Version-2 (Jan-Feb 2017)
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Abstract: We present a simple linear regression model fit in the direction of self-similarity behavior of internet user's arrival data pattern. It has been reported that Internet traffic exhibits self-similarity. Motivated by this fact, real time internet users arrival patterns considered as traffic and the results carried out and proven that it has the self-similar nature by various Hurst index methods. The present study provides a mathematical model equation in terms linear regression as a tool to predict the arrival pattern of Internet users data at web centers. Numerical results, analysis discussed and presented here plays a significant role in improvement of the services and forecasting analysis of arrival protocols at web centers in the view of quality of service (QOS).
Keyword: long-range dependence, self-similarity, Poisson Process, Linear Regression, Hurst Index.
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Abstract: Malicious URLs have been universally used to ascend various cyber attacks including spamming, phishing and malware. Malware, short term for malicious software, is software which is developed to penetrate computers in a network without the user's permission or notification. Existing methods typically detect malicious URLs of a single attack type. Hence such detection systems are failed to protect the users from various attacks. Malware spreading widely throughout the area of network as consequence of this it becomes predicament in distributed computer and network systems
Keywords: Malicious URLs, Analyzer, Malware
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Orientation Spectral Resolution Coding for Pattern Recognition |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shaikh Afroz Fatima Muneeruddin |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1901021322 ![]() |
Abstract: In the approach of pattern recognition, feature descriptions are of greater importance. Features are represented in spatial domain and transformed domain. Wherein, spatial domain features are of lower representation, transformed domains are finer and more informative. In the transformed domain representation, features are represented using spectral coding using advanced transformation technique such as wavelet transformation. However, the feature extraction approach considers the band coefficients..............
Keywords: Pattern recognition, orientation spectral resolution, wavelet transformation, spectral features
[1]. Te-Wei Chiang, Tien-Wei Tsai, "Content-Based Image Retrieval via the Multiresolution Wavelet Features of Interest", Journal of Information Technology and Applications Vol. 1 No. 3, December, 2006.
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Abstract: In today's world one of the most integral part is the data. There is lots of scattered (unstructured) data around that is available. Enterprises deal with lots of data and there are requirements that need to be imposed on such data in terms of access, control and maintenance. In order to achieve these functionalities it is very important to structure the data. Structuring of data is part of data governance and this can be achieved by various technologies. Since any enterprise has large amount of data we need cloud for storing this data. This paper presents the way of using Google cloud services and google apps in ordered to obtain uniform good quality data that can be further used for analysis purpose.
Keywords: Data governance, Data structuring, Google apps, Google Cloud storage, MVC Architecture
[2]. MOHAMMAD FIKRY ABDULLAH and DR. KAMSURIAH AHMAD, "The Mapping Process of Unstructured Data to Structured Data" 3rd International Conference on Research and Innovation in Information Systems – 2013. [3]. TATYANA SVIRIDOVA, LARISA SVIRIDOVA AND BOGDAN TYMOSHENKO "GOOGLE APPS AS SOLUTION OF COMMUNICATION ISSUES IN EDUCATIONAL PROCESS" MEMSTECH'2011, 11-14 May 2011, Polyana-Svalyava (Zakarpattya), UKRAINE
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Abstract: Why does large number of data warehousing projects fail? How to avoid such failures? How to meet out user's expectations and fulfil data analysis needs of business managers from data warehousing solutions? How to make data warehousing projects successful? These are some of the key questions before data warehouse research community in the present time. Literature shows that large numbers of data warehousing projects undertaken eventually result in a failure. In this paper, we have designed a framework named "Data Warehouse Development Standardization Framework" (DWDSF), to help data warehouse developer's community in implementing effective data warehousing solutions............
Keywords: Data warehouse failure, Data warehouse framework, Data warehousing practices, Operational System limitations
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Abstract: Journey is an inseparable part of human life which is responsible for human civilization development.Worldwide a large portion of population daily travel for work, shopping, social reasons and many other purposes. Nowadays road accidents, hijacking, robbery, snatching, trap of fraud parties have increased in such a level that people are always concerned about the security and safety of life as well as property during journey. In maximum cases vehicle drivers are found involved with these incidents and victims can't complain to the related authority due to the lack of evidence.Also law enforcement agencies is unable to take proper action against these crimes due to the scarcity of adequate information..........
