Version-2 (April-2017)
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Abstract: Information and communication technology (ICT) can play a vital rule in every shapes of human life even in where human can't imagine. ICT may change the way of livelihood and education system of a country in a radical way. The urban people easily get the benefits of ICT but rural sides are till now legging behinds of this. This paper mainly focuses the ICT used on primary and secondary educational level schools in rural areas of Bangladesh. Though the rural primary and secondary schools are suffering hundreds of problems in compare with urban schools, ICT can partially minimize the discrimination of this problem. This research mainly presents the current ICT status on rural primary and secondary schools of Sylhet division in Bangladesh. Keywords: revenue, externalities, electricity utility, economy .
Keywords: Education, ICT, Primary School, Remote Areas, Secondary School.
[1]. Digital Bangladesh. (2016, December 31). Retrieved January 30, 2017, from :
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[4]. Most, T. M. (2015). A Statistical Case Study of using ICT in Educational Sector in Rural Context of Bangladesh. Global Journal of
HUMAN-SOCIAL SCIENCE: C Sociology & Culture , 15 (3 Version 1.0), 25-27.
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Bangladesh: Opportunities and challenges. IEEE , 323..
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Abstract: There have been some research on corporate governance in SACCO'S as revealed in the literature review but this study seeks to investigate the corporate governance in SACCO'S in the southern part of Malawi. The research attempts to solve corporate governance issues hindering the growth and sustainability of SACCO's, the effects of poor governance, and recommend ways of improving corporate governance. The study selected 10 managers from different SACCO'S in the southern part of Malawi as respondents of the questionnaire and a qualitative approach was used to analyse the data...........
Keywords: corporate governance, investor confidence
[1]. Mwanja, B. K., Marangu, W. N., Wanjere, D. M., Kuria, J., & Thuo, K. J. (2014). Effect of corporate governance on performance of savings and credit co-operative societies in Kakamega County. European Journal of Business and Management, 6, 123–136.
[2]. Brownbridge, V. 2007. Corporate Reform in the Developing World, McKinsey Quarterly, No.4, 90
[3]. Wakise T.J. 2012. Corporate Governance Practices and Performance at Elimu SACCO in Kenya. Unpublished Masters Thesis. University of Nairobi.
[4]. Saad M.N. 2010. Corporate Governance Compliance and the Effects to Capital Structure in Malaysia. Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol 1
[5]. Odera O. 2012. Corporate Governance problems of savings, credit and cooperatives' societies. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, Vol 2, No.11
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Information Technology and its influence on the Lebanese Banking Sector |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Mustapha A. Sarji |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1904021928 ![]() |
Abstract: In today's turbulence economic, and social comprehensive meeting of computing, information, communications and knowledge based society. The fundamental change of approaching implemented solutions is based on how much we depend on human capital. In terms of thinking, acting, working, as well as living. The development of high speed networks with the measurement of innovative technology has witnessed declining in cost of computing power, which in return potential applications undreamed to become from the past. Data, voice, video and images may nowadays be transmitted around the world in micro-secon..........
Keywords: IT facilities, banking, information technology, computers, job satisfaction
[1]. Alabede, O. (1996), Application of IT in Marketing System (unpublished project report, University of Nigeria Enugu Campus)
[2]. Amaoko, A. (2012),"The impact of information communication technology (ICT) on banking operations in Ghana".
[3]. Barnes, J.G and Howlett, D.M (1998), Predictors of equity in relationships between financial services providers and retail customers. International journal of bank marketing, (16), pp.5-23.
[4]. Berger, A. N. (2003), The economic effects of technological progress: evidence from the banking industry, Journal of Money, Credit, Banking, 35 (2), 141-176.
[5]. Blili, S & Raymond L. (1993), Information technology: Threats and opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises. International Journal of Information Management. Volume 13, Issue 6, December 1993, Pages 439-448 Bloom
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Abstract: Efficient market hypothesis means that the future price of securities are unpredictable with respect to the current available information. The gist of this research is to test market efficiency of real estate using the dynamics of efficient market hypothesis, as put forth by Eugene Fama (1970). In this light, the study is conducted to test the market efficiency of Istanbul real estate markets as to whether the market prices /returns of real estates are random. Thus, the study benefited from a large body of existing literature to adapt an empirical model known as the random walk model..........
