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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | China –India Relations: Strategic Percepations |
Country | : | INDIA |
Authors | : | Manjeet Kaur |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2309010108 ![]() |
Abstract: China and India, as two of the world's most quickly developing economies, employ expanding impact on global legislative issues. Whatever degree these two Asian Powers will have the capacity to deal with their two-sided question and to extend collaboration in the coming decades, is probably going to have local and worldwide involvements. While Both China and India could profit by advancing their basic areas of interests, their relationship proceeds, all things considered to be described by mutual suspicion between two countries which still need to be successfully addressed. India–China relations have consistently enhanced, as well as have fortified in differing fields of common interests. Aside from this, the antagonistic boundary issue has enlisted generous advance, despite the fact......
[1]. Jerker Hellström, Kaan Korkmaz, ―Understanding Chinese Perspectives on Sino-Indian Relations‖,2011
[2]. B.M. Jain, ―India–China Relations: Issues and Emerging Trends‖,The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs South Asia Studies Centre, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, 2007.
[3]. ibid
[4]. Sharad K. Soni & Reena Marwah, ―Tibet as a factor impacting China studies in India‖, Asian Ethnicity,12:3,285-299, New Delhi,2011.
[5]. Chunhao Lou, ―US–India–China Relations in the Indian Ocean:A Chinese Perspective‖, Institue for Defence Studies and Analysis, New Delhi,2012
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Abstract: The question of attaining the functional competency in the target language among English as Second Language (ESL) learners may not be a one-method-fits-it-all approach. Researchers and educators will continue to beam search light on every possible perspective in order to arrive at a working strategy that can assist in ameliorating the constraints of functioning in a Second Language acceptably. Lesson Study (SL) according to Ellen R, (2008), originated from Japan where it has recorded significant impact before being introduce in the United State of America. It is to be seen as a matter of concern that Lesson Study seems notpopular among the teeming population of Nigeria Educators. This view........
KEYWORD: Keywords: Lesson Study, Research Lesson, Collaboration, Evaluation, Feedback and Pedagogy
[1]. Yoshida, M. (1999) Lesson study: An enthnographic investigation of school-based teacher development in Japan, Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Chicago.
[2]. Cerbin, B. & Kopp, B. (2006). Lesson study as a model for building pedagogical knowledge and improving teaching. International
[3]. Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 18(3), 250- 257
[4]. Cerbin, W. & Kopp, B. (2011). Lesson study guide. Retrieved August 3, 2018 from
[5]. Ellen R. Delisio (2008) Lesson Study Practical Professional Development Education World, 75Mill Street, Colchester CT 06416
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Status of education among the Taraos of Manipur |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | AlitaTarao M || Shanoi Moses Tarao |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2309011316 ![]() |
Abstract: Education is a process of acquiring knowledge preparing for mutual life. Women education too plays a vital role in human life for bringing improvement, development of a community and a nation. The status of the growth of education among the Tarao is slow due to poverty, unemployment, lack of trustiness' leading to the inequality of life in all aspect.However, through women education it reduces inequalities and progress the quality of life. The main objectives is to find out the status of education concentrating on the whole population of the Taraocommunity bothmales and females in the level of education in different areas. Auto ethnography methodis adopted for the present study. It is observed that the growth of women's` education among theTarao isslow, therefore it needs more encouragement for better life in future and to explore the rights of women
KEYWORD: Tarao, women, Education, status, inequalities, quality of life.
[1]. GangumeiKabui. The Tarao; A Forgotten Tribe of Manipur. In Resistence, Imphal. 1976
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Abstract: To reduce problems faced by the Gorontalo City Government in asset management, there needs to be a professional and innovative improvement in asset management. This study aims to formulate strategies resulted from the thorough identification of the asset management practices of the Gorontalo City Government based on strategic steps, namely Identification, Asset Inventory, Assessment, Creating Professional Management and Optimizing Technology Utilization through BPKP and KPK applications. This research is a qualitative research using a case study approach. The methods of data collection used are observation, open-ended interviews, and document............
KEYWORD:Strategy, Problem Identification, Asset Management
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Abstract: The practice of breast feeding is almost universal. In the present study an attempt was made to understand various aspects of feeding practices among the Sugali tribe of Ananthapuramu district, Andhra Pradesh state. Objective To assess the various aspects of feeding practices among Sugali tribe community. Materials and Methods A descriptive study was conducted among 125 mothers of pre school children were interviewed using a pre–designed structured questionnaire. A purpose sampling technique was used for selection fo sample. Results Nearly 76 percent.........
