Version-2 (January-2017)
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Abstract: Over the past decades, women have been involved in mediation and conflict resolution processes. However, their roles remain largely undervalued and unrecognized in this processes. In spite of this, women devise all manner of strategies within their reach to resolve conflicts and bring about peaceful co-existence. This paper uses Somalia and Kenya women's case studies to expose various strategies used by women in mediation and conflict resolutions. The use of poetry and the 'spitting' initiatives were important strategies and processes used by these women to effectively mediate and return their disputant societies back to peace.......
Keywords: Women, mediation, conflict resolution
[1] Alexander, N (2009). International and Comparative Mediation: Legal Perspectives, Kluwer law International, Netherlands. Pp 27.
[2] Anan, K & Nader. M (2012). Interventions: A life in War and Peace. The Penguin Press, Newyork
[3] Anneltto (2006). Guest at the table? The role of women in Sudan's Peace Processes. ACCORD,Issue18.
[4] Boulle, L (1996). Mediation : Principles, Process, processes and Practice. Sydney: Buterworth
[5] Crisis Management Initiative (CMI) and West Africa Network for Peace Building (WANEP) (2011). Workshop on " Gender based Violence and Peace Mediation in West Africa". November 29th -30th 2011, Abuja, Nigeria.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Anti Corruption Education Through Characters Building Value |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sri Sulistyawati || Risnawaty || Nelvitia Purba |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2201020711 ![]() |
Abstract: Summary Based on the data reported by Fitra (Indonesian Forum for Budget Transparency) Region Sumatera Utara from the audit results by BPK (Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia) in the IHP (Summary of Audit Results) for Semester II/2012, North Sumatera Utara is considered as the most corrupted province in Indonesia. It was in the first rank followed by Aceh Province, West Papua Province, and DKI Jakarta in the fourth place.1 This anti-corruption education is an attempt to build national character as the foundation to prevent corruption conduct. Therefore, early prevention is required through education for senior high school students in North Sumatera Province in order that by the time they get into the employmentwoorld, they will become reliable young generation who will bring Indonesia to achieve just and prosperous society.
Keywords: National Character, Senior High School Students, Corruption Prevention, Pakem (Active, Creative, Effective, and Fun Learning Method)-Based.
[1] Ahimsa Putra, H.S.2003, Jurnal Wacana : Korupsi Di Indonesia : Budaya Atau Politik Makna?, Yogyakarta , Insist Press.
[2] Aziz Syamsuddin, 2011, Tindak Pidana Khusus, Sinar Grafika Jakarta.
[3] Bibit Samad Rianto, 2009, Undang-Undang Pengadilan Tipikor Dan Eksistensi Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi, dalam Amir Syarifudin, dkk (penyunting) Bunga Rampai Potret Penegakan Hukum di Indonesia, Jakarta : Komisi Yudisial Republik Indonesia.
[4] Ermanjah Djaja, 2010, Meredesain Pengadilan Tindak Pidana Korupsi (Implikasi Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 012-016-019/PPU-IV/2006), Sinar Grafika Jakarta.
[5] Ermansjah Djaja, 2009, Membrantas Korupsi Bersama KPK (komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi), Jakarta,Sinar Grafika.
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Abstract: Road network provides the arterial network to facilitate, transport, trade economic development and social integration. It facilitates specialization, extension of markets and exploitation of economies of scale. It is used for the smooth conveyance of both people and goods. Transportation by road has the advantage over other means of transport because of its easy accessibility, flexibility of operations, door-to-door service and reliability. Consequently, passenger and freight movement in India over the years have increasingly shifted towards roads from other means of transport. The economy of India is predominantly agrarian in nature. For the development of agriculture, the timely availability............
[1] Infrastructure Statistics -2014, Central Statistics Office, Ministry Of Statistics And Programme Implementation, Government of India, New Delhi.
[2] Karnataka Economic Survey, 2014-15
[3] Basic Road Statistics Of India,2014-15,Government Of India, Ministry Of Road Transport And Highways, Transport Research Wing, New Delhi.