Keywords: Efficient market hypothesis, Real estate market, Random walk hypothesis, and Weak form efficiency.
[1] Abrosimoval, N., Dissanaike.G, & Linowski (2002), Testing the Weak-Form Efficiency of the Russian Stock, paper presented to EFA Berlin Meeting, 11 Mar 2002.
[2] Alexakis.C. (1992) ,An Empirical Investigation of the Efficient Market Hypothesis : The case of the Athens stock Exchange, PhD thesis, University of York Heslington [3] Alam, M.M., Alam, K.A., and Uddin, M.G.S. (2007) ,Market Depth and Risk ReturnAnalysis of Dhaka Stock Exchange: An Empirical Test of Market Efficiency, Publisher-ASA University Review, Vol. 1(1), pp. 93-101. (ISSN 1997-6925, ASA University,Bangladesh)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Mechanisms of Ethical Control and Effectiveness of Governance |
Country | : | Algeria |
Authors | : | Bouhellala Souad |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1904024245 ![]() |
Abstract: This work aims to demonstrate that the concept of governance in various institutions requires several conditions, the most important to enjoy the management culture that allows to realize and understand the responsibilities of the parties concerned on the one hand, and the ability to achieve the planned objectives on the other hand, and this cannot be achieved unless characterized by the various forces of human resources, ethical aspects necessary to do so, especially when it comes to operations control and internal audit and external for this concept. So what's the relationship between ethics..........
Keywords: Ethics, control mechanisms, corporate governance, internal audit and external, human resources
[1]. Ahmed Sharaf Abdel-Hamid, 2002 Governance and published financial reports of Egyptian companies, No. 2, Journal of Contemporary Business Research, Faculty of Commerce, South Valley University, Egypt, p. 223
[2]. Amin Ahmed Lotfi, 2007 Advanced studies in auditing and confirmation services, University House, Alexandria p. 21
[3]. Bahaa El Din Samir Allam, 2009 The Impact of the Internal Mechanisms of Corporate Governance on the Financial Performance of Egyptian Companies - Egypt's Implementation Study: Ministry of Investment, Egyptian Directors' Center, p. 8
[4]. Tarek Abdel-Al Hammad, 2006 Corporate Governance and the Global Financial Crisis, University House, Alexandria, p269.
[5]. Abeed Al-Mutairi, 2004, The Future of the Accounting and Auditing Profession, Challenges and Contemporary Issues First Edition Dar Al-Marikh Publishing and Distribution, Riyadh: p. 1
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | La conception de l'offre formation professionnelle au Maroc Approche marketing |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Habib Benaissa |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1904024658 ![]() |
Abstract: Les attentes des usagers et l'évolution des conditions économiques ont révolutionné la gestion du savoir. La conception des acquisitions du savoir doit donc donner lieu à l'élaboration de nouvelles stratégies basées sur une compréhension approfondie des problèmes pour proposer une nouvelle orientation pour le système éducatif et l'adapter aux besoins de la nouvelle économie et du marché de l'emploi. L'analyse des besoins permet de faire ressortir les enjeux mais aussi les difficultés qui causent l'insatisfaction à la fois des usagers et du milieu de travail. Elle sert aussi, à repérer les manques...........
Keywords: Formation professionnelle, analyse des besoins, marchés du travail.
[1]. Ardouin T., (2008).- « Formation tout au long de la vie et professionnalisation à l'université : le cas des métiers de la formation à l'université de Rouen ».
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Abstract: This paper tests empirically through a pilot study of the Indian Automobile Manufacturing Sector, the contribution of the variables constituting the construct Pollution Prevention in Green Supply Chain Practices. Also the paper establishes the reliability of the questionnaire instrument developed previously for measuring the construct Pollution Prevention and also for measuring the eleven variables that constitute the construct Pollution Prevention. Further the paper establishes the correlation among these eleven variables. Finally this paper conducts Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to arrive at one or more factors (linear combination of variables constituting the construct Pollution Prevention) to aid in measuring the construct Pollution Prevention.
