Series-2 (March-April 2019)March-April 2019 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4
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Abstract: Technology has evolved tremendously over the past few years in many fields. It not only benefits businesses and companies but also has increased the level of accuracy in educational activities. Many new mobile applications are playing a huge role in solving daily problems of educational institutes. These apps are providing anytime and anywhere access to daily college activities to stakeholders of an institute. Teachers use these applications to do their work easily and in less time and students can also get benefits by getting regular updates regarding college activities anytime and anywhere. As for the teachers, various tasks such as taking student attendance, notifying students about...........
Keywords: RAndroid Result, Attendance, Report generation, Marks
[1]. Edusense Note:
[2]. Edmodo:
[3]. Offline Attendance Manager:
[4]. Student Management System:
[5]. Attendance Manager:
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Message Security Using RSA-DES Hybrid Cryptography |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Sheetalrani R. Kawale |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2102020710 ![]() |
Abstract: Cryptography is the way through which the data can be secured by encrypting and then decrypting at secured location. Encryption is the process or technique through which data can be transferred in to unreadable form. Decryption is the process or technique through which unreadable form data can be transferred in to readable form by using a key. A key either same or different is used to encrypt or decrypt data by authorized user. Based on these keys there are different types of cryptography techniques such as secret key cryptography, public key cryptography and Hash cryptography. Even now-a-days hybridization is used to merge two or more techniques to develop a new and improved form. So in our proposed paper we will try to use hybrid cryptography with RSA and DES cryptography algorithms and verify the results with other hybrid cryptography algorithms so that the data can be transferred to the destination safely.
Key Words: Cryptography, DES, RSA, 3-DES, Hybridization
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[4]. Sousa, L., Antao, S., Kelley, K., Jiang, N., Harris, D.M. and Pinckney, N. Public Key Cryptography. In Circuits and Systems for Security and Privacy (pp. 133-206). CRC Pres, 2016.
[5]. Emmett, J., Eisen, P.A., Muir, J. and Murdock, D., Irdeto BV, 2016." Method and system for protecting execution of cryptographic hash functions", U.S. Patent 9,443,091.
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Abstract: Quantum dot Cellular Automata (QCA) is an emerging technology that offers a radical change in the design era at nano-level. QCA based design is advantageous over macro level for its extremely low power requirement, high packaging density and high speed of operation. QCA is a suitable replacement of semiconductor based transistor and CMOS technology. This paper proposes a new approach towards QCA based nanotechnology design with an input controlled Tri state buffer circuit of Fan out of three logic gates. The paper comprises the explanation about power dissipation of a QCA cell and energy calculations for the designed circuit. Robustness of the buffer circuit is verified by displacement of an important cell known as device cell. In majority voter device cell transfers the input information to the output. All the simulations and design has been done using QCADesigner tool..
Keywords: QCA, Majority Voter, NAND gate, NOR gate, Fan out, Robustness.
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Abstract: The use of inverted index and compression techniques is partially accountable for the current performance achievement of web search engines. In this paper, we discuss how to crawl tagging information from multiple social tagging systems and to store it according to classes of properties of UTO. Also, we introduce an indexing technique for tagging information of social tagging systems and compression technique to reduce its size. We evaluate the performance against three factors – time required to build index, space required to store index, time required to process the query
Keywords: index, tag , social tagging, compression, crawler
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Abstract: Several contracts are left at incompletion stage to become white elephant projects. This may be attributed to awarding contract to an incompetent contractor. Several tools have been used to evaluate the competencies of contractors based on certain criteria before selection of the contractor from a list of bidders. Among such tools are the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Analytic Network Process (ANP). The two techniques are based on multi criteria pairwise comparison. ANP goes further to incorporate a feedback mechanism and interactions among dimensions or cost factors as well as the hierarchical relationship of alternatives. Datasets of more than..........
Keywords: AHP, ANP, Contractor, MCDA, Evaluation, Selection
[1]. Alptekin, G. I and Buyokozan (2011). An Integrated Case based Reasoning and MCDM system for Web based Tourism Destination Planning. Expert System with Application, 38(3), 2125- 2132.
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[3]. Balubaid M and Alamoudi, R (2015). Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to Mult-criteria Analysis for Contractor Selection. American Journal of Industrial and Business Management 5(2015), 581-589
[4]. Baykasoglu, A and Durmusoglu , Z. D. U. (2014). A Hybrid MCDM for Private primary School Assessment using DEMATEL based on ANP and Fuzzy Cognitive Map. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 7(4), 615-635
[5]. Chatterjee K, Zavadskas E., Tamosaitiene J, Adhikary K and Kar S (2018), A Hybrid MCDM Technique for Risk Management in Construction Projects. Symmetry, 10(46): 1-28..
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Abstract: Advanced world needs advancement in technology resulting in need of cashless payment and effortless transactions. Due to this there is a huge requirement of cashless payment methods. These increases in requirements of cashless methods lead to emerging apps for the same. These apps provide payment facility for many utilities like DTH recharge, Postpaid and prepaid bills, Ticket booking, Electricity bills, Broadband bills, Gas bills, Water bills, Insurance and many more. There are several transaction methods like net banking, using debit cards, credit cards or splitting of bills. Splitting of bills facility allows user to divide the bill among number of users. Some of these apps also provide their own wallet where user can store and use money for buying and paying purpose. Recently new features like QR scanning, UPI's are introduced. They allow simple user interface for money transaction...........