[1]. Akhter, H 1992. Breast feeding practices in Bangladesh, Bangladesh J. Child Health, 16(1/2) : 31–35.
[2]. Dash, Malini and R.K. Chowdary, 2005. Breast feeding practices among sentals and non–sentals of Odisha. Anthropologist, 7 (4) : 283–87.
[3]. Kakati R, Barua R et al. Complimentary feeding practices and its determinants in rural areas of Kamrup district, Assam, India. Indian J Appl. Res. 2016 ; 6(8) : 49–53.
[4]. Latha Srikatnh, Kamala Subbaiah, Beliefs and Practices of new born feeding in tribal areas of India; International Journal of community medicine and public health. Feb 2017/ Vol. 4(2) : 281.
[5]. Nisha C, Suguna A et al., 2015. Infant and child feeding practices among tribal population in Bangalore district, Karnataka, NJRCM; 4(4) : 370 – 3.
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Abstract: One of the factors that determines the success of learning mathematics is learning students activity. One way to increase students actuvity is providing learning toolsbased on the flipped classroom strategy. These learning tools are expected to increase the activity and maximize the learning process in the classroom, as well as an impact on improving the ability of mathematic students, especially in mathematical connections. The research carried out the development of learning tools in the form of Learning Implementation Plan (RPP), Students Learning Worksheet (LKPD) and Mathematics Learning Video based on flipped classroom strategy. This study was conducted on purpose of designinga valid, practical and effective learning tools based on flipped classroom strategy for students of Senior High School Students At X..........
Keywords: Flipped Classroom, Conection Skill, Plomp Development Model
[1]. Depdiknas .2006. Permendiknas No 22 Tahun 2006 Tentang Standar Isi. Jakarta : Depdiknas.
[2]. Yanirawati, Silvia, Nilawasti ZA dan Mirna. 2012. "Pembelajaran dengan Pendekatan Kontekstual disertai Tugas Peta Pikiran untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Koneksi Matematika Siswa". Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, Volume 1, No. 1.
[3]. NCTM. 2000. Principles and standards for School Matematics. Reston: NCTM.
[4]. Suherman, Erman dkk. 2003. Strategi Pembelajaran Matematika Kontemporer. Bandung : UPI.
[5]. Permendikbud No. 70 tahun 2013 tentang Kerangka Dasar dan Struktur Kurikulum SMK-MAK.
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Abstract: Housing development cannot take place in the absence of capital. Capital provision for the lower economic class through conditional cash transfer ( CCT ) schemes could be a veritable source of capital for housing development if properly planned and executed. This study examined the role of cash transfer as a poverty alleviation programme in Ado – Ekiti, a fairly large town in South West Nigeria with particular focus on the impact it has had on housing development in the study area. Structured questionnaires were distributed among a sample drawn from the study area. The sample consists of 246 houses drawn out of 16,430 units in 28 enumeration areas using the systematic sampling technique. It was discovered..........
Keywords: Housing development, conditional cash transfer "CCT", care of the people "COPE," poverty alleviation,.
[1]. Agboola, Tunde (2004). "Housing strategies‟, In Agbola,Tunde (ed.), Reading in Urban and Regional Planning. Lagos and Ibadan Macmillan Nigeria Publishers,..187-256.
[2]. Aliyu Abdullahi (2001). The Role of Local Government councils in effective implementataion of National Poverty Eradication Programme (NAPEP). Federal Republic of Nigeria.
[3]. Balogun M.O. (2006) "Sustainable Housing Development: Improving Environment and Poverty Reduction in Nigeria‟. In the book of the proceedings of the first National Conference. Department of Urban and Regional Planningg. Yaba College of Technology, Lagos. 10-13 October.. 58-66
[4]. Devereux, Stephen (2009). "Cash transfer: To condition or not to Condition‟? Poverty Insights Journal, Issues 80. December 2009. IDS Knowledge Service Publication. Pp.1-3
[5]. Holmes, Rebecca (2009). "Cash Transfers in Post-Conflicts Contexts‟. Journal of the Overseas Development Institute. No 32, 1-4.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Implementation of Independence Business Based on Moral Ethics In The Tourism Destination Enterprises |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Joko Samboro |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2309013946 ![]() |
Abstract: This research is developed from the results of research that has been done on the previous tourism industry business which is the low ability to manage the business that will have serious impact on business continuity, based on it need to be applied suitable method for business independence on tourism destination entrepreneurship, that is moral based business religion to get a solution to the constraints faced. This study aims: As a strategy to strengthen the business around the tour because with the business based "moral ethics" psychologically will make them become strong in carrying out its business, supported by the principle that business based "moral ethics" not only gain profit but also blessing, In the first phase of this research has resulted in the book.........
