Version-5 (Sep-Oct 2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A General Study on Cyber-Attacks on Social Networks |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | M. Sreenu || Dr V. Anantha Krishna || Devender Nayak.N |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1905050104 ![]() |
Abstract: A cyber attack is any type of offensive man-oeuvre employed by nation-states, individuals, groups, or organizations that targets computer information systems, infrastructures, computer networks, and/or personal computer devices by various means of malicious acts usually originating from an anonymous source that either steals, alters, or destroys a specified target by hacking into a susceptible system. These can be labelled as either a cyber campaign, cyber-warfare or cyber-terrorism in different context. Cyber attacks can range from installing spyware on a PC to attempts to destroy the infrastructure of entire nations. User behaviour analytics and SIEM are used to prevent these attacks. Social platform attacks target websites with large user bases, such as Face book, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram..............
Keywords: Cyber attacks, false flag, Social networks.
[1] Communication Networks: Fundamental Concepts and Key Architectures by Alberto Leon-Garcia, Indra Widjaja Published July 16th 2003 by McGraw-Hill Education (first published January 15th 2000)
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[4] Data Communications and Networking by Forouza Indian Edition.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Review on Different Datamining Schemas with their Design Methodologies |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | V. Sumalatha |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1905050508 ![]() |
Abstract: Database design for data warehouses is based on the notion of the snowflake schema and its important special case, the star schema. The snowflake schema represents a dimensional model which is composed of a central fact table and a set of constituent dimension tables which can be further broken up into sub dimension tables. We formalise the concept of a snowflake schema in terms of an acyclic database schema whose join tree satisfies certain structural properties. We then define a normal form for snowflake schemas which captures its intuitive meaning with respect to a set of functional and inclusion dependencies. We show that snowflake schemas in this normal form are independent as well as separable when the relation schemas are pairing wise incomparable. This implies that relations in the data warehouse can be updated independently of each other as long as referential integrity is maintained. In addition, we show that a data warehouse in snowflake normal form can be queried by joining the relation............
[1] O. Romero, A. Abelló, A survey of multidimensional modeling methodologies, Int. J. Data Warehous. Min. 5 (2009) 1–23.
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[3] O. Romero, A. Abelló, Automatic validation of requirements to support multidimensional design, Data Knowl. Eng. 69 (2010) 917–942.
[4] F. Di Tria, E. Lefons, F. Tangorra, GrHyMM: a graph-oriented hybrid multidimensional model, in: O. De Troyer, C.B. Medeiros, R. Billen, P. Hallot, A. Simitsis, H. Van Mingroot (Eds.), Proceedings of the ER Workshops, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6999, 2011, Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 86–97.
[5] J.N. Mazón, J. Trujillo, A hybrid model driven development framework for the multidimensional modeling of data warehouses, SIGMOD Record 38 (2009) 12–17..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Nano electromechanical systems: Its features, Challenges and Carbon Nanotubes |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Tamanna Punia || Attar Singh |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1905050913 ![]() |
Abstract: With the study of nanoscale effects, Nano electromechanical systems (NEMS) present interesting and unique characteristics, which diverges greatly from their predecessor micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS). When MEMS are scaled to submicron dimension[5], NEMS are formed. NEMS are able to preserve very high mechanical responsivity (small force constants); the quality (Q) factors of resonance are remarkly higher than those of electrical resonant cavity (i.e. in range Q = 103 – 105) and acquire tremendously high fundamental frequencies concurrently. These features are responsible for technological applications like signal processing components, actuators and ultrafast sensors...........
Keywords: Nano electromechanical system, attribute, transducers, carbon nanotubes[1]. A. Cleland, Foundations of Nanomechanics (Springer, New York, 2003).
[2]. A. Husain, J. Hone, H. W. C. Postma, X. M. H. Huang, T. Drake, M. Barbic, A. Scherer, and M. L. Roukes, Appl. Phys. Lett. 83, 1240 (2003).
