Abstract: The present study relates to a manufacture of simple water filters using inferior quality gem minerals to trap heavy metal ions such as As, Cd, Cr, Pb found within drinking water. Since the gem minerals are of inferior quality they can be bought for a paltry sum. In Sri Lanka it is found that most drinking water sources are contaminated with high concentrations of heavy metals. As such, a variety of minerals, each having the capability to trap a certain type of heavy metal ions at different levels, were carefully chosen for this filter. This filter is manufactured in such a way that it can be used in small hamlets or in a common household. Within households it is possible to buy an inexpensive commonly available water filter and fill the compartments with the said gem minerals removing already available filter media except activated charcoal. The filter also has the ability to reuse the....
Keywords: tourmaline, hessonite garnet, biotite mica, activated charcoal, adsorption, desorption
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