Version-3 (Jul-Aug 2018)
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Abstract: Vast scale information driven frameworks enable associations to store, control, and get an incentive from expansive volumes of information. They comprise of dispersed segments spread over an adaptable number of associated machines and include complex programming equipment stacks with different semantic layers. These frameworks enable associations to take care of built up issues including a lot of information, while catalyzing new, information driven organizations, for example, web crawlers, interpersonal organizations, and distributed computing and information stockpiling specialist organizations. The multifaceted nature, decent variety, scale, and quick advancement of vast scale information driven frameworks make it trying to create instinct about these frameworks, increase..........
Keywords–Transport convention pathologies, Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), Non-parametric models, Job submission patterns, measurement capability
[1]. M. Al-Fares, A. Loukissas, and A. Vahdat. A scalable, commodity data centre network architecture. In SIGCOMM 2008.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Review: Rose Plant Disease Detection Using Image Processing |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Varsha Sawarkar || Seema Kawathekar |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2004031519 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper the identification of the rose plant diseases is the key for preventing the losses in the yield and quantity of the agricultural product. Diseases decrease the productivity of plant and it also restricts the growth of plant, and both quality and quantity of plant gets reduced. Disease detection on plant is very critical for sustainable agriculture.It is very hard to monitor the plant diseases done with the hands. It has need of very great amount of work, expertknowledge in the plant diseases, and also have need of the more than enough processing time. Hence, digital image processing is used for the detection of rose plant diseases. Disease detection involves the steps like image acquisition, image pre-processing, image segmentation, feature extraction and its classification. In this study it has been going to explore how save the rose plant from many diseases.
Keywords–RGB Image, Image acquisition, Pre-processing, Feature extraction, Segmentation, neural network etc.
[2]. H. Al-Hiary, S. Bani-Ah Mad, M. Reyalat, M. Braik and Z. A Lrahamneh, "Fast And Accurate Detection And Classification Of Plant Diseases", IJCA, 2011, 17(1), 31-38, IEEE-2010.
[3]. S. Arivazhagan, R. Newlin Sheiah, S. Ananthi, "Detection of unhealthy region of plant leaves and classification of plant leaf diseases using texture features", pp 211-217, Vol.15, March-2013.
[4]. Anand.H.Kulkarni and Ashwin Patil R. K, "Applying image processing technique to detect plant diseases", International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER), Vol.2, Issue.5, Sep-Oct. 2012 pp-3661-3664 ISSN: 2249-6645 2012.
[5]. Rajleen Kaur, Sandeep Singh Kang, "An Enhancement in Classifier Support Vector Machine to ImprovePlant Disease Detection", IEEE 3rd International Conference on MOOCs, Innovation and Technology inEducation (MITE), 2015, pp. 135-140
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Abstract: Speech is the most comfortable mode of communication in digital media. Miniature in portable devices and IOT technology demand in comfortable mode of communication. The speech technology includes speech-to-text and Text-to-speech modality which helps visually impaired and illiterate persons to get access to digital media with the help of speech modality. They can quarry by spoken term and access information in their mother tongue as a form of text that in turn convert in speech by TTS. The present work explore the research works done in Indian languages in context of speech synthesis and their application with the prosody manipulation to get naturalness in their language context. Also done a preliminary work using speech synthesis to implement language learning application of Telangana language. Hence, the name Dual-Language. The state language of Telangana Telugu and Urdu............
Keywords–Dual-Lingual TTS, Speech synthesis,urdu and telugu voices,festival.
[1]. HMM-Based Speech Synthesis for the Greek Language
[3]. The HMM-based Speech Synthesis System (HTS) Version 2.0
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Virtualization and Scheduling In Cloud Computing Environment – A Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Manoj Mathew |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2004032332 ![]() |
Abstract: Cloud computing is the latest technology that is ruling the IT world with faster internet connectivity to the rage of 5G's. The intention behind the cloud computing is to provide effective and instant access to the widely diverged resources, irrespective to their geographical location based on the arrived request. The availability of faster internet connectivity makes the cloud offerings more adaptable. The Cloud solutions are categorized into three major groups, Public, Private and Hybrid. The Cloud provides a various set of applications, infrastructures, solutions, and services that comprises of both computational as well as storage facilities. Such cloud grows every day and scheduling the resources among the requesting processes (client) seems to have numerous issues due to lack of proper dynamic scheduling plan and no certain policies in order to regulate the order by which the computing environment must execute the jobs. This paper gives a wide idea on the virtual machine scheduling algorithms that are in existence. It also discusses the advantages and disadvantages.
Keywords–Cloud Computing, IaaS, SaaS, PaaS, Virtual Machine, Scheduling Algorithms, Private Cloud, Public Cloud, Hybrid Cloud.
