Series-1 (Nov. – Dec. 2022)Nov. – Dec. 2022 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Rauvolfia micrantha Hook. f. holds an important place in the biomedical industry because of how well it lowers blood pressure. This is because reserpine is found in the oleoresin part of the roots. Poor seed viability, a low rate of seed germination, and a huge amount of genetic variation make it hard to grow R. micrantha commercially in the traditional way. Using a semisolid nutrient culture medium, the present optimized protocol provides a perfect method for setting up aseptic cultures to make plantlets in an experiment. R. micrantha nodal explants were grown on MS medium with different quantities of cytokinins BAP/Kn/TDZ (0.5-10.0 mg/L) alone. Compared to all other concentrations of Kn/BAP alone, the most growth of shoot buds was seen at (8.0 mg/L) TDZ. As the concentration went above 8.0 mg/L, the ability of the cytokinins to make shoot buds grow slowly went down. On MS medium with......
Keywords: Rauvolfia micrantha Hook. f., In vitro culture, Plant growth regulators, Plant Regeneration, Rooting, and Hardening.
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Abstract: Abiotic stresses such as drought, salt and temperature stresses are limiting factors for crop productivity in arid and semi-arid regions and influences many aspects of plant growth and development. Aldehyde dehydrogenases (ALDHs) are a family of enzymes that are involved in plant metabolism and contribute to aldehyde homeostasis in plants when exposed to abiotic stress and involved in detoxification processes to eliminate toxic aldehydes. To gain a better understanding of the abiotic stress responses at molecular level, we carried out......
Keywords: Abiotic stress, aldehydes, stress tolerance, Soil moisture level (SML), Groundnut
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Image Quality Assessment of Color Doppler Images Using the BRISQUE Method |
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Authors | : | Tanaya Kondejkar || Vedashree Gadekar |
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: | 10.9790/264X-08061418 ![]() |
Abstract: In a world heavily reliant on numerous medical diagnostic tests for treatments of patients, ultrasound sonography acquires a predominant position in the healthcare domain. Doppler ultrasound is an essential and effective medical test that is used to evaluate the flow of blood through blood vessels by rebounding high-frequency from circulating red blood cells. This test enables doctors to determine the chances of fertility in human females as well as the health of the patients affected by blood cancer. The Color Doppler ultrasound produces Color Doppler scans of organs which are further examined by doctors to make critical predictions. To increase the accuracy of these predictions with the aid of technological advancements, we proposed building a deep learning model which would be trained to tailor accurate predictions and avoid human miscalculations through manual analysis.......
[1]. Anish Mittal, Anush K. Moorthy, Alan C. Bovik, "Blind/Referenceless Image Spatial Quality Evaluator", 2011 IEEE Conference Record of the Forty Fifth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers (ASILOMAR), Pacific Grove, CA, USA, 2011, doi:10.1109/ACSSC.2011.6190099. [2]. Claudio Yáñez, Juan Tapia, "Image Quality Assessment on Identity Document", 2021 IEEE International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG), Darmstadt, Germany, 2021, doi: 10.1109/BIOSIG52210.2021.9548294. [3]. Afaf F. Moustafa, Theodore W. Cary, Laith R Sultan, Susan M Schultz, Emily F Conant, Santosh S. Venkatesh, Chandra Sehgal, "Color Doppler Ultrasound Improves Machine Learning Diagnosis of Breast Cancer", ResearchGate, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA, 2020, doi: 10.3390/diagnostics10090631. [4]. Monica Micucci, Antonio Iula, "Recent Advances in Machine Learning Applied to Ultrasound Imaging", Electronics 2022, Potenza, Italy, 6 June 2022, doi: 10.3390/electronics11111800. [5]. Jun Wu, Zhaoqiang, Xia, Huifang Li, Kezheng Sun, Ke Ge, Hong Lu," No-reference image quality assessment with center-surround based natural scene statistics", Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer Nature, August 2018, doi: 10.1007/s11042-017-5483-2. [6]. Li Sze, Heshalini Rajagopal"Modified-BRISQUE as no reference image quality assessment for structural MR images", Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July 2017, doi: 10.1016/j.mri.2017.07.016
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Abstract: Bacillus subtilisisolated from the cellulosic fermentation process was previously selected for it phosphate rock (PR) solubilization ability under anaerobic thermophilic conditions [1]. The result shows a significant decrease of pH from 5.8 to 4.6, and solubilizing 38% of the phosphorus from the PR in the reactors after 30 days of incubation at 50°C. This solubilization is the consequence of the production of organic acids during the anaerobic fermentation of grassland substrate. The mechanisms involved in these weathering processes confirmed the production of organic acids which were identified and quantified. We also tested the dissolution of PR by leaching with organic acids trade predominantly present in the acidogenic stage during the anaerobic degradation of lignocellulosic substrate by Bacillus subtilis. The study focused on acetic, lactic and citric acids with varied concentration by meseauring.....
