Series-1 (Sep-Oct 2019)Sep-Oct 2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: This study reviews how voice recognition can be used in making it easier for people with disabilities to access door systems and provide better security to lives and properties. Popular Biometric technology includes iris scan, fingerprint scan and facial recognition. These biometric identifiers are unique and distinctive based on features and characteristics used to identify different individuals for the safety and security of their lives and properties. Unfortunately, these biometrics can be hacked. An individual's finger can be cut off to perform fingerprint scan, an eye ball can be removed to perform an iris scan, a pin or password can be hacked, and a picture of the individual can be used to perform facial recognition. These setbacks can be averted with voice recognition biometrics technology...........
Keywords:Access Control, Biometrics, Security, Voice Recognition
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Examination and Comparison of Signatures by Computational Technique |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Suramya || Poonam Prakash || Vaibhav Saran |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2105011316 ![]() |
Abstract: Many signature verification techniques have been developed in order to distinguish between the genuine signatures and the forgeries. In this paper, an attempt is made to provide an effective method of examination and comparison of signatures by using a computational technique. For various legal problems and in relation to their admissibility in court this computational approach is given which is used as a reflection of the true state of evidence and to strengthen ones observation regarding differences among the two specimens. The computational method of measuring pixel values of signatures based on distance and angle based classification of signatures with better accuracy...........
Keywords: Signature, Examination, comparison, computational approach.
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Abstract: This paper titled simulation model to determine the severity of corruption in Adamawa State civil service identifies various forms of staff corruption. despite numerous anti-corruption strategies that have been put in place to curb corruption, such as Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC), Independent Corrupt Practices Commission (ICPC), Police Code of Conduct Bureau (PCCB), Police Service Commission (PSC), the X-Squad Unit and Public Complaint Bureau (PCB), it remains difficult to reduce corruption within the sector. This paper analysed.........
Keywords: Corruption, Fuzzy logic Model, Simulation, MATLAB
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Abstract: Taking attendance is a long process and takes lot of effort and time, especially if it involves huge number of students. It is also problematic when an exam is held and causes a lot of disturbance. Moreover, the attendance sheet is subjected to damage and loss while being passed on between different students or teaching staff. And when the number of students enrolled in a certain course is huge, the lecturers tend to call the names of students randomly which is not fair student evaluation process either. This process could be easy and effective with a small number of students but on the other hand dealing with the records of a large number of students often leads to human error. Human face detection by computer systems has become a major field of interest. Face detection algorithms are used in a wide range of applications, such as security control, video retrieving, biometric signal processing........
Keywords: biometric, attendance, machine, learning, facial, recognition
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on Life Cycle of a Software Project |
Country | : | Saudi Arabia |
Authors | : | Muzammil H Mohammed |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2105013338 ![]() |
Abstract: In Software improvement for the effective project arranging and the executives, the serious issues are cost estimation and exertion allotment. Cost estimation process includes irregular advances, software instruments, various calculations and suspicions. In the field of software designing the focal point of research examinations are to give opportune estimation of the likely software advancement. For the Software improvement projects to carefully foresee the cost, the real specialists have been chipping away at various models and calculations. Analysts have begun bothering about the forecast exhibition relies upon structure of information as opposed to the models. Industry intensity relies upon cost, execution, and opportune conveyance of the item. In this way, exacting.........
Keywords: Life cycle, software project, data technology
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Abstract: This research proposed to analyze and predict grade 10 students' performance in Mathematics for the Sultanate of Oman. Several factors were considered in this research that may influence students' performance such as factors related to the student textbook, school environment, factors associated with the teacher, and factor related to student behaviors and human and physical resources. The primary data was collected using questionnaires and secondary data such as students result in mathematics subject collected from the Ministry of Education (educational portal........
Keywords: Machine learning process, Neural Network, Decision Tree
[1]. Wakelam ,E.Jefferies ,A, Davey ,N and Sun ,Y(2015)'The Potential for Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Improve e-Learning Systems ' [Online] Available from https:// 641e/ 9fe2856abaa7dbf59c3712aa2ad470d49242.pdf[14 Apr 2019]
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Abstract: Image segmentation plays a vital role in ultrasound digital image applications, for the study of anatomical structures of medical-image. Image segmentation is a tool for dividing an image into multiple parts, to identify objects or other relevant information in digital images. This paper shows some implementation and comparison of different segmentation algorithms like Edge based segmentation, Watershed segmentation, Region based segmentation, Thresholding and Clustering method which separates stones sections from ultrasound kidney image. This paper is to present which method is performing best for segmentation task. The performance of those segmentation methods are measured by calculating the MSE, PSNR and elapsed time of segmented kidney stoned image..
Keywords: Image Segmentation, Objective Evaluation, Edge Detection, Watershed, Thresholding, Clustering
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Abstract: Telecommunication industry plays a vital role in the modern fast-moving world. At the same time, the industry is highly competitive because of multiple providers provide different solutions to their consumers. As a result, customers are rapidly moving from one service provider to another. Furthermore, human communications have been moving far from traditional calls and text messages to alternatives. Therefore, mobile operators are under real revenue threats as well as the risk of losing their potential customers. To solve this kind of issues, they need to increase their capabilities on understanding customer behavior patterns and preferences, in order to achieve a high level of customer profitability and revenue. The major aim of this study is to cluster the customers based..........
Keywords:Profitability, Clustering, Neural Network, K-means, Telecom
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Abstract: The analysis and prediction of students' performance have become an essential topic in the educational sector nowadays. Data mining and machine learning techniques used to investigate data from education institutions. However, assessing the students' academic performance is not an easy task since the students' performance depends on different factors.
This research proposed to predict students' second-semester mark from the begging of the second semester by taking the first-semester mark as an input variable. A sample of 1300 students with the low performance in Mathematics, was taken from 13 schools especially government schools in the Muscat region for the school year 2018-2019 to develop prediction models which can efficiently predict grade 10 students' marks in Mathematics. Since the second semester mark is unknown..........
Keywords: Neural Network, Decision Tree, Linear Regression, Clustering, Regression
[1]. Wakelam ,E.Jefferies ,A, Davey ,N and Sun ,Y(2015)'The Potential for Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Improve e-Learning Systems ' [Online] Available from[14 Apr 2019]
[2]. Farooq,M.Chaudhry ,A.Shafiq ,M .and Berhanu ,G.(2011)'FACTORS AFFECTING STUDENTS' QUALITY OF ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE: A CASE OF SECONDARY SCHOOL LEVEL ' Journal of Quality and Technology Management......
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