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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Whatsapp: A Trend Setter in Mobile Communication among Chennai Youth |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ms. Jisha K , Dr. Jebakumar |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19970106 ![]() |
Abstract: Today the mobile application, WhatsApp has become a part of youth's life. It has become a communication application that youth find it difficult to be without, whether they agree it or not. They get in touch with friends and family, and use it for fulfilling their information, entertainment and educational purposes. They use it for the exchange of emotional intimate content and also to co-ordinate their everyday life. The groups that youth create with friends and colleagues help them to share their ideas, thoughts and emotions. The youth in India made a gradual shift from all social networking sites to WhatsApp in a short span of time. To investigate the importance of WhatsApp among youth, a study was conducted among 100 college going students in Chennai region, especially who use smart phones, in the age group of between 18 to 23. An online survey was conducted to draw findings. It was found that students spent 8 hours per day on using WhatsApp and remain online almost 16 hours a day. All the respondents agreed that they are using WhatsApp for communicating with their friends. They also exchange images, audio and video files with their friends using WhatsApp. It was also proved that the only application that the youth uses when they are spending time on their smart phone is WhatsApp.
Key Words: Smart phones, Mobile Communication, Mobile App, Inter-personal communication, WhatsApp & Youth.
[1] Johnson Yeboah, George Dominic Ewur, The impact of Whatsapp messenger on students performance in Tertiary institutions in Ghana, Journal of Education and practice, Vol.5, No.6, 2014.
[2] Kenton O'Hara, Michael Massimi, Richard Harper, Simon Rubens, Jessica Morris, Everyday dwelling with WhatsApp, Microsoft Research Cambridge & New Experience
[3] Walter UYS , Aadilah Mia, Gary Jeffrey Jansen, Haythem Van Der Schyff ,Michael Andre Josias, Michelle Khusu, Muzaffer Gierdien, Natacha Andrea Leukes, Sulungeka Faltein, Tejas Gihwala,, Tracey-Lee Theunissen, Yaseen Samsodien, Smartphone application usage amongst students at a South African University, IST-Africa 2012 Conference Proceedings Paul Cunningham and Miriam Cunningham (Eds) IIMC International Information Management Corporation, 2012. ISBN: 978-1-905824-34-2.
[4] Karen Church and Rodrigo De Oliveira, Whats up with Whatsapp?;Comparing mobile instant messaging behaviors with traditional SMS, Mobile HCI, page 352-361. ACM, (2013).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Rise and Use of New Media and its Relationship to Changing Values of Indian Youth |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Narasimahamurthy N |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19970714 ![]() |
Abstract: The present research is an attempt to examine the relationship between rise and use of new media and change the values, beliefs and attitudes of youths in urban India. Like every major technological change, the new media convergence is having profound effects on virtually all aspects of our society.The 20th century witnessed the convergence of new forms of communication than any other period in history in the field of mass communication. Electricity, the telephone, the automobile, and airplane made the world more accessible to people and transforming our society in the process. As a successive new form of communication has come into being, then the accessible worldwide system of interconnected network called the Internet is publically accessible worldwide, even in India too. Ordinary people have enjoying an expanded quality, range, and choice of entertainment and information content through new communication forms. This new forms of communication has more opportunities than the classical mass media. It is also evident the transformation in lifestyle and value-belief system. While the new media is free and more accessible than classical media or any other forms of medium in history, users can sue it to avoid anything with which they may disagree. New media is emerged as a mainstream medium for information exchange and social interaction across the globe.These media are also a means of forming new cultural contents and means of establishing manners and approaches of how these contents accepted, which has quite an impact on contemporary life styles. The present research tried to understand the correlation between the rise and use of new media and thus altering attitudes values and beliefs of youths, through the use of survey research. For data collection survey questionnaire will be administered to gather appropriate information from different age groups of youths residing in Bangalore City. Relationship between rise and use of new media and changing values, attitudes and beliefs were explored in the course of the study.
Keywords: New media, Life styles, Youth, Values, Attitudes, and Beliefs
[1]. Baller and Green 2005, Goodnoe, 2006, and Totty 2007 Blogs will change your business. Bus. Week. 3931 Aug., 10. 56. Wiki while you work. Inform. Week 1078, 3.. Technology: How to be a star in a YouTube world. Wall Street Journal Online. May 14.