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[5]. A.N. Cleland and M.L. Roukes, "Fabrication of high frequency nanometer scale Mechanical resonators from bulk Si substrates", Appl. Phys. Lett., 69, 2653 (1996)..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Classical and Quantum Computing |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Tamanna Punia || Attar Singh |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1905051418 ![]() |
Abstract: Integrating physics, computer science and mathematics quantum computing has evolved in the last two decades from an imaginative idea to one of the most interesting field of quantum mechanics. Altering the model underlying information and computation from a classical mechanical to a quantum mechanical gives faster algorithms. Quantum algorithm can execute a selective set of tasks widely more effectively than any classical algorithm, but for many tasks, it has proven that quantum algorithms give no actual benefit. The scope of quantum computing applications is still being examined. This research paper gives an overview of quantum computer, explanation of qubit and discusses about the various applications of quantum mechanics to verify the existence of quantum computers............
Keywords: Quantum computer, Qubit, Quantum gates, entanglement, algorithms
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[5]. Biham, E., et al. (2004), "Quantum computing without entanglement‟, Theoretical Computer Science, 320: 15–33..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Fuzzy Based Paperless Office (FBPO) Model facilitating Paperless Office |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Ejiofor .C.I || Mgbeafuluike .I .J |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1905051922 ![]() |
Abstract: The design of paperless office architecture has been provided in this research paper, exploring the underlining benefit of fuzzy logic in attaining linguistic variables and variables thereby providing robustness and handling uncertainties. This architecture has the propensity for cutting down operational cost and hardcopy documentation while handling organizational procedures and processes
Keywords: Paperless office, Fuzzy Logic
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Abstract: A Hybrid Multi Wavelet Transform (HMWT) based 2D magnetic resonance (MR) image compression method is proposed. The proposed work presents a novel MR image compression method using Parallel Random Band Selection Method and Motion-Selective Rank Algorithm (PRMRB). In the proposed method, 2D multispectral MR image is spectral decorrelated and temporal decorrelated in the first and second stage of intra and inter band correlation. From this process, the main spectral band component for analysis is selected. These components were given to Parallel Random Band Selection Method, where the registration of sequence of band components is done. In this approach, the spectral bands are treated independently, so there will be many sequences as the number of spectral bands............
Keywords: Wavelet Transform, magnetic resonance, spectral, band correlation, motion estimation
[1]. K. Ma et al., "Robust Multi-Exposure Image Fusion: A Structural Patch Decomposition Approach , "IEEE Trans. on Image
Processing, vol. 26, issue 5, pp. 2519 - 2532, 2017.
[2]. S. Jagadeesh and E. Nagabhooshanam, "Energy Interpolated Mapping for Image Compression with Hierarchical Coding, " Indian
Journal of Science and Technology, vol 10 (9), pp- 1-10, 2017.
[3]. Miguel A. Veganzones et al., " Hyperspectral Super-Resolution of Locally Low Rank Images From Complementary Multisource
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[4]. S.Jagadeesh, E.Nagabhooshanam, "Scalable Identity Wavelet in Hierarchical Image Codec", IOSR Journal of VLSI and Signal
Processing(IOSR-JVSP), Volume 6,Issue 6, Ver.1 (Nov-Dec. 2016), pp 01-12.
[5]. S. Jagadeesh and E. Nagabhooshanam, " Multi Spectral Band Selective Coding for Medical Image Compression, " Global Journal
of Computer Science and Technology: F, Graphics & Vision, vol. 15, issue 3, pp-21-28 2015.
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Abstract:The design of a cloud based multi model software product selection and decision support software tool incorporating three Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) models: Weighted Sum Method, ViseKriterijumsaOptimizacija I KompromisnoResenje (VIKOR) in Serbian; meaning Multi Criteria Optimization and Compromise Solution and Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) has been presented. Existing systems rely one or a hybrid MCDM model for the evaluation which can produce erroneous results. The proposed software tool considers the ranking results from all three models when making a decision. The DSS tool was implemented using freely available Google Cloud technologies: Sheets, Drive, Sites, for easier collaborative decision...............
Keywords: Decision Support Systems, MCDM, Google Sheets, TOPSIS, VIKOR, WSM.
