Series-6 (January-2019)January 2019 Issue Statistics
Ser 1 Ser 2 Ser 3 Ser 4 Ser 5 Ser 6 Ser 7 Ser 8 Ser 9 Ser 10
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of socio-economic determinants on nutritional status of under five children in rural Bangladesh. For this, the study used surveydesign to collect data frompurposively selected 136 samples of under five children in Chandani Mahal which is one of the most notable, industrialized and advanced village of Senhati Union of DighaliaUpazila under Khulna division of Bangladesh. The findings of the study explicatethe mean age of the child mother is about 18 years and (83%) participant were Muslims. Most of the participant (78.7%) belong to nuclear family living in only one roomed house with more than four persons. (9%) mother is suffering from chronic energy deficiency or thinness and (22.8%) are overweight. The assessment of.......
[1] WHO.2002. Global strategy for infant and young child feeding. WHA 55/15, April 2002.
[2] BBS and UNICEF. 2007. Child and Mother Nutrition Survey 2005. Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics and UNICEF. Dhaka, Bangladesh.
[3] Mitra S.N., A. Al-Sabir, A.R. Cross, and K. Jamil. 1997. Demographic and Health Survey, 1996-1997. Dhaka and Calverton, Maryland: National Institute of Population Research and Training (NIRPORT), Mitra and Associates, and Macro International Inc.
[4] FAO.2010. Nutrition Country Profiles: Bangladesh. Accessed on January 5, 2014, Retrieved from (
[5] UNICEF.2010.Child and Maternal Nutrition in Bangladesh. Accessed on January 1, 2014, Retrievedfrom(
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Human-nature Relationship in Khushwant Singh's Train to Pakistan |
Country | : | Pakistan |
Authors | : | Nahid Afroz |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2401061215 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper showcases human-nature relationship in Khushwant Singh‟s Train to Pakistan (1956) and enumerates how nature reacts to the partition between two nations. In Train to Pakistan, Sing sketches the ailing state of the villagers of Mano Marja, an imaginary small village near Indo-Pak border by addressing a tragic tale of India-Pakistan partition. The significant episodes of the villagers‟ lives take place in the lap of nature, and nature with its sight, colour and sound coexists with their peaceful lives as well as reacts to the disintegration getting manifested in the ambiance of nature. Nonetheless, here love and romance are intertwined with the upheaval of partition, and nature seems to merge with masculine virility and feminine submission. Lastly, in the form of flood, nature appears to protest the holocaust by responding to the anguish of the villagers as if it were an agent of God to punish the hideous incidents. The findings of the paper suggest that nature is against all sorts of forceful partition...
Keywords: Khushwant Singh, Nature, partition, relationship, Train to Pakistan
[1] K. Singh, Train to Pakistan (New Delhi: Penguin Books India, 2009).
[2] D. A. Crosby, A religion of nature (New York: State University of New York Press, 2002).
[3] C. Mortimer-Sandilands, and B. Erickson, Queer ecologies: Sex, nature, politics, desire (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2010).
[4] P. K. Nayar, Contemporary literary and cultural theory: From structuralism to ecocriticism (New Delhi: Doring Kindersley, 2010).
[5] C. M. Roach, Mother/nature: Popular culture and environmental ethics (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2003).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Extent of Irrigation and Environmental Degradation in Punjab |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Pooja Rana |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2401061620 ![]() |
Abstract: Irrigated agriculture is the leading human use of water. About 70 per cent of water drawn from rivers, lakes and ground water aquifers is used in agriculture. While irrigation is an ancient practice thought to have originated in Mesopotamia 6000 years ago, the amount of agricultural land under million hectares in 1900. By 1998 more than 271 million hectares were irrigated, with much of the increased occurring after 1960. Much of the agricultural productivity, although constituting about 17 per cent of all crop land produces approximately 40 per cent of the world food. Thus surface flows and drainage from irrigated agricultural lands carry salts, fertilizers, pesticides and other pollutants into surface water, causing harm to fish and wildlife and impairing water for human uses (Lutz Ernst, 1998). Therefore.......
[1]. Kumar Rakesh, 2007 Water Resources of India, Current Science, Vol. no.5 September 10, pp 794,796.