Keywords: Cashback, offers, rewards, bills, transaction, payments, QR (Quick Response), UPI (Unified Payments Interface), apps (application)
Amazon Pay:
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Abstract: Eavesdropping attack also known as sniffing attack in which someone is trying is steal the data that the vehicles or computers transmit over the vehicular adhoc network. Eavesdropping makes the advantage of unsecured network to steal the transmit and received data. Eavesdropping attacks are not easy to detect in the network as they do not create any abornarmality in the operation of the adhoc network..
Keywords: DADCQ, Global Predicator (GI), IOVs, Eavesdropper
[1]. S. T. Zargar, J. Joshi, and D. Tipper, "A Survey of Defense Mechanisms Against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Flooding Attacks," IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, vol. 15, no. 4. pp. 2046–2069,2013.
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[5]. J. U. Santhi, S. Bellamkonda, and N. G. Rao, "Analysis of web serverlog files using Hadoop MapReduce to preprocess the log files and toexplore the session identification and network anomalies," in 3rdInternational Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Engineering Trends,Communication, Optimiza tion and Sciences (EEECOS), 2016, pp. 856–861..
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Abstract: The main motivation is to manage the power usage at residential home and control the yielding of high power. The illegal usage of power must be solved by electronic means without any human interaction. The purpose of this work is to provide an implementation methodology for power management and theft detection. It includes microcontroller based embedded technology and wireless communication method to find out the power theft. A Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) based technology is used to transmit the meter reading and detection alert automatically to the authorized power provider via an alert message, through wireless Fidelity authorized user get an alert mail.........
[1]. JieDuan, Mo-Yuen Chow, "A Novel Data Integrity Attack on Consensus based Distributed Energy Management Algorithm using Local Information", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, June 2018.
[2]. W. Zeng, Y. Zhang, and M. Y. Chow, "Resilient Distributed Energy Management Subject to Unexpected Misbehaving Generation Units," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 13, no. 1. pp. 208– 216, 2017.
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[4]. C.Chen, J. Wang, and S. Kishore, "A Distributed Direct Load Control Approach for Large-Scale Residential Demand Response," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 29, no. 5. pp. 2219–2228, 2016.
[5]. Jinsoo Han, Moonok Choi, Ilwoo Lee, And Sang-Ha Kim, "Photovoltaic Energy Sharing System in a Multifamily Residential House to Reduce Total Energy Costs", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, June 2016..
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Abstract: That article, presents the model of a control system, based on planner's cooperative agents, that facilitates the management of the operating room process. The major advantage of the proposed approach is the possibility of retouching the schedule without redoing it all. This is particularly useful, when the OR process is in progress, for rescheduling surgeries as needed. We present the auction protocol called "simulated trading" (ST) and we develop the mechanism of its algorithm used to exchange surgical interventions between the rooms to obtain more responsiveness without reducing the overall performance. This heuristic based on a concept of tendering that has been used in the past to exchange tasks between distributed resources, is used.........
Keywords: Distributed Artificial Intelligence, dynamic planning, Hybrid Control, Multi Agent Planner, Operating Theater.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analyzing Contemporary Control Hazard Resolution Techniques |
Country | : | Ethiopia |
Authors | : | Amit Pandey || Abdella K. Mohammed |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2102026570 ![]() |
Abstract: A basic RISC style pipelined processor can be divided in to five different stages, namely Instruction fetch (IF), Instruction Decode (ID), Execution (Ex), Memory (Mem) and Write back (WB). These stages are arranged to work in a synchronized way. With each clock pulse each stage forwards its instruction to the next consecutive stage. Initially each instruction will enter into the Instruction fetch stage. Further it will be escalated to the final Write back stage in same fashion. In the WB stage the outcome of the instruction will be stored in the general purpose register........
Keywords:Control hazard, Dynamic Branch Prediction, Branch Prediction, Pipeline hazards, Control Hazard resolution.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Implementing Token Slicing Scheme for Secure Multiparty Communication |
Country | : | Ethiopia |
Authors | : | Amit Pandey || Abdella K. Mohammed |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2102027178 ![]() |
Abstract: In today's competitive world of industries and companies number of times we need to draw comparisons and analyses on the data that the owner is unwilling to share commonly. To overcome this problem of secure data communication within multiparty over the network there are many algorithms and techniques. Some of them use anonymous layers as trusted third party and some use complex functions for data manipulation and have time complexity in exponential order. In this paper a new token slicing scheme is introduced which serves the purpose of secure data communication within multiparty over the network and has runtime complexity of order O(n2). Also one.........
Keywords: SMC, Secure Multiparty Computation, privacy preserving data mining, Token Slicing, Message splitting, Message partitioning
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Social Intelligence and Flexible Locus of Control among College Students |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr. Molly Joy |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2102027983 ![]() |
Abstract: The study intends to analyse the relationship between social intelligence and flexible locus of control of college students within 18-24 age group from the city of Bengaluru. It also measures social intelligence of the students, with regard to their flexible locus of control. The sample includes 120 college students (60 boys and 60 girls) under study. To get the sample of students with flexible locus of control, Locus of Control (LOC-Scale) Scale developed by Rotter (1966) was used. The tool used for measuring social intelligence was Social Intelligence Scale (SIS) by Chadda and Ganesh (2001). Pearson's product moment correlation analysis used found that there is no significant relationship between...........
Keywords: Social Intelligence, Flexible Locus of Control, College students
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