Version-3 (Nov-Dec 2017)
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Abstract: Ethiopian calendar has 13 months in which 12 months have 30 days equal and the 13th month has 5 or 6 days length. Date is one of the inputs for web or desktop applications. Java Development Kit(JDK) and Joda-Time Date Time package have been used for date manipulation in java based applications developed for local use in Ethiopia. Besides, Gregorian calendar date time pickers have also been used in web applications. This leads the application developers not to fully adapt localization. To fill this gap we developed JavaScript Date Picker and date manipulator java package in Ethiopian calendar basis. The first product consists of Amharic week day and month names which enable users to pick Ethiopian date as an input in web applications. The second product is used to manipulate Ethiopian date in java........
Keywords: Amharic Month Name, Date Manipulator java package, Date Picker, Ethiopian Calendar, Localization
[1]. Bert Esselink,A Practical Guide to Localization,,( John Benjamins Publishing, [2000])
[2]. Ethiopian Calendar url:,Accessed:November 07,2017
[3]. Ethiopian Calendar, url:, Accessed:November 09,2017
[4]. Ben Evans and Richard Warburto, Java SE 8 Date and Time, url:,
[5]. Accessed: September 12,2017
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Abstract: In data mining, occurrence of missing values in the data to be analyzed is a common issue. Ignoring these missing values, which arise from various reasons, results in failure to perform the analyses on the data in an accurate manner. Therefore, in data mining, it is necessary to identify and correct the missing values before conducting the analyses. Many methods have been developed for this purpose. In this study, synthetic missing values at various ratios were generated on the KDD Cup 99 dataset and Least Square, Naive Bayes, Hot Deck Imputation and Most Frequent Value methods were used to recover those missing values.
Keywords: Hot deck, least square, missing value, naive bayes, network data.
[1]. I. Pratama., A.E. Permanasari, I. Ardiyanto and R. Indrayani, A review of missing values handling methods on time-series data, Information Technology Systems and Innovation, 2016, 1-6. [2]. F. Kaya Gülağız, O. Gök and A. Kavak, A Comparison of Imputation Techniques using Network Traffic Data, International Journal of Computer Applications, 142(7), 2016, 25-29.
[3]. R. Razavi-Far and M. Saif, Imputation of missing data using fuzzy neighborhood density-based clustering, International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 2016, 1834-1841.
[4]. A. Sarıkaş, N. Odabaşıoğlu and G. Altay, Comparison of estimation methods for missing value imputation of gene expression data, Medical Technologies National Congress (TIPTEKNO), 2016, 1-4.
[5]. B. Suthar, H. Patel and A. Goswami, A survey: classification of imputation methods in data mining, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, 2(1), 2012, 309-12.
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Abstract: Indoor Positioning Systems (IPS) are rapidly increasing in dynamic working areas. The tags, reader and server module, that constitute the IPS systems; generally communicate with technologies such as radio frequency, ultra-wideband, ultrasonic, and infrared. In this study, IPS simulation software, which can generate possible scenarios related to the behavioral modules of modules, have been realized in the IPS systems that use radio frequency as communication technology. Ambient noise, room walls, and other disruptive factors encountered in real applications have been modeled on scenarios. In the developed IPS simulation software, the modules related to the system and the parameters related to the application environment are ensured to be used very flexibly. The system, that uses the trilateration algorithm for positioning can also be operated as Monte Carlo simulations. However, the performance of this simulation software has been tested under different ambient conditions.
Keywords: IPS, Log-normal shadowing, RF, Simulation software, Trilateration
[1]. H. Zou, X. Lu, H. Jiang and L. Xie, A Fast and Precise Indoor Localization Algorithm Based on an Online Sequential Extreme Learning Machine. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 15(1), 1804–1824.
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[3]. A. K. Jastrzebski and P. H. Huang, Simulation of wireless channel model statistics for personal area networks indoor location systems, 2012 19th International Conference on Microwaves, Radar & Wireless Communications, Warsaw, 2012, 652-655.