[2]. Lutz Ernst (1998), "Agriculture and Environment: Perspective on Sustainable Rural Development", The World Bank, Washington, U.S.A. p.278.
[3]. Sexena, H.M. (1998), "Environmental Geography", Rawat Publications, Jaipur, pp.118-126 and 147-148.
[4]. Williamson, A.V.,(1925). Irrigation in Indo-Gangetic Plains, Geographical Journal, Vol.65, No.2, pp.1-3.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to investigate teacher's knowledge and perception towards assessment for learning. Besides, factors that affect the implementation of assessment for learning was examined. For such pursuit, four were das were selected purposely for the study. First cycle primary schools existed in these Woredas were selected purposefully. In the study 82 teachers, 12 principals and 4 Wereda education experts were participated in the study. Questionnaire, and interview guides were used to trap data from the study areas. The main findings of the research showed that teachers did not have knowledge of assessment for learning. What is more practiced and common is........
Key words: Knowledge, Perception, Practices and Challenges of AfL, Assessment for Lear
[1]. Assessment Reform Group, (2002). Assessment for Learning: 10 Principles: Research-Based Principles to Guide Classroom Practice. Cambridge, England: University of Cambridge. Nuffield Foundation .
[2]. Black, P., & Wiliam, D. (2009). Developing the theory of formative assessment. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 21, 5–31.
[3]. Black, P., Harrison, C., Lee, C., Marshall, B., Wiliams, D. (2003). Assessment for learning. Putting it into practice. Maidenhead, Open University Press. Retrivied from
[4]. Black, P., & Wiliam, D. (1998). Inside the black box: Raising standards through classroom assessment. Phi Delta. Kappan.
[5]. Bultosa Hirko, Gadisa Terefe & Garoma Dhaba (2017). Base line survey of formative assessment use among first cycle primary school teachers: the case of some elected zones of Oromia Region, Sebeta SNE CTE..
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Abstract: This paper examined the impact of human capital development on economic growth in Nigeria using time series data spanning from 1980 to 2013 which were sourced from the World Bank Indicator and National Bureau of Statistics. It was set out to explore the relationship between human capital indices (education and health) and economic growth. The study employed ARDL Co-integration analysis to estimate the relationship among the variables used in the study. The study established long-run co-integration among the variables. The findings from the study revealed that there is positive long-run relationship among secondary school enrolment, public expenditure on education,........
Keywords: human capital development, economic growth and ARDL approach
[1]. Adamu P.A. (2003). The Impact of Human Capital on Economic Growth in Nigeria: An Error Correction Approach. Paper presented at the 2002 Annual Conference of the Nigeria Economic Society, Nigeria.
[2]. Adelakun O. J.(2011).Human Capital Development and Economic Growth in Nigeria.European Journal of Business and Management, vol.3, 9(2)
[3]. Fuente A.D. (2009). Education and Economic Growth; A Quick Review of the Evidence and Some Policy Guidelines" A Paper presented "Globalization and Challenges for Europe and Fairland organized by the secretariat of the Economic Council.
[4]. Ibok E.E. and Ibanga S.E.(2014). Impact of Human Capital Development on Economic Empowerment on the socio- economic development of Akwa- Ibom State, Nigeria, Global Journal Human Resources Management, vol. 2, 37-44.
[5]. Izushi H. and Huggins R. (2004). Empirical Analysis of Human Capital Development and EconomicGrowth in European Regions, The foundation of evaluation and impact research in USA, Huggins Robert Economic Policy press, 56(2), 76-117.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Local Governance and Rural Development in IFELOJU LCDA of Oyo State |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Rasheed, Isau Olagoke |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2401064248 ![]() |
Abstract: Local government serves as an instrument for rapid actualization of even development at the grassroots. It guarantees commitment to common cause which makes possible the mobilization of natives for the realization of desirable rural progress. It is in recognition of this that the paper examines the justification for the creation of LCDAs in Oyo state taking cognizance of administrative efficiency and economic viability. A sample of 120 people was chosen at random from three main areas in Ogbooro. Relying on empirical method of analysis, self-designed questionnaire was administered to collect data just as Chi-square test was employed to analyse and interpret data. The findings indicate that the effectiveness of local councils to mobilize resources for local development was minimal. This situation...........
