Version-5 (December-2017)
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Abstract: The Syrian Christian community is proud of their "Indian Christian" identity. Such an autonomous identity is in the process of fulfillment. In fact, the social identity of Syrian Christians is the synthesis of the noble traditions of St.Thomas, the Apostolic and the native cultural traits of India. The colonial period was threat to independence of the church. The colonial domination from Portuguese to the West Syrian has inflicted many scars on the native identity of the Syrian Community. However, the valiant resistance by the church paved the way for the formation of a distinct social identity free from all kinds of control from the foreign agencies. The independent identity of the community has played an important role in shaping the economic prosperity of the people. The administrative system of the church also underwent radical changes reflecting more democratic values instilled in it. The constitution of 1934 was a turning point in which the Syrian Christians proclaimed their sovereignty and autocephalacy..
Keywords:Distinct Social Identity, Sovereignty, Resistance, Autonomous, Autocephalous, Indian Christian Identity..
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Abstract: This study investigated WhatsApp and facebook social media usage on academic performance of secondary school students in Port Harcourt city local government area of Rivers State, Nigeria. Three hundred senior secondary school two students were used for the study. The study had aim and objectives, two research questions and corresponding hypotheses. It adopted the correlational research design. Two instruments; the "Social Media Questionnaire"(SMQ) and the English Achievement Test‟‟ (EAT) were used for data collection. Reliability of the instrument was 0.94 for the Social Media Questionnaire and 0.82 for the English Achievement Test. Simple and multiple regressions were used to analyze the data generated. Findings were that, WhatsApp has a significant value of 0.01 showing that there is a significant relationship of student‟s usage of this platform on their academic performance.........
Keyword: Social Media, WhatsApp, Facebook, Academic Performance.
[1]. Abraham, B. (2011). Its a Social World: Social Networking Leads as Top Online Activity: Globally, Accounting for 1 in Every 5 Online Minutes: http:/ is a social world
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[5]. Asemah, E.S & Edegoh, L.O.N. (2012). Social media and insecurity in Nigeria a critical appraisal. Being a paper presented at the 15th National Conference of African Council for Communication Education, which took place at the conference hall of Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria.
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Abstract: There has not been unanimity on the effect of small and medium scale enterprises lending on economic growth in Nigeria. It is based on this, the study employed time series data from 1992 to 2013 to examine the impact of small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) lending on economic growth in Nigeria using Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) unit root test, Johansen cointegration test and vector error correction model techniques. The unit test results indicated that all the variables were non stationary at level but became stationary after first difference. The Johansen cointegration test showed evidence of long run relationship between small and medium scale enterprises lending and economic growth. The vector error correction model results revealed that lending to small and medium scale enterprises leads to economic growth in Nigeria. Also, the study found that bank lending rate does not impact.......
Keywords: Small and medium scale enterprises, lending, economic growth and Nigeria
[1]. Afolabi, M. O. (2013). Growth effect of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) financing in Nigeria. Journal of African Macroeconomic Review. 3(1), 193 - 205.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Collapse of the Nation's Iron Ore Deposit: A Case of Itakpe Iron Ore Deposit, Kogi State |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Osemenam Uche |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2212052933 ![]() |
Abstract: NIOMCO (National Iron Ore Mining Company), Nigeria's iron ore mining company has been under the captivity of bureaucracy over years of its existence resulting to her zero performance. This paper identifies some crucial aspects or factors surrounding the company's zero existence and suggesting a reverse of these factors as a recipe for reviving the company, knowing the capacity of the mining sector in strengthening the nation's industrial base as exposed in some literatures.
[1]. Adebimpe, R.A & Akande, J.M., (2011). Engineering economy analysis on the production ore in Nigeria. Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.1;14-20.DOI: 10.4236/gm:2011.11002.
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[3]. Nwosu, J.I & Nwankwoala, H.O., (2012). Influence of some economic parameters on cut-off grade and ore reserve determination at Itakpe iron ore deposit, North Central Nigeria. International Research Journal of Geology and Mining, Vol. 2(4);82-87.
[4]. Osemenam, R.A., (1986). Evaluation of natural resources and investment pattern in the Nigerian mining industry.. (3). AOMC News.
[5]. Olalekan, Afees & Ayodele (2016). An empirical analysis of the contribution of mining sector to economic development in Nigeria. Khazar Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. 19(1)
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Abstract: This paper considered entrepreneurship education and self-efficacy as strategies for reducing unemployment problems among Nigerian graduates. Based on a survey of 180 Unemployed graduates seeking employment through Integrated Corporate Services Limited (ICSL) and Vic Lawrence & Associates Limited (VLA) recruiting firms, this paper analyzes graduates' unemployment level and its influencing factors (i.e. Entrepreneurship education and Self-efficacy). Two hypotheses were raised and regression was used to analyse the data collected. The research result shows that entrepreneurship education and self-efficacy are important factors in determining the intention to entrepreneurship therefore reducing the level of unemployment in Nigeria. There is an urgent need for all tertiary.....
