Version-7 (Sep-Oct 2014)
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Abstract: The increase in advancement of information technology led the migration of workflows from paper based to electronic workflow systems. Basically a workflow consists of a number of tasks and each of these tasks should be authenticated by using any of the cryptographic techniques. To provide more security within workflow systems, signing keys are used. In addition to data authenticity and integrity, logical relationships such as AND-join and AND-split are to be provided in a workflow signature scheme. Such a scheme was experimentally proven which is based on hierarchical identity-based cryptography to meet security properties required by inter-organizational workflows. Due its high complexity, a new mechanism, IB-MKD (Identity Based Message Key Distribution) is proposed as an alternative to HIBS, which is achieved with conventional RSA without any additional assumptions and limitations and it is believed to have less overhead.
Keywords: Business processes, central workflow engine, cryptography, digital signatures, workflow.
[1]. R. Buyya, C. Yeo, S. Venugopal, J. Broberg, and I. Brandic, "Cloud Computing and Emerging IT Platforms:Vision, Hype, and Reality for Delivering Computing as the Fifth Utility," Future Generation ComputerSystems, vol. 25, pp. 599-616,no. 6, June 2009.
[2]. S.Eckartz, M.Daneva, R. Wieringa, and J.V. Hillegersberg,"Cross-OrganizationalERPManagement: How to Create aSuccessful Business Case?," Proc. ACM Symp. Applied Computing,S. Shin, and S. Ossowski, eds., pp. 1599-1604, Mar. 2009.
[3]. J. Liu, S. Zhang, and J. Hu, "A Case Study of an Inter-EnterpriseWorkflow-Supported Supply Chain Management System," Information& Management, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 441-454, Mar. 2005.
[4]. P. Grefen, K. Aberer, H. Ludwig, and Y. Hoffner, "CrossFlow: Cross-Organizational Workflow Management for Service Outsourcingin Dynamic Virtual Enterprises," IEEE Data Eng. Bull.,vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 52-57, Mar. 2001.
[5]. G. Alonso, C. Mohan, R. Gunthor, D. Agrawal, A.E. Abbadi, andM. Kamath, "Exotica/FMQM: A Persistent Message-Based Architecturefor Distributed Workflow Management," Proc. IFIP WG8.1Working Conf. Information Systems for Decentralized Organizations,Aug. 1995.
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Abstract: The dramatic emergence and exponential growth of mobile devices have made them one of the fast growing consumer commodities in history and are now dominating the appliance market. The spectrum bears a wide range of devices like smartphones, notebooks, tablets, ultrabooks, laptops, etc providing umpteen services. As users demand services wherever they go and whenever they need, mobile devices rely on wireless access for connectivity to gather information and leverage services. Low processing power, limited RAM, intermittent, low bandwidth and high latency data connections and impact on battery life are the key mobile challenges and when it comes to mobile multimedia services these limitations manifold. This juncture made way for a myriad of research works in this field to provide the best services within these limitations. This paper discusses about how to provide efficient multimedia media services with regard to the limited mobile resources and dynamic bandwidth scenario. Here, a method is being proposed to tackle efficient and minimal usage of mobile resources through interactive streaming where network and device parameters are collected and analyzed to enhance the multimedia experience, and thereby using the collected data for multimedia transcoding thus avoiding any wastage of bandwidth and mobile resources.
Key words: Cloud Multimedia, Network and Device aware, Interactive streaming.
[1]. Chin-Feng Lai, Honggang Wang, Han-Chieh Chao and Guofang Nan, ―A Network and Device Aware QoS Approach for Cloud Mobile Streaming,‖ IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Vol. 15, No. 4, June 2013.
[2]. G. Zhang, Y. G. Wen, J. Zhu, and Q. H. Chen, ―On delay minimization for file-based content uploading to media cloud via collaborative wireless networks (invited paper),‖ in Proc. 2011 Int. Conf. Wireless Commun. and Signal Process. (WCSP1), Nanjing, China, Nov. 9–11, 2011.
[3]. K. E. Psannis, Y. Ishibashi, and M.G.Hadjinicolaou, ―QoS for wireless interactive multimedia streaming,‖ in Proc. ACM Workshop QoS and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks, 2007, pp. 168–171.
[4]. A. Garcia and H. Kalva, ―Cloud transcoding for mobile video content delivery,‖ in Proc. 2011 IEEE Int. Conf. Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 2011, pp. 379–380.