Keywords: Grassland, phosphate rocksolubilization,Bacillus subtilis, thermo-anaerobic condition,organic acid
[1]. HASSIMI M.S., HAMDALI H., OUHDOUCH Y., PINELLI E., MERLINA G., REVELJ.C., HAFIDI M. Moroccan rock phosphate solubilization during a thermo-anaerobic grassland waste biodegradation process. Afric. J. Biotechnol. 12, 6865, 2013.
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Abstract: This study investigated the toxicity of sodium fluoride on apartate transaminase, alanine transferase, alkaline phosphatase, serum total protein, serum albumin, and the ameliorative effects of extract of Phyllantus amarus. The study consisted of six equal groups of five albino rats that were administered with sodium fluoride and the Phyllantus amarus over a period of two weeks. The result indicated toxicity of sodium fluoride on AST and ALT, indicating liver damage and the probable capacity of the extract of Phyllantus amarus to ameliorate this toxicity.
Keywords: Toxicity; Sodium fluoride; alkaline phosphatase; aspartate transaminase; alanine transferase; Phyllantus amarus
[1]. Al-Harbi, M.S., Hamza, R.Z. and Dwari, A.A. (2014) Ameliorative Effect of Selenium and Curcumin on Sodium Fluoride Induced Hepatotoxicity and Oxidative Stress in Male Mice. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 6:984-998.
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[4]. Dabrowaska, E., Letko, R. and Balunowska, M. (2006) Effect of Sodium Fluoride on the Morphological Picture of the Rat Liver Exposed to NaF in Drinking Water. Advances in Medical Sciences, 51:91-95..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Hyperchromicity and Strand Separation in Bacterial DNA'- A Literature Review |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Sarfraz Shaik |
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: | 10.9790/264X-08063135 ![]() |
Abstract: If a solution containing duplex DNA molecule is either heated or treated with alkali, the hydrogen bonds between the two strands become unstable and the two strands start to separate this is known as denaturation or melting. Hyperchromicity is the increase of absorbance/ optical density of a material. The UV absorption is increased when the two single DNA strands are being separated, either by heat or by addition of denaturant or by lowering the pH level. The strand separation being due to increase in hyperchromicity has been related to the breakdown of hydrogen bonds between......
[1]. Source of the research paper:
[2]. Google images.
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Abstract: Experiment on intergeneric hybridization of Heterobranchus longifilis (H.L) and Clarias gariepinus (CL) was carried out at the EMJEH Fish farm Birnin Kebbi determine growth performance and survival of the bred hatchlings. Pure crossing of Heterobranchus longifilis and Clarias .gariepinus, intergeneric crosses of male Heterobranchus longifilis with female Clarias gariepinus and male Clarias gariepinus with female Heterobranchus longifilis serve as treatments. Each treatment was replicated three times. Percentage hatchability was 41% 51% 56% and 48% for CL XCL, HL X HL, and HL X CL AND CL X HL respectively. The bred hatchlings were maintained for 12 weeks and result shows that hybrid crosses had the highest percentage survival (95% and 94.5%) and differed significantly P(<0.01) from parental crosses . Length – weight relationshipshow a strong relationship as the (P<0.01) for CL X CL and differed significantly P(<0.05) from other treatment. Both crosses exhibited good growth performances Clarobranchus (1152g) but Heteroclariashad the best growth performance of (1175g) and it is therefore recommended for farmers to culture.
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[3]. URL: DOI: 10.3923/biotech.2014.248.251
[4]. Aluko, P.O., (1995). Growth characteristics of first, 2nd and backcross generations of the hybrids between Heterobranchus longifilis and Clarias anguillaris.National Institute for Freshwater Fisheries Research Annual Report, New Bussa, Nigeria, Page: 74-78.
[5]. Bruton M.N.(1979). The breeding biology and early development of clarias gariepinus (pisces claridae) in lake.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Diversity of Fresh Water Fishes and Their Conservation Status in Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Pallavi shukla |
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: | 10.9790/264X-08064759 ![]() |
Abstract: A comprehensive investigation was conducted on the diversity of freshwater fish species by the collection of monthly samples from various fish markets located in different districts of eastern Uttar Pradesh. The study period spanned from August 2021 to July 2022.In recent decades, there has been a significant impact on fresh-water ecosystems due to extensive human interference, leading to the loss and degradation of habitats. Consequently, numerous fish species have faced a heightened risk of endangerment, particularly in regions where there is substantial........
KEYWORDS: Fish diversity, Conservation status, Fresh water, Eastern Uttar Pradesh.
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