Keywords: business independence - tourist destination - moral ethics
[1]. Covey, Stephen R..2009. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, revised edition, translation:by Lyndo Saputra, Jakarta: Binarupa Aksara.
[2]. Gibson, Ivancevich dan Doonelly,. 2013. Organization and Management, Behavior, Structure and Process, translation by Djoerban Wahid, Fourth Edition, Jakarta: Erlangga Publisher.
[3]. Kant, I. 2006. Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Ethics. Australia, Trans. T.K. Abbott Longman.
[4]. Samboro, Joko. 2008. Analysis of Customer Satisfaction Level of Internet Services, Istishoduna Jurnal Ekonomi dn Bisnis Islam, Jan 2008.
[5]. Samboro, Joko, 2011. The influence of the brand to the Retail Customer Loyalty. Proceedings Research Vol; 1, No: 1.
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Abstract: Polygamy is an issue recently generates heated debate regarding the rights and liberty of women. It causes concern to non-Muslim as they consider it to be an act of oppression against women. The Westwith their advocacy for women rights and liberty wants Muslims to jettison this social practice, which predate even Islam itself. The West and other who condemn polygamy either does so out of ignorance or to belittle a practice that is so entrenched and well perfected by Islam. This paper argues that there is great social wisdom in polygamous practice and vital blessings to enjoy both in this world and hereafter. But it must be approached with knowledge and caution. The Prophet (S.A.W.)'s polygamous marriages and the Qur'an provide illustrative examples in taking those cautions and in practicing it based on the Shari'a to enjoy these blessings, accordingly.
[1]. Ajijola, A.D. (2006), " The Concept of Family in Islam". Adam Publishers and distributors, Pataudi House- Darya Ganj, New Delhi.
[2]. Al Fauzan, S.F. (2003). " Rulings Pertaining to Muslim Women" Translated by BurhanLoqueman,Second Edition, Darussalam King Fahad National Library Cataloging in Publication Data, Riyadh.
[3]. Badawi, J.A.(n.d). ―Gender Equity in Islam", World Assembly of Muslim Youth WAMY Studies on Islam.
[4]. Bappa, A.M. (n.d) ―The Supremacy of Islamic Law". Hudahuda Publishing Company, Zaria.
[5]. IbnKathīr in al-Bidãyahwa an-Nihãyah, vol. 2 (Beirut: Dar Ihyã' Turathi 'l-‗Arabi, 1408)..
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Abstract: Every society has norms and values through which the younger generation acquires their socialization. These norms and values should be safeguarded or else the socialization process may be affected. The ways of safeguarding the tradition and culture differ from one society to another. However, due to the dynamism of life, values and norms change, our traditions are carelessly being changed: causing damage to the upbringing off children. Guddiri is one of such settlements faced with the similar challenge. The settlement has its headquarters at Azare, Bauchi state, one of the states seriously affected with the insurgency of Boko Haram. Folktale is therefore identified as one of the instruments used in safeguarding the integrity as well as discipline, morality through the oral tradition.........
[1]. Ahmad, S.B Bhadmus, M.O, (2006) Writing Performance and Literature in Northern Nigeria: Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Literature in Northern Nigeria.
[2]. Yahaya. I.Y. (1978) Tatsuniyoyi da wassani. Zaria. Northern Nigerian Publishing Company.
[3]. Koko, H.S (2009) Jagoran Nazarin Tatsuniya.
[4]. Sashe Nazarin Harsunan Nigeriya Kwalejin Shehu Shagari. Sokoto.
[5]. Mustapha, A.T. (2012) Folk tale Narrative in Shuwa Arab Oral Tradition. In Language literature and culture: festschrift in Honour of.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Jatilan Dance In The Performance Reyog Ponorogo |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Andrik Krisnawati || I Made Weni || Samsul Wahidin |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2308056973 ![]() |
Abstract: Jatilan dancer on the show Reyog Ponorogo have the basics considerations are different from each other. Reyog Ponorogo dancers originally played by a group of men (gem; lacquers) riding piggyback become a symbol of the Majapahit kingdom's forces then played by beautiful women in order to attract tourists. The research aims to describe and analyze the dance jatilan in the past and present and to describe analyzed the values contained in the performances Reyog Jatilan Dance Ponorogo. This study used a qualitative approach with a focus on grounded theory study dance performances Reyog jatilan in Ponorogo Ponorogo dancers jatilan includes equipment, jatilan symbols and meanings dance dance jatilan and values contained in the Jatilan Dance performances Pononorogo Reyog. In order to get this research informants using purposive sampling method with elders jatilan dancers, the dancers jatilan. Data was collected by interview. The main instrument in this study is the researchers themselves.............
