Series-7 (April-2019)April-2019 Issue Statistics
Ser 1 Ser 2 Ser 3 Ser 4 Ser 5 Ser 6 Ser 7 Ser 8 Ser 9 Ser 10
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Abstract: Although the prevalence of psychological issues among young adults with developmental disabilities is well documented, most psychotherapists face the challenge of treating the population which requires an appropriate integrative approach. The objective of the therapy in this study was to address individual psychological issues and thereby enhance the psychological well-being of young adults with developmental disabilities. Method: A total number of 18 young adults with developmental disabilities attending vocational training in a centre in Chennai were administered art therapy along with talk therapy, group therapy and family counselling. Each person was given an average of 12-15 art therapy sessions combined with counselling, 4-5 group therapy sessions and a minimum.....
Key Terms: Puthirai Vannar, caste discrimination, unseeables, victimization
[1]. Antony. J. (2003).Skills of counselling.Dindigul: Anugraha Publications.
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[4]. DiMaria, A. (Ed.). (1982). Art therapy: Still growing. Mundelein, IL: American Art Therapy Association.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Unjust identification of Pushyamitra-A critical study into the incident of Brihadratha |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sanjay Chaudhari |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2404070611 ![]() |
Abstract: The Mauryan dynasty ended with the murder of last king Brihadratha by Pushyamitra. This incident has got mentioned in Harshacharita, a Sanskrit literary work. The work is of very late time. Historians have identified the murderer as founder of a new dynasty named the Shunga. It was told in the concerned source that last Mauryan king was killed due to his incapability and immoral character. Historians interpreted this as outburst of the Barhmin discontent. Though the identification of Pushyamitra is not acceptable by all, but most of them follow it. Pushyamitta has been.........
Key Terms: Harshacharita, The Shungas, Varna-system, king Piyadassi, Megasthanese, Bias in Historical writings, Harprasad Shastri, Mekala, Magadha.
[1]. "Historicity of Brahmanism in India‟, in IOSR-JHSS, Volume 21, issue 3 Version III, 2016, p.43-48
[2]. It is a probable date which could not be verified, hence historians do not acquiesce. Neelkanthasastri has taken it as 185B.C. in the "Age of the Nandas and Mauryas", Delhi, 1996 Repr. On page no. 246. While Hemchandra Roychowdhury in "Political History of Ancient India", University of Calcutta, 1972, page 324 has taken the date as 187 B.C.
[3]. Dikshitaar V.R.R.: The Mauryan Polity, Delhi, 1993 Repr. Page 78.
[4]. Majumdar R.C.: Ancient India, Delhi, 1991 Repr. Page 116.
[5]. McCrindle J.W.: Ancient India as described by Megasthanese and Arrian, Delhi, 2000 Repr. Page 83, 214.
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Abstract: The involvement of key stakeholders in strategic plan formulation in secondary school management creates a sense of ownership that results to better outcomes of a strategy. The objective of the study is to establish the relationship between BOM (n=194) participation in establishing institutional direction and their participation in implementation of strategic plan in public secondary schools in Elgeyo Marakwet County-Kenya. Questionnaires, interviews and document analysis were used to collect data. The researcher analysed quantitative data using mean standard deviationand Spearman‟s correlation, while qualitative data was analysed by categorizing issues raised into themes...........
Key Terms: 1. Board of Management 2. Strategic plan formulation 3.Participation.
[1]. Alfirevic, N., Pavicic, J., & Burusic, J. (Eds.). (2016). School effectiveness and educational management: Towards a south-eastern Europe research and public policy agenda: 2016. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG.
[2]. Allio, M. K. (2005). A short, practical guide to implementing strategy. Journal of Business Strategy, 26(4), 12-21.
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[4]. Ansoff, H. I. (1980). Strategic Issue Management. Strategic Management Journal, 1(2), 131-148.
[5]. Ayuso, S., Ángel Rodríguez, M., García-Castro, R., &ÁngelAriño, M. (2011). Does stakeholder engagement promote sustainable innovation orientation? Industrial Management & Data Systems, 111(9), 1399-1417..
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Abstract: Dermatoglyphics of the palm, sole, fingers and toes are very often considered to be one of the important biological parameters for study of population variation as dermatoglyphics configurations are generally believed to have a strong genetic bearing. Objectives: The objective of the present study is to examine the main line formulae, main line ending of D, C, B, and A, and main line Index of the palm of Brahmin and Muslim populations in Manipur. Design: A cross-sectional study. Materials and methods: A total of 400 unrelated normal individuals (200 Brahmins and 200 Muslims) representing males (100) and females (100) in each population were collected using ink-print method. The age of the subjects ranges from 10 to 40 years. Results: The frequency termination of all Main line terminations A, B, C and D is most frequent at Position 3,position 5, ulnar model and in position.....