[4]. F. Wang, J. Chen and Q. Liu, SRS-based LTE indoor wireless positioning system, 2017 IEEE 2nd Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IAEAC), Chongqing, 2017, 2356-2359.
[5]. T. Xie, C. Zhang, Y. Li, H. Jiang and Z. Wang, An enhanced TDoA approach handling multipath interference in Wi-Fi based indoor localization systems, 2017 IEEE 60th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), Boston, MA, 2017, 160-163.
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Abstract: Fuzzy logic has given an edge to deal with uncertainty and vagueness. Fuzzy logic reflects how people think. It attempts to model our sense of words, our decision making and our common sense. As a result, it is leading to new, more human intelligent systems. We can apply fuzzy logic to deal with uncertainties in various fields. There are three basic steps for fuzzy logic system i.e. Fuzzification, rule evaluation and Defuzzification. In this paper we have discussed a real life problemin whichdifferent results of same survey were presented when conducted over a period of time. The survey data represent uncertainty in the form of fuzzy sets.To solve the problem we applied defuzzification approaches..........
Keywords: Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzification, Membership functions Defuzzification, Trapezoidal method,Centroid method, Bisector method, weighted average methods, LOM, SOM, MOM.
[1]. L. A. Zadeh, Fuzzy Sets, Information and Control 8 (1965) 338-353.
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[4]. H.-J. Zimmermann, Fuzzy Set Theory and It's Applications, Second Revised Edition. [5]. Zadeh, L.A., "Fuzzy Logic," Computer, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 83-93, 1988.
[6]. Zadeh, L.A., "Knowledge representation in fuzzy logic," IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 1, pp. 89-100, 1989.
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Abstract: In recently year, most of the forecasting models are based on concept of fuzzy time series according to the historical data for forecasting the future. Generally, a fuzzy time series forecasting model include three main stages such a fuzzification of crisp time series observations, the identification fuzzy logical relationships and the defuzzification. In these stages, many researchers have used different algorithms to build models with aim to improve forecasting accuracy. In this paper, a hybrid model for forecasting of rice production based on fuzzy time series and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm is presented. Firstly, the historical data needs to be expressed by linguistic values in the...........
Keywords:Enrollments, rice production, forecasting, fuzzy time series, fuzzy relationship groups, particle swarm optimization.
[1] L. A. Zadeh, 1965, Fuzzy sets, Information and Control, vol.8, no.3, pp.338-353.
[2] Q. Song and B. S. Chissom, Fuzzy time series and its models, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol.54, no.3,(1993a) 269-277.
[3] Q. Song and B. S. Chissom, Forecasting enrolments with fuzzy time series - Part I, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol.54, no.1, (1993b) 1-9.
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[5] S.M. Chen, "Forecasting Enrolments based on Fuzzy Time Series," Fuzzy set and systems, vol. 81, (1996) 311-319.
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Abstract: The fast growing numbers in data and information in the current IT world is facing the tsunami like situation. The increase in the number of end users need the secure and reliable model to handle the situation. Big data and cloud is the best solution to handle such situation. Virtualization has completely changed the storage concept. It makes great change in industries like education, healthcare and finance sectors etc. Mass prefer to use virtual storage in place of actual one. In this paper we will analyze how big data is helpful in the field of education.
Keywords: Big data, Cloud , cloud vendors, Education Industry, open data..
[1]. IJCST Vol. 6, Issue 2, April - June 2015, ISSN : 0976-8491 (Online) | ISSN : 2229-4333 (Print) Recent Issues and Challenges on Big Data in Cloud Computing 1Dr. Jangala. Sasi Kiran, 2M.Sravanthi, 3K.Preethi, 4M.Anusha.
[2]. Katal, A., Wazid M, and Goudar R.H. (2013) "Big data: Issues, challenges, tools and Good practices.‖ Noida: 2013, pp. 404 – 409, 8-10 Aug. 2013.
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[4]. Shilpa, Manjit Kaur, ―BIG Data and Methodology-A review‖ International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering.