[4] Ministry of Rural Development (2007). Rural Road, Development Plan: Vision 2025. New Delhi: Government of India.
[5] Fan, Shenggen, Peter Hazell and S K Thorat (1999), "Linkages between Government Spending, Growth and Poverty in Rural India", International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, USA.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Taliban Conundrum |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mudassir Fatah |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2201022126 ![]() |
Abstract: National interests do guide the foreign policy of a nation. A state can go to any extent for fulfilling the same. Same had been reflected in the proxy wars played in Afghanistan. It is these national interests of some states which are responsible for the rise of the Taliban movement. Although there are some internal factors who also played a crucial role while giving birth to the Taliban movement, but these internal circumstances were created so to be the part of the conflict which eventually gave rise to the Taliban movement. The cold war power politics played in the poor and a weak nation like Afghanistan resulted in such a force which is still haunting the millions in the world.
Keywords – Afghanistan, Civil War, Peace, Power Politics, Taliban.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Gender as a Predictor in Adolescents' Television Use |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Smitha P || Dr.Muhammadali N |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2201022732 ![]() |
Abstract: Television has become an inseparable part of our lives. Television has a strong impact on all individuals, especially adolescents as they are vulnerable to change. The present study tries to find out the relationship between the gender and adolescents' television use. A survey was employed among 540 (270male and 270 female) students from different schools in Kerala. The Study revealed that male students and female students are using television differently and their selection of the program also varies. Male students spent more time with television than female students.
Key words :- Gender, Television, Media, Usage, Adolescents, Programs
[1] Ozdemir, S. (2006). Affects of Television as a Natural Educator;can Television be a Tool as an Informal Educator? A TRNC Sample. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 5 (1), 3-13.
[2] Verma, S. & Larson, R.W. (2002). Television in Indian Adolescent's Lives; A Member of the Family. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 31 (3),
[3] Nathanson, A. I., Perse, E. M., &Ferguson, D. A. (1997). gender differences in television use : an exploration of the instrumental -expressive dichotomy. communication research reports, 14 (2), 176-188.
[4] Gentile, D.A., Lynch, P.J., Linder, J.R., and Walsh, D.A.,( 2004) The effects of violent video game habits on adolescent hostility, aggressive behaviors, and school performance. Journal of Adolescence.27 5-22.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Livelihood Vulnerability and Coping Strategies among the Karrayu Pastoralists of Ethiopia |
Country | : | Ethiopia |
Authors | : | Sileshi Mengistu |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2201023339 ![]() |
Abstract: For the past several years pastoral societies have experienced severe vulnerability to recurrent risks, shocks and trends that caused extreme livelihood deterioration and poverty. In order to sustain their survival pastoralists across the Horn of Africa have developed different adaptation and coping mechanisms. The way livelihoods changed, adapted or failed to adapt the challenges posed by the economic and ecological environment determines the food security status of the household. The purpose of this study was to investigate the types of vulnerability and coping strategies among the Karrayu pastoralists of Ethiopia. Primary data collected using interviews...........
Keywords: Livelihood, vulnerability, coping strategy, food security, karrayu
[1] Ayalew Gabre (2001). Pastoralism under Pressure: Land Alienation and Pastoral
[2] Transformations among the Karrayu in Eastern Ethiopia, 1941 to the Present The Hague: Shakers Publishing
[3] Beruk Yemane (2003). Food Security Situation in the Pastoral Areas of Ethiopia Oxfam GB
[4] Bushell, H. (2009). Livelihood, Pastoralism and Disaster Risk Reduction. Second African Regional Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction Consultative Meeting, Nairobi, 5-7 May 2009 Regional DRR Focal Point, Oxfam GB.
[5] Carney, Diana (1998). Implementing the Sustainable Rural Livelihoods Approach. In Sustainable
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Abstract: The objective of this review paper is to accommodate the fundamental concepts of the recent burning term "Corporate Social Responsibility" in a single article. Actually this term is an olden topic of discussion. But with the changes of time the definition, scope and features of the concept have changed to a significant level. But it is a consensus opinion that an universal definition of CSR is still absent and according to few scholars it words as one of the most important barriers towards the runway to the successful and wide implementation of CSR. According to some intellectuals corporate social responsibility is a voluntary contribution of the corporations which contribute..........