Key Terms: Brahmins, Main line formulae, Main line ending, Main line index, Muslims
[1]. Biswas P.C. (1963), Ethno- Geographic Variations in Dermatoglyphics. Proceeding of the II international congress of human genetic. Rome 1961 Vol. III 1430-1449.
[2]. Mukherjee, D .P. and M. R.Chakravatti, (1964). A dermatoglyphic approach to Mundari ethnic problem. Z. Morph. Anthrop. 55; pp 32-45.
[3]. Chai, C. K. (1972).Biological distance between indigenous populations of Taiwan. In J.S. Wiener and J. Huizinga (eds), The Assessement of Population Affinities in Man. Oxford; Clarendon Press, pp 181-210.
[4]. Malhotra K.C. (1979), Qualitative finger dermatoglyphic Variation among 21 endogamous Dhanger castes of Maharastra. In w Wertelecki and CC Plato (eds.) Dermatoglyphics- Fifty years Later. New York: Alan R. Liss, Inc. pp 335-346.
[5]. Katayama K. (1982), Genetic Studies in Tobishima. Dermatoglyphic differentiation among the villages. J. Anthrop. Soc. Nippon 90: 269-290..
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Abstract: This research was conducted to investigate the teaching of listening skills at Ba Ria – Vung Tau University. Its focus was on the reality of teaching listening skills for English non-major students, the difficulties faced by EFL teachers in teaching this skill and their recommendations. The findings of the study uncovered a dull reality of the listening teaching at Ba Ria – Vung Tau University, especially low interests of both teachers and students in the listening teaching and learning, the lack of modern listening facilities, students' low proficiency in English listening, teachers' limited listening competence, inappropriate listening teaching methods, the difference between teachers' favors and students' interests towards listening activities, and so on. Besides, the study revealed that EFL lecturers at Ba Ria – Vung Tau University had been facing a lot of challenges in teaching listening skills. The prominent obstacles included students' low motivation and limited vocabulary, large class-size and............
[1]. Anderson, A. & T. Lynch (1988), Listening, Oxford University Press.
[2]. Brown, H. D. (1994), Teaching by Principles, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Regents.
[3]. Brown, H. D. (2001), Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy (2nd .Ed.), Longman.
[4]. Buck, G. (2001), Assessing Listening, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[5]. Djiwandono, P. I. (2006), "Cooperative Listening As a Means to Promote Strategic Listening Comprehension", English Teaching Forum Online, Vol. 44, 3, pp. 32-34.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Stuart Hall's Circuit of culture- Media culture- with reference to Film |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr. Padmaja Arvind |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2404073840 ![]() |
Abstract: The Circuit of Culture (the Circuit) was refined as a tool of cultural analysis by British Cultural theorists in the late 1990s. The Circuit emphasizes the five elements as moments of production, representation, consumption,regulation and identity, and the interrelated articulations of these moments. This tool is adopted to explore the multiple modes and relationships that are adopted to construct and establish the role of film industry as commodity to satisfy the desires and needs of the audience The film takes major role in informing and educating the mass regarding the cultural aspect of the society such as politics, economic, social, religion etc. The cultural of the society is based on this system which operates to establish social solidarity and harmony. Failures of any of this system will demoralises the entire society. The circuit of culture can be applied to understand the role of film as commodity is consumed by the audience. This article focuses on the application of........
[1]. The Circuit of Culture As A Generative Tool Of Contemporary Analysis Annabelle M Leve Monash University, Clayton
[2]. An introduction to cultural studies- Pramod K. Nayar
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Abstract: Globally, HIV-related deaths declined by 30% between 2005 and 2012 among children and adults. However, those among adolescents living with HIV (ALHIV) rose by 50%. This has been influenced by late diagnosis and poor adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART). Socio-demographic factors most often are beyond the control of ALHIV yet they may expose them to situations that influence adherence to ART. This study explored the relationship between gender, age, household background, institution of learning and orphanhood status and adherence among 15-19 year old ALHIV on second-line ART. Results showed that: female ALHIV were more adherent than male ALHIV irrespective of age; both day and boarding institutions of learning did not provide an enabling environment that supported adherence; age, ART status of primary caregiver and their relationship with ALHIV influenced adherence and finally double and maternal orphans exhibited poor adherence. Core was the interplay between these factors as discussed.