[5]. Liang Zhou and Haohong Wang, ―Toward Blind Scheduling in Mobile Media Cloud: Fairness, Simplicity, and Asymptotic Optimality,‖ IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Vol. 15, Issue: 4, 2013, pp. 735-746
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Abstract: Energy management strategy governs the performance and efficiency of the system. This paper reports the use of an innovative strategy that implements monthly power split parameters to decide the division of load between the fuel cell and the batteries. These parameters are optimized and derived from swarm intelligence during the optimal sizing of a wind/PV/battery/Fuel cell configuration along with the optimized numbers of solar panels, wind turbines, fuel cells, batteries, DOD of batteries and the amount of hydrogen storage requirement. The energy management strategy also divides the operation of the system into five modes. While wind and solar form the primary sources of energy, batteries and a fuel cell stack forms the secondary and primary back-up source respectively. Two parameters, expected value of energy not served and the per-unit cost, have been chosen for the justification of the most optimal configuration. An adaptive particle swarm optimization is used for optimal sizing and a couple of radial basis neural networks trained with reset particle swarm optimization are used to calculate the life of batteries and fuel cell under specific operating conditions, thus helping us to maximize the life of fuel cells.
Keywords: Hybrid renewable energy systems; Energy management strategy; Adaptive particle swarm optimization; Reset Particle swarm optimization; Radial Basis Function Network; life of batteries and fuel cells; Optimal Sizing; Hybrid back-up management
[1] Yiannis A. Katsigiannis et-al, "Hybrid Simulated Annealing-Tabu Search Method For Optimal Sizing Of Autonomous Power Systems With Renewable", IEEE transactions on sustainable energy, Vol.3, No.3, July 2012.
[2] Daming Xu et-al; "Optimal sizing of standalone hybrid wind/PV power systems using genetic algorithms"; IEEE Canadian Conference Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2005.
[3] Eftichios Koutroulis et-al; "Methodology for optimal sizing of stand-alone photovoltaic/ wind generator systems using genetic algorithms"; Elsevier Solar Energy Journal, Vol. 80, Issue 9.
[4] Dalton, G.J., Lockington, D.A., Baldock, T.E., 2009. "Case study feasibility of renewable energy supply options for small to medium size tourist accommodations". Renewable Energy 34 (4), 1134–1144.
[5] Belfkira, R et-al; "Optimal sizing of a stand-alone hybrid wind/PV system with battery storage", IEEE European Conference Power Electronics and Applications, 2007
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Abstract: Today internet is extremely affected by several attacks such as Denial-of-Service attacks. The source IP address in a packet can be falsified. Thus IP Protocol fails to determine the originator. The attacker performs IP Spoofing and creates attacks. Thus for determining the real source of the attacker several IP Traceback schemes come forward. The available schemes have their own advantages and disadvantages. Computational Complexity is considered as common drawback. With the aim of overcoming the drawback an IP Traceback Digital Signature Algorithm is used for ensuring security for the transmitted data using Socket communication As all the available methodologies for IP Traceback, the current approach also focuses only on tracing attacker. With the aim of ensuring a Total security, a Cryptographic puzzle based scheme is also incorporated along with the new approach for preventing Hackers. Here certain puzzles are also used for encrypting the message along with the available methodology. Here the opponent cannot solve the puzzle until the encrypted packet reaches the destination. . The scheme is implemented based on a share market based application. The security of the scheme is also analyzed.
Keywords: Cryptographic puzzle hiding scheme, Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks, Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) , IP Traceback , IP Spoofing.
[1]. S.C. Lee and C. Shields, "Tracing the Source of Network Attack: A Technical, Legal and Societal Problem," Proc. 2001 IEEE Workshop on Information Assurance and Security, IEEE Press, 2001, pp. 239–246.
[2]. P. Ferguson and D. Senie, "Network Ingress Filtering: Defeating Denial of Service Attacks Which Employ IP Source Address Spoofing," Internet Eng. Task Force RFC 2827, May 2000.
[3]. H. Burch and B. Cheswick, "Tracing anonymous packets to their approximate source," in Proc. of USENIX Systems Administration Conference, (New Orleans, LA, USA), December 2000.
[4]. Stefan Savage and David Wetherall, "Network Support for IP Traceback" IEEE/ACM TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING, VOL.9, NO.3, JUNE 2001.