[2]. Blamchand, A L, 2004-The effects of Dispersed Virtual Communities on Face-to-Face Social Capital, In Social Capital & Information Technologies, MIT Press Cambridge M A, 53-74.
[3]. Chindamabram&Bostrom 1997 Group Development (II): Implications for GSS Research and Practice" Group Decision and Negotiation, 6(3), pp. 231-254
[4]. Clifford Geertz, 1973- The Interpretation of Culture (Basic Books, New York)
[5]. Ember and Ember 1990-Cultural anthropology (6th ed.). New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
[6]. Hagel J & Armstrong, A G 1997- Net gain: expanding markets through virtual communities. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Journalists and Twitter: How Indian News Organization Adapt to a Social Networking |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Devadas Mb |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19971520 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper examines new Para-journalism forms such as micro-blogging as "awareness systems" that provide journalists with more complex ways of understanding and reporting on the public communication. Traditional journalism defines fact as information and quotes from official sources, which have been identified as forming the vast majority of news and information content. This model of news is in flux, however, as new social media technologies such as Twitter facilitate the instant, online dissemination of short fragments of information from a variety of official and unofficial sources. This paper draws from literature on new communications technologies in computer science to suggest that these broad, asynchronous, lightweight and always-on systems are enabling citizens to maintain a mental model of news and events around them, giving rise to awareness systems this paper describes as ambient journalism. The emergence of ambient journalism brought about by the use of these new digital delivery systems and evolving communications protocols raises significant research questions for journalism scholars and professionals. This research offers an initial exploration of the impact of awareness systems on journalism norms and practices. It suggests that one of the future directions for journalism may be to develop approaches and systems that help the public negotiate and regulate the flow of awareness information, facilitating the collection and transmission of news.]
Key Words: Awareness systems; Internet; Journalism; Micro-blogging; Social Media; Twitter
[1]. CASHMORE, PETE (2009) "Michael Jackson Dies: Twitter Tributes Now 30% of Tweets", Mashable., accessed June 25, 2009.
[2]. CHALMERS, MATTHEW (2002) "Awareness, Representation and Interpretation", Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 11, 389-409.
[3]. CHENG, ALEX, EVANS, MARK AND SINGH, HARSHDEEP (2009) Inside Twitter: An In-Depth Look Inside the Twitter World: Sysomos.
[4]. COLES, MALCOLM (2009) "Newspapers on Twitter: How the Guardian, FT and Times are winning",, accessed 6 July, 2009.
[5]. DAHLGREN, PETER (1996) "Media Logic in Cyberspace: Repositioning Journalism and its Publics", Javnost/The Public, 3, 59-72.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Utilizing the Relationship between Education and Freedom as a Tool for Poverty Alleviation |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Umar Tela |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19972127 ![]() |
Abstract: The theories of Adler (1982), Greene (1988), Illich (1970) & Dewey (1907) had shaped discourse on education and promotion of free society. In this study, these theories were analyzed, compared and contrasted as well as discussing their underlying perspectives as regards societal change and promotion of free society. I argue that while these theories seem divergent in their views on societal change and promotion of free society through education, all of them are critical and relevant to accomplishing a societal change. I also argue that, since Nigeria has high rate of poverty, it is important that technology education system is reformed where the formal traditional and informal educational systems are harmonized. Through this, the poor will benefit from the unlimited opportunities available in the society as a result of the rapid development of technology
Key Words : Education, Freedom and Poverty Alleviation
[1]. Adler, M., J. (1982).The Paideia Proposal. New York: Macmilliam. Available at
[2]. Aluede, R.O.A. (2006). Universal Basic Education in Nigeria: Matters Arising. Journal of Humanities & Ecology. 20(2). 97-101
[3]. Andreescu, L. (2009). Individual Academic Freedom and aprofessional acts. Education Theory. 59(5).559-578
[4]. Bergstrom, Y. (2010). The Universal Right to Education: Freedom, Equality and Fraternity. Studies in Philosophy & Education. 29 (2):167-182
[5]. Biesta, G. (2010). A New Logic of Emancipation: The Methodology of Jacques Ranciere. Educational Theory. 60(1); 39-59
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Abstract: The study explored the effectiveness of female leaders in Zimbabwean teacher training colleges. The study focused on two teacher training colleges in Harare. The research adopted the mixed method approach whereby both qualitative and quantitative methods were used in compliment. The multiple case study design was the plan used to guide the study execution. The population included all the female leaders holding designated posts and lecturers at the two institutions. Purposive sampling was used to come up with a representative sample of 10 female leaders and 30 lecturers. The semi-structured interview and the questionnaire were the tools used to collect data respectively. The findings revealed that female leaders in teachers colleges mainly use democratic and participatory leadership styles. It was also found that female leaders also resort to autocratic styles where they feel their authority is under threat. Most respondents rated the leadership of females in teacher training colleges as effective. The study recommended that the government and civil society should work tirelessly to uproot the systems such as patriarchy that wrongly define Zimbabwean society which hinders development. Society is advised to adopt an attitude that believes in the dictum that says 'Whatever a man can do a woman can also do." Thus a change of mindset in this regard. The government and civil society should continuously run campaigns to sensitize the nation on issues to do with females in leadership. Interventions in the form of workshops, seminars and in-service training that are specifically aimed at empowering women and men would be also be useful. Lastly it is recommended that government ensure the implementation of policies such as affirmative action practically and not only on paper. This can be done by close evaluation and monitoring strategies in most institutions.