[1]. Nostlinger, C., Sabriana, B., Buyze, J. et al. Factors influencing social self-disclosure among adolescents living with HIV in Eastern Africa. AIDS Care, 2015; 27(51): 36-46
[2]. UNAIDS, WHO: Global AIDS monitoring. Geneva; UNAIDS 2017
[3]. WHO: Consolidated guidelines on the use of ARV drugs for treating and preventing HIV infection. Recommendations for a public health approach, 2nd edition 2016. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO; 2016
[4]. NASCOP, Kenya population-based HIV Impact Assessment, Nairobi, NASCOP, 2016
[5]. NASCOP, Kenya AIDS Indicator Survey (KAIS). Final report. Nairobi, NASCOP, 2014
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Abstract: University teaching has a great responsibility in preparing students for life in a rapidly changing world. The idea of creating a European space in higher education, which needs to be compatible and harmonized, poses daily the key issues of today's university, which are: how effective, flexible and competitive it is. These issues are directly related to the quality of teaching and learning, i.e., the quality of knowledge they acquire. In this context, the 2013 European Commission document titled Improving the Quality of Teaching and Learning in Europe's Higher Education Institutions is particularly significant, which points out that in the process of entering universities as well as during.....
Key Terms: quality, higher education, students' competencies
[1]. Binkley, M., Erstad, O., Herman, J., Raizen, S., Ripley, M., Miller-Ricci, M., & Rumble, M. (2012). Defining 21st century skills. In P. Griffin, B. McGaw, E. Care (Eds.), Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills (pp. 17-66). London: Springer. Blackie
[2]. Borko, H. (2004), "quality management systems and dramaturgical compliance", Quality in Higher education, 5(1), pp.27-36
[3]. Gajić, O., Budić, S., Lungulov, B. (2009). "Jedinstvo u različitosti" kao evropska dimenzija visokog obrazovanja. U O. Gajić (Ur.), Evropske dimenzije promena obrazovnog sistema u Srbiji, Istraživanje i razvoj (Vol. 5), (str. 133-146). Novi Sad: Filozofski fakultet. García.
[4]. High Level Group on the Modernisation of Higher Education (2013). Report to the European Commission on Improving the quality of teaching and learning in Europe's higher education institutions, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
[5]. Leuven & Louvain-la-Neuve communiqué (2009). The Bologna Process 2020 - The European Higher Education Area in the new decade, Communiqué of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education, Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve, 28-29 April 2009,
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Abstract: Data has become the most powerful thing in the world. People's personal life, their behaviour, politics, even sensitive issues like terrorism are touched by data. The only way to stop data - or those who control data - from controlling the entire human race is to guard people's right to privacy and bring together data protection laws. India is a nation with more than 1.25 billion people, all of whom are data-principals sharing their data with one data-fiduciary or the other. It has more than half billion internet users - now that internet is cheaper than ever - several startups have mushroomed, and given that India is the world's second largest market after China, the right to privacy and data-protection laws have become a necessity. Projects like Digital India, Make in India, and other technology and data-driven projects only make data protection even more important. This is something which even.......
Key Terms: Data, Data Protection, Privacy
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Abstract: Anak Dalam Tribe is in Jambi and South Sumatra. The Anak Dalam Tribe is not well known by the Indonesian people Because The Anak Dalam Tribe are very rare and they live in remote places that are far from the reach of people. Their lives are very close and depend on nature. Forest for Anak Dalam Tribe is everything. It is not only a source of livelihood but Also as a vehicle for Reviews their socio-cultural life. This study aims to describe and analyze the social behavior of the strongholds (tribes of inner children) in socio-cultural and religious life in Sarolangun District, Jambi and describe and analyze the factors that are the drivers and constraints of the social behavior of the community in socio-cultural and religious life in the Regency Sarolangun Jambi. This study uses....
Key Terms: Social Behavior, Socio-Culture, Religion
[1]. Azhari, Akyas. 2004, HukumPerdata Islam di Indonesia, Jakarta: Prenada Media.
[2]. Calhoun, James F. and Joan Ross Acocella, 1990, Psychology of Adjusment and Human Relationship, Third edition, New Yotk: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company.
[3]. Fudyartanta, Ki. 2006, PengantarPsikodiagnostik, Yogyakarta: PustakaPelajar.
[4]. Gerungan, W.A. 1978. PsikologiSosial. Bandung:
[5]. Ibrahim, Rusli 2001, PembinaanPerilakuSosialMelaluiPenjas. Jakarta: DitjenDikdasmen, Depdiknas.