Version-3 (Nov-Dec 2018)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | T. A Badmos || P. O Omolaye || S. O Adio || M. N Suleiman |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2006030106 ![]() |
Abstract: The ability of a mobile robot to plan its path, avoid obstacles and optimize in static as well as dynamic environments is the key task in the field of robotics, which tends to find the shortest, collision free, optimal path in the various scenes. In this paper, the robotic path planning strategy of mobile robots can be categorized as Classical and Intelligent Techniques. A detailed review made based on the several techniques presented especially by focusing on the various cluttered environments, their merits and demerits of each of these strategies. However, the main drawback arises from the classical techniques because of the complex issues compared to intelligent techniques.
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[2]. Adamu, P.I, J. T. Jegede, H. I. Okagbue and P. E. Oguntunde. Shortest Path Planning Algorithm. A Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) Approach. Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2018 Vol I WCE 2018, July 4-6, 2018, London, U.K.
[3]. Ashleigh, S and Silvia, F (2010). A Cell Decomposition Approach to Cooperative Path Planning and Collision Avoidance via Disjunctive Programming. 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Hilton Atlanta Hotel, Atlanta, GA, USA
[4]. B.K. Patle, Anish Pandey, A. Jagadeesh, D.R. Parhi (2018). Path planning in uncertain environment by using firefly algorithm.
[5]. Badmos, T. A & P. O Omolaye. (2017). Fuzzy Logic Simulation of Key Performance Index in Telecommunication Activities. International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET). Vol. 6, Issue VIII, ISSN: 2321-9653..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Constrained Engineering DesignOptimization using Average Differential Evolution |
Country | : | Turkey |
Authors | : | BurhanettinDurmuş |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2006030713 ![]() |
Abstract:The use of metaheuristics has a growing interest in solving constrained optimization problems due to the computational disadvantages of numerical methods. Metaheuristics are a powerful tool in reaching the global optimum. In this work, the Average Differential Evolution (ADE) algorithm, which is one of the newly proposed metaheuristics, has been adapted to the constrained engineering design problems. The ADE algorithm is a population-based approach with a high convergence rate. It uses a mutation operator with collective diversity in the production of candidates. The results show the robustness end effectiveness of the proposed algorithm compared to state-of-the-art algorithms in literature.
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[5]. Akay B,Karaboga D. Artificial bee colony algorithm for large-scale problems and engineering design optimization. Journal of
Intelligent Manufacturing.2012;23(4):1001-1014
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Abstract:The influential significance across individual vertices in a Wireless Network raises a concern for the effective evaluation for Centrality metrics. A graph-theoretical comparison between the behaviour of betweenness, closeness and harmonic centrality indices is conducted over a simple, dense wireless network. The authors propose an extended algorithm for harmonic centrality over wireless sensor networks. The inadequacy in the metrics obtained by betweenness and closeness indices are discussed in detail, showing the significance of harmonic centrality in leadership recognition across a network.
Keywords: Wireless Sensor Networks, Network Reliability, Centrality, Closeness, Betweenness, Harmonic-influence.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | IOT Based Coal Mine Safety Monitoring and Control Automation |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Bonala Ashwini || D.Ravi Kiran Babu |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2006032126 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper we are organizing an IoT (Internet of Things) screen, a safety efforts for excavators which is most basic in underground mining domains. In this undertaking, the system is build using particular sensors sort out subject to MEMS used to screen the surroundings parameters of underground mine place and drives each and every identified parameter/characteristics to/characteristics to ARM7 based Microcontroller Unit (MCU). The MCU unit is used to create an absolutely robotized surveying system with high exactness, smooth control and constancy. Exactly when an essential conditions is recognized caution is given by the structure and comparative estimations is passed on to webserver by beginning ESP8266 module subject to Wi-Fi correspondence. The recognized assortments in the characteristics are appeared on webserver page that makes less requesting for the underground control center to screen and to make major quick move to prevent genuine damage.
Index Terms: IoT, MCU, Wireless Sensors Network (WSN), MEMS, Wi-Fi, PC, Webserver
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Energy Efficient Dc Lighting Grid Using IOT |
Country | : | Turkey |
Authors | : | Peyyavula Ramya || M.Praveen Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2006032732 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper highlights the benefits and possible drawbacks of a DC-based lighting infrastructure for powering Light Emitting Diode (LED)-lamps. It also evaluates the efforts needed for integrating the so called smart lighting and other sensor/actuator based control systems, and compares existing and emerging solutions. It reviews and discusses published work in this field with special focus on the intelligent DC-based infrastructure named EDISON that is primarily dedicated to lighting, but is applicable to building automation in general. The EDISON "PowerLAN" consists of a DC-based infrastructure that offers telecommunication abilities and can be applied to lighting..........
Keywords: DC-grid; lighting control; LED drivers; power line communication; OneM2M; IoT; wireless sensor networks; lighting; building automation; REST ful
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Abstract: The increase use of cloud computing infrastructure has led to a security consciousness by users and cloud service providers to protect data available in the cloud from illegal users. Even though, different techniques have been proposed by different researchers, yet, more techniques are still proposed all in the quest to achieve better and flexible security techniques that will utilize less resource and minimize cost, because user pay as they go in the cloud. In this paper we proposed an improved multi-channel security technique in the cloud using image steganography and RSA algorithm. The proposed method was used to conceal the existence of data communication using the image........