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Optimization in Software Engineering Group250(1), 564–568
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Comparative Study of Watershed and K means Clustering in Brain Tumour Identification |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Garvit Pareek || Vinay. M |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1905054250 ![]() |
Abstract:The core objective of our paper is to compare K means clustering and watershed algorithm using MATLAB tool. The comparison is based on their performance, accuracy, and its geometrical dimension. A Brain tumour is one of the major cause of death in current space. Many researchers and scientist are constantly working from last two decades and proposing, unlike algorithm which can be integrated with biotechnology field for effective results. MRI image plays a predominant role in identifying and extracting the tumour part. It offers better results of various soft tissues as compared to CT scan, X-ray, and Ultrasound. Segmentation of image is a grueling task because of intensities.............
Keywords: Terms: Brain tumour, K means Clustering, Watershed, MRI, pre-processing
[1]. Danyal Maheshwari, Ali Akber Shah," Extraction of Brain Tummour in MRI images using Marker Controlled Watershed
Transform Technique in MATLAB ", Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Medical Imaging, Volume 2, Issue 4, August 2015
[2]. Yogita sharma and Parminder Kaur, "Detection and Extraction of brain tumour using K-Means Clustering and watershed
Algorithms", International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) – Volume 3 Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2015
[3]. Rajesh C. Patil and AS Bhalachandra ,"Brain tumour extraction from MRI images using matlab ", International Journal of
Electronics, Communication & Soft Computing Science and Engineering ISSN: 2277-9477, Volume 2, Issue 1
[4]. Anam Mustaqeem, Ali javed and tehseen Fatima, "An efficient Brain tumour detection Algorithm using watershed and threshold
based segmentation", I.J. Image, Graphics and Signal Processing, 2012, 10, 34-39 Published Online September 2012
[5]. Neha Baraiya and Hardik Modi ,"Comparative Study of Diffferent Methods for Brain Tumour Extraction from MRI Images using
Image Processing", Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 9(4), DOI:10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i4/85624, January 2016
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Abstract:In spite of the huge advantages got from the selection of cloud computing idea, its famous adoption
has been determined usually by security concerns. The broadened assault surface in a cloud environment makes
it more defenseless against existing and developing security dangers. Customary information security
approaches have been discovered inadequate in abridging these dangers and this obnoxious pattern has
required the requirement for an advanced methodsto deal with datasecrecy. This paper proposes an improved
component to guaranteeing information security by utilizing RC6algorithm. we went for utilizing the quality of
these techniques to gains a powerful instrument for guaranteeing secrecy and integrity of information in the
cloud .The results obtained from proposed system shows that ability to resistance the threats and attacks and
able to keep user's data secure and trusted.
Keywords: CloudComputing , Encryption , Cryptography , RC6 algorithm
[1] Zaid Kartit, Mohamed El Marraki, "Applying Encryption Algorithm to Enhance Data Security in Cloud Storage",(Advance online
publication: 17 November 2015) .
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[5] Ronald L. Krutz , Russell Dean Vines , " Cloud Security : A Comprehensive Guide to Secure Cloud Computing" , 2010 .
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Solutions of common challenges in IoT |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | AmathulHadiShakara || Md. TareqHasan || NadiaAkter |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1905055765 ![]() |
Abstract:With the development of technology in modern science, the world has become smaller and easier to us. Today, internet is being used not only on personal computers but also on various smart devices. Smart devices can be considered as interactive electronic devices where they connect with other smart devices through a network to share and interact remotely. Internet of Thing is this kind of invention of modern science which is a computing technology provides anetwork of things and people where human and devices with sensor can communicate each other to perform many different tasks of our day to day life.This paper provides an overview of the Internet of Things (IoT)and its architecture emphasis on well-known problems of IoTandits possible solutions.This paper encountered the discussion of IoT architecture problems and many other challenges including the new malware attack, also proposing some solutions ofscalability, latency, bandwidth, malware attack including RFID and NFC problem.
[1] Source:, accessed in 10th May, 2017.