Key terms: Gender, gender equity, gender equality, leadership, attitudes, perceptions
[1]. Bass , B. M. (1981). Stogdill‟s handbook of leadership (rev. ed.). New York: Free Press.
[2]. Bass, B. M. (2000). The future of leadership in learning organizations. Journal of Leadership Studies, 7(3), 18-40. [3]. Best, J.W. and Khan, J.V. (2006).Research in Education. Boston: Allan and Bacon.
[4]. Borg, J.W. and Gall, D.M. (2007). Educational Research: An African Introduction. London, Longman
[5]. Burns, J. M.(1978).Leadership. New York: Harper and Row.
[6]. Cohen, W.A. (1990), The Art of a Leader‟ Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall
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Abstract: The study explored the views of the Zimbabwean employers regarding the employment of deaf persons. The study was motivated by the need to find the cause to the rapid increase of the number of deaf persons looming the streets of Harare. A mixed design methodology was employed. The respondents were ten employers of deaf persons based in Harare. A questionnaire was used to collect data. The results have shown that the majority of employers believe that deaf employees have the same vocational competencies as their as their hearing counterparts. It has also been found that employers are skeptical of employing deaf person for fearing to lose clients. The results also showed that employers of deaf persons do not get training on the communication needs of deaf persons. The study recommended that there is need for the government to give corporate tax rebates to employers of deaf employees. It is also recommended that treasury introduce a fund for the purposes of funding projects of deaf school leavers.
Key terms: Hearing impairment, deaf, employer, transition, sign language
[1]. Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services (ADRS) (2009)
[2]. Berke, E (2009) Keys to Parent a Child with Deafness. Belmont: Meridian Education
[3]. Bullies, MB, Johnson, B, Peters, B,C(1997). Expectations Versus Realities: Examination of the
[4]. Transition Plans and Expenses of Adolescents who are Deaf and Adolescents who are Hearing. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 40(4),251-264
[5]. Carroll, M, King, V (1985) The Peer Helping Phenomenon. A Quiet Revolution. Counseling and Human Development. Denver, Co : Love Publishing Company
[6]. Defur, S.H, Partton, J (1999) Transition and School –Based services: Interdisciplinary Perspectives for Enhancing the Transition Process, Austin: PROED
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Abstract: This study investigated the effectiveness of strategic security systems in securing banks and financial institutions in Kenya. This research project main aim was to come up with various intelligence strategies to minimize risks as low as reasonably practicable, add value to business and increase growth and sustainability of banks and financial institutions in their achievement of their business goal and overall attainment of the 2030 vision in respect to our country Kenya. This study therefore concluded that an effective strategic security system played a fundamental role in searching for accurate and actionable information about whom the enemies were, where and how they operated, how they were supported, the targets the enemies intended to attack, method of attack they intended to use and analysis of existing control measures in withstanding the threats. This study recommended that the management in these institution needs to invest in adequate physical, human and technological security systems which can be perfect deterrence to the standards required by the consumers. This huge investment should be coupled with a well trained workforce who would operate the security apparatus effectively. Just like the audit department, security should be left to operate independently without interference. Its interference amounts to intimidation and which may affect negatively on these security personnel and general output in adding value to institutions overall mission and vision.