[5]. Ming-Hour Yang and Ming-Chien Yang,"RIHT:A Novel Hybrid IP Traceback Scheme",IEEE Transaction on Forensic,VOL.7.NO.2,APRIL 2012.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Secure Sharing of Personal Health Record in Server with On-track ECG Monitoring |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dona Mary Thomas |
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: | 10.9790/0661-16573340 ![]() |
Abstract: Personal Health Record (PHR) paved the way to the patient centric model of health information exchange. This service allows a patient to create, manage, and control her personal health data in one place through the web, which has made the storage, retrieval, and sharing of the medical information more efficient. But there have been wide privacy concerns about whether the patients could actually control the sharing of their sensitive Personal Health Information (PHI). This paper proposes a new patient centric framework and mechanisms for data access control to PHRs stored in semi-trusted servers using Attribute Based Encryption (ABE) technique. It focuses on the multiple data owner scenario, and divides the users in the PHR system into multiple security domain that greatly reduces the key management complexity for owners and users. It also proposes a new application for the on-track monitoring of patient's health data with the help of ECG device where communication between client and server is achieved through the GPRS network. The utilization of electrocardiogram transmission will improve efficiency of medical care and service for patients if they could be monitored constantly by health care providers. AES and ABE encryption techniques are used in my work.
Keywords: Attribute based encryption (ABE), ECG, GPRS, Personal health record (PHR), secure sharing.
[1]. M. Li, S. Yu, K. Ren, and W. Lou, "Scalable and secure sharing of Personal Health Records in Cloud computing using Attribute based encryption, " in secure comm‟,2012.
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[5]. S. D. C. di Vimercati, S. Foresti, S. Jajodia, S. Paraboschi, and P. Samarati, "Overencryption: management of access control evolution on outsourced data," in VLDB '07, 2007, pp. 123–13
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Abstract: Water Reflection is considered to be an important part in the analysis of natural image. Water Reflection images are the most attractive areas for artists and in photography. The existing technique uses the image segmentation and hence recognizes the object from its reflection. However, it cannot recognize certain types of objects. Because of the complex distortion generated by water waves, it needs further enhancement. Hence we propose a novel water reflection recognition technique that overcomes such limitations. The proposed method constructs a feature space composed of motion blur invariant moments in low frequency wavelet space and of wavelet coefficients in high frequency wavelet space. The motion blur in variant moments in low frequency band can distinguish the imperfect symmetry images from other images. The wavelet coefficients in high frequency band can distinguish water reflection images from other imperfect symmetry images. This algorithm can classify water reflection and determine the reflection axis as well as retrieve images with water reflection.
Index Terms: Water reflection, imperfect symmetry, motion blur, invariant moments, reflection axis detection.
[1]. Sheng-Hua Zhong, Yan Liu, Yang Liu, and Chang-Sheng Li, "Water Reflection Recognition Based on Motion Blur Invariant Moments ," IEEE Transaction On Image Processing, vol. 22, no. 11, pp. 4301–4313, Feb. 2004.
[2]. L. Lucchese, "Frequency domain classification of cyclic and dihedral symmetries of finite 2-D patterns," Pattern Recognit., vol. 37, no. 12, pp. 2263–2280, Dec. 2004.
[3]. S. Derrode and F. Ghorbel, "Shape analysis and symmetry detection in gray-level objects using the analytical Fourier–Mellin representation," Signal Process., vol. 84, no. 1, pp. 25–39, Jan. 2004.
[4]. G. Loy and J. Eklundh, "Detecting symmetry and symmetric constellations of features," in Proc. Eur. Conf. Comput. Vis., May 2006, pp. 508–521.
[5]. H. Zhang, X. J. Guo, and X. C. Cao, "Water reflection detection using a flip invariant shape detector," in Proc. Int. Conf. Pattern Recognit., Aug. 2010, pp. 633–636.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Improved Data Sharing Security with Dual-MAC Address Verification and SHCS |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Arsha S Vasanthan |
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: | 10.9790/0661-16575055 ![]() |
Abstract: For the easy and secure sharing of an unknown private data, an algorithm is developed. The proposed algorithm has improved the data sharing security with MAC address and SHCS verifications. This technique enables the sender to effectively assign a value for the commit phase.MAC address verification improved the security of authorized users at both the sender and receiver side. At the receiver side, the commit value verification is done. These features have provided an increased privacy preservation of the shared data. The usage of SHCS and MAC address in this new technique prevents hackers during the passage of private data. It is only possible in this new algorithm that more complex data can be shared with maximum security. My thesis examines the latest scheme in the literature, AIDA algorithm and proposes a new algorithm for improving the data sharing security. The new algorithm is created on top of SHCS algorithm with the help of MAC address verification. XOR encryption and decryption technique is used in my work. A Base64 encoder and decoder mechanism is added along with the encryption and decryption technique.