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Abstract: Nowadays, large importance is given to publications of numerical information via the Net, witch necessitates a Knowledge Extraction System from the Text (KEST). The basic principle consist to identify the needs of a person to do, a search in a text, which can be not structured, to recover the terms and the information related to the research subject and to structure them as classes of useful information.
Keywords–Big data, Data mining, data warehouse, Extraction of knowledge, Text mining
[1]. Un Yong Nahm and Raymond J. Mooney Department of Computer Sciences, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712-1188 fpebronia, , " Text Mining with Information Extraction ",p 2
[2]. Un Yong Nahm 2004 ,Doctoral Dissertation :Text mining with information extraction,The University of Texas at Austin ©2004 ISBN:0-496-01283-5
[3]. Lehnert, W., Cardie, C., Fisher, D., Riloff, E., & Williams,R. 1991 a. University of Massachusetts, Description of the CIRCUS ,System as Used for MUC-3. Proceedings, Third Message Understanding Conference (MUC-3). San Diego, CA, Morgan Kaufrnann, pp. 223-233.
[4]. Ralph Grishman,1997. Information Extraction: Techniques and Challenges ,Computer Science Department, New York University New York NY10003 U.S.A pp. 7-9.
[5]. Alexandre Saidi , Textual Information Extraction Using Structure Induction, LIRIS-CNRS (UMR 5205)Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Mathematics and Computer Science Department,p 4-9
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Abstract: Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing withindex modulation (OFDM-PDM) is a novel multicarrier transmissiontechnique which has been proposed as an alternative toclassical OFDM. The main idea of OFDM-IM is the use of the indicesof the active subcarriers in an OFDM system as an additionalsource of information. In this work, we propose multiple-inputmultiple-output OFDM-IM (MIMO-OFDM-IM) scheme bycombining OFDM-IM and MIMO transmission techniques. Thelow complexity transceiver structure of the MIMO-FDM-IMscheme is developed and it is shown via computer simulations thatthe proposed MIMO-OFDM-IM scheme achieves significantlybetter error performance than classical MIMO-OFDM for severaldifferent system configurations. This work experimentally demonstrates a 60-GHz direct-detection PDM-OFDM system that does not require polarization tracking. The frequency offset of un-modulated optical carriers and a novel training symbol design enable the estimation of optical polarization mixing and wireless MIMO channels for signal demodulation
Keywords–Optical fibre communication, Polarization division multiplexing, Millimetre wave communication, MIMO, OFDM modulation.
[1]. A. Kim, Y.-H. Joo, and Y. Kim, "60-GHz wireless communication systems with radio-over-fiber links for indoor wireless LANs," IEEE Trans. Consum. Electron., vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 517–520, 2004.
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[4]. T.M. Schmidl and D.C. Cox, "Robust frequency and timing synchronization for OFDM," Communications, IEEE Transactions on , vol.45, no.12, pp.1613,1621, Dec 1997.
[5]. S. Kaiser, "OFDM code-division multiplexing in fading channels," Communications, IEEE Transactions on , vol.50, no.8, pp.1266,1273, Aug 2002
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Abstract: This research work is a presentation on the algorithm's performance about a chaotic ciphering based on the Artificial Neuronal Network or ANN with the Fibonacci Transform. All criteria of performance used hereinare: PSNR, SSIM, NPC, UACI, entropy, correlation coefficient, and resistance to noise and to JPEG compression with loss. The image ciphered on ANNyields indicators to cryptanalysts. To improve this result, it is combined with the Fibonacci Transform. As expected, the result gives a ciphered image completely unrecognizable with a lowvalue of PSNR and SSIM and a NPCR value superior to 99.5%, a UACI value likely to even go beyond 28%, a correlation coefficient between -0.004 and 0.0004, an entropy of 7.99 nearing the maximum possible value 8, resistance tosound or noise with a variance of 0.4 and resistance to JPEG compression with loss.
Keywords–ANN, Fibonacci Transform, NPCR, UACI, JPEG.
[1]. Manoj, .B,Manjula and N.Harihar, "Image Encryption and Decryption using AES", International Journal of Engineering and Advance Technology (IJEAT), vol.1, issue.5, (6) (2012),290-294.
[2]. KundankumarRameshwarSaraf, Vishal PrakashJagtap and Amit Kumar Mishra, "Text and Image Encryption Decryption Using Advance Encryption Standard", International Journal of Emerging Trends and Technology in computer science (IJETTCS),vol.3, issue.3, (5-6) (2014), 118-126.
[3]. AshawakMahmood and Alabaichi, "Color image encryption using 3d chaotic map with AES key depend S-Box", International Journal of Computer Science and Network security (IJCSNS), vol.16, No.10,Iraq (10) (2016).
[4]. Vinita SHadangi, Shiddharth Kumar Choudhary, K. Abhymanyu Kumar Patro and BidhudendraAcharya, "Novel Arnold Scrambling Based CBC-AES Image Encryption", International Journal Of Theory an Applications (IJCTA), Vol.10, 15 (11) (2017).