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Fundamental concepts of CSR, Companies.
[1] Chopra, Abha, and Shruti Marriya. "Corporate Social Responsibility and Education in India." (2014).
[2] Waddock, S.: 2004, 'Parallel universes: companies, academics, and the progress of corporate citizenship', Business and Society Review 109, 5-42.
[3] Waldman D, Siegel D, Javidan M. 2006a. Components of CEO transformational leadership and corporate social responsibility. Journal of Management Studies43: 1703–1725.
[4] Waldman D, Siegel D. 2008. Defining the socially responsible leader. The Leadership Quarterly19: 117–131.
[5] Du, Shuili, Valérie Swaen, Adam Lindgreen, and Sankar Sen. "The roles of leadership styles in corporate social responsibility."Journal of business ethics 114, no. 1 (2013): 155-169.
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Abstract: The role of women in any tribal communities is crucial. A tribal woman occupies an important place in the socio-economic structure of the society. They exercise free and firm hand in all aspects related to their social and economic life. In Agriculture, tribal women play a crucial role in wide range of activities and contributing to sustainable development. Tribal communities are at slow stages of political development. The role of tribal women in politics has been underrepresented. But with the introduction of the 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act and the reservation of one-third of its seats for STs, SCs and Women in Grass-roots politics, the participation of tribal women in panchayat politics has been noticed among the tribal communities...........
Keywords: Panchayati Raj Institution, Elected Women Representatives, Empowerment, Tribal Women, Participation.
[1]. Dubey, S., Dynamic of Tribal Local Polity and Panchayat Raj in Arunachal Pradesh, Premier Publishing House, New Delhi, 2001
[2]. Name of Elected Panchayat Members of Arunachal Pradesh (As Notified in Extra- Ordinary Gazette of 6th August 2003), Department of Panchayat Raj, Government of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar, 2003.
[3]. Name of Elected Panchayat Members of Arunachal Pradesh (As Notified in Extra- Ordinary Gazette of 2008), Department of Panchayat Raj, Government of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar, 2008.
[4]. Name of Elected Panchayat Members of Arunachal Pradesh (As Notified in Extra- Ordinary Gazette of 2013), Department of Panchayat Raj, Government of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar, 2013.
[5]. Naresh, G., Work Participation of Tribal Women in India: A Development Perspective Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Volume 19, Issue 12, Ver. II, Dec. 2014
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Aims Methode Perspective Communications to Created Exciting School Environment |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Nurhalima Tambunan |
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: | : 10.9790/0837-2201025155 ![]() |
Abstract: As social beings, humans have always communicated with other peoples. Almost 70% of life we use to describe. By communicating, we can deliver or express what is in our minds to others, as a communicant. With communication, we also mutual understanding, disseminate knowledge, and to preserve civilization. In a school environment where there is a learning process occurs very close relationship of communication between students and teachers. Teachers deliver all forms of instruction, assignments, directives, either using communication media or not. Communication is very intense this is what makes someone students can more easily understand and be more responsive to the subjects presented............
Keywords: Environment, Communication, School.
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Abstract: Entre los derechos del hijo que pueden quedar afectados por la utilización de las técnicas de reproducción asistida, al poder verse menoscabados frente a los intereses antagónicos de los padres o de los terceros involucrados en la utilización de las mismas, se encuentra el derecho a conocer su propio origen biológico. La posibilidad del hijo de conocer su procedencia biológica se encuentra directamente relacionada con la preservación del anonimato del donante ya que, lógicamente, si se admite el derecho del hijo para investigar su verdadera filiación biológica, no cabe hablar de anonimato o, al menos, no de uno absoluto. En este artículo se analiza el contenido del derecho del hijo a conocer su origen biológico...........
Keywords: Reproducción Asistida, Interés Superior Del Menor, Anonimato Del Donante, Derechos Del Niño, Derechos Humanos