Version-4 (Jan-Feb 2018)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Vedic Swara Recognition System: A Move towards Vedic Chanting |
Country | : | INDIA |
Authors | : | Tapas Sangiri || Kaustav Sanyal |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2001040108 ![]() |
Abstract: Being one of the oldest among scriptures, Vedic scriptures are considered to be one of the richest creations of mankind. After much demolition and ruins, the Vedic Chanting techniques are still vast and tough to learn. In chanting a Vedic verse the notes used, known as the Swaras are strictly bound by rules. Mistake in implementing one Swara is considered a serious blunder in case of Vedic chanting. The motto of this work is to analyze a Vedic chant in order to get its Swaras and to check the accuracy of the chanting signals afterwards, whether their swara implementation is proper or not. Analyzing the complexity of the chanting signals, we have done the work in two phases using two separate techniques, Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficient and Wavelet Transformation. As Swara system is a vast field to study and analyze, this paper has only focused on the Yajurvedic verses that deals with four major swara chanting techniques. This work can be a great advancement in order to move ourselves towards the long forgotten Vedic wisdom.
Keywords: Vedic, Chanting, Swaras, Signals, Wavelets, Signal Processing.
[1]. Ibrahim Patel, Dr. Y.Srinivas Rao, Speech Recognition Using HMM with MFCC- An Analysis Using Frequency Spectral Decomposition Technique, Signal & Image Processing: An International Journal(SIPIJ) Vol.1, No. 2, December 2010.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Adaptive Trust Model for Network Integration in Dynamic Cloud Data Sharing |
Country | : | INDIA |
Authors | : | T. Aparna |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2001040916 ![]() |
Abstract: The recent advances in cloud computing have risen various unanticipated security related issues in various parts of cloud situations. Among these, the issue of ensuring secure access to registering assets in the cloud is gathering unique consideration. In this paper, we deliver open issues identified with confide in cloud situations proposing another trust demonstrate for distributed computing which considers a larger amount see cloud assets. A reenactment of trust estimation between the hubs of the mists is performed. The recreation was conceivable to confirm that a hub is solid when it achieves the base file of trust.
Keywords: Cloud Computing; Distributed Computing; Security;Integrity;Confidentiality;Trust and Availability.
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Abstract: In recent years, along with technological advances such as information and communication technology and convergence, major forms of infrastructure have different characteristics from their predecessors. As the environment surrounding them has changed, new types of risks have emerged which could pose serious security threats. In this paper, we analyze the new threats caused by environmental changes in critical infrastructure, and compare cyber security policy and systems of critical infrastructure of major countries (the US, EU, Japan, and Korea). In order to strengthen the cyber security of such infrastructure, institutional improvement, framework design, and systems sharing is being promoted. This is also required for securing international trust for international cyber security.
Keywords: Critical Infrastructure, Cyber Security Policy, New security threats.
[1]. John D. Moteff(2015), "Critical Infrastructures: Background, Policy, and Implementation", Congressional Research Service, Pages
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Abstract: Internet banking system facilitates the banking services via internet using web-based application. Here user id and password are the two parameters used for authenticating the user. This paper highlights the technologies used in internet banking and aims for improving the security associated with the internet banking services. In addition to current security, biometric of the user can be used. And this communication can be secured by using Cryptography and Steganography. Cryptography can be implemented by Transpositional pixel by spiral method and Steganography by LSB replacement method..
Keywords: Biometric authentication, Cryptography, LSB, Steganography, Transposition pixel..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Personalized Mobile Search Engine |
Country | : | INDIA |
Authors | : | G.Niveditha |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2001042629 ![]() |
Abstract: We have already browser in mobile. Whenever we surf for data in mobile that related links will be displayed in list view. User can click on particular link then go to another page and displayed link related information on that page. So we propose a personalized mobile search engine (PMSE) that captures the users' preferences in the form of concepts by mining their click through data. Surf your favourite data quickly and easily. Every click the website link can be saved automatically. Whenever we launch this app and search for any data, you can avoid the step of each time selecting the web pages to open and then open them one by one. Instead we are personalizing the search data such a way that will be displayed in tabs view and every link have a particular web view below to it. So user can directly view the particular link related information in the below the web view and searched data automatically get stored in the database when we click on the results one by one.
Keywords: Google API, JSON Parsing, search engine.
[1]. We will be using the information collected from websites like
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Abstract: IEEE 802.11 is a major key technology used in most of the sensor network. Increasing in sensor devices and rise of Internet of Things (IoT) technology allows excessive amount of device communication through Wi-Fi network. Due to open air communication as medium the Wi-Fi frames are prone to attacks such as DDoS, MiTM, Rogue Access Point etc. Most of the DDoS attacks against wireless network is due to deauthentication frames created by the attacker against the legitimate client and AP. This Deauthentication attacks are the major problem of the 802.11 standard. Hence to mitigate the problem, a novel Wireless Intrusion Detection and Prevention System (WIDPS) is designed and developed. The proposed WIDPS is lightweight when compared to state of the art techniques and detects the attack with high accuracy & low false positive rate. The proposed IDPS uses minimalistic technique which can be easily adopted and deployed on any open and encrypted networks.
Keywords: Wireless Intrusion Detection and Prevention System, DDoS, MiTM, 802.11 frames, Wi-Fi, IoT..
[1]. R. Mohan, V. Vaidehi, Ajay Krishna A, Mahalakshmi M and S. S. Chakkaravarthy, "Complex Event Processing based Hybrid Intrusion Detection System," 2015 3rd International Conference on Signal Processing, Communication and Networking (ICSCN), Chennai, 2015, pp. 1-6.