[5]. Lini Abraham and Neenu Daniel, "Secure Image Encryption Algorithms: A Review", International Journal of Scientific& Technology Research (IJSTR), Vol.2, issue.4, (4) 2013.
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Abstract:This article gives us some comparison between the performances of techniquesrelating to image scrambling. The scrambling is a technique used for information and especially for any kind of image to transform them into totally incomprehensible and unrecognizable things. The scramblingtechniques that we talk about in this article are: the Arnold transform, the Fibonacci transform, the Luca transform and the Fibonacci- Luca transform. Performance criteria used for the purpose are mainly: the PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio), the SSIM (Structural SIMilarity), the NPCR (Number of Pixel Change Rate), the UACI (Unified Average Changing Intensity), the correlation coefficient and the response time. All techniques have their specific characteristics,each in relation to................
Keywords–Permutation, Scrambling, Arnold, Fibonacci, Luca, Fibonacci-Lucas.
[1]. Seesa Paul, "A Study on various Image Scrambling Techniques",IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol. 4, Issue 12, 2017 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613
[2]. BhaskarMondal, Neel Biswas, TarniMandal, "A Comparative study on Cryptographic ImageScrambling", Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Research in Intelligent and Computing in Engineering pp. 261–268, Conference Paper June2017.
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[5]. W. Ding W.Q.Yan and D.X.Qi, "Digital Image Scrambling Technology Based on Gray Code", the 6th International Conference on Computer Aided Design & Computer Graphics, Wen Hui Publishers, Vol.3, pp.900-904. Dec., 1999.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Guardian – A Women Safety App |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Harsh Gupta |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2004037176 ![]() |
Abstract: From time to time, we all find ourselves in situations where we feel unsafe or under threat. Random assaults, kidnappings, rapes and even occasional murders make headline news on an all too regular basis. Personal security for themselves and for loved ones has just become an issue of concern for just about everyone in today's world. The perpetrators of such crimes ate often emboldened by the belief that they can get away with their violent actions, unidentified and unpunished. Even survivors of violent attacks are often too traumatized by their experience to clearly identify their attackers. In this technological world, there is an urgent need of a way which can help prevent this. General Terms: Women Safety, Security, Safety.
Keywords–Women safety, personal safety, android application, location tracking, audio/video recording, sos messaging.
[1]. Statistics on how many people feel unsafe walking near home at night by Gallup on 9th August 2018:
[3]. Statistics on victims of sexual violence by Rainn on 11th August 2018:
[5]. Statistics of sexual violence in India by UN Women on 11th August 2018.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | LTE-WiFi link Aggregation System Design for LTE-Unlicensed Spectrum utilization in Small-cells |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rajkiran S.N |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2004037783 ![]() |
Abstract: In order to accommodate the exponentially-growing data traffic, LTE operators are considering the extension of their commercial operations by recognizing the opportunity offered both Wi-Fi technology and unlicensed spectrum for traffic offload. In a recent technical report for the third Generation Partnership Project, LTE-Wi-Fi link Aggregation (LWA) to support the unlicensed spectrum has been introduced. The report and other works in the literature reveal coexistence challenges that are raised when the LTE system coexists with other technologies such as Wi-Fi, with fairness being the primary challenge. In this work, we propose a preliminary design for a semi-distributed LTE-Unlicensed scheme where the LTE Base Station uses Wi-Fi-like carrier sense and Quality of Service............
[1]. 3GPP TR 36.889 "Study on Licensed-Assisted Access toUnlicensed Spectrum", (Release 12) TR 36.889v1.0.1 (201506), 3rd GenerationPartnership Project, 2015.
[2]. 3GPP TS 36.300 v13.3.0 E-UTRAN Overall Description Stage 2
[3]. 3GPP TS 36.323 v13.1.0 Packet Data Convergence Protocol (PDCP) specification
[4]. 3GPP TS 36.360 v13.0.0 LTE-WLAN Aggregation Adaptation Protocol (LWAAP) specification
[5]. 3GPP TS 36.462 v13.0.0 E-UTRAN and Wireless LAN (WLAN) Xw signaling transport.
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Abstract: Abrasive waterjet (AWJ) is a non-conventional machining process utilized for cutting bendable, weak
and hard materials. AWJ cuts practically all materials, nonappearance of warm bending, high adaptability,
littler cutting powers, no warmth influenced zone and being ecologically inviting. In the current examination an
endeavor has been made to consider Depth of Cut (DOC) and Surface Roughness of overlaid glass cut by AWJ.
Stream Pressure (p), Speed of Traverse (u) and Flow pace of rough (ṁ) are fluctuated at three unique levels. An
aggregate of 27 analyses considering various degrees of parameters have been completed on a trapezoidal
formed overlaid glass of 38 mm.......