Keywords: Dance, Reyog
[1]. Atherton, C. R. dan Klemmack, D.L. 1982. Research Method in Social Work: An Introduction. Lexington, Massachusetts: D.C. Heath & Co.
[2]. Hawkins, A.M. 1990. Mencipta Lewat Tari. Dialihbahasakan oleh: Y. Sumandiyo Hadi, Yogyakarta: ISI.
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[5]. Poloma, Margaret M, 1994. SosiologiKontemporer, Rajawali Press : Jakarta..
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Abstract: The study was conducted in the Wayanad District of Kerala, during the academic year, 2016-17. In Wayanad District, Mananthavady panchyath was purposively selected as it has the highest number of "Adiya‟ tribal population. From Mananthavady panchayath, 30 Adiya women and 10 men agricultural labourers were selected making to a total of 40 respondents. Influencing factors of development were identified using a well structured interview schedule. The community norms were identified as the major influencing factor was both men and women.
Key Words: Adiya tribal agricultural labourers, Community norms, Economic factors, political factors
[1]. Chandrakumar, A. A Study on Social Exclusion of Adiya Tribal Community of Wayanad District, Kerala, M.Sc. (Ag.) thesis, University of Agricultural Sciences, Karnataka, 146p.
[2]. Dubey, S. C. 1977. Tribal Heritage of India. Vikas Publications, Delhi, 322p.
[3]. Nalinam, M. 2016. Morbidity pattern of tribes in Kerala. J. Humanities Soc. Sci. 21(4): 30-39.
[4]. Nayar, K. R. 2007. Social exclusion, caste & health: A review based on the social determinants framework. Indian J Med Res. 355-363.
[5]. Paul, P. B. 2014. Income, Livelihood and Education of Tribal Communities in Kerala – Exploring Inter-Community Disparities. Ph.D. thesis, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi, 159p
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Abstract: LEADS is a project entitled as the Lead Farmer Centred Extension Advisory and Delivery Services which is based on the concept of field level extension work within a district.LEADS primarily aims at farmer to farmer extension.An attempt was made to assess the efficiency of LEADS among the farmers of Kerala state.Any project implemented should undergo an assesmnet in terms of its relevance and efficiency it created among the intented people.Efficiency is definedas the all possible outcome achieved from the all available income combinations.Hence the study shows that, the efficiency created by LEADS was appreciably high among the farmer groups.
Keywords: LEADS, Efficiency, MAPP Technology, life curve, trend analysis, influence matrix, impact profile.Transfer of technology
[1]. Casley, D. J., and Lury, D. A. 1982. Monitoring and evaluation of agriculture and rural development projects. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press (published for the World Bank). 37p.
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[3]. Neubert, S. 1998. MAPP: Method for impact assessment of programmes and projects [online]. Available: + of+pro grammes+and+projects.
[4]. Sreedaya, G. S. 2016. Monitoring and Evaluation of Lead Farmer Centered Extension Advisory and Delivery services (LEADS)- pilot project in four districts of Kerala - A final report, Trivandrum. 138p.
[5]. Shrestha, S. K. 2005. Decentralizing the farmer to farmer extension Approach to the local Level [on-line]. Available:
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Abstract: This study aimed at determining the effect of work motivation and principal managerial competence on teachers' performance. This research used descriptive quantitative. The populations of the research were 150 teachers as State High School in Banyuasin. The samples were 60 teachers. Sampling technique in this research was Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling. The instruments were nquestionnaires. Data were analyzed using correlation and multiple regressions. The results showed that 1) teachers' work motivation influences the teachers' performance in SMA Banyuasin with 89,3%; 2) the principal's managerial competence influences teachers' performance in SMA Banyuasin with 76,6%; and 3) teachers' work motivation and principal's managerial competence influence teachers' performance in SMA Banyuasin with 89,3%.
Keywords: Principal's Managerial Competence, Teachers' Work Motivation, Teachers' Performance
[1]. Ahmad, S. (2013). Ketahanmalangan Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah. Palembang: Library Felicha.