Keywords: GPS tracking, Journey Safety, Security, Share, Smartphone.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Swarms Robots and their applications |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Yazdani Hasan |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1901024647 ![]() |
Abstract: Swarm robotics is a new approach to the coordination of multirobot systems which consist of large numbers of mostly simple physical robots In this paper, we will discuss this emerging filed, Swarm Robots. This filed has many applications. We will also discuss these applications in detail.
Keywords: Robot, Intelligence, Swarm, Applications
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analysis of Adaptive and Advanced Speckle Filters on SAR Data |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Arundhati Misra || Dhwani Ajmera |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1901024854 ![]() |
Abstract: Synthetic Aperture RADAR(SAR) images get inherently affected by speckle noise which is multiplicative in nature. This noise affects the image spatial statistics and properties. Over the past several years, many SAR denoising algorithms have been developed to reduce speckle noise. Some of the standard speckle filters are Gamma MAP, Lee, Frost and Kuan filters. Further, these have also been modified to obtain better results after filtering, than their original counterparts. Apart from the standard speckle filters, advanced SAR filters like Block Matching 3 Dimensional (BM3D) are also present..............
Keywords: BM3D, Frost, Gamma MAP, Kuan, Lee, Quality Assessment, SAR, Speckle
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Application of Digital Image Processing in Drug Industry |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Huvaida Manzoor |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1901025560 ![]() |
Abstract: Digital Image Processing is a very vast field It has many applications in every field and one such application is in drug industry. Drug Industry is leading industry. Manufacturing process in drug Industry is increasing day by day as we are dependent on these medicines. But these medicines might be defected, tablets may be broken, there may be missing tablet in a strip and consumption of such drugs might be dangerous. This paper shows different methods in digital image processing technique to find the defects in tablets. Four methods are used in order to detect the defect in tablet strip.
Keywords: Digital Image Processing, Morphology opening, Template Matching, Mathematical Manipulation, Euler's number
[1]. Huvaida Manzoor, Yogeshwar SinghRandhawa-Comparative studies of algorithms using Digital Image Processing in Drug Industry –published at: "International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP), Volume 4,Issue 4,April 2014 Edition".
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Abstract: Since the Boko-haram insurgency, in 2009 armed conflicts have become the order of the day in North-eastern Nigeria leading to a high number of civilian and sometimes military casualties. For a while the whereabouts and tactics of fighting back the insurgency eluded the Nigerian military mainly because the insurgent are locals with a good knowledge of the terrain. Thus, making it easier to make forays on motorized vehicles and still elude capture. For the military to be able to undertake offensive and rescue mission campaigns with fewer military casualty, knowledge of the terrain to which personnel are being deployed is very crucial. Thus, the ability of a field commander to carry out a successful spatial terrain analysis using up-to-date satellite/aerial images could mean the difference between life and death...........
Keywords: Insurgency, Terrorism, Boko-haram, geospatial analysis, GIS, remote sensing, North-east, Nigeria.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design Package to Build and Evaluate Encryption Algorithms |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Prof. Dr. Salim Ali Abbas || Ali Jumaa Hashim |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1901027583 ![]() |
Abstract: Building secure stream cipher algorithm in fast and comfortable manner is consider point of interest for most of those interested in building encryption algorithms to conceal their information and prevent detection it by unauthorized persons. The main goal of this paper is to design a package to implement and evaluate most of stream cipher algorithms in fast, convenient manner. The package provides the ability to the designer to design stream cipher algorithms either visually or by C# programming language. The proposed package provides number of the components required to build stream cipher algorithm...........
Keywords: Design,Evaluating,NIST statistical tests, Package, Stream cipher algorithm
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Abstract: The main purpose of data mining is to extract knowledge from large amount of data. Artificial Neural network (ANN) has already been applied in a variety of domains with remarkable success. This paper presents the application of hybrid model for stroke disease that integrates Genetic algorithm and back propagation algorithm. Selecting a good subset of features, without sacrificing accuracy, is of great importance for neural networks to be successfully applied to the area. In addition the hybrid model that leads to further improvised categorization...........
Keywords: ANN, Back Propagation algorithm, Data mining, Feed Forward Network, Genetic algorithm, Hybrid model, Neuron.
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