Keywords: MAC Verification and SHCS Verification, Anonymization and Deanonymization, Privacy Preservation and Data sharing security, XOR encryption and decryption, Encoder and Decoder
[1] A. Friedman, R. Wolff, and A. Schuster, "Providing k anonymity in data mining," VLDB Journal, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 789–804, Jul. 2008.
[2] F. Baiardi, A. Falleni, R. Granchi, F. Martinelli, M. Petrocchi, and A. Vaccarelli, "Seas, a secure e-voting protocol: Design and implementation," Comput. Security, vol. 24, no. 8, pp. 642–652, Nov. 2005.
[3] D. Chaum, "Untraceable electronic mail, return address and digital pseudonyms," Commun. ACM, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 84–88, Feb. 1981.
[4] Q. Xie and U. Hengartner, "Privacy-preserving matchmaking for mobile social networking secure against malicious users," in Proc. 9th Ann. IEEE Conf. Privacy, Security and Trust, Jul. 2011, pp. 252–259.
[5] Larry A. Dunning, "Privacy preserving data sharing with anonymous ID assignment," IEEE Trans. Information Forensics and Security, vol. 8, no. 2, February 2013.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Embedded Fingerprint Matching Mechanism in HIS for Health Care Service |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Gayathri Mohan |
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: | 10.9790/0661-16575664 ![]() |
Abstract: As technologies develops, our needs can be increase and also it can be change.The invention of new medical equipment's in health care services can help both the patients and the doctors in several ways. In this paper an advanced ubiquitous echograph system is proposed, in such a way that, doctor can diagnoses the patient without seeing them face-to-face in hospital. Patient's having medical devices with advanced features (i.e., readings/outputs of device can be downloaded and transferred to pc) can send the test details to corresponding doctor of hospital, via wireless network. That is patient needs to consult the doctor, in hospital, only when an emergency situation arises. The recent technological innovations make this concept more realistic that is helpful in increasing the easiness of doctor's consulting duties and also decreases the maintenance cost of hospital. Some devices like AccuChek and glucose level checking device are used here to demonstrate my work, since almost all the echograph devices are expensive. A new prototype is embedded into HIS: a Fingerprint Matching System. By using this system, doctor's identification can be done easily, even if their fingers are altered. Since doctors can diagnose patients, even if they are not available in hospital, a valuable recognition system is needed to make ensure that doctor is authentic or not. So the fingerprint matcher is developed in such a way that it can detect any type of altered fingerprint and can matches altered ones to their respective unaltered fingerprint. This proposed paper is even applicable for telemedicine.
Index Terms: Fingerprints, obfuscation, alteration, ridge pattern, minutiae distribution,echograph, Hospital Information System (HIS), ubiquitous computing
[1] T. Kuroda, H.Sasaki, T.Suenaga, Y.Masuda,Y.Yasumuro, K.Hori, N.Ohboshi, T. Takemura, K. Chihara, H. Y oshihara, "Embedded Ubiquitous Sevices on Hospital Information System", vol.16, no.6, pp 1216-1223, 2012.
[2] Soweon Yoon, Jianjiang Feng, Anil K. Jain,Fellow, " Altered Fingerprint : Analysis and Detection", vol.34, no.3, pp 1-14,2012.
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[5] J. E. Bardram, "Pervasive healthcare as a scientific discipline," Methods Inf. Med., vol. 3, no. 47, pp. 129–142, 2008
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Abstract: The increasing use of cloud computing resources have placed a large workload on the data centers. Solving the load balancing problem among all virtual machines (VMs) increases performance, throughput and decreases the request delay. In this paper, Roulette Wheel Selection algorithm is applied on all VMs for balancing the load in the cloud computing environment based on virtual machine weight. In our experiments, measures such as response time, data center request servicing time and processing cost are used. Simulation results show that Roulette Wheel Selection algorithm reduces data transfer cost when compared to three other load balancing algorithms. Keywords: Cloud computing, Roulette Wheel Selection, VM load balancer.