[2]. Aprilana, E. R., Kristiawan, M., & Hafulyon, H. (2017). Kepemimpinan Kepala Madrasah dalam Mewujudkan Pembelajaran Efektif di Madrasah Ibtidaiyyah Rahmah El Yunusiyyah Diniyyah Puteri Padang Panjang. ELEMENTARY, 4(1).
[3]. Alius. (2016). The Effect of Principal Managerial Competence in Developing Cultural Organization and Job Satisfaction MTs Teacher in Jambi.
[4]. Arikunto, S. (2009). Procedure Research: A Practical Approach. Jakarta: Rineka Reserved.
[5]. Dinham S. Miller. (2005). Principle Leadership for Educational Outcome outstanding. Journal of Education Administration, 43 (4), 338-56..
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Abstract: Implementation of development carried out by using a centralized pattern proved many shortcomings, especially in empowering the community as well as placing it as actors of development. In order to implement the rural development acceleration Village Allocation Funds provided by the government as well as with community participation is expected to increase in the rural development. This study aims to: (1) to describe and analyze the community participation in the construction of the Allocation of Village Funds in Gampong Merduati Banda Aceh. (2) to describe and analyze the factors that influence the participation of community leaders Gampong Merduati Banda Aceh. The approach used in this study is qualitative, while the technique of data collection is done.........
Keywords: Village Allocation Funds, Community Participation, Development
[1]. Hikmat, Harry. 2006. StrategiPemberdayaanMasyarakat. Bandung: HumanioraUtama Press.
[2]. Ife, Jim. 2008. AlternatifMengembanganmasyarakat di Era Globalisasi.Cetakan 1, Yogyakarta :PustakaPelajar.
[3]. Moleong, Lexy. J. 2014. MetodePenelitianKualitatif. Bandung: RemajaRosdakarya.
[4]. PeraturanPemerintahNomor 72 tahun 2005 tentangDesa.
[5]. Renehart& Winston. 2008. TeoriAdministrasisuatupengantar. Bandung: Humaniora.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Increasing Role of Women in Panchayti Raj in Haryana |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Vijaya Agarwal || Dr. Sudha Gupta |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2309018285 ![]() |
Abstract: Panchayati Raj Institutions, the grass-root units of Local Self Government, have been broadcasted as the vehicles of financial change in provincial Haryana. Successful and significant working of these bodies would rely upon active inclusion, commitment and participation of its residents both male and female. The nearness and participation of women in formal vote based procedure is woefully lacking at all the levels including the middle, the states and at the grass-roots. Women situated arrangements and programs are neither planned nor actualized with the ideal women's viewpoint. Women by and large and rustic women specifically keep on establishing the single biggest gathering of back-ward residents in Haryana who neither approach power structure nor some other compelling techniques are embraced to beat their deep rooted disparity and subjection. The current paper highlights the increasing role of women in Panchayati Raj..
Keywords: Women, Panchayati Raj, Empowerment
[1]. Anveshi, Hyderabad, 2013, "Improving Gender relations, reclassifying Politics, Nelore town women against arrack, Economic and Political Weekly, Jan., pp.16-23.
[2]. Athreya, V.B& Bhargava, B .S. and Bhaskar, Manu, 2012, Women in Grassroots Democracy-An investigation of Kerala, University of Kerala/ICSSR, New Delhi.
[3]. Chandrasekhar and Committee on Status of Women in Haryana (CSWI),2014, Towards equity, Ministry of Education and social Welfare, Government of Haryana.
[4]. Ebert, Fredrich,2013 Shifting Women in Politics: Forms and Process; New Delhi, Har Ananda Publication, New Delhi.
[5]. Flammang, Janet (Ed),2014, Political Women-Current Role In State and Local Government, Sage production, London.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Influence of Colonialism in African Literature |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Neelam Tandon |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2309018691 ![]() |
Abstract: African literature has been instrumental in shedding light on the historical injustices and cultural disruptions caused by colonialism. It has also played a crucial role in affirming the significance of indigenous cultures, fostering cultural pride, and contributing to the ongoing efforts of cultural revitalization in postcolonial Africa. African literature demonstrate the dynamism and diversity of the continent's literary output. African writers continue to respond to the ever-changing social, political, and cultural landscapes, enriching the world of literature and offering valuable insights into the African experience. Language and hybridity in African literature capture the diverse linguistic and cultural landscapes of the continent. African writers navigate between different languages......
Keywords: African literature, oral tradition, colonial discourse, Colonialism
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