Keywords: Security, Intelligence, Training, Equipments, Technology
[1]. Boateng, R. (2006) Developing Banking security capabilities in a Ghanaian Bank: Preliminary lessons, Journal of Banking Security and Commerce: Vol 11 No. 2.
[2]. Hutchinson, D. (2003) Security for Banking: a framework, Logistics Information Management: Vol 16 No. 1 pp 64 -73.
[3]. Jayawardhena, C. (2000) Change in the Banking Sector-the case of Internet banking in the UK, Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and Policy: Vol.10 No.1. pp. 19 30.
[4]. Zorkadis, V. (2004), "On biometrics-based authentication and identification from a privacy-protection perspective: deriving privacy-enhancing requirements", Information Management & Computer Security, Vol. 12 No.1, pp.125-37.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Role of Media in Present Indian Social Scenario |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Surinder kaur , Navjot kaur |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19975051 ![]() |
Abstract: "It may be true that the law can‟t make a man love me, but it can stop him from lynching me and I think that‟s pretty important."1 Laws are enacted for the protection of people and for the smooth functioning of the society. Laws provide a fair framework within which individuals and groups can choose their own values and codes, consistent with a similar liberty for others2. Hence laws both protect the integrity of different sects of society and also promote their harmonal existence. In the absence of law and order, society will turn into an unbearable chaos. However law acquires its life and performs its intended social functions through the process of implementation and enforcements, without which it has little meaning in any given society. 3 Implementation of law is about "law-in-action‟ and not "law-in-the-books.‟4 Implementation part is the most difficult part for the rule of law. As Eugene Bardach notes,
[1]. Martin Luther King Jr.‟s quote available on
[2]. Martin J. Sandel, Liberalism and its Critics, quotes on law available on
[3]. Jianfu Chen et al. (eds.), Implementation of Law in the People‟s Republic of China (Netherland: Kluwer Law International, 2002) p. 2
[4]. Ibid 1 5 Eugene Bardach, The Implementation Game : What Happens after a Bill Becomes a Law ( Massachusetts/London : The MIT Press, 1977) p.3.
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Abstract:The present research paper is an attempt to analyse the level of development in Jawahar, Mokhada, Vikramgad and Vada tahsils of rural Thane district, of Maharashtra. The research is an outcome of primary and secondary data, largely government and non government publications for preparing social and economic profile of the study area. Besides this, a topographical map is used for the physiographic profile. Further, GIS based composite Index has been prepared for all the physical, demographic, social and economic variables by denoting score of 1-5. The lowest score indicates less development and the highest score indicates high development. This has enabled to analyze the regional disparity lucidly. Based on the secondary data collection at village level, the study shows that the disparity increases from the Southwest to Northeast and majority of the settlement indicate low to very low status of development. Those administrative units that suffer in socio-economic development i.e. lack of transport connectivity, health and low literacy levels, coupled with topographical constraints have shown low scores. These tashils are industrially backward, economically underdeveloped and socially isolated and therefore majority of the settlements of these tehsils show low level development. These tehsils are tribal dominated areas. Any developmental efforts have to be specifically focused in the deprived regions that are characterized by tribal populace, highland and socio – economic isolation.
Keywords: Regional disparity, Level of development Composite Index and GIS application
[1]. Bhattacharya, B.B. and Sakthivel ,S., 2004. Regional Growth and Disparity in India. Economic and Political Weekly, (EPW), March 6, Pp.1071-1077.
[2]. Bokare, N, 1995. The Art Mart: Commercialization of Tribal Arts. In: Jain .N. and Tribhuwan R.; (Eds.), An Overview of Tribal Research Studies, Tribal Research and Training Institute Maharashtra State, Pune. Pp. 109-113.
[3]. Census of India, 1991. District Census handbook: Thane, Part XII –A and B, Series –14,Maharashtra, Government Central Press, Mumbai.
[4]. Census of India, 2001. District Census CD-ROM: Thane, Directorate of Census Operation,Govt. of Maharashtra. Mumbai.
[5]. Das, T.K., 2002. Convergence Across Indian States: Cross-Sectional and Panel Estimations. South Asia Economic Journal, Vol. 3, No. 2, Pp. 227- 239