[1]. Alakeel, A. M. (2010). A Guide to Dynamic Load Balancing in Distributed Computer System. IJCSNS, VOL.10 No.6, pp. 153-160.
[3]. Marinescu, D. C. (2012). Cloud Computing: Theory and Practice (Vol. 1). University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32816, USA: Newnes, 2013.
[4]. Meenakshi Sharma, P. S. (2012). Efficient Load Balancing Algorithm in VM Cloud Environment. IJCST, 3, pp. 439-441.
[5]. Nidhi Jain Kansal, I. C. (2012, January ). Cloud Load Balancing Techniques : A Step Towards Green Computing. IJCSI, No 1(Issue 1), 9.
[6]. Pragati Priyadarshinee, P. J. (2012, June ). Load Balancing and Parallelism in Cloud Computing. Volume-1(, Issue-5).
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Abstract: The main objective of this model is to focus on how to use the model of fuzzy system to solve fuzzy mathematics problems. Some mathematical models based on fuzzy set theory, fuzzy systems and neural network techniques seem very well suited for typical technical problems. We have proposed an extension model of a fuzzy system to N-dimension, using Mamdani's minimum implication, the minimum inference system, and the singleton fuzzifier with the center average defuzzifier. Here construct two different models namely a fuzzy inference system and an adaptive fuzzy system using neural network. We have extended the theorem for accuracy of the fuzzy system to N- dimensions, and provided a medical application of the fuzzy mathematics models. Since, liver is the largest internal member in the human body, so diagnosing liver disorder disease is a high interest to researchers of the fuzzy modeling and the fuzzy system. Therefore, the fuzzy mathematical models are applied on a real data to the Liver Disorder disease. Consequently, a comparison between three models: the FS with Mamdani model, ST model, and the ANFIS is made. Therefore, we have obtained the best result with the ANFIS. Finally, the programs of these models by using MATLAB created and performed.
Keywords: Fuzzy system; FIS; ANFIS; Neural networks; Accuracy of the fuzzy system; Liver disorders
[1]. L. Aik and Y. Jayakumar, A study of neuro-fuzzy system in approximation-based problems, Matematika, 24(2), 2008, 113–130.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Improved Key Based Security Framework for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Satyam Bestaramunboena , Srinivas Sandiri |
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: | 10.9790/0661-16578692 ![]() |
Abstract: Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) are a subgroup of mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) with the distinguishing property that the nodes are vehicles like cars, trucks, buses and motorcycles. This implies that node movement is restricted by factors like road course, encompassing traffic and traffic regulations. Nodes are expected to communicate by means of North American DSRC standard that employs the IEEE 802.11p standard for wireless communication. To allow communication with participants out of radio range, messages have to be forwarded by other nodes (multi-hop communication).A web based secure registration process that allows a user to create an account with RSUs. During the registration, users provide all required information that enables them to have the benefit of secure connectivity starting from the first packet that they send to the RSUs. We propose a novel cryptographic function that enables users and RSUs to apply the required security level of exchanged messages by adjusting the number of iterations of the function. We derive a set of encryption keys that are used to encrypt the next packet from part of the data in the current packet.
Keywords: VANET, Security, RSU, Communication.
[1]. Leping Huang, Kanta Matsuura, Hiroshi Yamane and Kaoru Sezaki "Enhancing Wireless Location Privacy Using Silent Period"IEEE Communications society/WCNC 2005.
[2]. Brijesh Kadri Mohandas, Amiya Nayak, Kshirasagar Naik and Nishith Goel "ABSRP - A Service Discovery Approach for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks" IEEE Asia-Pacific services computing conference, 2008.
[3]. Maxim Raya, Panagiotis Papadimitratos, Imad Aad, Daniel Jungels and Jean-pierre Hubaux "Eviction of Misbehaving and Faulty Nodes in Vehicular Networks" IEEE Journal on Selected areas in Communications, Vol 25, No.8, October 2007.
[4]. Jiun-Long Huang, Lo-Yao Yeh, and Hung-Yu Chien "ABAKA:An Anonymous Batch Authenticated and Key Agreement Scheme for Value-Added Services in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks" IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol 60, No.1, January 2011.