[5]. Amsterdam Yuri Demchenko, ―Defining the Big Data Architecture Framework (BDAF)‖ Outcome of the Brainstorming Session at the University of Amsterdam SNE Group, University of Amsterdam, 2013.
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Abstract: Nos encontramos cada día más inmersos en una sociedad asentada en el conocimiento y la información. Un discernimiento que procede del comentario y la contextualización de dicha información, a la que consentimos gracias a un uso más cómodo e intenso de las nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) de las que en este momento tenemos. A mesura que ha ido en creciendo el número de usuarios se ha evolucionado de una concepción preferentemente instrumental, asentado en su pendiente tecnológica, tanto en dispositivos como en las disímiles modalidades de acceso, a una paráfrasis cada vez más calculada en el beneficiario y en los servicios que éste ejecute y genera. Se trata de la denominada sociedad de la información, afianzada concluyentemente con la globalización procedente del fenómeno Internet. Palabras Clave: educación, móvil learning, Aula, Aprendizaje, Tics..........
Keywords: Education, Mobile Learning, Classroom, Learning, ICT..
[1]. CHOU, C. C., BLOCK, L., & JESNESS, R. (2012). A case study of mobile learning pilot project in K-12 schools. Journal of Educational Technology Develop- ment and Exchange, 5(2), 11-26.
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Abstract: BREEZE AERMOD software is used worldwide for dispersion modeling of main atmospheric air pollutants – particulate matter, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, ozone, etc. Within the present research the applicability of BREEZE AERMOD software product is studied in regards with modeling the dispersion of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide N2O in the ground atmospheric layer. A computer simulation is done studying the dispersion of N2O emissions from an industrial source at a nitric acid production plant in Devnya, Bulgaria. The dispersion models are done by using validated meteorological data and by considering the topography of the source region. The hourly average N2O concentration is computed in a grid of preliminary defined receptors. In order to check model adequacy, measurements of the hourly average N2O concentration are done in a point that corresponds to.........
Keywords: dispersion modeling, Breeze Aermod, software applicability, nitrous oxide emissions, industrial source..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Genetic Algorithm in Disease Prediction |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Atrayee Chatterjee || Souvik Paul |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1906035255 ![]() |
Abstract: Genetic Algorithm traces the path of genetic crossover. Genetic Algorithm also predicts which the probable conditions of mutation are and which can also predict certain diseases. Here it is a theoretical approach dealing with GA and different kinds of mutation and its side effects. Mutation also is a predictor of cancer which can in future be detected and help us in curing the same.
Keywords: Genetic Algorithm, Genes, Chromosome, Crossover, Mutation, DNA, Cancer
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Abstract: The study examined marketing of yam in one of the major routes for yam distribution and supply in Nigeria, Idah LGA of Kogi state. The primary data were collected using structured questionnaire administered to sixty active yam marketers. Descriptive statistics, marketing margin analysis, and multiple regression analysis were used to analyze the data collected. The result showed that majority of the traders were between 31 and 50 years of age, 40% of the yam marketers had no formal education. Furthermore, majority of the studied marketers (78%) had more than 10 years marketing experience. The marketing margin for wholesalers gives an estimated value of N21,839.03 while for retailers the estimated value was N24,490.02. R2value of 30.70% revealed that 30.70%of the variations in dependent.......
Keywords: Marketing margin, utility, retailers and wholesalers
[1]. Abah, N. C. (2000); Development Administration: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach. Enugu: John Jacob‟s Classic Publishers Ltd. [2]. Adeniji, O. B, Adebayo, C. O, and Ajayi, O. P. (2012), "Analysis of marketing margin of yam in selected rural areas of Niger State, Nigeria" Basic Research Journal of Agricultural Science and Review. Vol. 1(3) pp.58-62.
