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Abstract: The effect of T. orientalis on the hematological parameters of cadmium induced toxicity in rats was investigated in order to ascertain the ameliorative potential of the extract on the toxic effect of cadmium on blood cells. One hundred and five male rats were randomly grouped into five (A, B, C, D and E) such that group A (control) was administered distilled water while 10 mg kg-1 body weight of cadmium was administered orally to group B. Rats in group C were given oral administration of the extract (100mg/kg body weight) while 10mg/kg body weight of cadmium was administered toboth D and E followed by orally administration of the plant extract at 100 mg kg-1body weight to D and 200 mg kg-1 body weight to group E. Some hematological parameters of the experimental animals were evaluated after 3, 5, 10, 15 and 21 daily doses. Cadmium significantly decrease (p < 0.05......
Key Words: Cadmium, T. orientalis, Toxicity, hematological parameters and Rats.
[1]. Adinortey, M. B., Galyuon, I. K., &Asamoah, N. O. (2013). TremaorientalisLinn .Blume : A potential for prospecting for drugs for various uses. https://doi.org/10.4103/0973-7847.112852.
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Abstract: Sixty day old chickens were randomly distributed into three treatments and fed diets mixed with 0, 0.5 and 1% papaya seed powder for the six weeks' starter period. Feed consumption and growth performance were monitored weekly. Lipid peroxidation was also assayed in the serum of the chicks from all treatments. At the end of the experiment, results showed that feed efficiency and growth performance of broilers were not significantly (p˃0.05) influenced by dietary treatments. The haematology parameters such as red blood cell, haemoglobin, were significantly (p˂0.05) influenced by dietary inclusion of papaya seed powder. There were no significant (p˃0.05) influence of papaya seed powder on serum biochemical parameters. Furthermore, lipid peroxidation decreased significantly (p˂0.05) in treatments with papaya seed powder when compared to the control. It may be concluded that feeding broiler chickens with diets mixed with papaya seed powder significantly and positively reduced serum lipid peroxidation profile without negatively affecting feed efficiency, growth performance and serum biochemical parameters.
Key Words: Phytobiotic, Pawpaw seed powder, broiler, antioxidant, lipid peroxidation.
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Abstract: Background: Diabetes is emerging as a common disease in both developed and developing countries. Increasing prevalence of the disease sets the goal to aim for control of the disease process which is aimed mainly as therapy. Monitoring tool for the complications of this common disease is Glycated Hemoglobin (HbA1C). In the present retrospective study HbA1C level is correlated with both fasting and post meal plasma glucose level in type-2 diabetes mellitus patients. Materials and Methods:Data were collected from Computerized Hospital Information Processing System (CHIPS) department on the basis of HbA1c tests ordered during October, 2014. Data collected from the Computerized Hospital Information Processing.....
Key Words: Glycated Hemoglobin (HbA1C), fasting plasma glucose, post prandial plasma glucose
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Recent Advances in the Nanotechnology and Its Applications - A Review |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | S. Janardana Reddy |
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: | 10.9790/264X-0601012430 ![]() |
Abstract: Nanotechnology is one of the most promising tools for the current revolution in agri-food sector. Nanotechnology approaches provide novel and innovative ways to improve crop yield and to reduce the use of harmful crop protection agents. nanotechnology has great advantages in food sector like detection of pesticides/toxicants in food items, development of food storage and packaging materials, enhancement of shelf life of foods, nanoencapsulation of food nutraceuticals or bioactive molecules, detection of pathogens in food materials, enhancement of food taste, color and odour. This domain includes better understanding of living and thinking systems, revolutionary biotechnology processes, synthesis of new drugs and their targeted delivery, regenerative medicine, neuromorphic.....
Key Words: Nanotechnology, Nanocapsulation, Nanobiosystems, Drug delivery, Cancer therapy, Nanodevices.
[1]. Curtis A, Wilkinson C, "Nantotechniques and approaches in biotechnology," Trends in Biotechnology,2001. vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 97–101.
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[5]. Deb KD, Griffith M, Muinck ED, Rafat M, Nanotechnology in stem cells research: advances and applications. Front Biosci (Landmark Ed), 2012. 17: 1747- 1760.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | In vitro Antioxidant assay of Ficus microcarpa Linn. Leaf extract |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Pratima Kumari || Santwana Rani |
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: | 10.9790/264X-0601013138 ![]() |
Abstract: Ficus microcarpa Linn. of Moraceae is a tall tree characterized by rust-colored aerial roots, lanceolate stipules, glabrous petiole, narrow elliptical leaf blade with entire margin and male gall and female flowers are arranged within same fig, the hypanthodium inflorescence. The present investigation is aimed to evaluate the antioxidant activity of methanol extract of leaves of F. microcarpa in in vitro condition. The results indicated that the extracts possess some anti-oxidant constituents. The methanol extracts of leaves of F. microcarpa contained phenolics in the concentration range of 20.50 mgTAE/g to 36.75 mg TAE/g. The DPPH scavenging activity of the methanol extracts (0.5 -1.5 mg/ml) exhibited concentration-dependent free.......