Keywords: Abrasive Waterjet (AWJ), Statistical Modelling, Mathematical modeling.
[1]. Ushasta Aicha, Simul Banerjeea, Asish Bandyopadhyaya, Probal Kumar Das Abrasive Water Jet Cutting of Borosilicate Glass,
(2014) 775 – 785
[2]. Kumar Abhishek, Somashekhar S Hiremath, Machining of Micro-holes on Sodalime Glass using Developed Micro- Abrasive Jet
Machine (μ-AJM), (2016) 1234 – 1241
[3]. Dr. M. Chithirai Pon Selvan, Jerrin Varghese, Effects of Process Parameters on Surface Roughness in Abrasive Water jet Cutting of
Borosilicate Glass, (2016) Vol 1
[4]. UshastaAich1, Simul Banerjee, AsishBandyopadhyay, Probal Kumar Das, Simultaneous modeling of responses in AWJM of
Borosilicate glass by SVM and SEM study, (2014), 130-1 - 130-6
[5]. Deepak Doreswamy, Basavanna Shivamurthy, Devineni Anjaiah, and N. Yagnesh Sharma An Investigation of Abrasive Water Jet
Machining on Graphite/Glass/Epoxy Composite Volume 2015, Article ID 627218, 11 pages
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Abstract: To explore the plausibility of producing biogas in anaerobic co-absorption of eatable and non eatable
cakes, were assessed with the impact of working parameters with methane potential was examination. De-oiled cake,
for example, groundnut (GD), cocoanut (CT), mustard (MD) and sesame (SE) are co-processed with non-palatable
de-oiled cakes jatropha,(JA) pongamia (PA) mahua (MA) and neem cake (NM). The examination study was done
under an anaerobic absorption process as case1 case2 case3 and case4 with GD co substrate with JA, CT with PA,
MD co-processed with MA and SE with NM under mesophilic temperature condition. The higher biogas creation
capability of case2 was watched 4.80 liters followed by case2, case3 and case4. The combined bio-gas yield more
than 21 days of hyro maintenance.......
[1]. H.V.Mulimani and M.C.Navindgi, "Analysis of physiochemical properties of de-oiled Mahua seed cake for their suitability in
producing bio-oil" International journal of innovative research in science, engineering and technology vol. 5, Issue 4, April 2016.
[2]. Ram Chandra, V.K.Vijay and P.M.V.Subbarao, "Biogas production from de-oiled seed cakes of jatropha and pongamia" 2009
[3]. P.Manomani, R.Elangomathavan, Mukesh goel and Lurwan muazu, "Biogas production potential of different substrate in various
combinations" IJARBEST Vol. 2, Issue 6, June 2016
[4]. Sumitra ramachandran, Sudheer kumar singh, Christian larroche, Carlos Ricardo coccol and Ashok pandey, "Oil cakes and their
biotechnological applications – A review" Bio-resource technology 2009.
[5]. Aditi gupta, ashwani kumar, Satyawati Sharma and V.K.Vijay, "Comparative evaluation of raw and detoxified mahua seed cake for
biogas production" Applied energy 2013.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Review on Small Hybrid Power Plant with a Combination of Solar Wind |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Namrata mishra || Alok Kumar Mohapatra |
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: | 10.9790/0661-20040396103 ![]() |
Abstract: Non-sustainable wellsprings of power are at present coming up short, so elective vitality sources are
required, for example, sustainable power source that is ecologically inviting, generally economical, carbon
nonpartisan, for instance, cross breed wind power plants with sun oriented vitality. This examination means to
make a model of a crossover wind power plant with sun oriented vitality as an elective vitality source. The usage
strategy is finished by making models of wind power plants and sun oriented force plants. Besides, the two
plants are joined and are generally called cross breed frameworks. This exploration was directed at the
Electrical Engineering Laboratory,.......
Key words: Wind Energy, PV, Hybrid Systems
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[4]. Paul Lynn, "Electricity From Sunlight: An Introduction to Photovoltaic", West Sussex, UK: John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2010.
[5]. Kalaimany Arumuggam and Balbir Singh Mahinder Singh," Optimization of Hybrid Solar and Wind Power Generation", Journal of
Applied Sciences, Volume 13 (6): 869-875, 2013.
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Abstract: Recent years have seen an explosive growth in biological data. It should be managed and stored for
various purposes. Demand has never been greater for revolutionary technologies that deliver fast, inexpensive
and accurate and easy to comprehend genome information. Here comes the relevance of tagging data. From
huge large DNA sequence information scientists needed some small efficient dataset that they can do their
research on and that is exactly why some optimization needed to be carried upon these big data. A subset of
SNPs that are selected to represent the original information embedded in the full set of SNPs is referred to as
the set of Tag SNPs. Large sequencing........
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