Keywords: Cloud computing, Image steganography, RSA algorithm
[1]. L Yuhong, S Yan, R Jungwoo, R Syed, and V V athanasios, A survey of security and privacy challenge in cloud computing:
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[5]. R Patel Palak, and P Yask, Survey on Different Methods of ImageSteganography, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, 2(12), 2014, 7614-7618..
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Abstract: Car controlling one of the projects that get a lot of attention in this days. There are many challenges generated during implementation of system especially when the car connected with number of sensors and that mean there are send and receive between the car and the work station. In this work we will design a vehicle able to detect the dangerous environments that humans cannot reach it. This means that we can send commands to control the car and receiving data from the sensors. The robot car will measure the temperature and the amount of toxic gases and detect motions. Also it has a camera for online video transmitter to monitoring the environment and helping control the robot car from the work station. .
Keywords: Robot, Sensors, Arduino, Bluetooth
[1]. J. Defever B. Francis and T. Geerinck, "Mobile Robots with Shared Autonomy", Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium, 2004.
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Abstract: Data transmitted from sensors and actuators as part of the Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure are stored either in database tables following relational schema and normalization forms or in schema less collections using JSON string or binary formulation. As data content in such repositories radically increases, the selection and use of the appropriate storage types are essential in terms of performance and robustness. Furthermore, taking into account the amount of database capacity and processing needed, as well as the exponential increase and use of IoT devices, storage and retrieval of sensory data are the main bottlenecks and set the boundary requirements for IoT services functionalities........
[1] Aboutorabi S., Rezapour M., Moradi, M., and Ghadiri, N., "Performance evaluation of SQL and MongoDB databases for big e-commerce data ", In proc. of CSICSSE conf., DOI: 10.1109/CSICSSE.2015.7369245, 2015
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[5] Damodaran D. B., Salim S. and Vargese M. V., Performance evaluation of MySQL and MongoDB databases, International Journal of Cybernetics & Informatics IJCI, Vol. 5, No. 2, ISSN:2320-8430, 2016.
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Abstract: In the current e-world, mostly all the transactions and the business are taking place through e-mails. Now a day, e-mail has become a powerful tool for communication as it saves a lot of time, paper and cost. But, due to social networks sites and advertiser most of the e-mails are containing unwanted information i.e. called spam. The spam e-mails may contain text of any languages.[3] On the web there are some documents that contain Indian language which may be a spam e-mail. As there are various languages available in India it is a challenging task to identify the spam e-mail due to its linguistic variance and language barriers. As I have reviewed so many research papers on E-mail Spam Categorization, I found that there are so many classifiers available for all the Indian Language, but there is no document classifier available for Hindi language. So in my research I am going to focus on document classifier for Hindi Spam E-Mail Categorization.
Keywords: Hindi Language, Naïve Bayes (NB), Document Categorization, Support Vector Machines (SVM) and K-NN (K – Nearest Neighbors).
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[5]. Patil M, Game P. Comparison of Marathi text classifiers. ACEEE International Journal on Information Technology. 2014; 4(1):11–22..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on the Data Transmission in Networking |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Surender Singh |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2006035961 ![]() |
Abstract: Computer Network has extraordinary impact on improving the proficiency of the communication system and application prerequisites throughout our life. So as to set up transmission way with development attributes and improve the proficiency of information transmission in Computer Network, the enhanced clustering routing protocol dependent on node position utilizing the base separation routing rivalry instrument was proposed in this paper. This clustering routing protocol gives full thought to the situation of replacement nodes and the transmission course regarding clustering and routing way choice. The current paper highlights the data transmission in networking.
Keywords: Data, Transmission, Network.
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[5]. Brown, J., Shipman, B., Vetter, R.: SMS: The Short Message Service. Computer (2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Enhancing Shadow Area Using RGB Color Space |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ipsita Samal || Subhramshu Sekhar Panda |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2006036268 ![]() |
Abstract:Shadow detection and removal from color images is invariably significant for image processing.
Existing methods use illuminant invariant methods to detect and minimize shadow which is computationally
expensive. RGB color space based shadow removal method is existing one which blurs shadow edges. The
performance of this existing method mainly depends on structuring element. To overcome all disadvantages, this
paper is aimed to utilize RGB color space with modified structuring element. The effect of shadow is decreased
on pixel while increasing values of 3 color channels of pixel using modified approach. Experiment results show
that proposed system is computationally inexpensive and can robustly remove shadow from complex images.
Keywords: Enhancing Shadow Area, RGB Color space, Shadow Detection, Shadow Removal, Shadow mask
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Abstract:In this paper we examine the management of human resources in public administration in The Republic
of Srpska, with special emphasis on the staff training. Since the process of training staff is very long and complex
and there are a lot of different areas of knowledge that staff in public administration should be competent in, here
we focus only on a segment of knowledge concerning office (administrative) operations. Office management
involves the tasks in the public administration required to register, follow the progress of work and provide the
essential functions of the public administration organisation. We will look at the knowledge required to properly
understand office work, planning, the start and finish of work according to the agreed schedule and to the
satisfaction of the users and service providers. We will use the latest tools, knowledge bases, ontologies and the
Semantic Web to demonstrate that management and staff training may be conducted more efficiently. In order to
update the knowledge base we will use Protégé-OWL editor......
Keywords:- knowledge bases, ontologies, training staff, office management, software tools
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