Keywords: Automobile, CFA, Green Supply Chain Practice, Indian, Manufacturing Sector, Pilot Study, Pollution Prevention
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Abstract: The study analyzed the effect of credit risk management practices on financial performance of deposit taking SACCOs in Kenya by adopting descriptive research design and the population comprised of 164 SACCO registered under the SASRA. The objectives of the study was to establish the effect of credit risk identification, credit analysis practices, credit monitoring and credit mitigation measures on the financial performance of DTSs. Based on the study findings the study concluded that credit analysis, credit mitigation measures and credit risk identification have a significant positive effect on financial performance..............
Keywords: Credit Risk, Credit Risk Management Practices, Deposit-taking Business, Loan Repayment
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Abstract: The study sought to determine the effect of challenges associated with adoption of agency banking on bank performance of four selected commercial banks in Kenya. Empirical evidence indicates that the effects of challenges associated with adoption of agency banking on bank performance in Kenya are positive and that there is relationship between accessibility of banking services, low cost of service and customer transactions as a result of agency banking. The study employed purposive sampling to obtain a sample of 44 respondents from four banks. Data was collected using questionnaires. The findings of the study indicate that administrative challenges do not significantly affect bank performance whereas reliability and operational challenges were found to have a significant effect on bank performance..............
Keywords: Agency banking, bank performance, bank agent and commercial banks.
[1]. Aburime, T. U. (2008). Determinants of Bank Profitability: Company-Level Evidence from Nigeria. SSRN Electronic Journal, (1231064), 31.
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Abstract: Governments have an enormous task to provide adequate quality service to it's citizens in a timely manner. The public tendering practices have the potential to influence operational performance of energy sector parastatals. This is affected by the public tendering practices that the energy sector parastatals adopt in the procurement of given services or goods. This study therefore seeks to examine public tendering practices and operational performance of energy sector parastatals. The purpose of the study is the examination of effects of national open competitive tender practices, direct procurement tendering practices, request for quotation tendering practices, and restricted tendering practices.............
Keywords: Direct Procurement, Operational Performance
[1]. Amdany, R. M., & Kwasira, J. (2016). Assessment of Tendering Methods on the Successful Implementation of Constituency
Development Fund Projects in Njoro Sub-County ,. International Journal of Science and Research, 5(4), 1333–1341.
[2]. Amin, A. (2012). Electronic Procurement and Organizational Performance Among Commercial State Corporations.
Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 3(4), 10–16.
[3]. Billow, H. (2014). Procurement performance and operational efficiency in telecommunication industry in Kenya. Journal of
Business Management, 2(3), 45–52.
[4]. Driscoll, T., Halliday, A., & Stock, R. (2010). Green Procurement Practices in the London Borough of Croydon. Journal of
Business and Management, 2(3), 15–17.
[5]. Khakata, S. (2014). Procurement Methods and Operational Performance of State Corporation in Kenya. International Journal of
Social Sciences and Enterpreneurship, 2(3), 14–19.
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Abstract: Community Based Organizations (CBOs) play an important role in providing services at the local level. CBOs are non-profit organizations whose activities are based primarily on volunteer efforts. This means that CBOs depend heavily on voluntary contributions for labour, material and financial support. In the hit for donor funding, communities in the developing countries, Kenya included live below a dollar per day and thus rely heavily on donations.The objective of the study is to examine the factors that influence strategy adoption by CBOs in Kenya.A descriptive Study of Nyamira County, Kenya.Target population of nine hundred and fifteen (915) Sub County Social Development Officers..............
Keywords: Competition, Resource Mobilzation,Ict, Kenya
[1]. Adegbite, M. (2010). Does the implementation of a combination competitive strategy yield incremental performance benefit? A new perspective from transition economy in Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Business Research, 61, 346-354.