[5]. Krishna Sampigethaya, Mingyan Li, Leping Huang, and Radha Poovendran "AMOEBA: Robust Location Privacy Scheme for VANET" IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol 25, No.8, October 2007
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Auto Finding and Resolving Distributed Firewall Policy |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Arunkumar.K , Suganthi.B |
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: | 10.9790/0661-16579397 ![]() |
Abstract:In the network environment firewall is one of the protection layers. A firewall policy defines how an organization's firewalls should handle inbound and outbound network traffic for specifi c IP addresses and address ranges, protocols, applications, and content types based on the organization's information security policies. In this paper, we proposed a set of firewall policy to support distributed firewalls. We also represent a set of firewall policies to automatically detecting and resolving anomalies in the network layer. we adopt a rule-based segmentation technique to identify policy anomalies and derive effective anomaly resolutions. we demonstrate how efficiently our approach can discover and resolve anomalies in firewall policy technicals with conflicts packet(Worst case) and resolved packets(Best case).
Index Terms: Firewall, policy anomaly management, access control, visualization tool, anomaly.
[1] M. Frigault, L. Wang, A. Singhal, and S. Jajodia, "Measuring Network Security Using Dynamic Bayesian Network," Proc. Fourth ACM Workshop Quality of Protection, 2008
[2] E. Al-Shaer and H. Hamed, "Discovery of Policy Anomalies in Distributed Firewalls," IEEE INFOCOM '04, vol. 4, pp. 2605-2616, 2004.
[3] J. Alfaro, N. Boulahia-Cuppens, and F. Cuppens, "Complete Analysis of Configuration Rules to Guarantee Reliable Network Security Policies," Int'l J. Information Security, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 103- 122, 2008.
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[5] F. Baboescu and G. Varghese, "Fast and Scalable Conflict Detection for Packet Classifiers," Computer Networks, vol. 42, no. 6, pp. 717-735, 2003.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Performance Analysis for Audio Streaming in Cloud |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Pramod Kumar, Dinesh Goyal |
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: | 10.9790/0661-165798104 ![]() |
Abstract: Audio streaming has been a major application, which has become popular in past few years especially amongst youth both in professional and personal lives. Various organizations to develop and deploy their own cloud, and their meeting most of them are in the same cloud, holding a variety of audio codecs to be used for real-time streaming. The concept of cloud computing has been proposed from the device to the cloud computing power, storage, and security unloading resource requirements. Internet audio applications such as real-time streaming is expected to be ubiquitous in the cloud users, they often encounter a diverse range of wireless access technology, wireless networks, roaming and in their closed position and support the work of the deployment. FLAC, MP3 and WAV streams are used for real-time streaming. In this paper, we analyze the various quality parameters, FLAC, MP3 and WAV format audio streams in different environmental conditions, they deliver quality performance
Key Words: Cloud, Audio, Streaming, FLAC, MP3
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[4] Rice Library, "Audio Formats:A Guide to Understanding Audio Containers & Codecs".
[5] Winxdvd resource centre, "What is MPEG", review article.
[6] Junaid Afzal et. al. ,"Audio Streaming over MBMS: A System Design Approach" JOURNAL OF MULTIMEDIA, VOL. 1, NO. 5, AUGUST 2006
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Methodological Survey on Fetal ECG Extraction |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Anisha.M , Dr.S.S.Kumar , Benisha.M |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1657105115 ![]() |
Abstract: Fetal Electrocardiogram (FECG) signal, non-invasively taken from the Abdominal Electrocardiogram (AECG) of a pregnant woman is a efficient diagnostic tool for evaluating the health status of fetus. Clinically significant information in the Fetal Electrocardiogram signal is often masked by Maternal Electrocardiogram (MECG) considered as the most predominant interference, power line interference, and maternal Electromyogram (EMG), baseline wander etc. Fetal Electrocardiogram signal features may not be readily comprehensible by the visual or auditory systems of a human. Therefore Fetal Electrocardiogram should be extracted from composite Abdominal Electrocardiogram for clinical diagnosis. There are many powerful and well advanced methods for this purpose. A methodological study has been carried out to show the effectiveness of various methods which helps in understanding of Fetal ECG signal and its analysis procedures by providing valuable information.
