Version-6 (May-June 2014)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Simulation Study on toll gate system in M/M/1 Queueing Models |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | S. Shanmugasundaram, S.Punitha |
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: | 10.9790/5728-10360109 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, we analyze the application of Simulation in Queueing model in tollgate are discussed. We visualize the activities of each lane is discussed. The main aim of this paper is, the management can easily find which system are busy and which system is ideal and the movement of each type of vehicles in each lane is simulated by the arrival and departure time. The numerical studies for various aspects are discussed.
Keywords: Mathematical model, Quantitative model, M/M/1 Queueing model, Simulation, Probability distribution.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Generalization of Consistent Standard Error Estimators under Heteroscedasticity |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | O. Job , B. A Oyejola |
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: | 10.9790/5728-10361021 ![]() |
Abstract: In many econometric studies, especially those based on cross-sectional data, the assumption of a constant variance for the disturbance term is unrealistic. For example in consumer budget studies (micro consumption function), the residual variance about the regression function is very likely to increase with income. Also, in cross-sectional studies of firms the residual variance probably increases with the size of the firm. In a simple relation the dependent variable Y is explained by Z. Thus we assume y f (z) e.In this formulation y e Z2 var( ) var( ) . Using i i Z X just gives us a way of formulating the assumption about i i e Z2 var( ) in a fairly general manner. To make this assumption operational and general, it is convenient and quite plausible to specify the form of association g i i e Z2 var( ) where g is< the strength of heteroscedasticity, the lower the magnitude of g, the smaller the difference between the< individual variances. When g =0, the model is homoscedastic otherwise g 2 generally. This paper proposes a generalization of consistent standard error (CSE) estimators denoted by HC5.Comparison of this proposed estimator and other CSE estimators using various strength of sizes 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50 was done The OLS estimator remains unbiased and the results showed that the developed estimator is indeed a generalization of all and produces a consistent and asymptotic efficient.
Keywords: Generalization, Heteroscedasticity Consistent Standard Error Estimator, Monte Carlo Simulation simple linear regression model, Error terms, weighting factor.
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Abstract: The present paper introduces a new class of separation axioms called α-generalized separation axioms using α-generalized open sets and also includes the study of the connections between these separation axioms and the existing α-separation axioms. Also, here, the concept of - closed set has been coined and then - separation axioms have been framed w.r.t -open sets.
Key Words: α-open sets, -closed sets, α g-closed sets, α-continuous & - continuous / irresolute functions, -Tk(k = 0,1,2) and αg- Tk(k= 0,1,2).
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Abstract: Soft set theory is a newly emerging mathematical tool to deal with uncertain problems. In this paper, we proposed the definition of T-product of intuitionistic fuzzy soft matrices with examples. Finally, We extend our approach in application of these matrices in decision making problem, by using medical diagnosis.
Keywords: Soft set, Fuzzy soft set(FSS), Fuzzy soft matrix, T-product of fuzzy soft matrix, Intuitionistic fuzzy soft set(IFSS), Intuitionistic fuzzy soft matrix.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Internal Construction for Congruence Relations in Lattices |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | S G. Karpagavalli , C. Ganesa Moorthy |
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: | 10.9790/5728-10364446 ![]() |
Abstract: A method of constructing a smallest congruence relation that is larger than a given equivalence relation on a lattice is explained. A method of constructing a congruence relation in which equivalence classes contain all least upper bounds and all greatest lower bounds for subsets of equivalence classes is explained; and this method constructs a smallest congruence relation with this property which is also larger than a given congruence relation in a lattice.
Keywords: Cardinal number, Transfinite induction principle, Congruence relation.
[2] T.S.Blyth, Lattices and ordered structures, Springer, London, 2005.
[3] F.Wehrung, A solution to Dilworth's congruence lattice problem, Advances in Mathematics, 216(2007)610-625.
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Abstract: In most of the deteriorating items inventory model, demand rate has considered as a constant function. But in realistic situation these cost varying according to time. So in this paper, we developed a deterministic deteriorating inventory model with inflation in which demand rate are quadratic function of time, deterioration rate is constant, backlogging rate is variable and depend on the length of the next replenishment, shortages are allowed and partially backlogged. The model is solved numerically by minimizing the total inventory cost for cycle.
Keywords: inventory, deteriorating items, shortages, time dependent demand, partial backlogging, constant holding cost and inflation.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Spherically Symmetric Bulk Viscous Fluid in Bimetric Relativity |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | S. D. Deo , A. A. Qureshi |
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: | 10.9790/5728-10365355 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, spherically symmetric space-time is studied with bulk viscous fluid in the context of Rosen's Bimetric Theory of Relativity. Here it is shown that the bulk viscous fluid does not exist in this theory.
Keywords: Spherically symmetric, bulk viscous fluid, Bimetric Relativity AMS Code-83C05 (General relativity)
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