[1]. Afe Babalola. (2016). Recurring problems in Local Government Administration: Need for lasting solutions. The Nigerian Tribune, October 26.
[2]. Aina, A.D. (2006). From native administration to local government: The travails of grassroots‟ administration. In Saliu, H.A. et al (eds) Democracy and development in Nigeria. Vol 1. Lagos: Concept Publications. pp 319-339
[3]. Alkali, A. (2005). Federalism and democratic governance. In Saliu, H.A (ed) Nigeria under democratic rule 1999-2003. Ibadan: University Press PLC. pp 45-57.
[4]. FRN (1999). Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Abuja: Government Press.
[5]. Gboyega, A. (1987). Political values and local government in Nigeria. Lagos: Malthouse press Ltd..
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Abstract: This study was commissioned to investigate for long run and causal relationship between foreign investment inflows and exchange rate dynamics in Nigeria. Foreign capital is decomposed into foreign direct investment (FDI) and foreign portfolio investment (FPI) to enable us look at both the real and financial sectors of the economy. Results established that there exists a long run association between exchange rates dynamics and foreign capital inflows to Nigeria. This was evident by the values of bound test F-Statistic of 61.82058 and 33.18053 for foreign direct investment and foreign portfolio investment models respectively. The coefficients of error correction terms lagged one period in the short........
Keywords: Foreign investments, exchange rates, external debt sustainability, interest rates, Nigeria
[1]. Rashid, A., & Hosein, F. (2010). Capital inflows, inflation and exchange rate volatility: An investigation for linear and non-linear causal linkages. PIDE Working Paper # 63.
[2]. Dimitrios, S., & Nicholas, T. (2012). A new approach for measuring volatility of the exchange rate, Procedia Economics and Finance, 374 – 382:
[3]. Ghulam, M. C., Syed, Z. A. S., & Mohammad, M. M.B. (2012). Does exchange rates volatility effect foreign direct investment? Evidence from selected Asian Economies. Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, 2(4), 3670-3681
[4]. Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin,2016
[5]. Lily, J., Mori, K. Dullah, M., Lim, T. S., & Rozilee, A. (2014). Exchange Rate movement and foreign direct investment in Asean Economies. Economics Research International, Article ID 320949, 10 pages
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Disaster Management in Kenya |
Country | : | Kenya |
Authors | : | Irine Cheruto Rotich |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2401066171 ![]() |
Abstract: Disasters occur often and the most vulnerable are the poor who are exposed to various disaster risks. Majority live in developing countries where the level of disaster preparedness, resources and knowhow is still low. Kenya, like other developing countries of the world, is vulnerable to disaster risks resulting in deaths and loss of property worth millions. This study explores disaster management approaches using document reviews. The findings showed that Kenya has put up efforts towards disaster risk reduction though this has been inadequate. By integrating the findings of the present study with previous literature the author suggests recommendations towards effective approaches to build approach connectedness.
KEY WORDS: Disaster, Disaster management, disaster risk reduction,
[1] Akali 2013 disaster preparedness and response strategiers in Kenya, Research gate, DOI: 10.13140/2.1.1751.0724
[2] Baas, S.Ramasamy, S , DePryck, J.D & Battista, F (2008) Disaster Risk Management Systems Analysis , Environment, Climate Change And Bioenergy Division Food And Agriculture Organisation Of The United Nations Rome,
[3] Behnke, R and Muthami, D. (2011). "The Contribution of Livestock to the Kenyan Economy‟,FAO& IGAD.
[4] GoK.(2008). Building Resilient Communities in Kenya. Strategic Plan 2008 Accessed on June 12, 2013.
[5] GoK.(2009). National Disaster Response Plan. Accessed on April 12, 2013."
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Infrastructure and Sustainable Tourism Development in Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Eno Eyak James || Aniedi Udo Essien |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2401067280 ![]() |
Abstract: Infrastructure is critical to the sustainable development of the tourism sector in any society. This study assessed the availability of general infrastructure, tourism infrastructure and other social services in thirty randomly selected tourists' destinations in South-South Nigeria. Data for the study were generated with the aid of infrastructure/social services checklist alongside oral interview with tourism officials in the area. Findings revealed a significant deficit in the number and types of infrastructure available as more than fifty percent of sampled tourist destinations lack the basic infrastructure such as tourist accommodation, transport infrastructure and health services. The sustainability of tourism in this area is in doubt except effort is made to engage the public-private partnership for the provision of critical infrastructure in these tourist destinations..........