[3] I. Mashal, O. Alsaryrah, T.-Y. Chung, C.-Z. Yang, W.-H. Kuo, and D. P. Agrawal, ―Choices for interaction with things on Internet
and underlying issues,‖ Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 28, pp. 68–90, 2015.
[4] O. Said and M. Masud, ―Towards internet of things: survey and future vision,‖ International Journal of Computer Networks, vol. 5,
no. 1, pp. 1–17, 2013.
[5] M. Wu, T.-J. Lu, F.-Y. Ling, J. Sun, and H.-Y. Du, ―Research on the architecture of internet of things,‖ in Proceedings of the 3rd
International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (ICACTE '10), vol. 5, pp. V5-484–V5-487, IEEE,
Chengdu, China, August 2010.
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Abstract:Development ventures are executed in various nations with substantial expenses and a portion of the
undertakings have been moderately or totally ineffective and even confronted with irreversible misfortunes after
development. Perhaps, it is because of complexities identified with ventures or other social-financial wonder. The
current investigation uncovered that worth building can be utilized as a supportive instrument from the earliest
starting point of studies as far as possible of planning, developing, misusing, and keeping up forms and beat
common structures' difficulties and complexities. Worth building is a technique experienced in the board that has a
sorted out methodology. Worth building has a precise and helpful instrument to dissect capacity and frameworks
with the point of accomplishing alluring capacity with the least expenses. This examination has endeavored to
quickly present ideas and official procedure of significant worth building in development ventures. Likewise, the
examination has endeavored to.......
Keywords: Value Engineering; Construction Project; Value Index; Value Analysis; Value Management; Value Methodology
[1] Zhang, Xueqing, Xiaoming Mao, and Simaan M. AbouRizk. "Developing a knowledge management system for improved value
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Value Engineering: The Observatory World Project of China State Construction Property Company as an Example." In Proceedings of
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Abstract:An extensive investigation of segmental coating joints can help to ensure a sheltered development
during burrowing and functionally arranges. This paper has completely examined the collaboration component
of precast solid covering joints in burrows. The Universal Distinct Element Code (UDEC), a two-dimensional
numerical program dependent on the unmistakable component strategy (DEM) for discontinuum displaying,
was actualized to reenacted a commonplace segmental coating model comprising of six portion rings. In the
examinations, the run of the mill segmental covering plan parameters of Qomrud water movement burrow,
meant to move 100 million cu. m. water from the starting points of Dez River to focal Iranian desert, were
utilized to satisfy the motivation behind the exploration. In the directed examinations, the most dire outcome
imaginable of the stacking......
Keywords: The Universal Distinct Element Code (UDEC); DEM Method; Contact Problem; Longtidunal Joint; Interface; Key Segment.
[1] Blom, C.B.M., "Design Philosophy of Concrete Linings for Tunnels in Soft Soils, Technical university of Delft". 2002.
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Applied Mathematical Modeling, 36 (2012): 4422–4438.
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Abstract:These days pozzolans are utilized boundlessly in common undertakings. Pozzolan is a characteristic or
fake material containing dynamic silica that expansion the quality and improves a few properties of cement. In this
study for exploring some significant properties of solid, silica smoke and fly debris was utilized in substitution of
concrete in various loads. Solid creations were made with water-concrete proportion of 0.45 and restored under
similar conditions. The primary focal point of this review is to research the individual and joined impact of
utilizing Pozzolan on mechanical properties, porousness and shrinkage of cement. The mechanical properties of
cement in compressive and twisting quality at the age of 7, 28 and 90 days, were assessed. Penetrability was
explored with the water assimilation test. The drying shrinkage of cement was checked for 90 days. Examining
Electron Microscopy (SEM) pictures was utilized in solid concrete based lattice morphology. The outcomes
indicated that the expansion of pozzolan expands the mechanical quality and decrease penetrability and increment
the drying shrinkage in certain blends.
Keywords: Silica Fume; Fly Ash; Mechanical; Permeability, Compression, SEM..
[1]. Mostafa Jalal, Alireza Pouladkhan, Omid Fasihi Harandi, Davoud Jafari. "Comparative study on effects of Class F fly ash, nano silica
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