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Abstract: The study on human resources and the performance of employees in an organization have taken different faces of attention amidst various scholars and professionals in recent past, but this study dwells on the effectiveness of human resources in achieving a better employee performance. Based on this premise, the study examined the effectiveness of human resource management in achieving employee performance in The Federal University of Technology, Akure. The study examines effectiveness of training and development in enhance employee skills, knowledge and attitude to work and evaluate effect of promotion exercise on labour turnover. Survey method was adopted in gathering data and the data collected were carefully.............
Keywords: Employee Performance,Human Resource Management, labour turnover, Training and Development, Promotion Exercise.
[1]. Johnson, P. HRM in changing organizational contexts (D. G. Collings, & G. Wood, Eds, London: Routledge, 2009).
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[5]. Armstrong, M. Employee reward (3rd ed. Wimbedon London: Chartered Institute of Personnel Management and Development, 2002).
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Abstract: This paperqualitative desk – top research which aimed at highlighting the dilemma that the lecturers in Kenyan Universities find themselves in as they juggle their lives between publishing or perishing, providing Quality Education (QE) as per the provisions of Commission for University Education (CUE), and other stakeholders. The study was driven by CUE which has pointed out again and again that quality of university education has gone down; CUE criteria on lecturer upward mobility,United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) educational requirements and current National goals; and challenges facing lecturers in a bid to remain relevant..............
Keywords: Quality education; lecturer qualification and credentials; Lecturers' dilemma
[1]. Agoki, D. K. (2015). A Comparative Study of Relationship Marketing and Transactional Marketing in the Services Sector - A Case of Cyber Cafes in Kisii Town Kenya. Journal of Technology and Social Economic Development, 5th Edition.
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Abstract: This paper provides empirical results as regards the impact of LSQ and its constitutive elements as potential drivers for customer satisfaction from the B2C perspective in Nigeria as opposed to the usual Business-Business (b2B) approach. Data from 211 customers were analyzed using Multiple Regression Analysis and the Kruskal-wallis Test. The results revealed that all the operational dimensions of LSQ evaluated in the study influenced customers' satisfaction. Furthermore, there existed a significant difference in the customer satisfaction level across the different online stores.
Keywords: B2C, competitiveness, customer satisfaction, LSQ, online retailer
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study on Introduction of Cashless Economy in India 2016: Benefits & Challenge's |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Preeti Garg || Manvi Panchal |
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: | 10.9790/487X-190402116120 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper studied the views of people on introduction of cashless economy in India .The study was conducted in Delhi region & data was collected with the help of structured questionnaire and analyzed using simple percentage method. Responses from respondents shows that cashless economy will help in curbing black money, counterfeit's fake currency, fighting against terrorism, reduce cash related robbery, helps in improving economic growth of our country. Major challenges that can hinder the implementation of the policy are cyber fraud, High illiteracy rate, attitude of people, lack of transparency & efficiency in digital payment system. The study shows that the introduction of cashless economy in India can be seen as a step in right direction. It helps in growth and development of economy in India.
Keywords: Cashless economy, corruption, Black money, India, Digital Payments
[1]. Lee, Jinkook, Fahzy Abdul-Rahman, and Hyungsoo Kim. "Debit card usage: an examination of its impact on household debt."Financial Services Review.16.1 (2007): 73.
[2]. More wedge, C. K., Holtzman, L., &Epley, N. (2007). Unfixed resources: perceived costs, consumption, and the accessible account effect. Journal of Consumer Research, 34(4), 459–467).
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Abstract: Procurement is the nerve centre of performance in every institution, whether public or private and thus needs a tight system to be followed and adopted.This research study therefore sought to assess the factors affectingprocurementperformance in Public institutions in Kisii County. The study examined at examining how procurement planning and politicalinterference affect Public procurement performance of the Public institutions. The study employed a descriptive research design. The target population was 214 users in procurement department and suppliers of the public institutions in Kisii County..............
Keywords: Procurement Planning, Political Interference, Kenya
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