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[5]. Arene, C.J. (2003), Introduction to Agricultural Marketing Analysis and Policy, Nsukka: Full adu Publishing Company
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Abstract: Now a day's cognitive radio is one of the valuable research areas in wireless communication. The cognitive radio (CR) is a technology that is used to share the spectrum or bandwidth efficiently. In Cognitive Radio Network (CRN), the absence of primary user; the secondary user can use the spectrum efficiently. But how to access the available spectrum effectively without interference the primary user is a main challenge in CRN. A large number of cluster based MAC protocol have been proposed to solve this problem. To solve this type of problem, in this paper we have motivated to design an approach named as Dynamic Cluster Configuration Protocol (DCCP) for Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks (CRAHNs). The cluster-based structure is efficient for guaranteeing system performance, reliable routing and reducing communication overhead in variable network environment. In this approach secondary users are clustered based on their available channels that maximize the network throughput and........
Keywords: Cluster Based, Cognitive Radio Network, Primary User, Rendezvous, Secondary User
[1] A.Hossain, S. Sultana, and M.D. Obaidur Rahman, Receiver initiated multi-channel medium access control protocol for cognitive radio network, DUET Journal, 3(1), 2017.
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[3] Li. Xiaoyan, H. Fei, Z. Hailin, and Z. Xiaolong, A Cluster-based MAC protocol for cognitive radio ad-hoc network, An International Journal of Wireless Personal Communications, 69(2), 2013, 937-955.
[4] M. R. Islam, M. A. E. Shakib, M. A. Rahaman, M. O. Rahman, and A. S. K. Pathan, A neighbour discovery approach for cognitive radio network using Tower of Hanoi (ToH) sequence based channel rendezvous, The 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for the Muslim World (ICT4M), 2014, 1-6.
[5] A. Alshamrani, A novel clustering scheme for spectrum sharing in multi-hop ad hoc cognitive radio networks, Saudi International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Photonics, Greece, 2013,200-206
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Abstract: The aim of this research is to find problems and challenges resulted from using Classic Content Management System (CCMS) and replacing it with Web Content Management System (WCMS) in Kabul based universities. The study found answers to the following questions:Do stated universities have necessary facilities such as electricity, ICTs, and the Internet? Are faculty administrators, instructors, and studentready to use WCMS? What problems and challenges have resulted as consequence of using CCMS? Finally, which of these two systems are cost-effective, quick, efficient, and more reliable? The research results indicate that all administrators, instructors and students agree that CCMS is incapable to fulfill their needs; therefore, it has to be replaced with WCMS. However, it is important that all necessary equipment (such as stable electricity, ICTs, fast internet) which WCMS needs has to be provided before converting CCMS to WCMS. In fact, this modern system is faster, efficient, economical, and more reliable than CCMS.
Keywords: CCMS, WCMS, ICTs, Open Source, Kabul based universities
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Abstract: Smart Doctors Appointment and Prescription System is an application that provides services to the Doctors and Patients. The Doctor's Appointment and Prescription system connects between Doctor and Patients using web and android apps and patients are able to search a Doctor and ask for his/her appointment as well as get prescription using their Smartphone. This application shows the Doctors the previous history of a particular patient so that can prescribe basis of the history of patient. The main objective of this project is connect doctor and patient very quickly and easily from any location without any involvement of any third party. Any doctor and patient can easily use this application by registering themselves, and doctor can prescribe the patient based on disease using listed medicine and number of days etc. This system also notifies the Doctor and patient through apps about the request of doctor appointment and prescription within shortage possible time.
Keywords: Doctor's Appointment and Prescription System, ECG, Prescription, Patient, Doctor, DAP.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on 5g Cellular Communication System in Cloud Environment |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | sampath Beda || indarapu Mahender |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1906039298 ![]() |
Abstract: Beneficial correspondence has changed into a noteworthy hotspot for data trade all through the world. Especially requested, we see heap of improvement in the district of strong change. All the flexible movements which have been made up to now have to an unbelievable degree enhanced our technique for living. It has always been our mean to associate with world get-together with top class web limits, in this manner addressing a future-request foundation for new examinations and additionally chances to make, reviewing the real objective to begin the qualification in correspondence. . The running with or fifth Generation (5G) cell structures are relied upon to meet five star necessities............
Keywords: Cloud radio access networks; cognitive radio networks; D2D communication; dense deployment; multi-tier heterogeneous network; privacy; security; tactile Internet.
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