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Education, Self-Efficacy, Unemployment, Graduates
[1] Bokhari, A., Alothmany, N., Magbool, S. (2012). Entrepreneurship and Unemployment in The Entrepreneurship Theory Practice, 18, 63-77.
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[5] Carree, M., A. van Stel, Thurik, R. and Wennekers, S. (2002). "Economic Development and Business Ownership: An Analysis Using Data of 23 Oecd Countries in the Period 1976-1996." Small Business Economics 19 271-90.
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Abstract: The topic of the present study "Impact of Academic Stress: A study of Coping Strategies among Adolescents" was taken with the following objectives to find out the impact and causes responsible for academic stress among adolescents and to know the coping strategies used by adolescents. The sample size for the study comprised of 50 adolescents and their parents. Purposive convenience sampling technique was used and self designed questionnaire was administrated on the sample group to obtain information. Results revealed that majority believed that school is blessing. Good parenting and teaching helped adolescents in a period of stress and storm. Academics was main stress among adolescents. Besides that peer and parental pressures were also some stressors among adolescents. Girls got bothered........
Keywords: Academic Stress, Stress and Storm, Orthopedic problem, Extra Curricular Activities[1]. Bandura, A. (1977) Self-Efficacy: "Towards a Unifying Theory of Behavioral Change" Psychological Review, 84.
[2]. Berk, E. Laura. (2003) " Child Development". Sixth Edition, Tata McGraw Hill-Publication.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Teaching Tenses in a Simplest Method for Non-Native Speakers |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.T. Ramesh Babu || Dr.A.Phani Raj Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2212054652 ![]() |
Abstract: It cannot be refuted the fact that the English language has become the supreme language around the world. Since English Language is treated as global language of business, it is necessary to develop the effective communication skills of English language. Effective communication skills of English language are necessary for the people of all professions. The concept of English 'verb tenses' is very important in establishing effective communication. Therefore, if one should maintain both ways of communication better, that is, speaking and writing. One need to gain mastery over English tenses, because a command of twelve basic tenses of English plays key role in exchanging of communication one to one.
Keywords: English language importance, Tenses, Types of tenses, time factors of usage tenses, usage of tenses.[1].
[2]. . › Humanities › Linguistics.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Critical Reading Skills For The 21st Century: The Role Of Universities |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ndethiu sophia M |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2212055359 ![]() |
Abstract: Tangible evidence clearly shows that students‟ abilities to interact critically with written text have tended to decrease during their university years. Kerr & Frese (2017) report that 20-30 percent of undergraduate students do not complete reading assignments resulting in poor performance in examinations and research. Lack of motivation, time constraints and underestimation of the role of reading are common barriers. The information age and the technological innovations being pursued everywhere call for high levels of education where specialized training in critical reading ability is extremely essential. Unfortunately, institutions of higher learning seem not to be perturbed by an information..........
Keywords: critical reading, reading skills, teaching, learning, thinking, critical pedagogy[1]. Anderson, J. C. (2000). Assessing reading. Cambrigde: Cambridge University Press.
[2]. Ball, C. & Eggins, H. (Eds.). (1989) Higher education in the 1990s: New dimensions. Bristol: The Society for Research into Higher Education and The Open University Press.
[3]. Beard, R. (1988) . Developing reading 3-13. London: Hodder and Stroughton.
[4]. Benton, R. (2016). Put Students in Charge: A variation on the Jigsaw Discussion. College Teaching, 64 (1), 40-45
[5]. Bowen, H. R. (1977). Investment in learning: The individual and social value of American higher education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass..
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Abstract: Jharkand is a newly created state in India, rich in forest and tribal population. The State is known for tasar sericulture and production of highest tasar silk in India. The State Department of Handloom, Sericulture and Handicraft (DHS&H), has been striving hard for promotion of sericulture in the state by launching several projects. Jharkhand Silk Textile and Handicraft Development Corporation Ltd (Jharcraft) in the state is responsible for promoting post cocoon sericultural activities form cocoon to fabric for livelihood enhancementof rural and tribal population. During 11&12thplan, the department has implemented the Central Silk Board (CSB) sponsored project and its own programme in tasar culture for rural poor and tribal population. The department has established common facilities center in areas where sericulture is practiced widely. Jharcraft used these facilities for empowerment of women by organizing training, facilitating from reeling to fabric making and create marketing network..........