Keywords: AbdominalECG, MaternalECG, ElectroMyoGram
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study and Analysis of Routing Protocol in Manet |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Nitika Lochab , Priti Narwal |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1657116120 ![]() |
Abstract: AMobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is a network that has the ability to communicate each other without any fixed network. It has the capacity to take decisions on its own. MANET has no infrastructure. The bridges in the network are known as a base station. Nodes can move freely anywhere, independent of each other and it makes routing more difficult if the nodes will keep on moving. The routing protocol in MANET should be more dynamic so that they quickly respond to topological changes.So in MANET topology changes frequently.Because of the dynamic property of mobile nodes MANET require an efficient routing protocol for best results[1]. This paper analyze the performance based on mobility model of Reactive routing protocol AODV (on demand distance vector), DSR (dynamic source routing) and proactive routing protocol DSDV (destination sequence distance vector). Performances are analyzed with respect to throughput, end to end delay and packet delivery ratio. Simulations were carried out using Network Simulator-2 (NS-2)version 2.35.
Keywords: Aodv, Dsr, Dsdv,Manet, Ns2.
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Abstract: Resource limitations and potential WSNs application and key management are the challenging issues for WSNs. Network scalability is one of the important things in designing a key management scheme. So we are proposed a new scalable key management scheme for WSNs; by this we will achieve a good secure connectivity. For this purpose we used one theory that is called Unital design theory. We have to show mapping from unital to key pre-distribution, by this mapping we will achieved high network scalability and sharing probability. So, that they have extended their work still more by finding another theory that is Unital based key pre-distribution scheme, by using this they achieved high network scalability and sharing probability. They had conducted some of the analysis and simulation and the results had been compared with that of the existing system, by using different criteria such as, 1. Storage overhead 2. Network scalability 3. Network connectivity 4. Average secure path length 5. Network resiliency So, the system had shown good network scalability and sharing probability.
Keywords: Network scalability, Key management, secure connectivity, Unital Design, Sharing probability
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Abstract: The message digest algorithm is a widely used cryptographic hash function. It produces a 128-bit hash value. It has been used in a variety of security applications and is also commonly used to check data integrity. However MD5 has been found not to be collision resistant. It is possible to find a pseudo-collision, that is, two different initialization vectors which produce an identical digest. Other attacks that have been found to be working on MD5 are rainbow, dictionary and brute-forcing attacks. The ability to find collisions has been greatly aided by the graphics processing unit (GPU). The solution to these collisions is a robust MD5 compression function. This research paper focused on enhancing the Merkle Damgard model construction, which is the core component of the hashing process. It involved adding an extra iteration so that instead of the current two -cycle looping, we have a three-cycle looping per message block. The aim is to make it computationally infeasible to reverse the hash function. In this way, make the whole MD5 algorithm would be made stronger. This algorithm could then be used for password hashing in an effort to make them robust. The new password hashing mechanism find applications in areas such as digital signatures and digital certificates.
Keywords: Hashing, MD5, GPU, Architecture, MITM
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Abstract: The most advanced and updated Shamir Encryption algorithm is efficient enough to prevent and stop unauthorized and illegal access to the secured encoded data. It is best to solution to ensure reliability and security of the data with the help of Steganography and Visual Cryptography. On the ground of the failure of the previous extensive research by expert to ensure security of the data.
Index Terms: Data hiding, Efficient, Integrity, High performance, Reliable, Secured
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Skew Detection based on Bounding Edge Approximation |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | P. Malathi |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0661-1657136139 ![]() |
Abstract: Any paper document when converted to electronic form through standard digitizing devices, like scanners, is subject to a small tilt or skew. With recent advances of hand-held devices such as cell-phones, Personal Digital Assistants (PDA), etc. having built-in digital cameras, a new trend of document capturing has emerged. Because of the non-contact nature of digital cameras attached to these handheld devices, acquired images very often suffer from skew distortion. A de-skewed document allows a more compact representation of its components, particularly text objects, such as words, lines, and paragraphs. This simplified representation leads to more efficient, robust, as well as simpler algorithms for document image analysis including optical character recognition (OCR). This paper presents a new method for automatic skew detection in images using heuristic approach .The proposed algorithm is fast as well as independent of the scripting language.
Keywords: Skew,Grayscale, Deskew,Rotation,Translation
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[4] Pal, U. and B.B. Chaudhuri, 1996. An improved document skew angle estimation technique. Pattern Recognition Lett., 17: 899-904. DOI: 10.1016/0167-8655(96)00042-6
[5] Yu, B. and A.K. Jain, 1996. A robust and fast skew detection algorithm for generic documents. Patt. Recog.,29: 1599-1629. DOI: 10.1016/0031-3203(96)00020-9