Key Words: Ficus microcarpa, Methanol extract, Antioxidant, DPPH, TAE, n-Propyl gallate
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Abstract: Alpha (α) amylase and alpha (α) glucosidase are carbohydrate hydrolyzing enzymes known to play profound roles in carbohydrate breakdown. Inhibition of these enzymes are important mechanisms in modulating postprandial hyperglycemia due to their ability to delay carbohydrate digestion. The aim of this study was to determine the α-amylase and α-glucosidase inhibitory potential of Ficusexasperata (F.exasperata) leaf extract and fractions in vitro. Dried leaves of F.exasperata were extracted with methanol and the methanol extract was further fractionated with solvents of varied polarity (dichloromethane and hexane). The α-amylase and α- glucosidase inhibitory assays of the extract and fractions were determined in vitro by reacting different concentrations of the extract.....
Key Words: FicusexasperataVahl, α-amylase, α-glucosidase, phytochemicalscreening, GC-MS
[1]. Adewole SO, Adenowo TK, Thajasvarie N, Ojewole JAO. Hypoglycemic and Hypotensive effect of FicusexasperataVahl (Moraceae) leaf aqueous extract in rats. African Journal of Traditional ComplementAlternative Medicine. 2011; 8: 275-283.
[2]. Ahmed F, Ahmed MK, Abedin Z, Karim A. Traditional uses and Pharmcological potential of FicusexasperataVahl leaves- Review. Systemic Reviews in Pharmacy. 2012; 3(1): 15-23.
[3]. Adewole SO, Ojo SK, Adenowo TK, Salako AA, Naicker T, Ojewole JA. Effect of FicusexasperataVahl (Moraceae) leaf aqueous extract on the renal function of streptozotocin- treated rat. Via Medica. 2012; 71(1): 1-9.
[4]. Bello MO, Abdul-Hamee M, Ogunbeku P. Nutrient and Anti-nutrient Phytohemicals in FicusexasperataVahl leaves. International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research. 2014; 5(1): 2177-2181.
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Abstract: In nature papaya without seeds is a peculiar product of unfertilized flower of a female papaya plant. Since the seedless variety of papaya instinctively grows from the same plant as those with seeds, there is significantly no difference between the seedless and seeded variety of papaya. However, there is still much to be learned about the biochemistry of the seeded and seedless cultivars of papaya fruits. In addition, it is generally observed that when a papaya is cut and left at room temperature, the sweetness of the papaya increases with time. Thus the present research attempts to assess the variation in the sugar concentration of both the seeded and seedless variety of......
Key words: Carica papaya, variation in sugar concentration, seedless and seeded cultivar
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Abstract: Background: Terminaliamacroptera (TM) is one plant that is used by locals in some parts of Nigeria to treat diabetes mellitus. This study examined the hypoglycaemic property of aqueous (AE) and ethanol extracts (EE) of TM stem bark and their effects on lipid and antioxidant status of normoglycaemic rats. Materials and Methods: Four groups (n=4) of female Wistar albino rats were used. The blood glucose (BG) of the rats were determined after respective oral administration of 200, 400 and 600 mg/kg b. w. of extract doses for 28 days. Control animals were administered distilled water (4 ml/kg b. w.) for an equivalent period. BG concentrations were determined with glucometer while serum lipids were determined by approved spectrometric protocols. Hepatic antioxidant status of groups with the most hypoglycaemic and hypolipidaemic effects were examined respectively......
Key Words: Antioxidants, hypoglycaemia, hypolipidaemia, Terminaliamacroptera, area over curve
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Abstract: The presence of nitrate in groundwater has long been considered as one of the main issues on a global scale. The identification of various contamination sources is then particularly relevant, along with the assessment of the negative impact of agricultural activities. This work presents the first attempt to apply the developed methodologies to phenomena of groundwater contamination from nitrates, with the purpose of distin-guishing the type of contamination when related to particular microbiomes environ-ments of soil and shallow groundwater. Analyses of the main chemical parameters and of the microbiome involved in the nitrogen biogeochemical cycle were carried out through specific definition of metagenomics techniques. The analytical procedure adopted, implemented.....
Key Words: Nitrogen biogeochemical cycle, soil, shallow groundwater, biomolecular technique, nitrate pollution.
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Abstract: In the present investigation different catagories of amidoalkylated products have been synthesized using mineral acid catalysts, Lewis acid catalysts and under thermal conditions with the object of studying their biological effects, on experimental animals. Different catagories of the compounds have been synthesized and evaluated for their biological activities..
Key Words: amidoalkylated, biological activities, ligand
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