Key words: Tasar, Silkworm, Sericulture, reeling, Jharkhand, weaving, empowerment, artisan, cocoon, silk
[1]. H HNingaSetty, LasyaGopal and JanakarajaMurali Report on "Evaluation of the Impact of Sericulture Programme Implemented by Industries 11th and 12th five year in the State of Jharkhand" submitted department of Directorate of Handloom, Sericulture &Handicraft Department of Industries. Government of Jharkhand 2015
[2]. D Gangopadhyay (2008) " Sericulture Industry in India- A Review S&T for Rural India and inclusive Growth, India Science and Technology 2008
[3]. Usha Rani (2007)- " Employment Generation to Women in Drought Prone Areas : A Study with Reference to the Development of Sericulture in Anantpur District of Andhra Pradesh", Journal of Social Science 14(3), 249-255
[4]. Chandan Roy (2015) "Inclusive Development in Sericulture through Female Empowerment A Case Study in Malda District, West Bengal" Published Munich Personal RePEc Archive (MPRA) Paper No. 64273, posted 12. May 2015 14:32 UTC
[5]. Popat P. Pathare1, Chandrashekhar J. Hiware "Participation of women in Sericulture Activities of Ahmednagar District (M. S) India. Published IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Volume 22, Issue 8, Ver. II (August. 2017) PP 90-93..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Efforts To Immortalize Arabic Language For Future Generation |
Country | : | Nigeria. |
Authors | : | Dr Kamil Adeleke Adeyemi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2212056671 ![]() |
Abstract: Arabic language is spoken by over one hundred million people across the globe. It has contributed immensely to the development of African history and modern science. The importance of the language also manifested in the contributions made by Muslims in the medieval period who wrote many works in Arabic on what we know as modern science today, before the Western scholars attained self-sufficiency in the field of science and technology. This paper focuses on the major contributions of this language towards the development of African history, modern science and efforts to translate many works to Arabic language. It is of the opinion that pragmatic efforts must be made to develop the language to bring more of its values to move the world forward and to preserve it for prosperity. At the end of this work, suggestions and conclusion are made on how to preserve the language for the incoming generations.
Keywords:Arabic language, African history, Modern Science, Preservation of Arabic language, The spread of Islam, Translation.[1]. (retrieved January 4, 2016).
[2]. R. A. Nicholson, A literary history of the Arabs. (Great Britain, Cambridge University Press, 1976), 6 and 101.
[3]. C. Glasse, The concise encyclopedia of Islam (Revised Edition). (Accra-Ghana, EPP books Series 2005), 56-58.
[4]. (retrieved January 4, 2017).
[5]. A. Rahim, Islamic history (10th ed.). (Delhi (India), Tayyab Arfi Alavi Royal Publisher and Distributors 2003), 5-6.
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Abstract: This study attempts to explore the determinants of online purchase decision among university students in Indonesia. This study has been get on to collect ninety questionnaires which was deployed to university students who have already made an online purchase for fashion products. Multiple linear regression was employed to statistically test the hypothesis. The results indicate that simultaneously service quality, price and product diversity influences online purchasing decisions among university students. Partially service quality and product diversity have a significant effect, while prices have a low effect on online purchasing decisions. Further studies are expected to consider trust, website appearance, consumer psychology as factors that can influence online purchasing decisions.
Keywords -Service quality, Price, Product diversity, Online purchase decision, Indonesia
[1] APJII, ―Hasil Survei Pengguna Internet 2016,‖ APJII, 2016. [Online]. Available:
[2] P. Kotler and K. L. Keller, Marketing Management, vol. 15E, no. 4. 2016.
[3] S. Devaraj, M. Fan, and R. Kohli, ―E-Loyalty—Elusive Ideal or Competitive Edge?,‖ Commun. ACM, vol. 46, no. 9ve, pp. 184–191, 2003.
[4] R. Kasali, Membidik Pasar Indonesia: Segmentasi, Targeting, dan Positioning. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2011.
[5] A. Pacific and C. Europe, ―Visa E-Commerce Tracker Survey Regional Narrative,‖ no. June, 2012.
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Abstract: Organisational ethos gains the interest and attention of the educational institutions. The university has to develop their research competence in increasing intelligent behaviour or actions with organisational ethos. The paper introduces the idea of organisational ethos systems in exploring the new potentialities for research competence within the universities. As the nexus of research competence and the learning of knowledge are changing rapidly the universities have to respond to the technological advancement as the essential paradigm. The telecommunication advancement has introduced the new path through innovation and knowledge in research competence within the universities in the field of how and where to develop the capacity of doing the research. This paper also tries to explore the advantages and challenges of organisational ethos in relation to research competence among universities.
Keywords: Organisational Ethos, Research Competence and Universities
[1]. Azad, A. N., & Seyyed, F. J. (2007). Factors influencing faculty research productivity: Evidence from AACSB accredited schools in the GCC countries. Journal of International Business Research, 6(1), 91.
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