcium deficiencies, modified chicken eggshells, tableting, availability
[1]. L.R. Brun, M. Lupo, D.A. Delorenzi, V.E. Di Loreto and A. Rigalli, Chicken eggshell as suitable calcium source at home, International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 64, 2013, 740-743.
[2]. M. Balaz, Eggshell membrane biomaterial as a platform for applications in materials science, Acta Biomaterialia, 10, 2014, 3827-3843.
[3]. Al M. Mohammad, K. Dong-Hwi and K. Hae-Soo, Physicochemical properties of nanopowdered eggshell, International Journal of Food Science &Technology, 49, 2014, 1751-1757.
[4]. D.A. Oliveina, P. Benelli and E.R. Amante, A literature review on adding value to solid residues: egg shells, Journal of Cleaner Production, 46, 2013, 42-47.
[5]. A. Schaafsma, I. Pakan, G.J. Hofstede, F.A. Muskiet, E. Van Der Veer and P.J. De Vries, Mineral, amino acid, and hormonal composition of chicken eggshell powder and the evaluation of its use in human nutrition, Poultry Science, 79, 2000, 1833-1838...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Complex Quantum-State of Consciousness |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Narayan Kumar Bhadra |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/264X-0501015893 ![]() |
Abstract: We introduce a series of new energy sources SU(6), SU(12), SU(24),……….∞. We consider an earlier stages of quantum physics of the super unified group SU(11) which created two distinct character's energy group SU(6) & SU(5)by the symmetry breaking of SU(11) ) [ SU(6) SU(5) U(1)]of the 10-dimensional space-time beyond the standard model of physics. The extra-dimensions are associated with the mental i.e. we consider the individual mind is (partly) an expression of the universal mind. Again the 4-dimensional Einstein's space-time obtained from the symmetry breaking of the Unified Gaussian energy group SU(5)[ SU(3) SU(2)L U(1)]. That earlier........
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