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[3]. S.Sibi Chakkaravarthy, V.Vaidehi; "Behavior based anomaly detection model for. detecting wireless covert attacks in Wi-Fi", Security and Privacy Symposium, 2015, IIITD, February 13-14,2015.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Practical Qkd For Both Bb84 And Sarg04 Protocols |
Country | : | Saudi Arabia |
Authors | : | Majdi Abdellatief || Sellami Ali || Mohammed A Alanezi |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2001043747 ![]() |
Abstract:A decoy state method based on one decoy state protocol has been derived for both BB84 and SARG04. This method can give a different lower bound of the fraction of single-photon counts ( ) 1 y and the fraction of two-photon counts ( ) 2 y , the upper bound QBER of single-photon pulses( 1 e ), the upper bound QBER of two-photon pulses( 2 e ), and the lower bound of the key generation rate for both BB84 and SARG04. The estimations have demonstrated that a decoy state protocol with only one decoy state ( v0 ) can approach the theoretical limit, and the estimations have provided an optimal key generation rate, which is the same as having an infinite number of decoy states for BB84 and SARG04.This finding has led to the introduction..........
Keywords: Quantum cryptography, Quantum key distribution, Decoy state protocol and Optical communication.
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Abstract: Nowadays the amount of data on the web is persistently growing. Due to the enormous amount of data available on the World Wide Web, the processing cannot be done manually. As data have been primary resource, how to manage and make use of big data superior has attracted much consideration. In particular, with the development of the internet of things (IOT), the processing of the enormous amount of real-time data has become a significant challenge in research and applications. In this context, Apache Flink is an open-source system for processing streaming and batch data. The Flink is a big data processing framework that permits programmers to process the enormous amount of data in a very scalable and dexterous manner............
Keywords: Big Data, Apache Flink, Hadoop, Flink Ecosystem, YARN, Flink Architecture, Data Processing.
[1]. Prof. Dr. Philippe Cudré-Mauroux, "An Introduction to BIG DATA", June 6, 2013 Alliance EPFL,
[2]. Dr. Yusuf Perwej, "An Experiential Study of the Big Data,"International Transaction of Electrical and Computer Engineers System (ITECES), USA, ISSN (Print): 2373-1273 ISSN (Online): 2373-1281, Vol. 4, No. 1, page 14-25, March 2017.DOI:10.12691/iteces-4-1-3.
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Abstract: Terrorist groups like ISIS and Jihadist are spreading their propaganda online using various forms of social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Best way to stop these groups is to suspend accounts that spread propaganda to harm living being and hurt any religious place or monuments. This can be done by analysts manually read and analyze an enormous amount of information on social media. Our proposed methodology is to attempt an automatically detect radical content that is released by jihadist and Terrorist groups on Twitter. We are using a branch of Artificial Intelligence i.e. Machine learning to classify a tweet as radical or non-radical and generate results which indicate that an automated approach to aid analysts detecting radical content on social media.
Keywords: Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Machine Learning, Text Classification, NLP,and Naïve Bayes.
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[5]. Security Council Adopts Resolution 2170., 2014. [Online; accessed 20-June-2015].
[6]. Mujahideen. [Online; accessed 10-June-2015].
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Recognition of Objects using SVM |
Country | : | INDIA |
Authors | : | Himanshu Bhusan Mohapatra || Manas Ranjan Sethi |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2001046370 ![]() |
Abstract:In this paper Object Recognition technique is proposed, that produce the best idea to recognize the
object from the given input image and it is implemented in MATLAB tool. The past few years, SVM has been
applied and estimated only as pixel-based image classifiers. Recently pixel based process moving towards
object recognition technique. In an analysis, the SVMs performances are compared with some other classifiers
such that BPN classifier and KNN classifier. This technique is obtained by extracting the energies from wave
atom transform. The extracted features are given to the SVM classifier as an input and recognize the
corresponding image in an object. Finally the experimental results are shown for COIL-100 database. The
result of our proposed method is evaluated to increasing the rate of recognition accuracy and correct
recognition rate..
Keywords: Object Recognition, Wave Atom Transform, SVM Classifier, Classification Rate, Feature Extraction
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The usage of Monopole antenna in Airborne activity |
Country | : | INDIA |
Authors | : | Vikas Ranjan || Monalisa Samal |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2001047176 ![]() |
Abstract:AcompactprintedwidebandantennaoperatinginVHFbandwithsimplegeometry and nearly omni
directional radiation characteristics is presented for airborne applications. The monopole antennas used in
VHF airborne communications have height constraints as well as ground plane size constraints. This Letter
proposes a printed monopole antenna with very compact size for airborne application which overcomes the
ground plane size constraints of monopole antennas. The size of the proposed antennais 0.063λ0 X0.118λ0, and
the groundplanesizeis0.025λ0X0.132λ0 where λ0 is the free space wavelength at lowest frequency of operation.
The antenna achievesaheightreductionof75%comparedtoaconventionalquarterwavemonopole antenna. It also
exhibits a 3:1 VSWR bandwidth of 32% in VHFband.....
Keywords: Airborne, Compact, Reduced Ground Plane, VHF, Wideband Antenna
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Vehicle Navigation System using ANDROID |
Country | : | INDIA |
Authors | : | Ipsita Samal || Pallavi Priyadarshini |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2001047780 ![]() |
Abstract:The main contribution of this research is an enhanced level of reliability in the navigation solutions of
GPS-denied environments. The research on aiding navigation applications is a very important topic nowadays
due to the enormous need for reliable navigation solution that account for different applications. The developed
map aided, low-cost, user-friendly navigation system can be used in many systems such as in- vehicle navigation
or smartphone location-based tools
Keywords: Android, GPS and GIS
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