Keywords: Infrastructure, South-South Nigeria, Tourism, Tourists Destinations, sustainable development.
[1]. Barbosa, L. G. (2009). Measuring Tourism Destination Development: The Brazilian Model. ENZO Pac Papers, Volume 6, 2009.
[2]. Bell-ham, L. H (2012). Strategies for the Development of Tourism and Theatre Industries in Nigeria: Rivers State perspective. An online publication Available at http// Retrieved, 10th October, 2013.
[3]. Boers, B. and Conttrel, S. (2007). Sustainable Tourism Infrastructure Planning: A GIS Supported Approach. Tourism Geography, 9(1): 1-21.
[4]. Cracolici, M., Nijkamp, P. & Rietveld, P. (2008).Assessment of Tourism Development by Analyzing Destination Efficiency. Tourism Economic, 14(2): 325-342.
[5]. Crouch, G., and Ritchie, J. (1999). Tourism Competitiveness and Societal Prosperity. Journal of Business Research, 44 (3): 137-152.
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Abstract: Some communities in Nigeria are faced with unprecedented increase in criminal activities such as robbery, arson, kidnapping for ransom, and murder etc. This have become worrisome to stakeholders and the people. Notwithstanding the effort of the police, crime appears not to abate in these communities. The recent clamour for community policing as proactive measure towards fighting crime in these communities have given impetus to this study. So this study was undertaken to determine the impact of community policing on crime control in Isiala Mbano Local Government area of Imo State, Nigeria. This study was survey in nature and a sample of 812 respondents were drawn from three communities purposively selected for the study. Data was collected through questionnaire and interview (KIP). Chi-square statistical tool was used to analyze the hypotheses formulated for the study. The analysis of the hypothesis revealed that the calculated value ×2 at 8.2 is more than the table value at 7.815.....
KEY WORDS: Community policing, police patrol, police partnership
[1]. Aalo K. (2015). The Police in Modern Nigeria. Ibadan: University of Ibadan Press.
[2]. Bohm, R. and Haley, K. (2005). Introduction to Criminal Justice. (4th ed.) New York: McGraw Hill.
[3]. Dalgleish, D. &Myhil, A. (2004). Reassuring the public: A review of international policing interventions. Home Office Research Study 284. London: Home Office.
[4]. Dung P. S. (2005). Evaluation of community policing forum project implemented by CLEEN Foundation. Department of Political Science, University of Jos Plateau State –Nigeria
[5]. Folashade B. Okeshola Patience E.U. Mudiare (2013). Community Policing in Nigeria : Challenges and Prospects. American International Journal of Contemporary Research. 3 (7) Inc.
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Abstract: The purpose of the present study was to compare the selected physical fitness variables of male 1st and 3rd year Arba Minch university sport science students who have learned practical class three days a week. Total sixty (60) (30 from male 1styear and 30 from male 3rd year Arba Minch university sport science students') were selected for this study. 1ST year age ranged between 18-20 years and 3rd year 20-22years. Some youth physical fitness test was utilized to measure selected physical fitness components. It was hypothesized that no significant difference would be found between selected physical fitness variables for both male 1st year and 3rd students. For analysis of the data Mean.......
KEY WORDS:Physical Fitness, push up, flexibility, and students
[1]. Bosco C, Luhtanen P, Komi PV. A simple method for measurement of mechanical power in jumping. Eur J of ApplPhysiolOccupPhysiol, 1983; 50(2): 273–282
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[3]. Corbin, C. B., et al. 2004. Definitions: Health, Fitness and Physical Activity. In C.B. Corbin et al. Toward a Better Understanding of Physical Fitness and Activity, Selected Topics, Volume II. Scottsdale, AZ: Holcomb Hathaway.
[4]. Manmeet Gill, Nishan Singh Deol and RamanjitKaur, (2010).Comparative studyof physical fitness components of rural and urban female students of PunjabiUniversity, Patiala.
[5]. Manmeet Gill, Nishan Singh Deol and RamanjitKaur, (2010).Comparative studyof physical fitness components of rural and urban female students of PunjabiUniversity, Patiala.